The US

I wanna say "I Love You..."

Julitte's POV

    It's Christmas break! These past few weeks had been dissapointing. Each time I see Key, he tries to avoid me. When I go to sleep, he shows up in my dreams. I've been trying to figure out what to do, but it's been pretty tricky. Then, I decided to go back to the Americas to see Jay Park.

    "Are you sure?" Tiffany said. "You are Jay Park's girlfriend?"

    "Ne. I'm going to California to visit him. I'm gonna visit my parents while I'm there."

    "That's so cool!"

    "Will you take care of things when I'm gone?"

    "Of course! I'll make it squeaky clean when you get back!"


    "No problem! I'll always will be on your side!" So then I packed up and went to the airport. I'm not sure this is a good idea... What if he died? What if he forgot who I am? What if he moved? I walked into the airplane and waited for the plane to take off. Then, I remembered the first time I saw Key. Key isn't here to hold my hand anymore... When the plane took off, I closed my eyes and pretended that Key was next to me. But when I opened my eyes, I didn't see him anymore. After sleeping for what seemed like a gazillion hours, I woke up with someone shaking me awake.

    "Ma'am? I am so sorry if I destroyed your dream, but we had arrived." the young boy said.

    "Thank you!" I said. I quickly got off the plane and breathed in freash air. Finally, home sweet home... *cough cough* It's pretty cold outside though, so I gotta get home fast. I called a taxi (which took forever) and arrived home (30 minutes later...).

    "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I said opening the door.

    "Juliette!" Mom cried. "I missed you so much!"

    "Mom! It's only have been 3 months!" I laughed.

    "Did you stay safe?" Dad asked. "Did you remember to use protection?" (A/N: teehee! so funny! Had to say that!)

    "I'm fine, Dad!"

    "I'm just making sure! I can't have a grandchild before marriage you know... Kids these days..."


    "Well, I'm gonna go meet Jay Park. It's a suprise."

    "OK! Have fun!" says Mom.

    "Ne!" I said. It will be good after all.....


I'll update soon... gotta go! I LOVE SHINEEEEEEE!!!!

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Chapter 27: Update soon, please! ^_^
Please update!
Kikwangwifey #3
Update please
Mianhe!!! I have been on hiatus for a while now.... I know ... School is tiring me out... I will try to update!^^
lollipop #5
please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm really interested in this plot!!!!!!!!!!

i hope hyuna will stop destroying the couple anyways

please update!!!!! aigoo I CAN't WAIT!!!!
Sweet_Heart #6
omg now this is interesting!jejeje~update more please~
Ashyunchick20 #7
Hello hello ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can please check out my fanfic 'bout Shinee :D
Thanks ^_^
Didnt I just did? I will try my best to update faster... Sarnghae too! (No homo. ;))
SARANGHAE~ <== Im straight~! i just mean i ♥ ur ffs ><
ottoke~!! YOU HAVENT UPDATED >:)
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