The Bus, the Whipped Cream, and the Camera

Between the Green Walls

The boys had just finished shooting their third music video, and they were exhausted—well, at least most of them were. Maybe it was the American coffee that they snuck in during breaks—who knows?—but DK, Hoshi, and Seungkwan seemed to have the chill level of four-year-olds. On the bus ride home, one could hear loud whispering and sudden snorts of laughter over the monotonous hum of the members’ snoring. Hoshi, Seungkwan, and DK found this quiet moment the perfect time to pull some classic 10:10-style pranks.

“Okay,” whispered DK, “who should we target?”

“Minghao!” said Hoshi. “He doesn’t wake up easily.”

“And I know exactly what we can do,” Seungkwan answered. “Let’s use this!” he exclaimed as he pulled out a tall can from his bag. “I brought some whipped cream (best quality, by the way). We can put this on Minghao’s hand. Then, one of you can tickle his face so he will react and touch his face with the whipped-cream hand!”

But he didn’t get an immediate answer. Instead, the other two just started at him.

“What? What is it? What’s wrong?”

Hoshi then reached out and put his hand on Seungkwan’s shoulder, looked into his eyes and said, “Seungkwan….I’m, I’m so proud of you.”

“Well,” Seungkwan said, shooing away the compliment with his hand, “ I try to be the best quality prankster there is!”

“But we know that won’t happen while I’m alive.”


“And so we’re just going to ignore the fact that Seungkwan has random desert liquid in his bag?” DK finally said.

“Yes, Seokmin, yes we are.”


“It’s completely normal.”

And with that, the three crept between the slumbering members towards The8. After tripping over a few bags, they arrived at The8’s seat. Hoshi positioned himself to The8’s left, and DK and Seungkwan went to his right.

“Okay,” Hoshi, said. “Who’s goanna do it?”

“I will!” squealed Seungkwan, trying extra hard to impress Senpai. He whipped the whipped cream from his bag, and opened the lid. He was just about to spray some whipped cream onto Minghao’s open palm, when DK stopped him.

“Wait!” DK said. “Whipped cream is loud! Would we wake him?”

“Naw,” Hoshi answered. “Just do it, Seungkwan.”

Seungkwan didn’t stop spraying until a substantial amount of cream was on The8’s hand. Before Hoshi could tickle The8’s face, DK stopped him.

“Hyung, wait! I should get a video of this! You know, for the Andromeda!”


So DK got his phone out.

“Okay, everything is set. Hoshi, on my count, you tickle his face. Hana… dul… se—”


“Jinjja, Seokmin! What is it now?”

“Uhh…” DK laughed nervously. “I don’t think we should do this.”

“Why are you backing out now?” 

“Umm…” DK kept glancing above Hoshi’s head. “Well…”

“Well, whatever. Seungkwan,  you videotape it then.”

Seungkwan looked up from The8. He was about the grab the phone from DK, but with one glance in Hoshi’s direction, he abruptly stopped.

“Uh… I agree with Seokmin. We should end it here.”

“WHAT IS WITH YOU TWO? You were all excited about it and—”

I think you should listen to your namdongsengs, Soonyoung”

Hoshi knew that voice. And he usually heard that voice when he was in trouble. With one horrified look at Seungkwan and DK, Hoshi slowly turned around and found himself face-to-face with Jeonghan.

“I—I can explain,” Hoshi stammered.

“What are you doing?” Jeonghan asked in a dangerously calm tone.

“W—we were just—”

 “I said, what are you doing, Soonyoung?”

“N-n-n nothing.”

Jeonghan gave once glance at the two accomplices and the _still_ sleeping boy.


With that, The8 jumped and sat bolt upright, while accidently hitting Hoshi in the face—with his whipped cream hand. Jeonghan gave an aggravated sigh.

“Where you two part of this?”

“Anio, anio, of course not,” Seungkwan said, trying not to laugh.

“How did you hear us?” DK asked. “We thought you were sleeping.”


That outburst seemed to wake the whole bus.

“Am I goanna have to split you three up, AGAIN?”

“No, nonono!”

“This better not happen again!”

“Of course not—”

“Or I’ll tell Seungcheol!”

There was a collective gasp. The8 looked shocked.

“W-what?” S.Coups stammered from the back of the bus. “Jeonghan, did you call me? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s nothing dear Jeonghan said as he flashed a sassy smile towards S.Coups. His happy expression didn’t last long, though.

“That’s your warning, Soonyoung” Jeonghan hissed as he walked away.

Once Jeonghan was out of earshot, Hoshi immediately turned to DK.

“Seokmin, did you get the footage?”

“Yes, hyung.”

“Good. Jeonghan hyung will regret his scolding real soon!”

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Chapter 6: All these chapters are gild ahahahaha especially the one with jisoos hahahah so good
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing this story ! <3

I just love it !

It is really nice , funny , well written and full of interesting things .

I'm a bit sad recently and reading this story made me feel better .

Thank you very much for everything ! <3
Chapter 6: Awwwww this is so adorable like i want to hug jeonghan oppa so tight !! Kyaaaah and coups and jisoo thou hahahaha they are drooling over our angel and oh even the other members cant but to look at him hahaha this is awesome ...
ichigoYuu #4
Chapter 6: awwwwwwww this was adorable~~~
Jeonghan being even more angelic than ever!
happydays4ever #5
Chapter 6: jeonghan is truly an angel^^
i guess im lucky i don't have an problem ^^ my sister is 7 years younger and my brother is 4 year older , but we don't have a problem, only when me and my sis can't attend 21 and up stuff with him :(
thanks for the update, hilarious as usual :)
lita0591 #6
Chapter 5: This is hillarious..I really enjoy these stories...please update soon ^^
myjodohisluhan #7
Chapter 1: please please please continue!!! love the stories^^
fabJooa #8
lmao these are gold seriously
happydays4ever #9
omg these are the best!!! Im just like joshua with the not saying GOD thing. I always make my siblings say goodness XD
seriously?! Samuel and the toothpaste though... :)
I read all of them and i have to say i love your comedy. It's my cup of tea ^^