Fringe Trainees | Jeon Sariel | The Cheerleader

Jeon Sariel
            the cheerleader
The basics



NAME:  Jeon Sariel

BIRTHDATE:  02/04/2002 (18)

BIRTHPLACE:  Seoul, South Korea

HOMETOWN:  Seoul, South Korea


Italian ⋮ His native language, though Sariel was born in Korea, his family had moved there from Italy so Italian was the first language he learned. Now that he lives away from his family, it's kind of lacking, seeing as he doesn't use it a lot with others, but he's still maintaing it because, well, it's one thing he can do others can't, and that counts for something. For Sariel, that counts for a lot.

English ⋮ Sariel's decent at English, but he's really conversational at best. It helps that sometimes his mom or grandmother will speak it, but he hasn't given it much of a shot. English, for him, is more of just a thing you have to do in school and continue on in if you ever aspire to have a cool job. As such, he never really tried too hard in it. Now though, he wishes he was better.

Korean ⋮ Seeing as Sariel was the first generation to be born in Korea (can you really say that though? Seeing as his parents were both Korean but had just been living in Italy for a couple of generations...), he learned Korean as his native language. Often, when he was younger, he had to translate for his mother since they were still struggling with the whole "new culture" thing. As such, Sariel's really good at speaking and explaining things - adding onto his already wonderful skill of storytelling.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT:  177 cm & 57 kg

FACE CLAIM:  P101's Lee Daehwi
BACK UP FACE CLAIM:  Seventeen's Dino



Sariel is of average height, he isn't insanely tall (and unfortunately hasn't reached that perfect 180 cm aesthetic), but he's definitely not short either. He has a medium build as well, being mostly skin and bones, with just a little bit of muscle. He's not scrawny though, filled out to a moderate extent, but isn't insanely muscular either. A defining feature of his though, is his more tanned skin. It comes from years in the sun and always forgetting to put on sunscreen, and he doesn't mind it too much. He has a feeling though, that he'll get made fun of or teased a lot more about it if he does debut, so he's becoming more and more conscious of it.

Just like his body, Sariel doesn't care much for his appearance. His hair is quite literally a mess, whether he just rolled out of bed or has sat in a chair for someone to deal with - it always looks the same. It's longer than you'd think, reaching maybe his chin if left unstyled, and is about as well-behaved as a kid high on sugar, that is, not at all. Back in Italy, he used to have much longer hair, so much so that he'd just regularly tie it back in a ponytail and go about his way, but after becoming a trainee, he was told to cut it. The stylist team is almost regretting that decision however, because now it's at that awkward length where no one knows what to do with it.

In terms of extra add ons (as Sariel calls them), the boy also dons a double ring cartilage piercing on his left ear and stud piercings on both. He also had a tattoo on his left wrist of a treble clef, but had to get it removed after joining Fringe. He mourns the loss of the art piece - in addition to cringing every time he thinks of the painful procedure - but isn't rebellious enough to go out and get another tattoo. For now, there's a bit of a scar on his wrist, small enough to hide with a bracelet or armband, but noticeable enough that it can't simply be covered up by makeup. In addition to that scar, Sariel's also got a small scar underneath his right eye due to a childhood incident involving a cat and a bike. He's a bit self conscious of the scar, mostly because the story behind it is really lame and he can't even tell people that he got it fending off pirates or something, so he usually just keeps it covered up with makeup.

Sariel is pretty lack lustre with his clothing choices. He doesn't particularly care too much about what he wears, and is fine with whatever he can find in the morning. That's not to say he hates dressing up though. Honestly, Sariel just feels like there's other things to do with his time. So whether its the outfit the styling team chooses or if it's whatever's clean in his closet, Sariel puts it on with no complaints. He does however, make small complaints when told to put on anything too tight or heavy, but puts it on nonetheless. The one thing he does really care about though, is shoes. Sariel has probably the biggest shoe collection out of all the trainees, and is very much known as a sneakerhead. Half the time he only wears one or two pairs out of his many, many shoes - but he knows exactly how many he has and where they are at all times. Woe to the boy who wears Sariel's shoes - whether it be on purpose or by accident - because only God knows how Sariel's temper will flare then.





