Chapter 7


The soft rays of sunlight that filtered into Taehyung's room woke him up from his deep slumber. The sheets rustled slightly when his body moved to grab for his phone on the bedside table.


Blinking blearily out of sleepiness, he let out a yawn as he opened up his phone and checked the time. 7.30.


Still early, he thought. With that said, he put his phone back on the mahogany table and just as quickly pulled up his covers until it reached under his chin.


Just as he was about to close his eyes and lets himself fall into sleep's embrace, his neighbour's dog started barking. Thus, ruining the sweet moment of him just wanting a bit of rest after a week full of work, work and work.


Heaving a sigh, he reluctantly got up from his bed and dragged his feet lazily to the bathroom. Grabbing his towel from the rack situated beside the door, he quickly went inside and started to clean himself up.


The dog was still barking when he had finished showering. The noise irritated him as he was buttoning up his loose blouse. Before heading out, he opened the window to his bedroom and shouted,"Hey neighbor, better get your dog to stop annoying other residents!"


He never had the chance to gauge for the neighbour's reaction as he closed it quickly after. After all, he was literally known amongst practically the whole entire neighbourhood. He couldn't afford to ruin his reputation as the nice and polite kid of the Kim resident.


With a last look around his room to make sure everything's neat and tidy, he grabbed his bag on the floor and headed to the kitchen. He hummed happily as he plopped down on a chair and helped himself up with a bowl of oatmeal.


"Good morning, dear son! How's morning going by?" his father's voice startled him that he actually jumped up from his seat, milk sloshing over the edge of the bowl, spilling onto the table.


"Daaad," he said, dragging out the word.


His father threw him a questioning glance. "What? Was it wrong for me to greet my cutest son in the morning?" he asked.


Taehyung couldn't help but to roll his eyes and shot his father a look, gesturing to the spilled milk with his eyes. His father's reaction brought laughter bubbling in his throat as the fifty-year-old man's eyes widened at the sight.


"Don't tell your mom," his big smile from before faltered as he continued,"Quick, grab a towel!"


Taehyung could only quirk his lips up in amusement as he handed his father a piece of cloth for him to wipe away the milk.


Sometimes, as he watched how his father clumsily and hurriedly wiped the spilled liquid on the table, he couldn't help but to think back to how different his father now is from his behaviour at work. The dreadful Mr Kim whose face was always so serious that none of his workers even dared to glance at him openly in the eyes. Taehyung sometimes laughed when some of his father's men widened their eyes in shock as they watched him laugh with his father at times he visited him at work.


Just as his father had wiped clean any dirt from the table, his mother decided to stroll in with a happy hum. His father quickly hid the cloth behind him as he greeted his wife with a too-wide-to-be-true grin.


"Good morning, honey!" his father exclaimed, striding over to Mrs Kim in big steps as he enveloped her in a hug.


Taehyung stifled his laughter while watching how weirded out his mother was by his father's strange antics but reciprocated the hug nevertheless.


Whilst her mother's back was to him, his father threw him the cloth and mouthed, 'Put it in the bin'. He did it without any complaints as he walked back to his seat just as his mother swiveled around and plopped down beside him.


"What a happy and bright morning. Don't you think so, sweetie?" she asked, brushing back a stray of hair from Taehyung's forehead lovingly.


The latter responded  with a quick nod of his head. He shoved in more cereal in his mouth when he realised he was still hungry after the incident of the spilled milk. And he still hasn't finished his breakfast.


He quickly finished up his cereal and his cup of orange juice. He stood up and went to put his bowl and cup onto the sink. When he glanced over his parents' head to the clock on the kitchen's wall, he found out that it had striked 10.45 in the morning.


"Can I go to the new cafe nearby?" he asked his parents, fingers fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.


Both of them looked up and gave him a nod of approval. "Just be back before three. Your aunt's visiting today with your cousin," his mother informed.


Taehyung nodded and left the kitchen after giving both his parents a kiss on the cheek and bade them goodbye.






It was noon by the time he reached the cafe. The bells on the door tinkled as he opened the glass door and went in. A line of people greeted him the minute he stepped inside. He stifled a groan as he realised that he needed to wait long before his turn.He sighed in exasperation and walked over to stand behind an elderly woman. 


Within minutes, he already had his phone before him. Fingers swiftly punching in letters as he sent a text to his friend. He looked around briefly as he waited for his friend’s response. Still a long way to go before he could even pay.


Patience. Patience is the virtue, he reminded himself. And with that, his eyes landed back to the screen of his phone as he continued to chat with his friend.


It wasnt that long when the bells tinkled again, indicating another customer had just arrived. And by hearing the murmurs of conversation, Taehyung could guess that it was not just one customer, but a group of people. Men, judging by their deep, husky and…..familiar voices.


“I bet it’ll be hours before we could get our turn,” a voice said.


“Pft. You bet? I can confirm that we have to wait long. This is all the midget’s fault, keep insisting for us to eat here. What a waste of time,” another voice replied.


Not long after, another familiar husky voice joined the conversation. “Disrespectful brat. Yah Jeon Jungkook! If not for me, then you wouldnt get that precious car of yours just now!” the voice said.


