Chapter 2

I'm Not Crazy

“Why did you kill Mr. Kim?”


Kyungsoo shrugged, staring at the decorations that was hanging in the room. He was in some officers’ office, with another officer who had a gun in his hand. There were many pictures of the officer with a young american girl, with Kyungsoo assumed to be the officer’s wife.


“Please, Mr….” he looked over at his partner, who shook his head. “Tell me, Mr…”


“Do, Do Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo said, smiling at the officer “I have to say, your wife is extremely beautiful.” he said, pointing his head to the pictures on the wall.


The officer pulled at his collar. “That isn’t my wife.”


Kyungsoo looked down at the man’s wedding ring and narrowed his eyes at the confession. If Baekhyun and Chanyeol were here, they would have definitely slapped the man for being a cheating bastard.


The officer’s partner huffed in annoyance. “Please Mr. Do. If you cooperate with us it will make it easier for both you and me. Now tell us, what made you kill Mr. Kim?”


Kyungsoo looked up into the officer’s eyes, then simply stated “Baekhyun and Chanyeol told me to, so I did. I trust their judgement.”


The officer looked confused at Kyungsoo’s words, so he decided to continue on. “Baekhyun and Chanyeol are my best friends. I’ve met them when I was nine years old and ever since then I didn’t need anymore friends.” he explained.


The officer stared at him for a moment, like he was unsure of how to react, before smiling at the boy and closing the notebook that he was writing in.


“Now Kyungsoo, usually you would get in trouble if you do this, but you’re very…. special.”


Kyungsoo looked up and beamed at the compliment. His parents also called him special, but they were his parents, so they don’t count.


The man leaned over to talk to his partner quietly, and after awhile, Kyungsoo grew restless.

“I’m boreddd…. When are we going home? I wanna play…” he whined.

The officer’s partner took a deep breath “You’re not going home, Mr. Do.”

Kyungsoo scrunched up his eyebrows. “Why? I want to go home though.”

“We want to help you, Kyungsoo,” the officer said “this is the only way that will help you become.. a better person.”

“But I’m a great person! Baekhyun and Chanyeol says so!”


The two officers pulled Kyungsoo up, not even bothering to reply to the killer.


“Where am I going?”


“You’ll see.”




The first thing Kyungsoo sees when he steps out of the car is heavy black gates surrounding what looks like a worn out hospital. The building’s grey exterior was peeling, several windows were broken and there was just a dreary vide around the area.


Kyungsoo scrunched up his nose as he was led to the front gate. It smelled rancid, like the body of man that attacked him. Gross. He wished Baekhyun and Chanyeol were here with him. The officers were no fun. He tried to play with him on the car ride, but they just ignored him which was incredibly rude of them. They should have been honoured that he even wanted to talk to them, Kyungsoo thought snootily.


“Here you are.” The officer next to him said, snapping him out of his thoughts.


Kyungsoo looked up at the rusty metal doors that was the front door of the building. He shivered as a icy breeze brushed past him, and he already knew he didn’t like this place. The hand that was holding his bag tightened, when suddenly a short boy with a chubby face pokes his head out, a cute smile on his face. 


“You must be the new kid! I’m Xiumin and I’m so so so excited to get to meet you!” The boy squealed, much like a five year old child. Kyungsoo groaned, where was Baekhyun and Chanyeol when he needed them?


The officer nudges Kyungsoo towards the boy, before backing up and almost running towards the car. Kyungsoo looks back at Xiumin, before being pulled into the building. 


“Where are we going?” Kyungsoo yelled out, surprised that such a tiny boy could have such strength.

“To your room! You don’t have to worry, I’m not interested in kidnapping you or anything!”


The pair turned down a hallway, and Kyungsoo was met with rows and rows of doors, each one different on its own. Xiumin suddenly stopped in front of the door, which had 26. Do Kyungsoo, Schizophrenia engraved onto the metal sign plate that hung there.


