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yuenqi #1
Chapter 22: 求老师更新教程…
thouluka #2
Chapter 22: 老师啊求求了再更一章吧 看不到后续我身上有fsh在爬啊啊啊啊
kasosak #3
Chapter 20: 还会更新哦吗,好喜欢
Chiww_ #4
Chapter 20: 还有后续吗老师!!写的太好了呜呜
2Au2H2O #5
Chapter 9: 烟花很漂亮………太浪漫了呜呜呜呜
thouluka #6
Chapter 20: 老头再见~
Rikisoo #7
Chapter 17: 太好看了!!
thouluka #8
Chapter 17: 完蛋了误会大了(看得好焦急)
thouluka #9
Chapter 13: 啊啊啊啊啊你说你惹他干嘛!!!
Bi8bo88 #10
Chapter 13: 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊刺激!