I Feel So Bad...

I wanna say "I Love You..."


     Juliette's POV

     "My bracelet!" I cried. It was from my ex-boyfriend Jay Park.

           2 months ago...

     (At Yellowstone Park in Cali)      

       "Juliette," Jay said."You know I love you...right???"

       "Of course!" I answered.

       "I have a gift for you. Close your eyes..." I closed my eyes and felt his breath against my skin. He held my hand and slipped something on my wrist.

       "Open your eyes." he said. When I opened them, I saw a bracelet that caught my eyes. It was a silver  charm bracelet that had a small heart chain that said my name. When I flipped it over it said,"I will always love you...No matter what... JP<3" I gave him a big hug and we both went sightseeing. It was honestly the best day ever.

        Before Leaving to Korea

       "Meet me at Yellowston Park at 6:30 JP..." I texted Jay Park. It was the face off. I can't bear to keep this a secret... 10 minutes later, he showed up.

       "Hey Julie!!!" Jay ran and gave me a big hug and kissed my forehead.

       "Hey..."i replied.

       "What's wrong?" Jay's smile drained from his face.

       "Did I do anything wrong?"he asked.

       "No...no it's not you...I...I wanna say something..."

       "Go ahead...I won't be mad..."

       I sighed and said,"Let's break up!"

       "What??? Why? Is it because of me? I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jay began to hug me.

       "It's not you... it's me that I should say sorry!!!" I cried grabbing his back.

       "We were supposed to be together...forever...!"

       "If we don't break up...it,it will hurt you..."

       "Why?" he asked.

       I took a breath and sighed. "I'm leaving tommorow to Korea...I'll never will see you again! So from now on I will forget about you and we will go on our seperate directions...""Then, I pushed him away...

       "Goodbye Jay-hyung... It's not good to stay here for long."

       "Don't go like that...It breaks my heart."

       When I began to part him, he ran to me and holded my hands. Then he slowly kissed me in the lips... It was sweet but I knew I will get carried away, so I let go and ran to my car...

       "I will never forget you Juliette! I will wait for you! I will always love you!!!" he yelled. I saw him kneeling down to the ground crying out my name. It began to rain .I the engine and pressed hard on the gas until I didn't see his face. Then I stopped the car and cried...                                                                                                                 

       It was the end for both for the both of us...I thought. It is over... I will never know a guy named Jay Park again...


You like??? I thought so.... More Drama next time... Jay Park GIf... enjoy!!!


Next week kay??? Subscribeeee nowieee!!!! Lalalala~~ Please give me some feedback and what i should add....






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Chapter 27: Update soon, please! ^_^
Please update!
Kikwangwifey #3
Update please
Mianhe!!! I have been on hiatus for a while now.... I know ... School is tiring me out... I will try to update!^^
lollipop #5
please update !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm really interested in this plot!!!!!!!!!!

i hope hyuna will stop destroying the couple anyways

please update!!!!! aigoo I CAN't WAIT!!!!
Sweet_Heart #6
omg now this is interesting!jejeje~update more please~
Ashyunchick20 #7
Hello hello ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can please check out my fanfic 'bout Shinee :D
Thanks ^_^
Didnt I just did? I will try my best to update faster... Sarnghae too! (No homo. ;))
SARANGHAE~ <== Im straight~! i just mean i ♥ ur ffs ><
ottoke~!! YOU HAVENT UPDATED >:)
Komawo! Thanks subscribers! Please comment and subscribe! chu ..