LUO HUAYU IS READY FOR WAR (very incomplete)

战争 rebellion
application for war

Birthday: 11/07
Age: 22
Ethnicity: chinese
Caste: middle

luo huayu 落花雨
"i will perish before i let anyone else kill me"

appearance and fashion:

- faceclaim: wu qian


- positive:
- negative:

- she's sort of naive but also shrewd and knows her way around businesspeople. she acts like a young child but is able to read the atmosphere and knows how to act in different situations. though sometimes she has temper tantrums, she usually knows when people are being rational. she's sensitive, especially about her background, and tends to be reserved around strangers. she doesn't trust easily, but when she does, she does completely.


- she was born in the Zhong Region to merchants. They owned a small teashop on the outskirts of a big city, so she grew up seeing all sort of people. Her parents never believed in religion and thought that the emperor made it up so that he could control the people more easily. they were very vocal about this.

- when she was 12, her parents died under mysterious circumstances. huayu grew up with a family friend, seunghyun, who also did not believe in religion. he was a travelling mercenary and taught her how to use a sword. they travelled around doing .

- she knew she needed to bring down the emperor for killing her parents, but over the years, her anger diminished, and she thought she might end up becoming a mercenary as well. then seunghyun died too, and she saw the telltale symbol of the emperor on the killers robes, and blah blah blah

- tbd


song seunghyun : mercenary : middle class : 8/10
- he basically raised her blah blah blah

annie's character haha


- ziying - chinese jian


agility: 8/10 speed: 7/10 stealth: 8/10

i'm very tired and lazy but this is the general gist + pls elaborate some


1. Introduce yourself.
- hi, i'm luo huayu

2. Why do you want to overthrow the emperor?
- he killed everyone i've ever cared about

3. Why should we let you join us?
- i'll kill him for you lmao

last comments

like tihs, i've just deleted the love interest section because i didn't want it lmao


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yamitan7 #2
Ermm..... My rushed baby is here XD
mello_marshmallow #3
It's finally done. Here she is.
here she is. i hope everything is okay and let me know what needs to be changed!

messy girl coming your way watch out :D