English Lessons

Between the Green Walls

Vernon was supposed to practicing in the practice room, but instead he was on Google+. No matter what Joshua said, he couldn’t not go on the site. So he made a fake account so he could join all of the communities and follow all of the SEVENTEEN accounts. While he was in the middle of creating a edit to commemorate SEVENTEEN’s 100th day after debut, the practice room door opened. Vernon jumped and turned around with a start, expecting to get a scolding from Joshua for not practicing.

                “I can explain. See, I was looking up how to—”

                “Relax, Hansol. it’s us, Seungkwan and Mingyu.”

                Vernon gave a sigh of relief. “Oh, good, I thought you were… never mind. What’s up?”

                “Well…” Seungkwan started, “ you already know I have very high quality English—”

                Vernon rolled his eyes.

                “But I want to get even better so I can teach Mingyu here English. I would ask Joshua, but he’s not as good at Korean as you.”

                “You want me to teach you English?”

                “Could you?”

                “Uh….” Vernon was honored to have Seungkwan think he was worthy of teaching and all, but he really didn’t feel like doing anything. And honestly, Seungkwan is a little to hyped for Vernon’s type. Vernon just wanted to relax and finish his SEVENTEEN edit so he could post it. He had to think of something to get rid of Seungkwan.

                “Well, uh…. How about this? A really good way to learn English is to get into American culture. Listen to their music, watch their videos. Why don’t you find some stuff online that has good English, and then come back to me in a few days, alright?”

                Seungkwan could tell right away that Vernon was trying to shoo him off, so he just responded with “Okay” and left the practice room. Once out of the practice room, Seungkwan turned to Mingyu.
                “Hyung,” Seungkwan started, “Hansol was trying to get rid of us.”

                “I noticed,” Mingyu answered. “You know, maybe we should take his advice and just alter it a little.”

                “What do you mean, hyung?”

                “Oh, you’ll see…” Mingyu said with a sly smile.



A few days passed quietly, which gave Vernon time to make seventeen edits—one for each member. He had earned 42 followers, which he was proud of. After checking his notifications, Vernon went to eat breakfast with Dino, Jeonghan, and Joshua. Seungkwan found this moment the perfect time to commence Mingyu’s plan.

                “Good morning!” Seungkwan exclaimed. “I will have you know that I learned some English from Hansol!”

                “Really?” Joshua said, “Good! Can you say something?”


                And after making a show of clearing his throat, Seungkwan spoke an almost perfect New York accent: “Do you want me to pour you some juice?”

                Slightly taken aback, Joshua said “Oh, yeah. Sure. Yes.”

                So Seungkwan took the carton and and poured a hefty amount of orange juice into Joshua’s cereal bowl.


                “Here, Jisoo, take cinnamon roll,” said Jeonghan with a smile. “I know how you like your cinnamon!”

                Jeonghan’s smile quickly faded as he turned to Seungkwan. “NOW SEUNGKWAN WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT? YOU DID THAT TO HIM ON PURPOSE; YOU CAN’T POSSIBLY BE THAT BRAINLESS!”

                But Seungkwan just looked at Jihan as if he were sorry for them. He shook his head and said in a calm English, “Aw, _you mad, bro?_”

                Joshua and Jeonghan gave him blank stares. Ten seconds passed before something dawned on Joshua.

                “Wait,” Joshua said, “did you just say—”

                “I saidyou mad bro?’”

                And out of absolutely nowhere, Mingyu rammed into the kitchen and screamed ”OR NAH!”and left the room.

                With a roar of laughter, Seungkwan began walking towards the door—not before patting Vernon on the shoulder and saying “thanks for teaching us that! It’ll come in handy!”

                 After Seungkwan got out of ear shot, an irritated Jeonghan turned to Vernon.

                “You taught them this?”

                “No! No,” Vernon answered through nervous laughter. “They don’t know what they’re talking about.”

                “You sure?” Joshua said calmly. “They seemed to have it all planned.”

                “Well, they planned it without me. Please believe me, hyung.”

                “Okay then…”



Later in the day, Joshua settled down is his quiet dorm to do some Bible study. He was reading peacefully for a good seven minutes before some type of loud calypso music began to blast through the right wall.


                Joshua got out of very comfortable chair and walked to the wall. He knocked on it a few times, hoping that they would get the message. But the music only got louder. Joshua banged on the wall, but he got the same result.

                Trying his best not to get all worked up, Joshua walked out of his warm dorm into the uncomfortable air-conditioned hallway. He walked over to the room next door. After a failed attempt to knock on the door, he slammed it open. And what he saw amazed him. A disco ball somehow made it onto the ceiling, and there was popcorn everywhere. The8 was break dancing in the middle of the floor like there was no tomorrow; Seungkwan had an afro on with giant glasses and was trying to sing along to the song; Mingyu had a giant gold chain around his neck and was playing with turn tables; and Hoshi  was playing double dutch with Seokmin and Dino.

