Chenlexjisung (17 chenlexjisung stories)

Hey, florist

“At kung marunong kang mag-alaga ng mga halaman, puwede bang alagaan mo na rin ang puso ko? May ugat din naman iyon!” ¡! winrina / jiminjeong one shot au

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Welcome to our Home (An NCT Dream Vampire AU - Canon Compliant) Humor, Romance, and Drama ;)

By Demitria_Teague Updated
Tags  jaemin   realityshow   supernatural   vampires   humor   romancecomedy   jisung   minorangst   canon   mark   jeno   socialmedia   canonau   haechan   nctdream   chenle   markhyuk   nomin   renjun   nctau   chenlexjisung   norenmin   blooddrinking 
Characters NCT Dream
With 19 chapters, 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 3450 views, 2 comments, 39917 words

New chapter up, and more coming soon, they're already written ;) - Inspired by NCT Dream's reality show, 7llin' in the Dream - with a Supernatural TWIST: The Dreamies get to film a reality show for the fans, and most importantly, they get a vacation before the ne


By Glutinousrice Updated
Tags  chenlexjisung   sungchen 
With 1 comments, 26 words
Status Completed

Dream的成员对于钟辰乐和朴志晟吵架已经见怪不怪了。忙内line在还没有成为情侣之前也三天一小吵两天一大吵,说吵其实更像是钟辰乐单方面生朴志晟的气,不过小孩气性大,常常上午吵完下午两个人又手挽手高高兴兴地一起去训练。成为情侣之后吵也是吵,但比之前的朋友关系多了一项议程——   “呀!朴志晟!过不下去了,分手吧!”   李帝努有点担忧地看了一眼黄仁俊,这个和当事人之一来自同一片神奇土地的中国人从容得有点格格不入。感受到李帝努的眼神,黄仁俊还能淡定地安慰他:“没事没事,中国好多情侣吵架也经常说这话,但没有几对真的分手了……jeno晚上吃什么?我和扬扬他们去海底捞。”    不靠谱的仁俊哥。靠谱的李杰诺叹一气,迎面撞见辰乐气呼呼地出了练习室,白净的小脸拉老长。小狗下意识地往辰乐身后看,诧异地发现今天他身后居然没有平常那个手足无措追过来要和好的小尾巴。     刚刚还心大的黄仁俊都觉得有些不妙了:“今天Jisung怎么没有过来啊?不是这俩孩子闹这么大别扭啊?”他边说着边推推李帝努,“Jeno你去看看星星现在还好吗,我去

The Untold Tales of the NCT Dreamies (Insert Shenanigans Here)

By Demitria_Teague Updated
Characters NCT Dream
With 3 chapters, 1180 views, 7284 words

THE Dreamies live in modern South Korea, but leave the human things up to the humans. They're too busy creating their own magic and not-magic chaos at home, in a forest, in a magic bookstore... basically wherever they go.

Midsummer Night

By oh-Kay Updated
Tags  boyxboy   jisung   chensung   chenji   nctdream   chenle   chenlexjisung   jisungxchenle   jichen 
Characters Jisung, Chenle, Renjun, Mark, Haechan, Jeno, Jaemin
With 2 chapters, 1550 views, 1 comments, 1765 words

Jisung is a neurodivergent dance major at the Seoul Institute of Arts who's not looking for a friendship, yet alone love. Not until he meets a Chinese film student in his acting class.

恋爱三十题 星辰

By butteredcatt Updated
Tags  chenlexjisung 
With 4 subscribers, 4790 views, 3 comments, 34 words

#无脑甜 没有逻辑 没有意思 #三十题题目来源于网络 #留学生AU    1.相识  钟辰乐和朴志晟是在朋友的酒局上认识的。酒局散了之后俩人在一起在路边打车,寒暄地聊了几句,居然发现住在同一个学生公寓的同一栋楼里。各自在心里感叹怎么从来不知道自己公寓里居然有这么合自己眼缘的帅哥,回家的路上互相怀揣着些不可言说的小心思。   可能是视网膜效应或者别的什么奇怪效应,莫名奇妙地,之后的偶遇就变多了,偶然乘到同一个电梯的次数变多,去公寓楼下的Lidl超市碰到的次数变多,在校车点坐校车偶遇的次数也变多,一来二去就搞到一起了。   2. 牵手 第一次牵手是确认关系的第二天,俩个人互相都害羞,明明暧昧的时候饭也吃了,图书馆也约了,电影也看了,游戏也玩了,酒也喝了,反倒确认关系后却不好意思约见面了。前一天确认关系实在太心动,聊天框里一时间沉默了小半日。  

