Chapter 6


Jungkook could not sit still the whole lesson. Ever since he saw the way Jimin looked at Taehyung, he knew there must be something wrong with the older.


Well, it's not everyday you see the Park Jimin attracted to some girl, or guy. Unlike Hoseok, and maybe Jungkook himself, Jimin was a guy who only talked to a certain person if he or she managed to attract him. And that does not happen often.


So seeing the way his closest friend looked at the tutor and even flirted with him, Jungkook could somehow see the curiosity swimming in the older's eye when Taehyung and him walked away.


Ugh. Jungkook ruffled his hair in annoyance. He could not comprehend his feelings right now. Was he scared that the older might have had some feelings for Taehyung? Even though they had just met? Or maybe, was he nervous that they might become closer and thus, resulting in him being ignored? 


Pft. He decided to ignore those thoughts. For now. It only made him even more stressed than before. 


A tap on his shoulder jolted him from his train of thoughts. 


"Yah, Jeon Jungkook! Why are you day dreaming in class?" a very loud and obnoxious voice, which belonged to a certain someone named Jung Hoseok, asked.


He looked up from his desk, only to see his two other hyungs who shared the same class as him, staring at him expectantly.


He raised an eyebrow. "What did I do?" he asked, a bit weirded out by the fact that Yoongi and Hoseok were standing in front of his desk with backpacks slung over their shoulder and staring at him as if he had done something wrong.


"We're the one who should ask you. Why are you not paying attention in class? You've been daydreaming all along and even ignored the letters from your fangirls. The whole time I knew you kid, you never ignored all those confession letters," Yoongi said.


The youngest looked at Hoseok, as to ask for confirmation. To which the latter responded with a nod.


Jungkook then rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Sorry. Just spacing out about something. Don't worry 'bout me though. I'm fine," he said, as he gathered his things to staff inside his backpack.


Yoongi snickered before sauntering towards the door. He stopped and turned around, leaning against the wall beside it. "Who says we're worried? Just curious," he teased.


Hoseok could not help but to let out a tiny snicker but it immediately disappeared the minute Jungkook sent him a glare.


"You guys are the worst," Jungkook muttered as he pushed past Yoongi to step out of the classroom.


"Yet you love us!" Hoseok's voice echoed off the silent hallway as Yoongi and him jogged towards Jungkook, trying to catch up with the latter.


Jungkook rolled his eyes and faked a gag. "Says who? I only love myself," he said before walking even further away from the two idiots.


"Yah, maknae! You're so going to get it from me!" Hoseok screamed out. And all that was heard later was Yoongi's and Jungkook's laughter.




"That's all for today. And don't forget to hand in your homework tomorrow. Class dismissed," Mrs Park, the science teacher, said before leaving the classroom.


Taehyung could not help but to sigh in relief when the class was over. He had to admit, even though he was the most nerdiest student in this whole school, and quite possibly the smartest, this class was by far, the most torturous class he ever had.


There was nothing wrong with the subject. In fact, science was his most preferred subject out of all the subjects he ever learned. However, there was something wrong with the teacher. Mrs Park always scolded them, even when they did well. And not to mention, she liked to give homeworks. Those were the worst.


He shivered when he remembered the time when she gave the class an essay to write. It was supposed to be an essay about the cycle of photosynthesis, but then everyone misheard it as a cycle of photography. They had to write five essays of the same topic as a punishment. Well, it was not their fault. Mrs Park apparently had a slight flu that day and they heard the word 'photosynthesis' as 'photography'.


Nevertheless, the class knew not to kid with the scary teacher anymore after they had all learned their lesson. 


Taehyung shook his head out of his train of thoughts and started to pack all his things. After this, he had math. And he could not risk to be late. The last time he remembered a student was late, he was instructed to stand outside the class for the entire lesson. Taehyung definitely did not want to face that.


He then quickly finished packing and was just about to walk out when a voice stopped him.


"Math class canceled."


That voice sounded familiar to that of Jimin's but that couldn't be. Jimin was not in any of Taehyung's classes except for science. He was sure of that.


"This is science. Have you forgotten? Or were you too focused in class that you momentarily forget we just walked together here?" the voice asked, as if reading his mind.


At that moment, Taehyung decided that yes, that voice definitely belonged to Jimin and that yes, what Jimin had said was correct. All of them.


He slowly turned around and regretted it immediately after. His face flared up when he noticed the smirk marring the older's face. He casted his eyes on the ground to avoid being lost in the other's eyes.


"Jimin s-sunbae, w-why is m-math c-canceled?" he stuttered out his question, eyes still directed to the floor beneath his feet.


Jimin shrugged, slinging his backpack over his shoulder before closing the distance between him and the irresistible younger with just two long strides. He absolutely adored the deep pink hue on Taehyung's cheeks when he . Making the other flustered will surely be his hobby from now on.


