Leaving Him

I need you

Ever since you and _______ began dating he got busy with his singing. You supported him at first but then you were sad that you could never see him as offten as you'd like. Although he came to visit you here and there, it wasn't for a very long time before he had to leave. They had a tour coming up and you didn't want to be alone while he was gone. You wanted to go but you knew you couldn't. You loved him very much but you didn't know he you could keep up with it anymore. The last day you saw him was the day you broke up with him. That same night you guys had and it was very good . You knew though that he was going to leave soon and left him. You felt bad and you knew both you and ___________ would be heart broken because of course, you loved each other. Since there wasn't time to see each other though, you knew you had to leave. It was also hurting your relationship with him. Talking and texting on the phone of course everynight but it wasn't enough. On the day you left was also the first day of the tour. They obviously had started in Seoul. You went to the concert and only saw his face.You could tell he was in pain but he had to work hard for the concert. They sang "I Need U' as the last song and you felt that he was singing to you. When he realized you were in the crowd he only looked at you. As he sang, you knew it was towards you. Once it was done, you walked out crying but carefully so no one could see. __________ ran out and tried to see if you could see you. He did but he knew if you went up to you nothing would change. It wasn't long before he saw you walk away and he dropped to the ground on his knees and started to tear up too. You looked back and cried. Walking to your house was a long walk and you were too hurt but you knew it was the right thing to do so he could become a great singer.

Your POV:

Why am I here..? It hurts just to even see him. I need sometime away. Maybe it's because I know I'll miss him when he's gone.. Pabo, I love you.. Do well on tour. See you later. This isn't goodbye. I'll be here waiting. I guess I should go home now. The concert is over and it's really time for him to leave. Hope he'll become a great singer after this. It'll be years bfore we see each other again.

Bias POV:

I see her.. Is that really her? I'm singing this song.. Why at a time like this? Well anyways.. This is for her. I hope she hears me out on this. She'll know my feelings right? I love her... But I should let her go.. I need to become great so I can come back and see her again. Yebo I know you're listening, please don't tell me goodbye yet. It'll get better once things past. Don't leave things like this. I love you. I hope to see you again.

Since that day, you started to do start you own life with someone else. The band had gotten more popular. You had kept up with it but school (college) was keeping you from checking everyday. You've studied into the bussiness world. You knew that once you have, you'd become important in all the industires including music. Being able to find you career was easy for you to forget but you also had to think about someone else that was with you in your life. It was a blessing for you but you had felt bad for ________ because he doesn't know anything that had happened after the tour(s).


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Pandabearsareawesome #1
This story is good. It'd be nice for longer chapters though, Keep it up