《 ♫usic 》Kim Mirae

K♪mmi - Kim Mirae
alateni | 10/10
FULL NAME: Kim Mirae (김미래)
K♪mmi (stage name)
Mimi (English)
→ Mirai/未来 (Japanese)
 Examirae (a mix of her name and "examiner" as she often helps trainees before their monthly evalutions)
BIRTHDATE: July 17, 1994 (21)
BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY: Korean-Japanese
LANGUAGES: Korean (native), Japanese (fluent - her mom is Japanese)

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FACECLAIM: Twice's Mina
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 167 cm (5'4) | 45 kg (100 lbs)
→ Mirae is a very small boned, fragile looking girl. She's on the shorter and lighter side, and seems almost fairy-like. Her complexion is smooth and pale, akin to a porcelian doll, and she has dark brown eyes. Mirae has a habit however, of using coloured lenses (even though she doesn't need glasses) and her favourite colour to sport is a dark green. She also likes to dye her hair a lighter shade of brown rather than keeping it the almost black shade it normally is. Mirae is very slender, but, unfortunately, has a lack of "assets". In any case, Mirae doesn't let this bother her and is proud of her body. She won't stand for anyone making fun of how dainty she looks and helps her close friends and family if they have any type of body acceptance issues.
→ Mirae usually wears tight fitting or elegant clothes. She doesn't really like to wear oversized shirts or baggy pants because of her bone structure (she always ends up looking like she's drowning in them). She has a thing for cardigans however, so that's the only larger clothing she'll wear. She especially likes to wear heels (to make up for her height) and has a variety of shoes both at the dorm and her house. As her clothing choices tend to be simple, Mirae makes up for it by adding a lot of accessories, to the point where her necklaces and bracelets end up in the other trainee's drawers.
→ Normal:    
→ Exercise:   

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+ persuasive | analytical | loyal | protective | independant
- guarded | cold | insensitive | lonerish | stoic
→ Mirae is a bit difficult to get close to. She is very guarded and strikes back at people if she feels even a little bit threatened. She doesn't get along with the younger trainees that well as she's not used to having a younger figure around. Mirae sometimes doesn't understand why some people don't see things the way she does and often hurts people's feelings by calling them "stupid" because something is obvious to her isn't as obvious to them. As such, Mirae is somewhat of a lone wolf. She doesn't interact with new trainees or strangers much and prefers to keep to herself in her studio. Mirae also dislikes it when people tell her what to do, especially when she knows full well what she should be doing, so she'll often run off by herself to cool off.
→ However, that's not to say that Mirae isn't a good person. Once past her walls, Mirae turns into an extremely loyal and protective friend. As not many people have the determination or will to look at Mirae closer, Mirae holds her friends close to her heart. She drops everything to answer a friend's call and will often put others before herself. Mirae is also an analyst. After observing a situation, she finds it but a simple task to see where the faults are and how to fix them. Because of this, many trainees approach her to ask her for help before monthly evaluations. This has earned her the title of "Examirae" which the trainees and staff sometimes refer to her as.
→ Mirae was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. She always had a talent for singing so her mother signed her up for singing classes. Having been in choir in both elementary and middle school, Mirae began making her own songs in her second year of middle school. She begged her parents for a better computer and illegally downloaded a music software and, ever since, has spent all of her free time mixing and creating musical tunes.
→ Mirae also knows how to play both the guitar and piano. She had taken piano lessons ever since she was a child (around the same time she started singing lessons) and picked up the guitar in high school. In order to have a larger range of instruments while producing music, Mirae also began learning the flute. She hopes to move on to the violin sometime in the future and is talented with instruments in general (she easily learned how to play the ukulele after teaching herself the guitar).
→ Being a pretty average student in school, Mirae found no problem with skipping classes to train at the company instead. Often skipping three to four days of school a week, Mirae has a bit of a rebellious streak. As such, even during training she'll skip out on lessons in lieu of going to the store, taking a nap, or just to work in her studio ("personal training" she calls it). Now that Mirae has graudated high school, she has no plans to attend any university and pretty much stays at the company full-time (other than the occassional days she'll leave go places without telling anyone).
LIKES: music | coffee | bunnies | rainy days | cookies | high heels
DISLIKES: schedules | authorative figures | the ocean | snakes | herbs | baggy clothes
HOBBIES: producing music | napping | people watching | reading | online shopping
→ doesn't look people in the eye while talking
→ plays with her accessories
→ constantly pushes her hair behind her ear
→ ties her hair up and then takes it down minutes afterwards when thinking
→ doesn't know how to swim
→ has never gone to a house party before
→ had her first kiss in second grade as a dare
→ wants to move to Japan with her family when she's older
→ would like to have two kids, one older brother and a younger sister
→ wanted to be a teacher when she was younger
→ plays a total of 5 instruments (drums, guitar, piano, flute, ukulele)
→ her favourite colour is a soft yellow
→ when asked if she had to choose between left or right she replied, "straight"
→ is extremely awkward with anyone born in 1997 and after (there are a few exceptions)
→ prefers to practice in her socks instead of shoes
→ takes her roughly 30 minutes to get out of bed but 15 minutes to get ready
→ showers last because she takes up all the hot water
→ her ideal type is someone who knows when to leave her alone and when to force her to go outside
→ has an irrational fear of staplers
→ surprisingly good at aegyo and fanservice
→ her favourite subject at school was history
→ has an unrivaled love for pork bone soup and ramen
→ her Japanese name, 未来, means "future"
→ interested in acting but is worried that she won't be able to portray the character properly