"They just announced it through email. Something about a broken leg. Probably the teacher injured himself before coming here," Jimin said.


Taehyung could not stop himself from gasping out loud when he heard the news about the teacher. Tsk. Being a worrywart does have its advantages and disadvantages. How could he be worried about the teacher he hates? 


Jimin had to suppress the urge to chuckle as he watched the concern on the younger's face. He never knew the school's nerd could be this cute. He would be his new target if he ever knew about this before. 


"It's good though. He's a horrible teacher," the kingka muttered under his breath, still within Taehyung's hearing range.


"That's no way to speak about your teacher," Taehyung chided unintentionally. The words were out of his mouth by the minute he realised what just happened and flushed up to the roots of his hair. He was sure he was as red as a tomato right now.


Jimin had to chuckle in amusement when the younger scolded him. To add further to his amusement, the way Taehyung's cheeks heated up made him look cute as hell. 


"Students hate him. No one even likes him. Unless, that is, a particular teacher's pet that still cares for him even when he gives a ton of homework," Jimin teased, enjoying the way Taehyung blushed even further.


"W-where are we s-supposed to go n-now?" Taehyung asked, stuttering a little, eyes avoiding that of the kingka's. 


The smirk flashed at him was smug and satisfactory. It was as if the slightly older male enjoyed teasing him.


"Nothing. We can go back now, " Jimin continued, "You that is. I have something important to do. See you soon."


Before leaving, he managed to smirk at him for the last time and left the younger blushing heavily by his action.




Jungkook had to struggle from letting out snickers as he watched his adorable, older tutor stumbling over his words when he arrived wearing a low cut tank top, proudly showing off his muscular biceps and broad shoulders.


He smirked and leaned in closer towards his tutor, just to a little. The flustered reaction he gets was worth the time he spent exercising at the gym before coming here.


"S-so, we h-have to p-put the negative h-here and f-from there y-you u-urm.., Jungkook?" his voice came out squeaky, like a girl's. 


Jungkook, who was currently leaning in a bit too closely to Taehyung, hummed as he nuzzled his nose on Taehyung's neck, relishing in the sweet scent of the older. 


The latter froze in his place as Jungkook draped his arm over his waist and pulled him closer. His heart pounded in his chest as the younger's actions got bolder and bolder. The next thing he knew, he was now sitting on the kingka's lap whilst the latter pressed light kisses on his neck. 


Taehyung couldn't help but to think that the position resembled a pair of lovers. He was dumb, but not that oblivious. He saw plenty of movies by now to know that hearing distinct moans from a room meant that the people inside were doing the deed. And this. This position was compromising. The tutor simply did not want to give away his ity to someone he barely even knew. Let alone love. So he did what he thought was best.


By 'best', he meant bolting out the door as fast as lightning after rushing to pick up his bag. Ignoring the calls of his name as he ran as fast as his legs could go, down the hallway and out the entrance.


The first thing he did just as he went home, after greeting his family, was burying his face on the matress of his bed, trying to somehow eliminate the embarrassing moment from just now from his mind. He really hoped the kingka would never bring this up if they ever were to meet.




A/N: I wanted to apologize to you guys who I'm sure are waiting for me to update and probably hating me rite now! I understand completely if u feel that way.. So I would like to apologize again.. School has just been stressing me out. In the normal kind of way. This is my first year in high school and homework's beengetting to me a lot. And also, a ton of projects!! :( So as an apology, this my present to all of u! Hope u continue to support me!



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I just wanted to thank all my subscribers for making my latest story a hit! Love u guys soo much!


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Chapter 9: Jackson deserved it! And thank you for updating this, good luck on your upcoming exams.
Chapter 9: omg u are back!!!!!!!!!!! i 'm so glad i love ur story please update soon
jackson how dare u?
you are back!!!
this is the best ,i like ur poster
and i'm happy u finally back i missed ur story and u
keep going i love ur story
Farahayase #5
Chapter 8: Omo this story is soooo beautiful I hope you keep up with it and I'm expecting more wonderful chapters soon! Hwaiting !
Chapter 8: authornim T^T i miss this storry sooooooo soooooo sooooo much
Chapter 8: So is Junghyun Jungkook's brother? And how come Jungkook didn't notice the bruise on Taehyung's face, even though they sat together for an entire class? I'm glad at least Jimin noticed, and I hope he deals with Jackson! I just love the fact that three boys are vying for Taehyung's affection. This is absolutely a great story.
BabySkypeia126 #8
Chapter 8: Jeon Junghyun!! Neon Jungkook hyungie!!
More tangles into this relationship!!! ToT
Chapter 8: Awe man. That cliffhanger tho ;-; I was so into the story too

^~^ thanks for updating!
Chapter 8: Drama is starting!!! Really cant wait for the next chapters. Fighting!!(