Wayvten (62 wayvten stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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被爱扑倒的我|Overwhelmed By Love

By Bussbin Updated
Tags  lovestory   ten   kun   wayv   wayvkun   wayvten   tenkun 
Characters 李永钦Ten 钱锟Kun
With 6 chapters, 30 views, 12 words
Status Completed

*Only扑,全文1w+。 *人类李永钦Ten×生日精灵Kun。 *ooc预警!算是救赎文?


By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  ten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henten 
With 22 chapters, 33 subscribers, 4900 views, 21 comments, 78 words
Status Members Only

继子亨x小爸钦  含其他cp


By nevermind1013 Updated
Tags  ten   nctten   tenxyou   wayv   wayvten 
Characters Ten 李永钦
With 8 chapters, 3 subscribers, 290 views, 1 words
Status Members Only

ten你伪骨科——“有缘分相爱,没名分相处,偏偏最相配。” 我心甘情愿地被囚禁在以李永钦为中心,以未来为半径的圈套里。


By outtamymind Updated
With 17 chapters, 2 votes, 2 comments, 38855 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

李永钦x你 黄昏

By kkkkksn Updated
Tags  ten   tenxyou   wayvten 
Characters ten
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 610 views, 33 words
Status Completed


李永钦x你 |初 见

By ckkkkkkkk8 Updated
Tags  ten   tenxyou   wayvten 
Characters ten
With 1 subscribers, 270 views

一些夢女病犯了的產出 存一下 或许有续集 但大几率没有

心墙 |疼你

By mynameswendy Updated
Tags  tenchittaphon   tenxyou   wayv   wayvten 
With 3 chapters, 2 subscribers, 650 views, 2 comments, 39 words
Status Members Only

金融留学生我✖️艺术系疼(后画家) 梦女文产物,occ致歉,小学生文笔🙏 希望大家看的开心🤲

李永钦X你 Paint Me

By 18811795729 Updated
Tags  ten   nct   nctten   chittaphon   nctxyou   tenxyou   wayv   wayvten   tenlee   wayvxyou 
With 2 chapters, 17 subscribers, 5540 views, 1 comments, 25 words



By nikannikan Updated
Tags  wayvkun   wayvten   tenkun   allkun   allkuntenkun 
Characters 1200
With 3 subscribers, 3500 views, 1 comments, 8 words


李永钦x你 逃学

By kkkkksn Updated
Tags  ten   tenxyou   wayvten 
Characters ten
With 390 views, 52 words

一篇和我们钦钦哥哥的伪骨!是一碗糙米饭但是请吃吧~ 谁不想和永钦来一段违理的爱呢…

李永钦x你 |别害怕与蝴蝶同谋

By wiwi0808 Updated
Tags  ten   nct   nctxyou   wayv   wayvten   wayvxyou 
With 4 subscribers, 1290 views, 2 comments, 4 words



By Whoops_ Updated
Tags  wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henderyxten   henten 
Characters ten hendery
With 2 comments
Status [M]


By itsruined Updated
Tags  wayvten 
Characters Ten
With 1 chapters, 180 views, 13 words
Status [M], Completed

【all ten】宠儿

By summerzip1998 Updated
Tags  ten   winwin   hendery   wayv   wayvten   henderyxten   allten 
With 7 subscribers, 1700 views, 2 comments, 8 words
Status [M], Members Only


By yangroufen Updated
Tags  ten   winten   yangten   wayvten   tenkun   henten   xiaojunxten 
With 1 chapters, 11 subscribers, 3730 views, 4 comments, 6 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only

all ten

By zunziyangyang Updated
Tags  wayv   winten   yangten   wayvten   tenkun   henderyxten 
With 1890 views, 6 words
Status Members Only

all ten

《食髓知味》HENTEN ABO设定

By VVIC045 Updated
Tags  markchan   nct   nctten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   wayvten   henderyxten 
Characters TEN HENDERY
With 13 subscribers, 7300 views, 2 comments, 92 words
Status [M]


