
#ae5e5c #bf807e #d0a2a0 #7f413f 
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the color scheme is lowkey trash asdfghjkl hopefully it's all just legible at least. 

update: edited my own photos. hopefully the faceclaims are correct! if not, just let me know! now i'll work my way through all of the apps-
 first year undergraduate
 international business
9:00am - 9:50am
   College Writing: Process & Structure

11:00am - 11:50am
   Intermediate Japanese 1

1:00pm - 1:50pm
   Introduction to Advertising

2:00pm - 2:50pm
   Introduction to Business

5:00pm - 6:00pm
  Community Service - Zion Home (Orphanage) 

9:30am - 10:45am
   Calculus for Business

2:00pm - 3:15pm
  Historical Disputes Among East Asian Countries

5:00pm - 6:00pm
  Community Service - Zion Home (Orphanage) 
9:00am - 9:50am
   College Writing: Process & Structure

11:00am - 11:50am
   Intermediate Japanese 1

1:00pm - 1:50pm
   Introduction to Advertising

2:00pm - 2:50pm
   Introduction to Business
9:30am - 10:45am
   Calculus for Business

2:00pm - 3:15pm
  Historical Disputes Among East Asian Countries

9:00am - 9:50am
   College Writing: Process & Structure

11:00am - 11:50am
   Intermediate Japanese 1

1:00pm - 1:50pm
   Introduction to Advertising

2:00pm - 2:50pm
   Introduction to Business

9:00am - 11:00am 
Community Service - Angel House For the Disabled

being a freshman daseul has four classes that are general prerequisite classes. the other two classes are prerequisites for her major and minor. she's at the maximum limit of 18 credits (she originally only wanted 15, but her parents pushed her into 18 credits).

*i took some class names from SNU and i tried to follow the prerequisites needed for a business administration major at SNU (here and here)
daseul's bedroom is more girly than it is neutral. she loves her pinks and has pink accents with gray and wood tones to balance the room out. her desk serves as both a place to study and as a vanity that she can do makeup at. her rooms is always tidy and when it's not it's usually because she's too stressed out to care. in front of her bed sits her closet space. her closet was specially build and installed as she wanted a closet that has mirror doors.

baby of the dorm; being the only freshman in the dorm it makes daseul the youngest. thus, she automatically is considered and treated as the baby. she is often teased about her cry baby nature and anything the other roommates find teaseable.

jack of all trades (not really); since daseul is the baby of the dorm, she is often asked to do all sorts of random tasks. the tasks assigned to her are often duties that the other roommates don't want to do, such as washing the dishes, taking out the trash, mopping the floor etc. she doesn't mind being told what to do because she just wants to be helpful. if being helpful is doing what she is told then she won't argue.

the advice giver/the rock; even though daseul is the youngest, she is oddly sought out for advice. she credits this to her ability to view a situation from all points of view. she doesn't mind giving advice, but she always warns whomever that is receiving the advice that she is not responsible for any of the (negative) outcomes if they decide to follow her advice. if the outcome is a positive one, daseul will be lowkey try and take all the credit. 

daseul is also 'the rock' of the dorm as she is willing to listen to all of her roommates problems and issues. if they don't need or want advice, she won't say anything, she'll only listen to them for as long as they need. she doesn't mind because she wants to know what her roommates are going through as she's curious about their lives.

the nosy one; daseul is the nosiest roommate. if one of her roomies is getting ready, she only a step away. she'll be asking all kinds of questions. "why are you getting ready?" "where are you going?" "how long will you be gone?" she has a bad tendency of always wanting to know where her dorm mates are. she isn't afraid to blow up their phone or the group chat if they don't return an hour or two after the time they said they would return.

daseul who?; a good 60% of the time daseul is out of the dorm. she's always around in the early morning and in the late evenings, but is typically not found during the actual day. she is often the first person out and the last person to come home. when she's out, she's normally on campus with her friends or she is in seoul somewhere. it's not that she doesn't like the dorm because she absolutely loves the dorm, she just likes to be out in "nature" and likes to hang out with friends.

daseul the homebody; when daseul is home (and is not supposed to be in class) it's usually because the weather outside is bad (raining really heavily, extremely snowy etc), she's having a bad day (or a bad week), she's extremely sick, she's on her period, or all her friends are busy. she normally spends an equal amount of time between the main area and her room.
in the main area she will typically be found on her laptop, ipad, or phone. she'll either be watching random videos (which you will know because she'll be giggling or crying) or she'll be trying to do homework (because she can't focus in her room).
if she's not on a piece of technology, she'll be watching an animated movie on the tv. if it's not an animated movie it's some sort of cartoon.

when her roommates have guests over, daseul can't help herself and almost always figures out a way to get herself introduced. after she is introduced to the guest she does retreat to her bedroom where she'll give her roommate and their guest space. 