+ curious, clever, intuitive, friendly, free-spirited
– envious, judgemental, opinionated, passive, insecure

Sariel is quite the free spirit, even as a kid he drifted in and out of cliques and kept a good relationship with pretty much everyone. Social interaction - although difficult at first because of his condition (people thought he was weird but eventuall constantly came up to him and asked him what colour their voice was) - was always one of Sariel's favourite things. He love smeeting new people and will often randomly introduce himself to people walking around the company and on the streets - much to the embarassment of those around him. In addition to his friendliness, Sariel is honestly just a curious child in general. When he was younger he would love to see how things work and would often go off on his own and sit in front of a machine just to see if he could figure out all of its parts (much to the horror of his parents). Even now he'll get distracted by things and people, and have to be collected by one of his friends or staff members. Sariel also has an interesting way of thinking. He's clever because he's curious. He's always trying to figure things out, and as such, he ends up thinking outside of the box a lot. Whether it be simply solving a problem or just approaching a conversation, Sariel will always take the least conventional approach - the one no one could even fanthom. He's not smart per say, quite the opposite.

Being diagnosed with sound-sight synesthesia at a young age, Sariel would see colours at the same time people would speak. It intriguied him then, and still does now, and is one of the reasons why he loves meeting new people. To greet someone and then see what kind of colour surrounds them as they speak, if it's more than one, if it jumps and dances, if it flashes, if it stays still - even a simple conversation is a learning experience and a way for Sariel to understand someone's personality. However, his also makes him extremely opinionated. After years of meeting people and looking at their colours, Sariel has made a mental list in his head of which colours represent good things and which ones are dangerous (a common practice for people with synesthesia). As such, when meeting a person and seeing their colour, Sariel will react immediately depending on the colour. If the person has even a single "bad" colour, Sariel will already dislike the person - even though it's their first meeting. It takes him a lot longer to warm up to people with "bad" colours and it's very hard to change his initial opinion. As such, even though Sariel is sociable and can be very friendly (those with "good" colours or people he's gotten to know very well will testify that he's a very fun person to talk to), the minute he sees a "bad" colour - he's gone.

In addition to his opinionated view on life and people in general, Sariel holds quite unpopular opinions for a Korean society. Having been brought up by foreigners (although technically they're Korean by blood), Sariel is very open minded and he doesn't hold the same conservative ideals as Korea does. In addition, because Sariel grew up in a household where he was taught to respect women and understand their authority (Sariel shivers subconsciously anytime someone says that all girls are "sweet and gentle"), he's not one to stand at the side if someone is being mistreated or discriminated.

But not everything is rainbows and sunshine, even if Sariel wishes they could be like that. Sariel is extremely passive about himself and his own opinions. He hates being a bother - more than anything else in the world. He hates asking for help, hates being seen as inferior, detests having to go up to a teacher and get them to clarify something - it's not like he's too arrogant or proud to do so, it's just that he ends up feeling bothersome. He doesn't want to take up people's time, he's not worth it, he knows that, and so he'll often leave it as a last resort, and even then it's not sure if he'll end up reaching out for help or not. Sariel, you see, is very insecure. On the outside he's confident, outgoing, the "perfect" friend one might say, but it's mostly an act. He's always doubting himself, insecure about his personality, and extremely conscious of what he says. As such, though he's amusing to talk to and often make jokes at his own expense to cheer others up (say hello to self-deprecating humour), Sariel will regret it almost immediately. After everyone laughs and moves about their way, Sariel will remain, staring at the ground and thinking to himself. "Why did I say that?" is one of the questions he says the most, followed by, "They probably think I'm stupid." And that's not all, "Why couldn't I just shut my mouth?", "No one really laughed at that joke", "Why am I like this? Why can't I just be normal?!" are all thoughts that filter through Sariel's head on a daily basis. He often feels like he's imposing on people, and as mentioned before, the one thing Sariel hates doing the most is bothering others.