The conversation ensued for a while longer, but Taehyung had heard enough. His eyes had considerably widened to the size of an oversized cherry. His face had changed to a sickly shade of white. His hands were slightly trembling, and he wasnt even that sure that his voice could work or not.


Taehyung bit back a curse as he realised that it was indeed them. The customers waiting in line behind him were Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Yoongi. Taehyung wondered what luck had brought him today. 


He considered to leave the cafe right this instant. But then again, his parents might ask his early arrival. Plus, he would be the victim of his mother’s enthusiasm in dressing him up nicely for his aunt’s family. Again. He shuddered at the memory when he was just eleven years old. No way was he going through that again.


In the end, after much consideration, he decided to stay and wait for his turn. It wouldnt be that bad if he stayed. He would wait patiently and when it was his turn to order, he would do it quickly and by then, he would be out of the door without even having to encounter Jungkook and the others. It was as easy as pie.


Except, it wasnt. 


By the time he was in front of the counter, ready to voice out his order, did he then realise that the worker before him was his cousin. Who was always very loud and cheerful whenever they met for a family vacation. And he was indeed very happy when his eyes landed on Taehyung. 


Right then and there, he wished the ground would open up and swallow him up whole. Because his beloved cousin decided to shout out his name loudly, which caused several eyes to land on them, including the group of men behind him.


“Taehyung! What a surprise. It’s been so long since we last met and look at you! All grown up and ready to get laid-”


“Right, right. It’s been so long since the last meeting and believe me, I’m happy to meet you but can our conversation wait until I finished ordering,” Taehyung hissed, forcing out a smile. He could already feel eyes burning on the back of his head as his cousin nodded in realisation and proceeded to ask for his order.


“Visit me sometimes,Tae. I work here on weekends. Usually in the morning, but you can visit me whenever. I always finish my assignments here when my shift was over. We could hang out sometimes, and-”


“Sure, sure. We could, but right now, I’m in a hurry. Aunt Yura’s visiting, so I better leave now,” Taehyung cut him off, bading him goodbye as he quickly skirted past people to reach the door before anything happens.


Just as his fingertips brushed the cold handle of the glass door, a voice called out, ”Kim Taehyung, what a nice surprise to see you here.”


Taehyung closed his eyes in defeat and slowly turned around to face his nightmare that goes by the name of Jeon Jungkook. The latter stood with his hands in his pocket, looking every bit like a hot, rich, and cool guy.


The younger male was adorning a smirk on his flawless face. Eyes scanning Taehyung intently, which made the latter flush up to the roots of his hair.


“J-Jungkook, w-what are y-you doing here?” he managed to ask.


The smirk on Jungkook’s face widened upon seeing the older’s flustered reaction.


He shrugged innocently. “Oh, I don’t know, Tae. I mean, I’m sure people go here to eat. Unless you’re different from others. What’s with that loud cousin of yours shouting your name out loud. I’m sure you’re loud too,” he said.


Before Taehyung could register the younger’s words properly, he found himself facing Jungkook’s chest, the latter leaning down to whisper in his ear. 


“Loud in bed, I suppose,” he whispered, breath fanning over the older’s neck,causing a shiver to run down Taehyung’s spine.


Taehyung gasped in surprise the minute his brain managed to comprehend Jungkook’s words. He reached up his hands and reluctantly pushed Jungkook softly by his chest. 


His well-built chest. Gulp. 


Cue the unwanted images to flow through his mind. Jungkook in a see-through tank top, in the gym working out. Sweat covered his whole body as he threw off his shirt, leaving people gasping in awe at the sight of his muscled-


Oh my god, Kim Taehyung, stop it.


He looked up only to realise that his hands were still on Jungkook’s chest. And that the latter was looking down (yes, down. Curse the younger for having puberty to hit him at a young age) at him, eyebrows raised almost tauntingly.


He reddened even more and quickly put his hands down, eyes averting away from the younger. 


“W-well, it’s been n-nice meeting you h-here. I-I’ve gotta go n-now,” he said, body already turning around to get out and leave this place immediately. 


But before he could do so, however, another presence decided to intervene. “Don’t have to hurry, Kim Taehyung. We  can send you back home.” 


His head turned around to look at the said person, Park Jimin, and gave him a quick shake of his head. Well, after blushing slightly at the smirk on his face.


“You guys d-don’t have t-to trouble y-yourselves. I can g-go home by myself,” he said.


The two males looked at each other, exchanging knowing looks before turning back to look at him. 


“We insist, Tae. Now come on, we’ll wait in the car while the others finish their orders,” Jimin said, already inching towards him.


Taehyung looked helplessly back and forth between Jimin and Jungkook. The latter already handing what he was assuming car keys to Jimin before heading back to the front of the line. He seemed to inform them something before all of them turned and waved at him, Hoseok being especially enthusiastic.


He hesitantly waved back and stepped aside to let Jimin open the door. With slumped shoulders, he followed Jimin out and to a red Ferrari. 


Jimin turned back slightly to look at him and almost smiled in amusement at the sight of a pouting Taehyung dragging his feet to the car.