 daseul's door policy; how she has her bedroom door is a sign of when it is okay and not okay to bother her
 closed door; she prefers to not be disturbed unless absolutely necessary. you must knock when her door is closed all the way. if you do not knock she will get angry, but won't tell you because she's a coward. if you come during this time she won't turn you away. she also asks that whoever comes in closes the door on their way out. times when her door is closed: 
- she's on her period and doesn't want to be bothered.
- she's hard core cramming for an exam.
- she's having a bad day and would rather not talk.
- she's talking on the phone with a friend, family member, hyun ( buddy) or jinyeop (growing crush).

slightly ajar door; she is trying to focus, but doesn't mind if people disturb her. she also asks that those who come in reposition the door to how she had it when they leave. times when her door is slightly ajar:
- studying or doing hw that isn't a life or death situation
- cleaning or reorganizing her room
- she's journaling in her personal journal

wide open door; anyone is allowed to come in and out as they please. times when her door is wide open:
- she's binge watching animated movies (she'll let anyone join!)
- she's planning in her planner
- she's folding laundry
- painting her nails or doing a face mask


bedroom door left openshe prefers people to not come into her room when her door is closed, but won't turn them away. all she really wants is for you to close the door when you leave.

❋ no knockingshe doesn't like it when people come into her room without knocking. she also sometimes leaves the bathroom door unlocked when she's in a hurry to use the toilet and it only makes sense to knock on the bathroom door before opening it, right?

❋ spills, drops and food crumbs with no clean up; if you spill something, even if it's a tiny drop or if you drop noticeable crumbs of whatever you're eating, she asks, basically begs, that you clean it up. 

large piles of dishes
she understands that everyone is busy, so she doesn't mind small piles of dirty dishes. she herself is busy and is often out of the house, so she will leave small piles of dirty dishes in the sink every now and then. however, she will always come back and clean them once she gets home. when dishes start to pile up she doesn't understand how it can get that bad especially if people are home. 

trash tetrisif the trash is full, just take it out. she really hates it when people continue to try and shove trash into an already full trash can because she is the one that usually takes it out.

leaving food outthe kitchen is small as is, so when people leave food out on the counters it makes it nearly impossible to use the kitchen. plus, leaving things like eggs, milk, meat or anything that needs to be refrigerated is nasty. 
 her hair is EVERYTHING. gosh. short hair is so attrative right now, might just cut my own hair- 
❋ she has so much energy!! but i really do enjoy it <3
 is she... is she really older than me? i swear she could be my age- ouo

 she's my best friend in the dorm regardless of if she wants to be or not. 
 she's always there when i need help with my writing class. i must repay her with her favorite things!
 still cannot believe that she's older than me!!

 the first one daseul opend up to about her lack of a vision for her future and passion. 
 she often bothers inha if she needs help with her writing class homework (if not inha then hiroto).
 she gushes about notebooks, journals and journaling supplies (pens, stickers, washi tape etc.) with inha.
 if daseul is in the dorm and she's bored and inha is home, inha is the first person daseul will go and bother.
he really pretty. like handsome pretty. 
❋ oh he's japanese! maybe he can help me with my japanese!
❋ oh but he's a quiet one..
❋ at least he's super nice. the quiet mean ones are the scary ones-  

THOUGHTS ABOUT AKIYAMA :  ❋ don't let his quiet facade fool you, he's a wild one xD i love it though.
❋ i love having heart-to-hearts with him. <3 he's super open minded and understanding. 
❋ he's also super nice about giving me feedback on papers and when i have questions about japanese. gah, i love my roomamtes.

❋ hiroto is the second person daseul visits when she needs help with her writing class papers. 
❋ she frequently visits him with questions regarding her japanese homework.
❋ the second person daseul opened up to about her lack of a drive for business and her worry for her future.
❋ he was the first one daseul open up to about hyun and their complicated relationship. she would have gone to inha however she doesn't know why, but her heart told her hiroto was the person to go to. (oh she is no longer the innocent baby he knew-)
❋ she gave him the nickname "sweet onion" because he has a lot of layers and a sweet onion (over other types of onions) because he's sweet. 


here required but would be nice if there are a few things here


not required but would be nice if there are a few things here 


not required but would be nice if there are a few things here
woojae? as in the dynasty group jung woojae? he's the heir to one of the largest corporations there is- ouo

he's so handsome. i can sort of understand why girls are all over him now that i see him in person.

oh- he's also really nice. like he's not a cocky cold business man that some rumors have said he is. 

breaking news people! i have breaking news! he's extremely nice and calm, but is the most talkative person i've ever met (besides chanwoo). who knew he'd be a talkative one??

he's the big brother  i never had. i secretly wish that he was my real older brother- 

best person to bother when i'm bored (besides inha) because he's willing to do anything. 


being the closest to age with daseul, daseul has an unspoken comfort when around him. plus, they have a similar background of coming from money because of their parents companies.
they bicker a lot regardless of time and place and if you didn't know better, you'd think they were actual siblings. arguing then acting like nothing happened.  
she has a love hate relationship with how protective he is over her. she likes that he cares about her, but at the same time there is no need to glare at every boy she talks to.
although they come from similar backgrounds of money and family companies, the two don't talk about it or mention it. they'd rather focus on other topics. 


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