摔碎深蓝 星辰

By butteredcatt Updated
Tags  nctdream   chenlexjisung 
With 3 subscribers, 2440 views, 125 words

#人类x虚拟人 #排雷预警: (某种程度上的)Love triangle/Main character death/Sentimental/OOC #灵感来源于听不懂现象论而神游的技术哲学课     ** 如果虚拟足够真实,它可以代替真实吗? 如果虚拟足够真实,我们还会需要真实吗?   ** Lewe死了。   Lewe是朴志晟的男友。他是个宇航员,在一次壮烈盛大的星际探索任务中牺牲了。举国上下的新闻媒体都在报道这件事,大家都在为此哀悼惋惜,连总统都亲问了几位牺牲英雄的家属。 朴志晟穿着一身纯黑的西装,面色苍白,捏着一张巨额的赔偿金支票,双目失神地在受慰问队列最右侧。总统手里举着一束白色的雏菊,虔诚地站在祭奠碑前鞠了三个深躬。“伟大的宇航员们离开了,但是他们的冒险精神永垂不朽!”总统举着喇叭向人群呼喝着,现实中的哀悼仪式以此为结束。 绝大多数事不关己的人们

Kiss me, kill me

By MarkHyuck_IsReal Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   renmin   nct   nctdream   renjun   chenlexjisung   jaeminxrenjun 
Characters NaJaemin HuangRenjun
With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 184 subscribers, 3540 views, 3 comments, 3807 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only, Subscribers Only

How did we end up here? (Yuwin)

By Bambamthedablord Updated
Characters Lee Mark, Dong Sicheng, Nakamoto Yuta, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong, Moon Taeil, Doyoung, Lucas, Yukhei, Jungwoo,
With 9 chapters, 10 votes, 71 subscribers, 2630 views, 11 comments, 8704 words

stars are wormholes in the sky

By -heibai Updated
Tags  fantasy   friendship   jisung   chensung   nct   nctdream   chenle   chenlexjisung 
Characters Jisung & Chenle
With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 14 subscribers, 1630 views, 7 comments, 12365 words
Status Completed, Crowdfunded

  _ _ _   “When it is nighttime in your world, and it is the lightest day of the year in mine, that is when I will give you a visit.”


By IAmELF08 Updated
Characters Park Jisung and Zhong Chenle
With 1 chapters, 11 votes, 4170 views, 17 comments, 6166 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

Jisung's Mom sent him to a camp during the school break before he starts 9th Grade as a punishment for being a class troublemaker for 2 consecutive years in Middle School. He then meets a person in the camp that would spark a change in his life. A ChenSung One-Shot Fanfiction.  

NCT Dream OneShot`s

By Hyoongs Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   chensung   mark   jeno   donghyuck   markhyuck   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renle   renjun   chenlexjisung   chenhyuck 
With 2 chapters, 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 1510 views, 3 comments, 2985 words

Just a Bunch of NctDream Oneshots! Feel Free to send me a request per Message or leave one in the comments! MemberXMember only


By DoyoungRuinsMe Updated
Tags  jisung   chensung   nctdream   chenle   chenlexjisung 
Characters chenle, jisung, renjun, donghyuck
With 1 chapters, 8 votes, 34 subscribers, 2290 views, 6 comments, 2485 words
Status Completed

The only thing worse than having a crush is having a crush on your best friends brother. AKA - Chenle is loud, Jisung is whipped, Donghyuck is horrible at giving advice and Renjun is stuck in the middle of it all

The life of Park Jisung

By Blancalill Updated
Tags  jaemin   jisung   chensung   jeno   nct   nctdream   chenle   chenlexjisung   nctjisung   jisungxchenle   nctchenle 
Characters Park Jisung, Zhong Chenle
With 1 chapters, 9 votes, 234 subscribers, 2960 views, 10 comments, 1405 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

A young boys search for his soulmate.


By pearlyaccio Updated
Tags  jaemin   jeno   donghyuck   marklee   nctdream   renjun   chenlexjisung 
Characters Mark, Jeno, Haechan, Renjun, Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung, NCT
With 14 chapters, 27 subscribers, 2700 views, 2 comments, 3436 words

letter lands in front of their house.   “be ready for the first session, huge white house at cornata street no. 7, xoxo.”