No time for games.

I need you

It's been two days since you've been to work. Now of course you want to ask ___________ if he went into the room. That wasn't supposed to happen. You tried to ask him everytime you saw him but he would avoid you. He even went into the men's bathroom to get away from you. Knowing that you'd ask he kept running away and it made it difficult for you to even get near him. After a while you got tired of his games and just stopped. You knew how stubborn he was, obviously. After about a week or so, _________ still didn't want to talk to you about what happened in the office. You didn't want to bother with him so you too avoided him. The things that he wanted in the house weren't included, but that was only because the house wasn't ready. You were going to play with him until he gave up. 

Bias: Um.. What is this..? Where is the stuff I wanted?

You: Oh. I didn't like them. I don't think we should put them in yet. 

Bias: Wae?

You: Hmm, because I wasn't sure it went with the theme. 

Bias:... Aren't you taking this too far?

You: No. It's just getting started. See you later. 

Bias POV:

YAH. WTF. She's messing with me. I need to cool it. If I give in too fast she'll know I still love her. UGH. How fustrating. 

Your POV:

Aigoo. Shouldn't have messed with me. Poor thing. Brat. 

As the day comes to an end, you get into your car leaving ________ feeling dumb about the whole thing. _________ kept thinking to just tell you the next day. He felt the guilt. He knew he had to tell you sooner or later that he did go to the room and did talk to Jae-Young. But you knew you wanted him to say it so you test him and avoid him as much as you can. You arrive at Jae-Young's school and get him into the car. The ride home was quiet because he was really tired and had to catch up with his other classmates. 

Jae-Young: Omma, look at this! I made it for you :)

You: Woa, thank you. It's the best gift I've ever had. :)

Jae-Young: Neh. Omma, did you talk to appa today?

You: No I didn't. I didn't see him all day today. He wasn't helping today. 

Jae-Young: Eh? Wae? Isn't he a man?

You: *chuckle* Hmm. Neh but he didn't feel like helping omma. 

Jae-Young: Aigoo. When I grow up, I'll make sure to take of you with my future wife. 

You: Neh. Future wife you say? 

Jae-Young: Neh. I have to have a wife when I grow up!

You: Wae? *chuckle*

Jae-Young: Hmm, because she can do the house work and help me take care of you too. 

You: You're so sweet. Kaja. We're home at last.

You and Jae-Young get inside the house and get ready for dinner. Since he is the only one in the house with you, he helps cook, clean, and other chores you do. He is a very hard working little boy and you hope when he gets married his wife will love him till the end. When you look at him you see ________. It's not a bad thing, but it reminds you of him. You're pretty mad at him for being a brat about seeing Jae-Young. But you can't doing anything about it until ________ tells you about it. Which makes you more mad cause he's actign like he doesn't know.

Jae-Young POV: 

I wish appa would come home more. I haven't seen him ever since I was born. I wonder if something was wrong.I miss appa even though I've never met him.. I love omma very much. I need to help her get appa to come home!

Being home with just Jae-Young brings you a lot of joy. But at the sametime, you feel guilty because Jae-Young doesn't know his dad, ________ very well. Since they've never met it really does make you feel guilty that you see him everyday and he has no clue. You don't know when to tell him because you are afraid to. Of course you shouldn't but with such a busy schedule and moving into the new house you didn't want to separate him from the other members. This was one of the hardest things you've ever done but you knew that you had to tell ________ about Jae-Young before he grows up. Then he'd basically grow up without a dad and you never wanted that for you son. I mean 5 years apart was bad enough. You didn't want any more time away. You've thought about it and had to make a decision. It was a hard one but you knew what to do. Tomorrow was the day you go to the new house and the boys would be there too helping out. It was busy but you thought if you told him there it would be better since he'd be living with them anywho. You're biggest fear was how he'd react and what he'd do.



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Pandabearsareawesome #1
This story is good. It'd be nice for longer chapters though, Keep it up