By VVIC045 Updated
Tags  nct   nctten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henderyxten   henten 
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 2730 views, 1 comments, 46 words
Status [M]

《Birthday gift》henten 18🚫

By VVIC045 Updated
Tags  ten   nct   nctten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henten 
Characters TEN HENDERY
With 7 subscribers, 5520 views, 46 words
Status [M]


By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  ten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henten 
With 2 chapters, 4 subscribers, 1160 views, 3 comments, 3 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By ychl0505 Updated
Tags  wayvkun   wayvten   tenkun 
Characters 李永钦 钱锟
With 11 subscribers, 4660 views, 3 comments, 40 words

疼锟 架空,ooc,勿上升 类似db小组帖 再次提醒,架空,超级ooc,勿上升   上


By ychl0505 Updated
Tags  wayvkun   wayvten   tenkun 
Characters 李永钦 钱锟
With 2 subscribers, 1170 views, 28 words
Status Completed

困第一人称视角,5k+一发完 因为一部分是去年写的所以可能和其他部分不太连贯T T 很多地方自己也不知道自己在写什么,看得下去的话真的很感恩!感谢阅读~ 10.9二编,增添了部分内容和修改了细节~!


By ychl0505 Updated
Tags  wayvkun   yangxiao   wayvten   tenkun 
Characters 李永钦 钱锟
With 5 subscribers, 5310 views, 5 comments, 24 words
Status Completed

主疼锟,含焦,注意避雷 校园paro,ooc,勿上升 8k+一发完,感谢阅读


By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  ten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henten 
With 2 chapters, 3 subscribers, 1320 views, 3 comments, 25 words
Status Completed, Members Only


【亨钦/崇】Lan Thom

By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  ten   johnten   nct   nctten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   yangxiao   winten   wayvten   jungkun   henten   jaehyunxxiaojun 
With 38 chapters, 43 subscribers, 6330 views, 12 comments, 445 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By TheWhite_19 Updated
Tags  ten   hendery   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henten 
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 1230 views, 54 words
Status Completed, Members Only



By Joe921 Updated
Tags  nct   nctten   wayv   wayvten   tenlee 
With 2 subscribers, 1820 views, 1 comments, 70 words


《败火》henten 18🚫

By VVIC045 Updated
Tags  nct   nctten   wayv   wayvhendery   tendery   wayvten   henten 
With 1 votes, 21 subscribers, 10740 views, 2 comments, 15 words
Status [M]


By Xing_Nct Updated
Tags  ten   nct   wayv   wayvten   tenyou 
Characters ten
With 1 chapters, 4 subscribers, 2570 views, 2 comments, 41 words

GL 有角色性转 疼为女性

【疼你】《Lust For Life》

By Joe921 Updated
Tags  nct   wayvten   tenlee 
With 1350 views, 29 words



By renrenyi Updated
Tags  nct   wayv   wayvten 
With 540 views, 3 words

*威人群像ooc 2w *亨钦 亨羊 港昀 *没有明确的感情线 隐隐约约  *流水账       董思成听见楼下有人唤他名叫他下来玩扑克,开了窗朝着无花果树喊了句等我,就匆匆跑下楼。长在七十九号楼门花坛的老树据说是捡破烂的李老头儿在九九年种的,每逢入夏就能瞧见枝头上坠着如灯笼的碧绿果子,穿坎肩的老太婆们往筐里扔果子,小孩们疯闹后大汗淋漓就摘几个解渴。 黄旭熙一到夏天就穿得和放牛似的,胳膊肘和脸蛋儿被晒得如抹了鞋油似的。他一看董思成来了头也不转地就喊:"思成都下来了,冠亨你到底找到没有啊?真磨叽。" 因为深夏早被老婆们摘个干净片甲不留,结果就是啥也没捞着。藏在无花果叶后男孩儿探出头来,先咬牙切齿地敲了黄旭熙的脑后勺,后扭头就对董思成甜甜一笑说:"本来想给你摘几个无花果吃,结果都被偷光了!" 黄旭熙吃痛的捂着脑袋骂黄冠亨:“你是真的翻脸比脱裤子还快。”黄冠亨没稀罕理他,振振有词地说