Yes, Sariel likes to meet people, he loves to be in social situations and watch how the energy in the room shifts, how bonds and connections between people are made and broken, he loves it all. But that's it, he likes to watch. Even though he's often seen at the center of a group, talking and telling stories, Sariel doesn't feel like he deserves it. He's not the smartest person in the room. He's not the most talented, or the most good looking. He sings, sure, and dances, sometimes he raps, but is he good? Not at all. Not compared to some other trainees - why they haven't debuted yet, Sariel has no clue. If you asked Sariel to rank the trainees from best to worst, Sariel wouldn't even be on the list. He wouldn't consider himself good enough, he's never good enough. He knows this as a fact - even when others tell him otherwise. Because people are always nice on the outside, but the inside is always different. Someone might look nice, but the minute the open their mouths, Sariel knows. The colours flow out, and Sariel flinches. It's honestly all in his head, the colours don't mean anything, the meanings they have are the kind Sariel attaches to them, but how can you tell someone their reality is wrong?

Due to his insecurities, Sariel also tends to be quite envious. He tries to be a good friend, tries to be proud, to clap and shout with honest intentions when one of his friends or another trainee gets praised and complimented, but on the inside he's rotting. He watches as others get complimented and thinks, "Why can't I do that?" He observes people dancing and rapping, going about their days with one hundred percent of their effort, and laments, "Why aren't I as dedicated?" Sariel finds it hard to genuinely congratulate people because on the inside, he's jealous. He wants to be the one receiving the compliments, the one getting first place, the one everyone idolizes. But he can't, and so he turns to envy. And when he does, he disgusts himself. How can he call himself a good friend if he can't even wish someone well? It's not like he wants to be like that, he hates feeling jealous of people he wants to see succeed, but he can't control it. Doesn't know how to deal with it. And so it simmers, untreated and ignored, another thing to add onto the list of reasons of why Sariel doesn't deserve anything he has.

Sariel feels like a parasite most of the time. Like he's latched onto people because they seem to like his presence, and that's how he lives. He's infecting everyone, Sariel knows, with his disgusting aura. Soon enough, he tells himself, they'll realize he's not okay. He's not the shining talkative prince they all think he is, he's not confident, or outgoing, or special in any way really. They'll all wake up one day and look at him, and realize, "Oh, why did we spend so much time with him?" And then they'll walk away. Sariel waits for that day with bated breath. When that happens, Sariel knows it's time. Then he can walk away from it all. He can go somewhere no one can reach him, and hurt no one. He can't go now, no. Not when people still don't understand what filth he is. They'll cry if he does, they'll get hurt even though they shouldn't, and Sariel doesn't want that. He'll wait until they understand just how useless he is, and then he can leave quietly, unnoticed. He doesn't want to be a bother after all.

Tl;dr - Basically, Sariel is a pretty popular person. He's curious and clever, and doesn't shy away from social situations. However, Sariel's also pretty opinionated and biased - on a lot of things actually. Under the surface though, you'll find a troubled, split person. Sariel jumps from being comfortable with his personality and place in life to a insecure wreck who always feels like he's bothering people or imposing. As of now, he hasn't figured out how to get around this seemingly huge gap in his personality - but sooner or later, he'll have to learn to bridge it.






Sariel is the youngest child to his parents, Jeon Estela (Wonhee) and Jeon Samuel (Kyungwon). Estela and Samuel had lived in Italy for most of their lives, both coming from immigrant families from Korea. Interestingly enough, though their families had lived in Italy for a couple of generations, the two decided to move back to Korea after getting married to purse Estela's job as a web designer. Unfortunately, soon after his birth, Samuel passed away in a car accident. For Sariel - who was quite young at the time - it wasn't too traumatic. He hadn't gotten to know his father much, but what he does remember the most is watching his mother, sister, and grandmother walk around as if in a daze. Because of that, Sariel never wants to see his family saddened again. It's probably because of such an incident that Sariel grew up as a bright child. Always making jokes and falling over on purpose to make his sister, Elkie, laugh, Sariel was always seen as the little sunshine in the family.

Sariel was diagnosed with sound-sight synesthesia before he was enrolled in school. Lisa, who used to be a nurse, had spotted the symptoms right when he began to talk - how he looked at the area around the person when they spoke rather than at their eyes and such - and told Estela to bring him to a specialist. After his diagnosis, Lisa and Elkie especially tried their best to help him adjust. But Sariel needed no real adjusting, after all, this was the world he lived in, and though the rest of the family found it weird at first, they all got used to his little giggles and whispers of "red" whenever they passed by a store with music playing or talked to the cashier at the store.

