Fifty Shades of Squad

A Wild S.Coups has Appeared!

It was the third Saturday if the month, which meant that it was time for another Monthly Squad Sleepover. As usual, The Squad was gathered at Junghan's house.


"We have a super special awesome activity planned for today!" DK and Hoshi exclaimed as they arrived at Junghan's house, each carrying large bags full of who knows what.
Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "What stupid idea have you thought up this time?" 
"We're gonna do MAKEOVERS!!" DK screamed as Hoshi flailed his arms and squealed in excitement. "We brought hair dye and cute matching outfits for all of us to wear!"
"Sounds fun," the ever-calm Joshua said. Minghao, Jun, Dino, Mingyu, and Junghan nodded in approval. 
"This is stupid. I'm not doing this," Wonwoo said flatly. No one dared to object; they knew well that their emo squadmate would not be changing his mind.
"I'll do it, but I will be doing my OWN makeover," Seungkwan announced. "NO ONE touches my hair but ME."
"Alright, alright," Junghan said. "If we want to get this done tonight we better start now." The Squad all went into Junghan's room and cleared a space for the makeovers. 
The Squad broke into small groups, for the exception of Wonwoo, who sat on Junghan's bed and sulked, as usual.
"I brought red, orange, pink, caramel, brown, blue, and purple hair dye," Hoshi said as he emptied the contents of his bag on to the floor. "I already know what I want. Everyone pick what color they want, if they want any."
DK also emptied his bag, which was full of hair products and tools for cutting and styling hair. "Anyone who wants to get their hair cut, pick their style and we'll start!"
Hoshi and DK distributed the makeover products to each squadmate. 
"LET THE MAKEOVERS COMMENCE!!!" The two overly-excited boys screamed, spinning around the room and flapping their arms.
Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "You guys are so ghey."
Little did The Squad know that another makeover was in the process.
S.Coups stood in his bathroom. His hands were stained black. Various pieces of tin foil were stuck between each layer of his hair. 
"This is for you, Junghan," he said to his reflection. 
Ever since S.Coups had seen Blonde Junghan in the cafeteria that day, he had become even more madly in love with him, if it was even possible. It was all he thought about all day every day. He could never take his mind off the gorgeous platinum locks he had seen that day.
And whatever Junghan did, S.Coups was sure to copy in some way. So he was dying his own hair. But since his hair was already blonde, he was dying it black. 
S.Coups coated the last layer of his hair with the dye. It was finally done. Now all he had to do was wait. S.Coups hoped that Junghan would like his new hair. And maybe, just maybe, his beloved senpai would finally notice him. 
Woozi screamed in terror, the high-pitched noise ringing throughout Junghan's house. 
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!" He screamed. "MY HAIR!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HAIR?!?!?!?!" The small boy's face was bright pink and full of pure rage. The color of his face matched the color of his hair, which was now a bright fuchsia.
"I though that's what you wanted," Hoshi squeaked, afraid of the very real possibility of being attacked by Woozi with a pair of DK's hair scissors. 
"I SAID A LITTLE PINK, NOT THIS!!!" Woozi screeched, pointing at his pink head. 
"Woozi, calm down," Joshua said. "Look, it's really only bright pink at the top of your head. It fades a lot towards the ends." He patted Woozi's shoulders.
"See, it matches mine," Hoshi said, leaning over to show Woozi his own blue head, which also faded at the ends to blonde. 
"Whatever," Woozi said. "This was a terrible idea. I should've never done this in the first place."
Joshua admired his own orange hair. "I like mine a lot," he said. "I think it makes me look like a gentleman." The Squad agreed; Joshua looked good.
Jun and Seungkwan had both dyed their hair red, and were both pleased with the results. Vernon's hair was now a blonde-ish brown. DK's hair was cut shorter and was now caramel brown. Mingyu's hair was dark bluish gray and parted to the side. 
Wonwoo laughed at Dino's hair, which he had cut. It was kinda long in the front but short on the sides. "You look like a retard," Wonwoo said to Dino.
"Shut up," Dino replied. "I like it."
Minghao's hair was light brown and curly. Hoshi laughed and clapped as he watched Minghao prance around holding his hands up like ears above his head. "You look like a little lamb," Hoshi said. "So cute."
The Squad then gossiped until they fell asleep. 
S.Coups crushed his soda can in his hands, the contents spraying all over the table. He was livid. He couldn't go through this again. Not this soon.
Lavender. Junghan had dyed his hair lavender. 
The whole Squad had dyed their hair over the weekend. Except for Wonwoo, but S.Coups didn't notice nor did he care. All he could focus on was, you guessed it, Junghan's lavender hair. 
Why was he doing this to him? Did he know how much pain and heartache it caused him just to see Junghan every day at school? And now he had dyed his hair? AGAIN?!?! It was too much for his heart to take.
The worst part, though, was that he loved his new hair even more than he had loved Blonde Junghan. It was an even ier version of Blonde Junghan. Lavender Junghan.
Lavender Junghan. The name just sounded more beautiful, more gorgeous. And he was. Somehow the new color made his skin shine brighter, made his eyes look even more beautiful, made his luscious locks look silkier and shinier. 
"Why, Junghan, why?" S.Coups said to himself. "Why are you doing this to me? S.Coups stood up and exclaimed, "QUIT PLAYING GAMES WITH MY HEART!!" Then once again, he ran out of the cafeteria in tears.
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Chapter 8: WAHAHAHA! IDK if I should take this semi-retarded Seungcheol seriously! LAUGHING SOOOO HARD WITH YOUR NATURAL HUMOR! KEKEKEKEKEKEKE TEEEHEEEE
Chapter 8: Why you aint updatin?! I love this! :((((
Holy eu chapter eight got deep
Chapter 6: I needed this. I really really did XD
Chapter 5: The suspense is killing me
사랑해 동생
Chapter 1: What even is this?? XD I ask my sister to write me a Jeongcheol at 11:00 last night and a an hour and a half later this is born. Oh sis I wanted something fluffy but you know what this is better XD
kyungielovev #8
Chapter 1: wow s.coups really insane.. but i TOTALLY love this. i wonder what happen next. love ya~<3