“Now, don’t look too gloomy Kim Taehyung. I assure you we’ll have a fun time while waiting for the others.”


With that being said, Jimin smirked in satisfaction when the male before him stuttered slightly in his steps and looked up at him with flushed cheeks.


Taehyung could do nothing to calm his heartbeat as he waited for Jimin to unlock the car door. He bowed his head gratefully at Jimin as he opened the door and stepped aside to let Taehyung in.


He slid onto the backseat, body cooled down by the blast of aircondition in the car. He rested his head on the head rest, eyes closed and body slumped down as he enjoyed the cool air.


He was enjoying the luxury of a Ferrari car that he did not realise Jimin’s presence on the seat beside him. Until the latter blew hot breath into his ear.


Taehyung opened his eyes and almost jumped in his seat at the proximity of the other male and him.


“You’re cute,” Jimin breathed out, eyes scanning every inch of Taehyung’s skin.


The slightly younger male turned red upon hearing that. This has been the second time he heard the same compliment from Jimin, and this time too, his reaction was the same.He could only manage to blurt out an unsure “Thank you”. 


Taehyung felt that he could melt at the intensity of Jimin’s eyes on him. He turned away to look out the window in hoping that the other could get the message that he was clearly uncomfortable. And thankfully, Jimin did just that.


He leaned away from Taehyung, just in time as the others started entering the car one by one. Few threw hellos while some just nod at him in acknowledgement. He reluctantly nodded back his head and smiled hesitantly when Hoseok immediately latched onto him, pushing Jimin away to hog the latter’s seat. 


The younger male grumbled in annoyance but nevertheless, allowed the other male to plop down beside Taehyung and coo over him like a baby.


And that was when the trouble came. 


They realised, at an exceptionally late timing, that the car could not fit seven people. So with a flushed face and an embarrassed smile, he assured the others that he could walk home alone when the youngest male, aka the devil spawn, suggested that he should sit on someone’s lap.


He flushed a deep red as he stuttered a “no” many times, which went to deaf ears. He could only grit his teeth in embarrassment as the others agreed and as Seokjin asked him whose lap he prefers to sit on. 


He forced out a smile and just as he was about to reply with an “anyone”, the devil spawn decided to intervene yet again. All of you should know who by now. 


“I think he should sit on mine. I mean, he’s my tutor after all. He’s more comfortable with me than anyone else here so-”


“Jungkook, I think we’ll let him decide. He seems uncomfortable at the thought of sitting on your lap,” Hoseok suggested, directing an assuring smile towards Taehyung.


But his smile faltered the minute he saw Jungkook’s glare. “Y-you know what, I think you should just sit on the maknae’s lap. Since he insisted and all so yeah,” he said, immediately cowering beside Jimin, whom undeniably had an unreadable expression on his face.


Taehyung felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he saw everyone agreeing with Hoseok’s statement and thus, it was settled. There was no way he could reject the offer anymore.


The whole ride seemed calm enough, until Jungkook’s hands landed on his waist, squeezing every few second. He did not know how many times he had to bite his lip in order to contain his gasp. It became more difficult when Namjoon asked his address. He managed to stutter it out though, but after emitting a few gasps. 


The minute his house came into view, Taehyung immediately asked them to stop the car. He practically jumped out when it slowed down to a stop. With a rec face upon seeing a smirk adorning Jungkook’s face, he thanked them for the ride home and immediately turned around to enter his house. Hoping that the incident was never to occur again.








A/N: A thousand apologies for not updating recently.. I assure you that i will update the next chapter by this week I suppose? Or maybe the next 3 weeks.. so sorry againn.. hope u enjoy the chapter though! Sry if its not interesting enough as it had not come to the .. YET. So anyhoo, do comment on ur opinions on this chap!








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I just wanted to thank all my subscribers for making my latest story a hit! Love u guys soo much!


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Chapter 9: Jackson deserved it! And thank you for updating this, good luck on your upcoming exams.
Chapter 9: omg u are back!!!!!!!!!!! i 'm so glad i love ur story please update soon
jackson how dare u?
you are back!!!
this is the best ,i like ur poster
and i'm happy u finally back i missed ur story and u
keep going i love ur story
Farahayase #5
Chapter 8: Omo this story is soooo beautiful I hope you keep up with it and I'm expecting more wonderful chapters soon! Hwaiting !
Chapter 8: authornim T^T i miss this storry sooooooo soooooo sooooo much
Chapter 8: So is Junghyun Jungkook's brother? And how come Jungkook didn't notice the bruise on Taehyung's face, even though they sat together for an entire class? I'm glad at least Jimin noticed, and I hope he deals with Jackson! I just love the fact that three boys are vying for Taehyung's affection. This is absolutely a great story.
BabySkypeia126 #8
Chapter 8: Jeon Junghyun!! Neon Jungkook hyungie!!
More tangles into this relationship!!! ToT
Chapter 8: Awe man. That cliffhanger tho ;-; I was so into the story too

^~^ thanks for updating!
Chapter 8: Drama is starting!!! Really cant wait for the next chapters. Fighting!!(