Getting to Know The Squad

A Wild S.Coups has Appeared!

"Turn up!" S.Coups exclaimed as he practically skipped down the hall.

It was lunch, which meant he could finally see Junghan. He was so excited and anxious at the same time. The last time he had seen Junghan was  when he had "crashed" the Monthly Squad Sleepover. He still didn't understand why he had been treated with such hostility. His presence would've made the sleepover much more fun. The more, the merrier, right? Well not according to The Squad. He hoped that he would be treated more fairly today.

S.Coups walked into the cafeteria. Students were filling up tables. S.Coups took his usual seat at the table closest to the West Coast Wombats school emblem on the wall. It had a perfect view of The Squad's table, which was currently empty. No one would ever date to sit there if they weren't in The Squad. It was an unspoken rule that no one sat at the Squad Table unless you were in The Squad.

Who exactly was The Squad? The Squad was basically school royalty. If you were in the squad, it meant you were pretty much a big deal. 

Who was in The Squad? Junghan was their ultra fabulous leader, the owner of the famous lion's mane. He set the Squad Rules, decided who was in and who was out, and what was cool and what was not. He was the end-all be-all.

Second in command was Junghan's right hand man, the saintly Joshua. He was the one who kept Junghan in check and was always advising him on what and what not to do. He was basically Junghan's conscience.

There was the outspoken DK, the loudest of the group. He always seemed to have something to say, whether it was a ridiculous idea to a hilarious joke. He also had a beautiful voice. The captain of the Wombat Pride Choir, he sang with incredible power and skill. 

Next was the very emo Wonwoo, who had a permanent resting  face. He was the ultimate party pooper. There was a rumor that Wonwoo smiled once, but the squad refused to confirm or deny the claim, and no one else had ever seen it.

Equally as y and negative was Seungkwan, the #1 aegyo hater. He loved to criticize everyone and everything, and made sure to verbalize it very loudly. No matter what you would do, Seungkwan would disapprove.

This often became a problem Hoshi, the fuzzy ball of energy. He was constantly moving, making retarded noises to himself, or acting super cute. Usually with DK, the two would be cute and loud and dance nonstop to the amusement of most of The Squad. 

Woozi was equally as cute, and his very small stature made him seem even cuter. But Woozi was actually just a very violent midgit who happened to be hella kawaii. He frequently would lash out at the other squadmates, retaliating with the closest sharp object or stick of some sort that he could find.

Almost as short was Dino. Dino was very forgettable. Outside The Squad, no one really knew who he was. He didn't have any kind of reputation. He didn't stand out. He was just there. 

Also very forgettable was Jun. he used to have a luscious lion's mane like Junghan, but he soon had to cut it, because Junghan was obviously NOT going to share his hairstyle. Fortunately for Jun, his hair looks good both short and long.

Poor Minghao. No one remembered Minghao. He was cute and was lowkey Sehun as . He even had his hair dyed pastel rainbow in the Lord Sebooty's honor. But no one remembered him. He was friends with Dino, no wonder he was so forgettable. But he was a genuinely nice guy who got along with pretty much everyone.

Vernon, unlike Jun, Dino, and Minghao, was definitely not forgettable. The self-proclaimed rapper loved to drop rhymes all day every day. Whenever or wherever he was, it was always a great time to drop some rhymes to Vernon. Good thing The Squad appreciated some good rap music.

Mingyu was the final member of The Squad. Being the tallest out of the twelve, he could easily be spotted in the giant clump that was The Squad. He was pretty awkward most of the time and was oddly close to Wonwoo, who never seems to enjoy his company.

Everyone at West Coast High knew who The Squad was. You either hated The Squad, adored The Squad, or wanted to be part of The Squad. It was just how it was. 
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Chapter 8: WAHAHAHA! IDK if I should take this semi-retarded Seungcheol seriously! LAUGHING SOOOO HARD WITH YOUR NATURAL HUMOR! KEKEKEKEKEKEKE TEEEHEEEE
Chapter 8: Why you aint updatin?! I love this! :((((
Holy eu chapter eight got deep
Chapter 6: I needed this. I really really did XD
Chapter 5: The suspense is killing me
사랑해 동생
Chapter 1: What even is this?? XD I ask my sister to write me a Jeongcheol at 11:00 last night and a an hour and a half later this is born. Oh sis I wanted something fluffy but you know what this is better XD
kyungielovev #8
Chapter 1: wow s.coups really insane.. but i TOTALLY love this. i wonder what happen next. love ya~<3