Chapter 5


Taehyung did not know what exactly happened but right now, all he could think about was how hot Park Jimin is. The intense hazelnut eyes, the sharp jawline, and the red, tousled hair. And oh gosh, not to mention the leather jacket that he wore over a black tank top, with black, ripped skinny jeans that hugged his muscular thighs perfectly. And thus, making him even hotter.


He practically had to stop himself from drooling when he saw the obvious toned body behind all those clothing. Kim Taehyung, stop being a ert! he thought to himself.


He quickly looked down to the floor when he could feel the intense gaze from the people that he had just met a few seconds ago. 


Was he that ugly? I mean, he knew that he would never beat Lee Minho because gosh, he's too handsome! Nevertheless, he was not that bad looking. Considering the fact that he received some confessions from the girls, and guys too, in his class.  The stares that he received from this hot group of men in front of him however, made him slightly uncomfortable.


Jungkook, who was still standing beside the older, noticed the slight discomfort look on the latter's face, quickly ushered him to take a seat. Beside him of course. As if he did not notice the stares from his friends that were not so discreetly directed towards the adorable tutor.


"So hyung, how's the project going? Was it okay?" Jungkook asked Jimin. The youngest's voice broke the silence that visited their table just moments ago and thus, the table was soon filled with chatter. Though most of them was directed to Taehyung.


"So cutie, what grade are you from?" Hoseok asked, scooting slightly closer towards the said person.


Taehyung blushed slightly at the nickname before stuttering, "S-second." 


"Then I'm older! I'm in third grade. You should call me hyung! Hoseok hyung," Hoseok said, clapping like it was the best news ever. 


Taehyung could only manage a shaky smile towards the older. He was still so new to this. Why were they so friendly towards him? Why did they welcome him with hostility instead of ignoring him like other students would? Of all people, he definitely did not expect the most popular group of kingkas to be so open towards the nerd. 


He decided to take slow steps. If they were genuine in becoming his friends, then he would be glad. If it was to be the opposite, then he would most definitely going to regret even agreeing to sit with them right now at lunch. That was why he had to be cautious. Just until he gets the confirmation he needed.


He jumped up slightly in shock when an arm was slung over his shoulder. "Hey kiddo, lighten up. We're not monsters. Besides, if we ever scare you, our Jungkookie here would be ready protect you. Isn't that right, Kookie?" Namjoon teased.


Both of the males turned red upon hearing that. Laughter was soon heard. Jungkook, who disliked the fact that he was being laughed at, quickly threw his spoon at the leader.


"Yah, respect those who are older than you!" Namjoon exclaimed. He almost sounded like a baby whining right now that the other six males could not help but to burst out in laughter again.


Soon after, lunch had finished and the group had split up to head for their own classes. Unfortunately for Taehyung, he had science right after and discovered that he shared the class with none other than Park Jimin. Hoseok, the big idiot(he just found that out at lunch),had happily suggested that they go together to head towards the science building. 


Honestly, Jimin was the last person ever in his mind to talk to. Mostly because he still had yet to be deciding how to thank the said person for comforting him in the bathroom the day before. And the fact that the person was extremely hot and was standing beside him, walking oh so perfectly with hands in his pockets.


Taehyung squirmed slighly when the leather jacket worn by the slightly older male brushed against his shoulder. There was silence. Only the sound of leaves crunching beneath their shoes was heard.


The silence between them was killing Taehyung until he could not stand it anymore and blurts out, "You look great with leather jackets."


At that time, he wished that the floor would open up and swallow him up whole. Because seriously? Leather jackets? 


His cheeks heated up when the male chuckled. His deep voice sends chills down his spine. Taehyung shivered slightly.


"Thanks, and you look cute with a blush," Jimin said.


Taehyung sputters,"W-what?" 


The older let out a hearty chuckle, in which the former's cheeks turn redder. By now, taehyung was sure that he nearly resembled a tomato.


"Only speaking the truth. Don't want to be accused as a dishonest man when we date later," he said. There was a slight teasing tone when he spoke out the words.


The younger did not know what to respond. Whether to turn even redder than he was now or just to laugh along with the joke. If it was in the first place.


"You're way too cute for your own good," the older said and reached out a hand to ruffle the younger's hair.


Taehyung did not know how to respond. He decided to just stick with a quiet "T-thanks". 


"Jungkook's lucky to be tutored by a pretty boy like you. I would kill to be in his place," Jimin muttered under his breath, as he watched the beauty beside him looking down with a pretty blush adorning his face. He did not know exactly what made him attracted to this person here in the first place but he was sure as hell that he was about to find that out himself.


These thoughts lingered in his mind as he pushed the door to his class open and step aside to let Taehyung in first. He could not help but to tease a little. "Ladies first."


He just loved the way the younger boy would turn shy and a deep pink hue had started to settle itself on the boy's cheeks. And Jimin had to admit. Taehyung did look pretty with a blush. Maybe. Just maybe. He would find out more things about Taehyung when they were a bit more closer.


Yup. He did plan to be closer to the gorgeous guy. Maybe a lot more closer than he thinks. He simply could not wait for that time to arrive.




A/N: So very very very very sorry for not updating as promised. I've just been experiencing writer's block and after speaking to a fellow asianfanfic author, who also subscribed to this story, I had recovered! And now, a new chapter! Do anticipate a vmin vkook love triangle! Hehe.. I'm such a spoiler! Well, u guys had sensed it too so yeah, there's that.  Anyways, please please please leave comments on ur opinions on this chap! I would try to improve! 


P/S: Good news! Remember the exams that I told you about? The one that kept me from updating? I've got third place in my whole grade!!! So happy for that! Kekeke~



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I just wanted to thank all my subscribers for making my latest story a hit! Love u guys soo much!


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Chapter 9: Jackson deserved it! And thank you for updating this, good luck on your upcoming exams.
Chapter 9: omg u are back!!!!!!!!!!! i 'm so glad i love ur story please update soon
jackson how dare u?
you are back!!!
this is the best ,i like ur poster
and i'm happy u finally back i missed ur story and u
keep going i love ur story
Farahayase #5
Chapter 8: Omo this story is soooo beautiful I hope you keep up with it and I'm expecting more wonderful chapters soon! Hwaiting !
Chapter 8: authornim T^T i miss this storry sooooooo soooooo sooooo much
Chapter 8: So is Junghyun Jungkook's brother? And how come Jungkook didn't notice the bruise on Taehyung's face, even though they sat together for an entire class? I'm glad at least Jimin noticed, and I hope he deals with Jackson! I just love the fact that three boys are vying for Taehyung's affection. This is absolutely a great story.
BabySkypeia126 #8
Chapter 8: Jeon Junghyun!! Neon Jungkook hyungie!!
More tangles into this relationship!!! ToT
Chapter 8: Awe man. That cliffhanger tho ;-; I was so into the story too

^~^ thanks for updating!
Chapter 8: Drama is starting!!! Really cant wait for the next chapters. Fighting!!(