Due to his condition however, Sariel finds school extremely challenging. Most of his teachers didn't understand his way of thinking and would label him a "bad student". This angered Sariel, as, even as a kid, he knew he was curious and clever. He wasn't lazy, he wanted to learn, yet he didn't do so in the conventional way. He understood the concepts being taught to him but he saw the world in a different perspective, it was difficult for him to communicate his thoughts. For example, as he had learned to associate colours with voices and speech, at times he would write the colour of a certain word or phrase instead of the actual letters. He would also refuse to do certain equations and follow instructions because they contained "bad" colours. As such, teachers often gave up on him, and Sariel learned that, no matter how many times he asked them to clarify or went up to people for help, they would just sigh and shake their heads. After a while, Sariel stopped asking questions. The teachers didn't think he was worth their time, so obviously he was just being a bother.

The one thing Sariel did like to do was dance. He would always do it when he was younger to cheer people up. If Estela was having a bad day at work, if Elkie came home with a bad mark, if Lisa's joints were hurting especially badly that day, Sariel would stand up and just start moving. Grooving to a beat only he could hear, the boy could diffuse any situation with a funny expression and a weird dance move. As he got older, he would start making up little tunes and melodies to go along with it. It wasn't hard, he just watched the musical colours flow around and matched words and notes that looked good together. Combine that with a natural flair for dance, and Sariel was already set to be a performer. He never felt weighed down when he performed - especially when he danced. He wasn't that weird kid who thought weirdly, or the little brother who - though he doesn't blame them for it - has to constantly be happy and cheerful. No, Sariel was just another dash of colour against the artpiece that was the song being played. And it made him happy to no end. So much so that Sariel decided that yeah, Elkie was following in Estela's footsteps and becoming a computer programmer, but Sariel, Sariel wanted to perform.



Pledis: 3 years (2015-2018)
Fringe: 2 years (2018-2020)

Sariel first auditioned for Pledis, with no ulterior motive other than that the building was closest to his house. Shocked that he actually made it in (Sariel had no professional training after all, everything he knew was self-taught), Sariel eventually figured out it was because Pledis was running low on funds. Like they said, beggars can't be choosers, and nor could Sariel really. Once in the company, Sariel was hit with reality. He was no where near as good as the other trainees. His dance was probably the only thing that was somewhat average, but singing and rapping? Almost laughable. And once again, he was placed in the same situation as before. This time though, the coaches were even worse. Faced with unfamiliar faces, a harsh training regime, and tense competition, Sariel was lost. The coaches didn't understand or even want to start trying to comprehend his condition, and he had already learned from before not to ask others for help. And so Sariel struggled silently. He couldn't tell his family he was having a tough time - they expected him to be cheerful and free-spirited after all - but he couldn't even ask for help. How could he, when there were more talented trainees who actually needed help? Sariel was just trash, tossed to the side and waiting for the scraps. He wasn't worth it, the other trainees needed the help more than he did, and Sariel didn't want to bother anyone.

Sariel was drowning, and he knew it. Finally, he realized he needed to do something. So he told his family - they were his closest confidants after all. After finding out about it, Lisa immediately pulled him out, and Sariel was relieved for about 0.4 seconds. Afterwards, Sariel crashed. He felt disgusting. His entire life he tried not to bother people, tried to step around weighing people down, and when it mattered most, he failed to do what he always aimed for. And not only that, Sariel realized, now more than ever, that he really did want to become an idol. Though the training was hard, he liked it. It was nice, he thought, to struggle through a song and then end up being able to sing it perfectly the next week. And besides, becoming an idol was the only career he could think about that would benefit from his synesthesia rather than hindering him. After all, he could probably get into producing or something after being an idol for a while, and how amazing would it be to make songs that not only sounded nice, but looked like a masterpiece?

So Sariel jumped back into the water with Fringe, this time with a goal in mind. He worked hard - though he still refrained from asking for help, preferring to hover near people asking the same questions he had and listening in on the answers - and wouldn't let himself fall again. He was going to do this, whether his body screamed at him or not, and eventually, he would be able to use his synesthesia to help himself. It wouldn't just be a tool he relied on (a little too much honestly) to interact with people. No, Sariel's goal is not only to become an idol, but to produce art through songs as well.







