Mingyu the

A Wild S.Coups has Appeared!

The Squad strutted into the cafeteria. All eyes were on them as they walked to their table in the very center of the cafeteria. Simultaneously they all pulled out their chairs and sat down.

But something was off. 
S.Coups stared at the Squad table, but he couldn't find his beloved copper mane that he knew so well. He counted twelve people. No one was missing. So where was Junghan?!
S.Coups' mouth fell open. Junghan was there. But his copper hair was not. Platinum blonde locks replaced his beautiful brunette ones. S.Coups shrieked in terror. 
What had he DONE?!?! What kind of unholy beast had possessed him to dye his hair?! WHY?!?!?!?! 
S.Coups had lost his appetite. He probably would never eat again. He looked back at Junghan. He was laughing and talking with The Squad. He looked so happy, so carefree, so at ease. But to S.Coups his looked like a complete stranger. He didn't know this blonde boy. The Junghan he knew had silky beautiful copper hair. 
S.Coups ran out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom, where he proceeded to cry for the rest of the lunch.
Wonwoo sat silently at the lunch table, scowling at his food. Why did his mom pack him such crappy food? Why were the cafeteria chairs so uncomfortable? Why did he have a splitting headache from Seungkwan and Hoshi's arguing? 
"I hate my life," Wonwoo muttered under his breath. 
Mingyu poked Wonwoo in the side. Wonwoo slapped Mingyu's hand away.
"What do you want?" Wonwoo snapped. Mingyu discretely pointed at Junghan and Joshua on the other side of the table.
Wonwoo looked over at the two boys. Junghan was talking, not really paying attention to Joshua, who was practically sitting in Junghan's lap. He had his chin resting in his palm, his head all up in Junghan's personal space. He was a lock of Junghan's hair in his other hand. Joshua was completely absorbed in whatever Junghan had to say.
Wonwoo gagged. What was Joshua doing? He knew that Joshua and Junghan were close, but not THAT close. 
"Huh, GAYYY," Mingyu whispered in Wonwoo's ear. Wonwoo shrugged his shoulders, the closest thing that Mingyu would get to a laugh out of him.
"Shut up, Mingyu, you stupid ."
S.Coups stared at the ceiling. He couldn't fall asleep. All he could think of was Junghan. Not like anything was new.
But he had been thinking all day about it, and had realized that Junghan's hair made him look super mega ultra y. Even more y than before. S.Coups smiled to himself. 
"I love you, Junghan," he whispered before falling asleep.
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Chapter 8: WAHAHAHA! IDK if I should take this semi-retarded Seungcheol seriously! LAUGHING SOOOO HARD WITH YOUR NATURAL HUMOR! KEKEKEKEKEKEKE TEEEHEEEE
Chapter 8: Why you aint updatin?! I love this! :((((
Holy eu chapter eight got deep
Chapter 6: I needed this. I really really did XD
Chapter 5: The suspense is killing me
사랑해 동생
Chapter 1: What even is this?? XD I ask my sister to write me a Jeongcheol at 11:00 last night and a an hour and a half later this is born. Oh sis I wanted something fluffy but you know what this is better XD
kyungielovev #8
Chapter 1: wow s.coups really insane.. but i TOTALLY love this. i wonder what happen next. love ya~<3