By taety127 Updated
Tags  johnny   ten   nct   nctu   nct127   wayv   wayvten 
Characters Johnny,ten
With 2 chapters, 5 subscribers, 4150 views, 1 comments, 25 words


[疼锟]暹罗红宝石 The love of Siam(正文全文)

By Zincs10 Updated
Tags  ten   dongren   markchan   kun   nct   johnil   dotae   yuwin   nctdream   renhyuck   jisungxchenle   yutaxwinwin   jenoxrenjun   kunten   sungchen   wayv   wayvkun   yangxiao   wayvten   tenkun   yangyangxxiaojun   windery   winwinhendery   winhen   zincs10   wayvtenkun 
Characters 李永钦 钱锟 Ten Kun
With 10 chapters, 3 votes, 1 comments, 828 words

The Unsolvable

By Hesitant_skeleton Updated
Tags  roommates   sherlockau   slowburn   nct   kunten   wayv   wayvkun   wayvten 
Characters Qian Kun, Ten Lee
With 2 chapters, 2 subscribers, 3724 words

Kunten Sherlock AU, I just got the idea bc of one of my fave fic writers. 


By Zincs10 Updated
Tags  ten   kun   wayv   wayvkun   wayvten   tenkun   zincs10 
Characters 李永钦 钱锟 Ten Kun
With 18 words

【注:部分名词后有注解,如果错误请见谅。很短。随吃点。 现实向,纯属虚构,请勿上升,有问题的话建议直接骂我。】


By kjmsupremacist Updated
Characters kun, ten
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 3 subscribers, 1350 views, 1 comments, 4952 words
Status [M], Completed


By Zincs10 Updated
Tags  ten   kun   kunten   wayv   wayvkun   wayvten   tenkun   zincs10 
Characters 李永钦 钱锟 Ten Kun
With 2 subscribers, 28 words


make your day

By InfiniteWoonique Updated
Tags  fluff   johnny   mpreg   birthday   parenthood   ten   johnten   nct   nct127   toothrottingfluff   establishedrelationship   wayv   wayvten 
Characters Johnny and Ten
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 72 subscribers, 940 views, 3 comments, 5776 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Ten wants birthday cake for breakfast and Johnny blames it on his pregnancy cravings

A Lucas Fanfic | If You Could

By Saebism Updated
Tags  lucas   nct   wongyukhei   nctlucas   lucasxoc   wayv   wayvten 
Characters LucasxOc , Ten, Kun, Yangyang, WinWin, Hendery, Xiaojun
With 1 chapters, 6 subscribers, 350 views, 1644 words
Status [M]

Companion of Tomorrow

By osaka_prince_yuta Updated
Characters WayV Kun, WayV Ten, WayV WinWin, WayV Lucas, WayV Xiaojun, WayV Hendery, WayV YangYang, WayV Louis, WayV Leon, WayV Bella, Reader
With 1 chapters, 1 subscribers, 180 views, 5822 words

A happy, dreamy morning spent cuddled up to your longtime boyfriend until someone does something remarkably stupid. As the loud bang rattles the windows, you rush from your room into the kitchen where you find three boys standing around in astonishment and one crying on the floor.

I hate that you're happy (NCT Ten Fanfiction)

By laidbacknewbie Updated
Characters NCT and OC | Ten | Gong Jinsil (oc) | Jung Jaehyun | other OCs
With 9 chapters, 2 votes, 28 subscribers, 1000 views, 14 comments, 30513 words
Status Members Only, Subscribers Only

"I hate that you're happy..."   He met her when they were sixteen, then everything followed right after.    Falling in love at such a young age, the two thought that everything were all smiles and unicorn only to be proven otherwise when they came across the real world after college.    He was always busy, and she got bored.   She met him when they were sixteen, then everything followed right after.    She thought

Minute By Minute

By Warriorsqueen Updated
Tags  ten   tenchittaphon   winwin   sicheng   dongsicheng   wayv   wayvten   wayvwinwin   winwinxten 
Characters winwin, Ten
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 380 views, 2 comments, 1555 words
Status Completed

An reincarnating immortal and a vampire meet in a bar...