As Estela had to work long hours (though she often worked at home), Sariel developed a close connection to his grandmother, Lisa. Lisa was the mother of Samuel, and had moved to Korea after his death (her own husband had unfortunately passed away a couple years before). Seeing as Sariel was the only boy in a house full of females - strong, independant, head-strong females might I add, he learned a lot. Contrary to "stereotypes", he didn't become feminine - or insanely masculine (to offset the femininty in the house) either. Sariel grew up pretty normally he thinks, with a healthy amount of knowledge of just how scary and authoratative girls could be.

Estela and Sariel have a quiet relationship. Whenever she emerges from her "den" (as Sariel refers to it), he's always the first one by her side, asking her if she wants any food or anything like that. Estela loves being pampered - though she doesn't get it a lot anymore - and Sariel is only happy to comply. Estela sees Samuel a lot in the boy, and so Sariel ends up being a bit of a momma's boy - not that he minds.

With Lisa, Sariel is coddled like no tomorrow. He's the youngest of the family for sure, and Lisa never lets him forget it. Whether it be giving him the best part of the meal or letting him sit out of chores, Lisa's a er for Sariel's pouts. While this causes him to fight with Elkie often, Lisa swoops in quickly with a quick word and a sharp glare. "After all," she reminds them whenever they fight, "I have two grandchildren, and enough love to go around that you'll get sick of it."

Elkie and Sariel are close. Elkie's a couple years older than him (five to be exact) but they bonded a lot when they were children. Obviously, Elkie felt the shock of Samuel's death a lot more than Sariel, but that only caused her to grow extremely protective of her little brother. And with Sariel acting like a total goof in order to make her at least a little bit happier, it's a no brainer that Elkie would destory literally anyone who ever hurt a single hair on her baby brother's head.

Sariel always refers to his family as the "royal family" (with Lisa being the "monarch", Estela as the "queen", and Elkie as the "princess").



» social butterfly | other trainees | varies | trainees | varies
Sariel has made an effort to talk to everyone and anyone that walks through the doors of Fringe. He loves talking to people and learning the stories, and when he finds out what colour you are, it makes things that much better (unless, of course, you have a "bad" colour). Sariel is acquainted with literally every trainee in Fringe - whether they like it or not. As such, Sariel also knows everyone's business. He's not a gossip really, but he just has connections with everyone. Even if they don't like him, Sariel's there to talk to them.

» dream buddies | Kwon Wonhee | 15 | trainee | imaginative, calm, hopeful, ditzy
Sariel has talked to Wonhee a lot more than some of the others - and this is because he recognizes that her dream is similar to his own. Though she doesn't seem to catch on to that, Sariel thinks of her as special. He actually overheard her telling the vocal coach how much she wanted to connect to people through music and make them feel the emotions of the song, and Sariel grew interested in her ever since. Seeing as his own dream revolves around being able to cheer others up through his performance, Sariel thinks they'd make quite a pair (not romantically though, Sariel thinks of Wonhee as his little sister). However, Wonhee isn't aware that Sariel knows this, so she probably thinks he's just being nice and talking to her. Regardless, Sariel is making efforts to improve and strengthen their relationship - hopefully resulting in a closer bond in the future. Wonhee's colour is a coral pink that flows almost lazily and sleepily in circles.

» pest | Lee Hyungyeon | 25 | trainee | bitter, ambitious, dependable, critical
Seeing as how Sariel talks to everyone, even if they don't want him to, Hyungyeon just finds him annoying. The cheerful younger boy is always walking around, asking people how they've been and just getting into their business - and Hyungyeon doesn't appreciate this one bit. As such, they have a hate-love relationship, with most of the love and cheer coming from Sariel with all of the hate and annoyance coming from Hyungyeon. Unknownst to the both of them however, they both share similar insecurities and traits - but Sariel would probably rather die than admit he has something in common with "old I-have-a-stick-up-my- Hyungyeon hyung". Hyungyeon's colour is a soft maroon colour which comes up in flashes.

» student | Fringe Staff | varies | staff | varies
All the staff members know Sariel. It's hard not to, the boy introduced himself probably at least three times to everyone after all. He's known as the little sunshine kid, and a lot of the staff members look upon him fondly. He's just there to cheer people up if he can, they think, and appreciate talking to him after a long day. Even during late night lessons or early morning practices, Sariel is there with a smile on his face. Sariel however, does find himself in a bit of trouble every so often because of his free spirit and difference in views. Whether it be because he skipped out on practice or defended his opinion, the staff members are pretty divided on him. Some hate him, others love him, regardless, they all know the name Sariel.

