The Surprise Guest

A Wild S.Coups has Appeared!

Junghan had invited all of his best friends over for a sleepover. He was still waiting for them to arrive. Junghan took out his ponytail and retied it, checking his reflection to make sure his bangs fell just right in the left side of his face.

He already knew that the sleepover was going to be so much fun. He's had everything planned out: they were gonna bake and decorate mini cupcakes, gossip, sing karaoke, tell scary stories, gossip, eat finger food, watch Mean Girls, and gossip. The chime of the doorbell broke Junghan from his thoughts.

Joshua was the first to arrive. He was holding a pillow, karaoke machine, and his Dora the Explorer sleeping bag. They greeted each other by squealing and hugging, as any normal teenage boys would. 

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Joshua exclaimed, setting his stuff down on the couch. "When is everyone else getting here?"

"They should be here soon," Junghan said. "If they don't get here soon, we might not be able to do all of the activities I planned."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang once again. Vernon was the second one to arrive.

"Pull up on your whacks with a mack fully loaded, UH!" Vernon exclaimed. Junghan and Joshua hugged Vernon and then the three of them sat on the couch and started to gossip.

Soon after, DK, Hoshi, Woozi, Seungkwan, Dino, Minghao, Mingyu, and Jun arrived. In typical emo-boy fashion, Wonwoo showed up  late, while Junghan and his squad were baking their mini cupcakes.

"Why are you so late?" Junghan whined.

"Shut up," Wonwoo mumbled. "I don't even wanna be here." He continued to sulk as he frosted a cupcake black.

After decorating and eating their cupcakes, the squad sang karaoke and gossiped some more. Junghan looked at the clock. It was 11:30 PM. A perfect time for ghost stories. 

All the boys say in a circle on Junghan's bedroom floor. Holding a flashlight, Junghan began to tell the group a ghost story. After he finished and al the boys were scared less, Junghan passed the  flashlight to Hoshi, who said he had a really good idea.

"There's this rumor that if you go into a dark bathroom at night, spin around three times in a circle, and then say 'you got no jams', a short man with eyes like slits will pop out of the bathroom mirror and scream 'Excuse me!' We should try it."

All the boys agreed with Hoshi. Having a short man pop out of a mirror would make any sleepover ten times more fun.

"So who's gonna go first?" Hoshi asked.

"I'll go," Wonwoo said. "It's probably not even real." 

"Then quit being such a party pooper and get in there already!" Seungkwan said.

"Alright, alright," Wonwoo said, pushing his emo hair out of his face as he grabbed the flashlight and walked into Junghan's pink bathroom.

Silence fell over the squad as they waited for the short man with no jams to appear. Suddenly, a loud thump was heard from the bathroom, followed by the high pitched womanly scream of Wonwoo. The door to the bathroom burst open and Wonwoo ran out and his behind DK. The boys all jumped on top of Junghan's bed, scared if what might be in the bathroom. No one moved a muscle. 

Slowly, the door began to open. Inch by inch, the door was pushed open by the creature in the bathroom. The group gasped. 


An eager S.Coups walked out of the bathroom, looking around for something. He spotted Junghan sitting in he middle of the bed. S.Coups' eyes grew wider. 

"Junghan," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"S.Coups," Junghan replied, in disbelief. 

Junghan knew who S.Coups was. He went to the same school as Junghan and his friends. But S.Coups was weird. He had this fascination for Junghan. He was always leaving him notes inside his locker, staring at him in class, and following him around. He even cut off a piece of his ponytail one time. 

"How did you get here?"

"I would do anything to be with you, Junghan," S.Coups said. The squad was genuinely freaked out by S.Coups. 

"Well, you need to leave," Junghan said, trying to remain calm. 

"No," S.Coups replied. "I just got here."

"No one wants you here S.Coups, go away!" Woozi yelled, irritated and fed up with the strange boy's obsession with Junghan. Besides, it was way past his bedtime and he was tired as hell.

"No!" S.Coups yelled, running towards the bed. "I love you, Junghan! Why won't you love me back?!"

And since the squad gotta protect the squad, DK, Vernon, and Seungkwan pinned the lovesick S.Coups to the ground and threw him out the window. Jun and Woozi locked all the doors.

When all of the boys were back on Junghan's bed, they all began to gossip about how S.Coups was a crazy stalker. 

"So, yeah, I think I'm gonna file a restraining order against him," Junghan said. 

"You gotta do something else, too, so he won't recognize you," Joshua said. "We're not gonna be there all the time."

"Yeah, you're right," Junghan said.

And that's when Junghan decided to go blonde.

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Chapter 8: WAHAHAHA! IDK if I should take this semi-retarded Seungcheol seriously! LAUGHING SOOOO HARD WITH YOUR NATURAL HUMOR! KEKEKEKEKEKEKE TEEEHEEEE
Chapter 8: Why you aint updatin?! I love this! :((((
Holy eu chapter eight got deep
Chapter 6: I needed this. I really really did XD
Chapter 5: The suspense is killing me
사랑해 동생
Chapter 1: What even is this?? XD I ask my sister to write me a Jeongcheol at 11:00 last night and a an hour and a half later this is born. Oh sis I wanted something fluffy but you know what this is better XD
kyungielovev #8
Chapter 1: wow s.coups really insane.. but i TOTALLY love this. i wonder what happen next. love ya~<3