Bad Dreams and Bad Excuses

A Wild S.Coups has Appeared!

S.Coups silently tiptoed through the crowded hallway. If he was going to watch Junghan before class, he was going to have to be stealthy. Not like he would be able to see him among the other students.

He scanned the students up and down, trying to find the face of one of the Squadmates; if he could find at least one, he could find them all.

But he couldn't find them. He was packed into the tight slow-moving crowd like a sardine. S.Coups sighed in frustration. High schoolers were slower than the people in Wal-Mart. He checked his watch. It was 7:56. Class started at 8:00. He needed to find Junghan. And fast. 

But the crowd wouldn't budge. He could barely move his arms without touching the people next to him. If he tried to push his way through, the crowd only seemed to pack in tighter. 

7:58. Each minute seemed to fly even though he was barely moving. S.Coups began to panic. He only had two minutes to find Junghan or anyone from The Squad for that matter. He didn't know what he would do if he didn't see him before class. What would get him through the morning? Sure, he could still and would daydream about Junghan without seeing him, but it was so much better to see him in person. He needed to see his silky lavender hair, his perfect pale skin, his beautiful bright smile. 

7:59. S.Coups broke into a cold sweat. He frantically searched for any Squadmate in the crowd, but they were nowhere to be found. The students around him seemed to be moving slower than ever, obviously not the least bit worried about being late. 

"Come ON! MOVE!" S.Coups yelled in frustration. Someone must have heard him, because all of a sudden the students began to split to either side of the hallway, leaving only one group directly in front of S.Coups: The Squad.

They stood casually talking in the center of the hallway, their tight-knit circle talking loudly and enjoying themselves. S.Coups couldn't spot Junghan, though. He was probably in the middle of the circle. 

The Squad's circle loosened and some members began to filter out, heading towards their separate classes. S.Coups still couldn't find Junghan's lavender locks. Where was he? Was he sick? Had anything happened to him? All the worst case scenarios ran through S.Coups' head a million times per minute, his heart beating just as fast. But what he saw didn't even come close to what he was thinking.

S.Coups saw Junghan alright. And he saw his hair. He had changed the color yet again; it was now a dull blonde that S.Coups was not very fond of. But that barely even crossed his mind, nor did it really matter. Something much worse had happened.

Gone. His hair was all gone.

Junghan's hair was no longer long and beautiful. He had cut it short. It was still part it to the side, but it was short. It was still silky and shiny, but it was short. IT WAS SHORT.

8:00. S.Coups let out a blood-curdling scream of pure terror as the bell rang throughout West Coast High.

S.Coups screamed as he sat up in his bed. Tears streamed down his face. He looked at the clock on his nightstand. 6:30. S.Coups let out a sigh of relief and hugged his pillow. It was all a dream. It was the worst nightmare he had ever had, but it was only a dream.


Joshua walked alongside Junghan. They were going to his favorite class: science class. 

Joshua actually hated science with a burning passion because it was so ing boring and confusing, but it was his only class with Junghan. Unless you count lunch, which Joshua did not. 

"So, are you excited for our lab today?" Joshua asked eagerly.

"Not really," Junghan replied, absentmindedly playing with his bangs as he walked. "Why do you like science so much anyway? I remember you used to hate it in middle school."

Joshua could feel his cheeks redden. Thank God Junghan was too self-absorbed with his pretty hair to look at him. 

"I... Um... I guess... I like...I don't know... The teacher's hot?" Smooth Joshua. Real smooth.

Junghan turned around to face Joshua, a stupid smile in his face. "You think Mr. Kevin's hot? ." Junghan laughed and began to walk towards Mr. Kevin's Chemistry class. "But I'm pretty sure Mr. Kevin's gay, so you two could hit it off, you never know."

If only you knew, Joshua thought. If only you knew who I really want to hit it off with.

Junghan and Joshua took their seats across from each other at a lab table.

Joshua couldn't pay attention when Mr. Kevin burst in the room in a most flamboyant fashion, or when Junghan whispered comments about Mr. Kevin's hot pink lab coat and how the shade didn't compliment his skin tone. He wasn't listening when Mr. Kevin gave the directions for the lab and warned everyone not to mix the yellow solution with the green powder solution together. All Joshua could think about was the last lab and how he and Junghan had shared a moment. He was hoping that he would have another opportunity to aid Junghan in any way that could bring them potentially closer.

"Hey, Joshua, do you know how to do this?" Junghan said as he clipped his bangs back with a bobby pin. 

"Uh, yeah... I think you just pour that into that," Joshua said. "Do you want me to help?"

"Sure, will you just hold this while I pour this in?" Junghan replied, picking up a powder solution packet and opening it.

Joshua couldn't meet Junghan's gaze as he came to the other side of the table me carefully poured the solution into the beaker that Joshua was holding. He returned to his seat. 

"How much longer do we have to be in this class?" Junghan whined. 

"I don't know, Joshua said, looking at his watch. "Maybe thirty minutes?" He covered his nose as a foul smell engulfed their lab table.

"What is that smell?" Junghan said, scrunching up his nose, then covering it with his hand.

"Maybe it's coming from our beaker," Joshua said, leaning over the experiment. The smell was strong. "Yep, definitely coming from the bea-"

BAM! Joshua fell back out of his seat as the contents in the beaker exploded in his face. Black spots danced in his vision as his head hits the floor. He saw Junghan run over to him and could faintly hear the commotion and confusion of his other classmates before he out.

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Chapter 8: WAHAHAHA! IDK if I should take this semi-retarded Seungcheol seriously! LAUGHING SOOOO HARD WITH YOUR NATURAL HUMOR! KEKEKEKEKEKEKE TEEEHEEEE
Chapter 8: Why you aint updatin?! I love this! :((((
Holy eu chapter eight got deep
Chapter 6: I needed this. I really really did XD
Chapter 5: The suspense is killing me
사랑해 동생
Chapter 1: What even is this?? XD I ask my sister to write me a Jeongcheol at 11:00 last night and a an hour and a half later this is born. Oh sis I wanted something fluffy but you know what this is better XD
kyungielovev #8
Chapter 1: wow s.coups really insane.. but i TOTALLY love this. i wonder what happen next. love ya~<3