Pumpkin Master





People think Hufflepuffs are boring and insignificant. Mark will prove them wrong. 



Pairing: Markson/Jark
Genre: Fantasy, Comedy
Setting: Hogwarts
Characters: Mark (Hufflepuff, 17 years old)
Jackson (Gryffindor, 18 years old, prefect)
Chava (Slytherin, Jackson's best friend)
It (Hufflepuff, Mark's friend)
and more





This story won't be too long. It's already almost finished on my computer, so don't worry about this being put on hiatus!

Won't get too ty, but definitely a little~

If you like the Harry Potter Universe, this is definitely for you!

Comments are appreciated!

Have fun and stay creepy, guys :)


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HiroTheAnimeFox #1
Chapter 10: *chants* Sequel sequel sequel!!!! This was sooooo freaking GOOD omg one of my new favorite Harry Potter au's!!! <3
I am honestly surprised that more people don't like this. ^^ They should because this is amazing!
Chapter 10: This was amazing! I'm not actually a Markson shipper (I ship Markjin and JackBam), but this was too good of a story to resist! I'm always a er for Harry Potter AUs and this was the perfect story to put off doing my homework. Thank you for an amazing story!
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for writing this.
hogwartslegion #5
Chapter 10: Awn this story was cute!
Joycielein #6
Chapter 10: This was so cute... Kyyya Mark in the principals office seriously...xD OMG I want a sequel!!! This fic. Is so good
pinkissmonsta #7
Chapter 10: hahahaha that was so bold of you Mark!!!!
roserosa #8
Chapter 10: Woaa Mark..how could they do it in principal's office xD ..thank you for this cute story!
Chapter 9: Well I was expecting something along these lines...
Come on Mark, time to prove your love for Jackie!
Chapter 8: Wtf XDDDDDDD