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→ Kim Natsuki | Mother | 47 | Nurse - Natsuki is sweet, kind-hearted, but naive. When Mirae announced her dream to become an idol Natsuki immediately agreed and supported her idea. She doesn't mind that Mirae might not be able to support them (something Youngho is worried about) and is simply happy that Mirae is following her dream. Natsuki wanted to be an animator when she was younger but her parents convinced her to find a more stable job instead so she fully supports Mirae's dream.
→ Kim Youngho | Father | 49 | Accountant - Youngho is ambitious, intelligent, and strict. He had always been against Mirae's rebellious and lone wolf ways and his distaste for these habits only increased when Mirae became a trainee. He was hoping that after a couple years she'd see that it was worthless but with Natsuki's urging and the company's training, Mirae only flourished. Youngho is not against Mirae's dream, but he is worried about her future and if she will be able to support herself much less her parents. As of now, Youngho is watching Mirae from behind the scenes and seeing whether or not she will prove strong enough to debut.
→ Tanaka Suzuki (田中鈴木) is a trainee at Yunrae. Suzuki and Mirae entered the company and trained together for a brief period before Suzuki decided to go into modelling instead. She is still part of Yunrae but won't be debuting as an idol. Nevertheless, Suzuki was Mirae's first and best friend at Yunrae. Suzuki is bright, cheerful, and oblivious, a large contrast to Mirae's own personality. Despite their differences, Suzuki pestered Mirae until she broke down her walls and became friends. Now two peas in a pod, they make up for each other's faults and are one of the closest friends at Yunrae.
→ Hong Sariel is Mirae's childhood best friend. He is Korean-American and was originally born in New York. Having came to Korea when he was 12 (first year of middle school), he didn't have many friends despite his good looks and friendly personality. Him and Mirae became friends after Mirae heard him singing during lunch and they became inseperable. Mirae and him sang many covers together for their school festivals and constantly critiqued each other's voices. Although Mirae went off to become a trainee, Sariel found his calling as a YouTuber and posts many covers, original songs (occassionally produced by Mirae), and vlogs online. As he is close to Mirae, he also gets to know many other idols and invites them onto his show (both English and non-English) causing him to increase in popularity.
→ Lee Hongbin from VIXX. Yunrae used to be part of Jellyfish Entertainment and although she kept to herself even then, she managed to befriend Hongbin through a series of awkward and weird events that both of them never speak of (it involves walking in on Ravi half- and being stuffed underneath a desk). Hongbin is Mirae's brother so to speak and although she had a small crush on him in the beginning, their relationship is purely platonic.
→ Maknae of Cosmos. Mirae was almost 100% sure she'd debut as part of Cosmos since she was one of the oldest trainees at Yunrae until the final line-up was announced. Seeing her name not on the list, Mirae was devastated. She knows that she probably shouldn't let such a simple thing get in the way of her relationships with her coworkers, but Mirae can't help but feel jealous towards Cosmos' maknae in particular. Mirae was older than her, and she should've been the one to debut first but she tries not to let her emotions show. She still treats the maknae coldly however, even after getting to know the other members and producing their debut song.