Touch Me In The Dark

By Warriorsqueen Updated
Characters Hendery, Lucas, Ten
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 530 views, 1 comments, 3015 words
Status [M], Completed


By Kimkay Updated
Characters Lee Know x You x Ten x Taeyong
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 610 views, 2 comments, 4897 words
Status [M]

break my heart again - Lee Taeyong

By tyongxnct Updated
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 163 subscribers, 1690 views, 3 comments, 14905 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Handsome Jerk

By 2PM2PM2PM Updated
Characters NCT/WayV Ten & Lucas (+possible minor appearances by others from the NCTverse)
With 11 chapters, 19 votes, 75 subscribers, 4630 views, 21 comments, 17607 words
Status [M], Completed

The Infernal Bastards

By cerberos Updated
Characters Lucas, Ten, Rose, Jungkook
With 5 chapters, 8 votes, 87 subscribers, 1980 views, 4 comments, 13033 words
Status [M], Members Only

Silent Bullets

By bluexlily24 Updated
Tags  jaemin   mafia   taeil   johnny   jisung   jaehyun   lucas   jungwoo   yuta   taeyong   mafiaau   jeno   got7   ten   marklee   doyoung   johnnyseo   yangyang   winwin   kun   nct   nctten   moontaeil   nctmark   ncttaeil   nct127   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   xiaojun   hendery   wayv   wayvten   nctmafia 
Characters NCT, GOT7, OC's
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 550 views, 1756 words

Corruption within in the government exists everywhere and your job as a cop is to bring them down But when you find out your own boss is one of the corrupt, what do you do? He sent you on a job to bring down the mafia, but you realize he was goi

Inside The Castle Walls

By orange_tree_7817 Updated
Tags  mystery   psychological   romance   boyslove   nct   tennct   winwinnct   wayv   wayvten   wayvwinwin   winwinxten 
Characters Winwin, Ten
With 4 chapters, 400 views, 4648 words
Status Completed

Two Strangers in a foreign land find something in each other.

Until Death Do Us Apart.

By _breadman Updated
Tags  nct   ncttaeyong   wayv   wayvten 
Characters NCT Taeyong, WayV Ten
With 110 views, 902 words
Status [M], [TW], Completed, Members Only

The Secret Between Us - [CHANBAEK-LUTEN] ENG VER~~

By Junijuni96 Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol x Byun Baekhyun (CHANBAEK), Lucas x Tenlee (LUTEN) , Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin, Mark Lee and another cast...
With 1 chapters, 46 subscribers, 540 views, 2896 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

The Secret Between Us - [CHANBAEK-LUTEN]

By Junijuni96 Updated
Characters Park Chanyeol x Byun Baekhyun (CHANBAEK), Lucas x Tenlee (LUTEN) , Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin, Mark Lee Cast lain menyusul..
With 1 chapters, 6 subscribers, 460 views, 1 comments, 2581 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

I Love You, Giant baby~ [LUTEN]

By Junijuni96 Updated
Characters LUCAS X TEN [Huang Xuxi x LiYongqin]
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 90 subscribers, 1600 views, 1 comments, 1734 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Ten felt proud and touched when he saw his handsome boyfriend 'Lucas' crying on the stage during the Beyond live concert, Lucas expressed his great love for WayZenNi who always supported WayV. Then what happens after the concert?   This is a Short of a sweet story between Lucas and Ten, the night after doing beyond a live concert...

Lust Talk

By definitely_cute Updated
With 2 chapters, 3 votes, 138 subscribers, 1650 views, 2 comments, 6797 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

When Ten was Jealous~~ [LUTEN]

By Junijuni96 Updated
Characters LUCAS (Huang Xuxi) x TEN (Li Yongqin) /LUTEN Couple
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 178 subscribers, 1410 views, 4707 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only