Charms class

Pumpkin Master

Since this is pretty short and Holidays begin (at least here in Hamburg Germany xD) the next Update will follow soon!
Keep them comments flowing. I L.O.V.E them <3 





It thinks Chava's too quiet. Chava thinks It is too loud. It is too funny. Chava is too cool. They dislike eachother on every aspect, except for when it's about alternative rock. They probably are the only alternative rock fans in the whole school, so they stick together on this one. They both love muggle music. That's why Chava happens to be the one to help Mark achieve his goal: Get Jackson's attention and keep it!

„Jackson doesn't want a sapling but also not a predator. You need to strike the area in-between.“, is basically what she taught Mark. Be confident, but not aggressive. Be casual but not boring.
It's easier said than done, Mark thinks.

Step number one is making Mark look like he is "in touch with his uality“ as Chava calls it. Basically, he has to dress more selected. That's okay since Mark always had fun picking clothes and doing his hair. Actually, just the thought of seducing someone – even if it's just to certain point - makes him feel y.

When he spots Jackson in the hallway, he looks away as desinterested as possible and then walks by, just swaying his hips sligtly, and suddenly he knows that Jackson is looking at him.



It's been almost three weeks since the stair-incidents and finally Mark gets a chance to interact with Jackson. He did his best not to think about it too much and just keep on living his school life, instead of looking forward to it eagerly. Neverhteless, he can't help it but feel nervous as the students get up and seek their assigned partner.

Sure, Jackson has been looking at Mark a little. Sure, he's a litlle curious now about this boy who suddenly appeared in everyone's thoughts and conversations.

Today's charm class is very Halloween relevant. The students are supposed to mold a face into the pumpkins on their tables using their wands – of course not literally like that nameless dwarf person does, sticking its wand right into to the vegetable and making a mess. That dward-thing apparently is close with Mark. The latter currently leaves his friend's table and comes over to Jackson.
They say „Hi“ and introduce each other and it's so normal that it is almost awkward. Jackson seizes the moment to have a closer look at Mark. He kind of reminds him of a parrot – but only of the good parts of it. Colorful hair has he and intelligent, quick eyes.

„So~ I guess we should begin. Have you already decided on what it should look like?“, Jackson asks eventually, motioning at the pumpkin. Mark smiles at him and nods.

„Let's make a samurai pumpkin.“, he suggests.

„Works for me but we should draw it first.“, Jackson replies. Eagerly, they begin their task.
Soon, Jackson realizes what it means to work with a Hufflepuff. The longer they are at it, the more detailed it gets. "Let's put a helmet, a clasp and it needs texture" What Jackson imagined as a simple face that maybe holds a pumpkin sword or something, is suddenly a sculpture. But the outcome is worth it. It's actually a zombie samurai to fit the Halloween theme. Jackson can't help but be proud and also marvel at Mark's creativity and imaginativeness.

„Are you happy?“, he asks before he can stop himself. Who cares if he's happy? But the words are out already.

„I am. It's very impressive.“, Mark replies, sending him another delighted smile.

Jackson and Mark bring the pumpkin to the teacher's desk and fetch themselves a good grade. Seeing Mark up close and then also so excited makes Jackson want the class to not end just now. But just as he realizes that, the teacher releases them into the break.
Way too quickly, Mark hurries over to his table, gathering his belongings, and heads towards the door.

„Mark!“, Jackson says, coming after him and feeling a slight jump in his chest as Mark's eyes are back on him.

„Do you want to grab lunch?“



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HiroTheAnimeFox #1
Chapter 10: *chants* Sequel sequel sequel!!!! This was sooooo freaking GOOD omg one of my new favorite Harry Potter au's!!! <3
I am honestly surprised that more people don't like this. ^^ They should because this is amazing!
Chapter 10: This was amazing! I'm not actually a Markson shipper (I ship Markjin and JackBam), but this was too good of a story to resist! I'm always a er for Harry Potter AUs and this was the perfect story to put off doing my homework. Thank you for an amazing story!
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for writing this.
hogwartslegion #5
Chapter 10: Awn this story was cute!
Joycielein #6
Chapter 10: This was so cute... Kyyya Mark in the principals office seriously...xD OMG I want a sequel!!! This fic. Is so good
pinkissmonsta #7
Chapter 10: hahahaha that was so bold of you Mark!!!!
roserosa #8
Chapter 10: Woaa could they do it in principal's office xD ..thank you for this cute story!
Chapter 9: Well I was expecting something along these lines...
Come on Mark, time to prove your love for Jackie!
Chapter 8: Wtf XDDDDDDD