Xiumin handed a key to Kyungsoo, who proceeds to open the door to the room, which consists of a mental single person bed, a dresser, a rusty old mirror, and a small bathroom. There was only a small window at the top of the room, and Kyungsoo grimaced at the sight. He turned around to look back at other man in the room, asking “What am I doing here?”


Xiumin blinked at him. “You don’t know why you’re here?”

Kyungsoo shook his head. “They only told me that this place will make me a better person.”

The chubby boy laughed out loud at what Kyungsoo told him, dancing around on the spot. “Well, my friend, if you really didn’t know, you are currently in the infamous Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital, or in other words just a run down building for cuckoos like us.”

“But I’m not crazy!”

Xiumin turned around and looked Kyungsoo straight in the eye, a deadly glare that seemed to look straight into his soul. “Everyone here is crazy, and before you know it, you’ll turn into one of us.”




“There are a lot of unwritten rules in this asylum. There are almost no caretakers, and the big boss only steps in when something major as happened. there are some people that you absolutely have to avoid, while others…..” 


Kyungsoo yawned, propping his head on the lunch table as he listened to Xiumin lecture him about the do’s and don’ts of this hospital. He looked around the canteen, scanning the small groups of people to see if there was anyone here that seemed normal and would actually be worth his time.


“Luhan! Chen! Over here!”


Kyungsoo looked up to see a boy and a girl walking over to their table. They sat down, smiling at Xiumin before turning to the new boy sitting next to them. 


“Who are you?” The boy asked, squinting his eyes at Kyungsoo.

“Kyungsoo, I’m new here.”

“Chen, and this is Luhan.” the boy gestured to him and the girl.

“Luhan? Isn’t that a—”

“I’m a boy.” the “girl” interrupted, giggling at the shocked look etched onto Kyungsoo’s face.

The three of them chuckles, before changing the subject.

“So which room do you stay in?” Chen asked.

“Room 26.”

Luhan and Chen looked at each other, a wary look on their face.

“You better be careful, Kyungsoo”

“Huh? Why?”

“You’re area of the halls are, let’s say, more dangerous than it meets the eye.”

“What do you mean?”

Suddenly, a burst of flames erupted from the corner of the canteen, and Luhan leans over, whispering “You live across from the most dangerous person in this asylum. The pyro.”




YAY UPDATE! Kind of sad Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn't show up in this chapter ㅠㅠ but they'll come back later! Currently writing the next paragraph so suscribe to continue reading~~ I'm really nervous to know what you guys think about my story... writing multi-chaptered fics is kind of hard for me so hope this is okay! Hope you guys enjoyed this!

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Chapter 7: You know i gotta wonder..
I think Kyungsoo is aware that Baekyeol are not real yet he doesn't do anything about it, as a matter of fact i think he indulges their existence which makes the schizo increase but he has control over it. But because he is aware he doesn't like it so maybe that is why he 'lets' it take over him (in a sense) so he isn't seen as 'normal' cause he believes that anyone who can't see them is stupid which makes him a genius ...
turtleo3o #2
Chapter 6: I just realized Baekhyun and Chanyeol were part of his imagination xD!!! I actually thought they were there I love this!!!
Chapter 6: They're all kinda twisted in their own way, but this is pretty good. Take your time. ^-^ I know how hard writers' block is to get over.
Chapter 5: Oooo, huh, I guess Minseok is still stronger than Kyungsoo, but Kai is stronger than him. I wonder why Kai is being so sweet, haha. Great chapter. ^-^ I can't wait for more.
Chapter 5: I thought Kyungsoo was going to actually kill Xiumin.. I got scared for a second XD
Chapter 4: This is really good. I want to know what happens next. So, Kyungsoo is schizophrenic? I actually thought Chanyeol and Baekyhun were real. It makes more sense why they don't talk to anyone, except Kyungsoo now. Update soon. I really like this. ^-^ The dark themes are pretty good.
Chapter 3: OOOOOOOOO please continue I wanna see more