Getting ready for the Party.

I wanna say "I Love You..."

Juliette's POV

     "Where am I?" I asked just as I woke up.

     "You've been out for 3 days..." said the doctor.

     "When do I get out of here."

     "Most likely tommorow..."

     "What happened?"I asked.

     "Umm, you fainted in the men's restroom, and this nice man named Key carried you here. That's a nice boyfriend you got." the docter winked.

     "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND! I HATE HIM!" I yelled. The doctor hid her face behind her clipboard.

     "Ok, ok..." she said. "You have homework to do before you go..." Then she carried a stack of stuff to do. What is she, my mother? After a long today of homework and studying, Tiffany came over to visit with alot of gifts and presents.

     "Thank you Tiff, you don't really need to do that... I'm out of the hospital tommorow."

     "Tommorow the school has a day off for cleaning. So me and my girls are going to take you to the mall to get you a dress for the backstage afterparty at the MusicBank!"


     After waking up and doing the final checkup, I got to go. Tiffany took me home to get dressed and waited for the other girls. The "girls" was the whole SNSD team.  We went into this bus that looked like a limo to go to the mall.

     "Our special mission..."Tiffany announced."Is to get Juliette a dress! Understand?"

     "Ne!" they answered.

     "Guys! Hands in the middle... one...two...three...FIGHTING!" The bus stopped and we got out of the bus. We were split up into teams and was sent off. I was with Tiffany...of course. We went to from this store to another. My assignment was to sit there, so I basically play fruit ninja on my iTouch 4s for the whole day. The best thing that day, was lunch. When we waited for everybody to come, I went to the arcade room and saw Taemin. Taemin saw me and greeted me.

     "Hello noona! You look familar... Aren't you the one that hated Key-umma? Hi I'm Taemin!"

     "Umm... hello. I'm Juliette..."

     "OH! So you were the transfer student too!"


     "That's cool... nice to meet you!" Then Taemin took a sip of banana milk and continued playing his game. I returned and saw everyone there with bags in their hands.

     "Hey guys! Got anything for me?" I asked.

     "Of course! Let's go to our makeup room to dress up!" Sunny said.

     "But, I'm kind of hungry."

     "Oh yeah! We forgot about lunch! Let's eat!" Then we sat down at a Japanese restuarant and ordered food. The team decided to order for me because they said that "I needed to get in shape. So all I got is salad. While we were eating, I saw people screaming.

     "Oh! There's SHINee coming in!" Taeyeon said.

Key's POV

    "Today is a good shopping day!" I exclained holding bags and bags of clothes. We were walking around in sunglasses getting chased by fans.

     "Let's go eat!" said Onew.

     "Already? I'm not hungry." I answered.

     "I AM!" they all said.

     "Where's Taeminnie?"

     "At the arcade."

     "No, I'm right here!" he said running to us.

     "There you are... are you hungry?" I asked Taemin.

     "Ne!"he exclaimed.

     "Fine, let's go eat." I said giving up. We went into a Japanese restuarant and saw SNSD sitting at a table with Juliette.

     "SHINee!" Yoona yelled. "Sit next to us!" We came and I sat right next to Juliette because the others took up the other spaces.

     "Hi Juliette." I greeted her. Everybody was staring at us.

     "Hi." she grunted. I saw Taeyeon whispering something to Onew.

     "You look pretty today." I said.

     "I hate you." she whispered.Then she didn't say anything else. After everyone was all full, we had to go to a fan signing event and we said goodbye...


Juliette's POV 

    After eating we went to the SM building and went to the SNSD makeup room. I tried on different dresses and finally, they found the 'perfect' one.


   "Isn't that kind of short?"

   "It looks cute on you!" Sunny said.

   "Today's mission..." Taeyeon said.

   "SUCCESS!" we yelled. We had 2 more days until the party. Tiffany was going too with the team to sing "The Boys" at the Music Bank. I don't know what am I feeling right now... 


LALALALA.... GOOD STORY...Thank you for subscribing and commenting! 



Hello everyone~ If you haven't noticed, I'm the editor for this story~ kekeke. Because my dear friend sometimes needs help with grammar. xD Have fun reading~ And I'm sure some of you guys are wondering this too, but Author-shi, how can you be in the hospital for 3 days just because you saw a guys thingy? LOL. -MochiSaurx Image Detail

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Chapter 27: Update soon, please! ^_^
Please update!
Kikwangwifey #3
Update please
Mianhe!!! I have been on hiatus for a while now.... I know ... School is tiring me out... I will try to update!^^
lollipop #5
please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm really interested in this plot!!!!!!!!!!

i hope hyuna will stop destroying the couple anyways

please update!!!!! aigoo I CAN't WAIT!!!!
Sweet_Heart #6
omg now this is interesting!jejeje~update more please~
Ashyunchick20 #7
Hello hello ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can please check out my fanfic 'bout Shinee :D
Thanks ^_^
Didnt I just did? I will try my best to update faster... Sarnghae too! (No homo. ;))
SARANGHAE~ <== Im straight~! i just mean i ♥ ur ffs ><
ottoke~!! YOU HAVENT UPDATED >:)
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