⋆ make -or- break! the birth of a star | the story of characters name!


username ⋆ nickname

Character name


// Nickname  explanation
// Nickname  explanation


// Language  explanation
// Language  explanation


ETHNICITY [ ⋆ ] Write here
NATIONALITY [ ⋆ ] here
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ⋆ ] cm & kg
BLOOD TYPE [ ⋆ ] Write here

FACE-CLAIM [ ⋆ ] name
BACK UP [ ⋆ ] name

APPEARANCE [ ⋆ ] is anything different from her face claim? scars, piercings, tattoos, etc

FASHION STYLE [ ⋆ ] links or description. either is fine, both is better

180*200NAME [ ⋆ ] write here
D.O.B [ ⋆ ] write here
BIRTHPLACE [ ⋆ ] write here
HOMETOWN [ ⋆ ] write here

180*200STAGE NAME [ ⋆ ] if any
POSITION [ ⋆ ] write here
BACK UP [ ⋆ ] write here

SINGING [ ⋆ ] talent twin
DANCING [ ⋆ ] talent twin
RAPPING [ ⋆ ] talent twin

PERSONA [ ⋆ ] Write here

TRAINEE YEARS [ ⋆ ] Write here
TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ⋆ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis. 


// write here if any
// write here


// write here if any
// write here


// write here if any
// write here

PERSONALITY [ ] write here a list of qualities and flaws

// Develop on the personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum et dolor non rhoncus. Vivamus rutrum sem elit, at fringilla ex placerat a. Suspendisse pulvinar fermentum risus ut rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam eget risus condimentum, fringilla urna eget, congue sapien. Cras tempor augue tristique metus iaculis, a hendrerit tellus posuere. Nullam cursus ante ac est porttitor rutrum. Nullam porttitor vestibulum neque dictum aliquam. Sed non justo nisl. Ut ultrices est tortor, quis pretium mauris finibus vitae. Morbi ut ante id purus egestas pulvinar id luctus turpis. Nulla in mattis lacus, ac aliquam erat. Cras sed neque rhoncus, viverra ligula non, ultricies sapien. Aenean in facilisis purus, vitae placerat enim. Morbi malesuada ultricies vehicula.

BACKGROUND [ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis. Ut posuere eros sed magna hendrerit mollis. Proin sit amet accumsan augue. Mauris tempor laoreet auctor. 

LIKES [ ⋆ ]

// write here
// write here
// write here


// write here
// write here
// write here


// write here
// write here
// write here

TRIVIA [ ⋆ ] 

// write here
// write here
// write here

FAMILY [ ⋆ ]

// Relation, name age alive or dead occupation personality relationship with your character
// Relation, name age alive or dead occupation personality relationship with your character
// Relation, name age alive or dead occupation personality relationship with your character


// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character
// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character


// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character
// Relation, name age occupation  personality  how they met  relationship with your character

PERSONALITY [ ⋆ ] Write here the personality of the first love interest

RELATIONSHIP [ ⋆ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

HISTORY [ ⋆ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis. 

STATUS [ ⋆ ] the status of their relationship. not many idols have public relationships however and the girls do have a dating ban (2 years from their debut date) but not a lot of idols listen to that.

OTHER [ ⋆ ] trivia, etc.

180*200NAME [ ⋆ ] write here
OCCUPATION [ ⋆ ] write here
D.O.B [ ⋆ ] write here

180*200NAME [ ⋆ ] write here
OCCUPATION [ ⋆ ] write here
D.O.B [ ⋆ ] write here

PERSONALITY [ ⋆ ] Write here the personality of the second love interest

RELATIONSHIP [ ⋆ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

HISTORY [ ⋆ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis. 

STATUS [ ⋆ ] the status of their relationship. not many idols have public relationships however and the girls do have a dating ban (2 years from their debut date) but not a lot of idols listen to that.

OTHER [ ⋆ ] trivia, etc

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ⋆ ] write here


// write here
// write here

PASSWORD [ ] Write here 



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There really messy sorry I'm depressed atm lol. I've pmd you extra info I didn't put in the apps
hyemicloud #2
Finally done! :D Here's my circini Leader, hope you like her! :3

For me it's still the 28th so I didn't actually need that extension, heh. I'm sorry because it's another Draconis app, but I started working on this lovely lady when Draconis only had one applicant, and suddenly two others appeared, in a row... I hope you like her anyway!

I made it! I hope you like her and it's not too much ;;
I hope you like this lovely princess!

Not sure if I'll still apply for cygni but for now here's my app for draconis!
I made the changes hope you'll like her
I really hope you like my Areum!
Here is Hyemi! I hope you like her