                Getting frustrated, Joshua screamed “WILL YOU PLEASE TURN DOWN THE MUSIC!”

                Mingyu looked up from his turntables and screamed back in English, “TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!”

                “HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT?”

                “HANSOL TAUGHT US!”


                “LITT OR NAH!” The8 screamed in English over the pounding bass. “I SAY LITT!”

                “UUGGGHH!” Joshua vented before he walked back into the chilly hallway. As he was finding a quieter place to finish chapter 15 of the book of Matthew, Joshua ran into Vernon.

                “Oh, hey hyung,” Vernon said as he took off his headphones. “How’s—”

                “MAKE THEM STOP!” Joshua was really upset now.



                “I have no idea—”


                “Josh hyung! I didn’t teach them anything! I—”

                “There you are” hissed a voice behind Vernon. A shiver went up his spine when he realized it was Jeonghan’s voice. He turned around to see a dangerously calm Jeonghan—with frizzed orange hair and streams of makeup down his cheeks. Weird. When Joshua gets highly upset, he has veins popping out and everything—but isn’t threatening; when Jeonghan gets super upset, he’s the calmest guy—but is terrifying

                “Look. Look at what they did to me. Look at my hair, Hansol.”

                “Oh… mihan—”

                “Oh don’t miahnae me! I worked hard on my hair! I don’t look ‘wratched’! What does that even mean? Joshua, what does it mean?” Jeonghan whined.

                “Eh, I’d rather not tell you.”


                “Oh my…. You showed them the ‘Wratched’ video?”

                “NO! NO! You don’t understand! I’m sorry!” Hansol said as he put his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t teach them anything. I didn’t even talk to them! I swear to G—”

                “DON’T YOU DARE SAY IT”

                “I’m sorry! Goodness why don’t you believe me?!”

                And Vernon stormed off. Jihan stood there fuming for another forty seconds before Jeonghan said something.

                “Does it look that bad?” Jeonghan asked while protectively smoothing down his hair. “I worked so hard on it. I tried to wash it out but it just won’t…”

                “It looks beautiful.”

“They kept screaming ‘HE WASN’T READY, HE WASN’T READY’… .. .”

 “Don’t worry, Jeonghan.....”

Joshua sighed, looked towards the ceiling and muttered, “huh, the Lord is testing me today.

                “What was that?”




The next morning, Vernon went for a jog; ithad rained the night before, so the ground was muddy. Good thing he wore his old sneakers. After he got back to the dorms, Vernon decided to skip checking his Google+ notifications and call a meeting with Seungkwan and Mingyu. It was time to set things straight.

                “Okay, what’s the problem?” Vernon asked. “Why are you blaming me for stuff you two did to the hyungs?”

                “Because you refused to help us!” Seungkwan said.

                “Yeah,” Minguy added. “You tried to shoo us away by telling us to learn English on our own. We all know that you just wanted to be alone. We aren’t stupid.”

                “Yeah. You always want to be alone. You don’t like to talk to people or anything. Why couldn’t you teach us just this once?”

                “I… I’m sorry guys. I didn’t know. I’ll teach you! I’ll teach you right now!”

                “Good,” said Seungkwan. “But first, I have one more question for you.”

                “What is it?”

                Seungkwan jumped out of his seat and gestured to Vernon’s muddy shoes with both hands.




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Chapter 6: All these chapters are gild ahahahaha especially the one with jisoos hahahah so good
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing this story ! <3

I just love it !

It is really nice , funny , well written and full of interesting things .

I'm a bit sad recently and reading this story made me feel better .

Thank you very much for everything ! <3
Chapter 6: Awwwww this is so adorable like i want to hug jeonghan oppa so tight !! Kyaaaah and coups and jisoo thou hahahaha they are drooling over our angel and oh even the other members cant but to look at him hahaha this is awesome ...
ichigoYuu #4
Chapter 6: awwwwwwww this was adorable~~~
Jeonghan being even more angelic than ever!
happydays4ever #5
Chapter 6: jeonghan is truly an angel^^
i guess im lucky i don't have an problem ^^ my sister is 7 years younger and my brother is 4 year older , but we don't have a problem, only when me and my sis can't attend 21 and up stuff with him :(
thanks for the update, hilarious as usual :)
lita0591 #6
Chapter 5: This is hillarious..I really enjoy these stories...please update soon ^^
myjodohisluhan #7
Chapter 1: please please please continue!!! love the stories^^
fabJooa #8
lmao these are gold seriously
happydays4ever #9
omg these are the best!!! Im just like joshua with the not saying GOD thing. I always make my siblings say goodness XD
seriously?! Samuel and the toothpaste though... :)
I read all of them and i have to say i love your comedy. It's my cup of tea ^^