Chapter 4


Jungkook sighed as he plopped down on the edge of his bed, his bag thrown on the floor. He couldn't help but sigh at the incident that happened just before school ended.


It was truly, honestly the first time he got into a fight with his closest friend. I mean, of course they often fight. But they were just harmless. There are no punches or kicks being thrown at each other. They were lucky to be caught by Jin and not the principal.


He really couldn't understand why him mentioning Jimin's ex-girlfriend's name would spark a fire inside the older male. It was in the past, for God's sake! Why would he get so angered up just by the mere fact that her name was being mentioned? Jimin is unpredictable.


He winced slightly as he touched the corner of his busted lip.


Ouch. That was one good punch.


Nevertheless, deep down, he knew they both regretted this fight ever happened. They were the closest to each other out of their group. He didn't know exactly why but he just clicked with the older the minute Jungkook was introduced to the group.


They understood each other's feelings very well because of the near , maybe? Who knows?


He heaved a sigh. He hoped this will never happen again in the future. He was brave enough to vow that they will never ever get into a fight this terrible again.


After all, best friends will still be forever best friends right? They forgive each other when they did wrong.  They help each other in dark times and will never leave the other alone. That's the literal definition of best friends right?


Well, at least to Jungkook.


Whatever. Now that it has passed, he better go and get some sleep. He needed the energy to stay up all night to do the pile of homework that he was assigned in school.


"School is hell," he muttered before drifting off to sleep.




Jimin ruffled his hair in annoyance as he plopped down on his usual seat. He threw his bag down on the floor and buried his face in his arms. The scream he emitted the second after was so loud maybe even the principal's office at the upper level would be able to hear it.


Pft. Jimin could not care less. The only thing bugging his mind right now was the fight that had occured between Jungkook and him the day before. Why did he go all angry just by the mere fact that his ex girlfriend's name is mentioned? That question even Jimin had no answer to?


Really, why did he throw the first punch to Jungkook? Jimin tried to find the answer, but failed pathetically. He did not even know his own self the entire fight. As if a demon had possessed his body and took control over his own actions.


He really does not know how to face the younger male after this, at lunch. He couldn't even bring himself to apologise to him. Ugh. Whatever. Let time decides everything.


A small voice in his head, however, disagrees with him.


Sure time decides what will happen later but it was really, solely based on how you handle the situation. There's no time to rest right now. Go and apologize to Jungkook for God's sake!


"Oh god, shut up!" Jimin exclaimed. Which earned him a few strange looks from other few students who just arrived. He blushed the tiniest bit and quickly buried his face in his arms to avoid any further embarrassment.





Taehyung really could not believe what is happening right this second.


Did Jeon Jungkook just ruffle his hair? In the hallway at that! Where practically everyone could see.


He was just happy to encounter no more jeers from the students so far. Thinking that maybe the way to stop all those is to stop being so close with Jungkook, he did it for the sake of his own safety. And here he is, ruining everything!


"Hyung, I may want to introduce you to the group later on. At lunch," the younger voiced out his request.


Taehyung stared at him with a look of uncertainty. He was really not sure how to respond. First of all, isn't it lunch right now? And furthermore, they just met like two days ago and now he wanted to introduce him to his friends? Who, mind you, are the most popular group in this whole school.


"I'm not really sure," taehyung finally said. Tugging the hem of his shirt as he did so. The action causes a smile to appear on the younger's face.


"Don't worry hyung. They are not monsters. Besides, who would resist such a cutie," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips.


Blood rushed to Taehyung's cheeks as heard that statement. "W-well, I guess I c-can meet t-them," he stuttered. He earned himself a grin from the younger male at his response. Meanwhile, Taehyung cursed himself inwardly for being so easily flustered around the younger male. Who was currently dragging him across the cafeteria towards their usual table.


The older just looked down on the floor as Jungkook continues to drag him. He finds it hard to look up when he knew there are probably eyes glaring daggers at him now. He bit his bottom lip when a voice whispered "" as they passed by a table.


Loud enough for only him to hear. 


Jungkook luckily did not notice his current situation right now and just pulled him in front of his table where his friends are currently eating and chatting among themselves.


Taehyung practically hid behind Jungkook as the younger cleared his throat to get his friends' attention. 


They all looked up. By the looks of it, Jungkook could tell they were surprised to see a new face. Cute at that. Before they could even drool over him, he quickly introduced Taehyung.


"Guys, this is Kim Taehyung, my tutor," he spoke out. He smirked when he saw Hoseok almost choking on his food. The said male pointed a finger to Taehyung's direction.


"He's the tutor? Wow, I'll be damned.." was the only thing he could blurt out. His statement made Taehyung's cheeks went red as he tried to calm himself down.


"Yah, Jung Hoseok! Stop with your flirting. You're scaring him!" A brunette chided which made Hoseok rub his nape sheepishly. The brunette just sighed and shook his head.


He then stood up and flashed him a smile. "Hey, I'm Kim Seokjin. You can just call me Jin. I'm the oldest here. The one beside me is Kim Namjoon. Or most likely known as Rap Monster," he said.


A blonde tilted his chin up as a response. Taehyung gave a shaky smile. To say that he was scared was an understatement. He could wet his pants right then and there. He was terrified to meet them. They were after all the popular kids here. What if they hated him?


"The one who looked like he could sleep is Min Yoongi. I suppose you already know our flirt, Jung Hoseok. And last but not least-" Seokjin was cut off by a different voice. 


"The name's Park Jimin. You can just call me Jimin. Nice to meet you beautiful." 


The statement made Taehyung look up with enlarged eyes. That voice. He knew that voice. It was the one who comforted him while he was crying in the bathroom just yesterday.


Jimin gave him a smirk. Which made his insides churn. Well damn it. Park Jimin was one gorgeous creature.




A/N: Guys! So sorry for letting you wait so long. It's just near my exam period so I have to study a lot right now! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this update! Hope to see comments soon~


~Love you guys!


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I just wanted to thank all my subscribers for making my latest story a hit! Love u guys soo much!


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Chapter 9: Jackson deserved it! And thank you for updating this, good luck on your upcoming exams.
Chapter 9: omg u are back!!!!!!!!!!! i 'm so glad i love ur story please update soon
jackson how dare u?
you are back!!!
this is the best ,i like ur poster
and i'm happy u finally back i missed ur story and u
keep going i love ur story
Farahayase #5
Chapter 8: Omo this story is soooo beautiful I hope you keep up with it and I'm expecting more wonderful chapters soon! Hwaiting !
Chapter 8: authornim T^T i miss this storry sooooooo soooooo sooooo much
Chapter 8: So is Junghyun Jungkook's brother? And how come Jungkook didn't notice the bruise on Taehyung's face, even though they sat together for an entire class? I'm glad at least Jimin noticed, and I hope he deals with Jackson! I just love the fact that three boys are vying for Taehyung's affection. This is absolutely a great story.
BabySkypeia126 #8
Chapter 8: Jeon Junghyun!! Neon Jungkook hyungie!!
More tangles into this relationship!!! ToT
Chapter 8: Awe man. That cliffhanger tho ;-; I was so into the story too

^~^ thanks for updating!
Chapter 8: Drama is starting!!! Really cant wait for the next chapters. Fighting!!(