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STAGE NAME: K♪mmi | Kim Mirae - Kimmirae - Kimmi | Suzuki came up with it | The duo's name is ♫usic (pronounced music), with the single bar note as the 'M' so when they promote solo, the incorporate the eighth note into their stage name to show that they're fine on their own but together they're perfect
PERSONA: The Elegant Star
POSITION: lead vocal, producer
→ vocal | Suhyun | AKMU
→ dance | Krystal | f(x)
TRAINEE YEARS: 3 years at Jellyfish + 2 years at Yunrae = 5 in total
→ Mirae was scouted for Jellyfish at her middle school festival. She had sung a cover of a song with her friend and was contacted by an agent after the performance. Entering the company without her parent's consent, Mirae easily flourished under the harsh training. She continued to improve her voice and was even given her own studio when her talent for producing shone through. Mirae was very reserved however, and didn't interact much with the other trainees. As such, she was jokingly referred to as the "ghost of Jellyfish" as almost no one saw her and only heard her working late at night. It wasn't to the point of being bullied, but with the competition between trainees, the other teenagers found it easy to exclude and wish for Mirae's failure during monthly evaluations as they didn't know her personally. She didn't mind however, as she knew she would be able to past the evaluations no matter what.
→ Mirae also started working on her dancing while in Jellyfish. In this aspect, Mirae was faced with many challenges. She had basically no experience with dancing and had to work extremely hard to learn even the simplest choreographies at first. It got to the point where Mirae worried she'd have to drop out of Jellyfish because of her dancing. Luckily, it was at this point where Mirae met Hongbin and he helped her with her dancing, often staying after his own practice to give her pointers. Under his watchful instruction, Mirae began to find dancing easier and even took interest in jazz. After Hongbin helped her with dancing, Mirae began to develop feelings for him. She kept them quiet however, as Hongbin was busy with his own activities and never found the time to confess. Eventually, Mirae realized she saw Hongbin as more of a brother than a lover so she told him the truth about her feelings and they became good friends after the tears and emotions had been shed.
→ When Mirae's father found out about her trainee life at Jellyfish, he was furious. Mirae had told her mother about it before, and she had been supportive, even to the point of keeping it hidden from Youngho for months. Youngho eventually allowed Mirae to continue being a trainee but Mirae ended up dropping out of Jellyfish after her first year of high school due to stress (her father wanted her to think about her career path closely and told her to work harder in school). After going into a slump for half a year, Natsuki convinced Youngho that allowed Mirae to be an idol was worth the potential disappointment. Finally giving his approval, Mirae perked up and looked for another company. She immediately applied for Yunrae (which she found by chance) and picked up where she left off.
→ appeared in VIXX's hyde and and Voodoo Doll MV's as main female lead
→ VIXX's Hongbin and an unnamed trainee are dating? | False | Jellyfish Entertainment denies the claim but Mirae and Yunrae Entertainment get scrutinized by staying silent; people look into Mirae's MV appearances
→ YouTuber Sariel has a girlfriend? | False | Sariel is gay and tells the media about their friendship; videos of Mirae singing at their school festivals go viral
→ Producer Mirae bullies Cosmos' Maknae? | False | A behind-the-scenes video of Cosmos preparing for their comeback is mistranslated; Mirae may not like her as much but she wouldn't go as low as to bully her



LOVE INTEREST: Wonho | Monsta X
→ Wonho is hardworking and determined, much like Mirae, he pours all of his heart and soul into his producing and performing. However, he does before slack off and knows when to have some fun. He has a pretty sarcastic sense of humor and rather than being outwardly crazy or showy, loves making a joke out of just about anything. He’s a child in a body builder’s body, confident to no end about his looks and his figure. He is also extremely stubborn when it comes to disagreements and gets annoyed when people don't take care of themselves.
→ Mirae meets Wonho at the broadcasting station. She had come to one of Cosmos' stages to monitor them as their producer and bumped into him. After accidentally revealing that she was a trainee and producer for Yunrae, Wonho immediately became interested seeing as he was a dedicated producer as well.
→ "Wow, you're a trainee and you produce songs? Can I hear some?"
→ Ever since, Wonho has constantly pestered Mirae whether it was through one of the Cosmos members or personally (once Mirae gave him her phone number) until Mirae gave in and started seeing Wonho as a friend and, recently, something more.
→ Reluctant friends | Mirae eventually let Wonho break down her walls, but she hasn't given him anything other than that. Although the two of them became friends and call each other up now and then for advice and just to hang out, Mirae is squashing her feelings for him and dismissing them as concern for a friend. On the other hand, Wonho isn't afraid to let Mirae know that he cares about her and constantly bothers her - much like a kid wanting attention. Neither party knows where their relationship will go but as long as their together, then that's enough for them.



COMMENTS: There, 'tis my example app. I hope the layout is okay. It's kind of plain tbh but eh, I like it?
SCENE REQUEST(S): I am the author so well, any scene I request is automatically a scene in the story lol.
SUGGESTION(S): Is criticising yourself narcissistic?
PASSWORD: Andromeda


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Omg I already spent more time on this than I can afford so TAKE IT xD