» seniors | Atlas | varies | idols | varies
Some of the boys of Atlas know Sariel by name, Sariel knows all of them by blood type. Joking, joking, but he does identify them by their colours - much like everyone else. He thinks it's interesting how they debuted through a survival show (though he doesn't think he'd ever be able to do that) and respects them for being able to stick through something like that. To be completely honest, Sariel is probably the most neutral feeling around Atlas. He doesn't act exceptionally cheerful around them, but isn't cutthroat either. He mostly just respects them because they're what he wants to become, but doesn't associate himself with them much because he's definitely jealous of them. It's his hated envious side kicking in again, but whenever he sees them, he always thinks to himself, "that should be me" followed by a, "that can't be me, how could I ever do that?" Because he doesn't want to bother them (he feels like just his presence is enough), he avoids them and only interacts with them when he has to.







one. has sound-sight synesthesia (if you couldn't have already guessed) - when people sing, speak, or rap, he sees colours flowing, sparking, dancing, flickering etc. around them; Sariel has learned to associate these colours with certain personality traits but the colours which appear and how they move are different from one synesthete to the next
two. doesn't like the colour orange (this is the "baddest" of "bad" colours)
three. his favourite colour is teal
four. in love with Pentatonix
five. if he didn't become a trainee, Sariel would probably have gone into culinary school
six. is good at cooking
seven. loves the ocean
eight. is allergic to peanuts
nine. a sneakerhead
ten. wants to visit the Netherlands
eleven. also wants to go back to Italy (he's never been)
twelve. played volleyabll in high school (as setter)
thirteen. has a habit of lip syncing even if he's not the one singing
fourteen. although his synesthesia was intense at first (so much so that he couldn't move during fire drills because he felt like the alarm colours physically blocked him from escaping), it faded (which is normal) until he has to actively concentrate in order to see the colours clearly
fifteen. has an exceptional understanding of the female mind because of his family situation at home

sixteen. his favourite girl group is Oh My Girl
seventeen. has a thing for trying to pet fish ("they need love too!")
eighteen. probably introduced himself to everyone in the company twice and has a lot of contacts on his phone (does he remember who all of them are? maybe, who knows, not Sariel that's for sure)
nineteen. despite being able to see other's, Sariel has no idea what his own voice looks like or what colour it is (much like how you don't really hear your voice the same way other people do)
twenty. despite being popular in school, he doesn't really have any close friends
twenty one. he's named after an angel
twenty two. was homeschooled up until third grade because Lisa and Estela were nervous about how his synesthesia would affect his learning ability






⟪ How long have you been a trainee? ⟫ 

Sariel flinches at the question, though the movement is barely noticeable and definitely not caught by anyone in the room. He clears his throat regardless, smiling brightly as he answers, "Five years. Three at Pledis," he pauses here slowly, couching to cover up the awkward silence, before continuing, "and then two here, shouldn't you have that on file or something?" He ends the question with a cheeky smile, causing the interviewer to snort and glare at him. Noticing the look of displeasure, Sariel puts his hands up in a defensive stance. "Just trying to cheer you up, you look tired, it's not good for a pretty face like yours."

⟪ What made you want to become an idol? Why Fringe? ⟫ 

"I've always liked to dance," Sariel starts, eyes glazing over as he thinks back. "Though I think everyone here pretty much says the same thing huh? Really, I think I like to do it more for others than myself. It always cheered my family up whenever I would sing and dance, and so I want to do that for other people as well. You know, make them happy, take them away from life - as long as I'm helping them in someway."

⟪ What do you consider your best attributes? ⟫ 

"Well," Sariel ponders, tapping his chin thoughtfully. He blows air out of his mouth, puffing and unpuffing his cheeks as he thinks - and successfully lightens the atmosphere in the room. "There's that, I think I'm a pretty good people person," Sariel grins. "Most of the staff know me by name - and for good reasons, I promise. I mean, group relations and making connections is just as important as singing and dancing well right? Not that I'm not good at that either." Sariel laughs, trailing off slightly, but masks the sudden tension in his gut with a wink and a smile.

⟪ What do you consider your weaknesses?⟫ 

"Oh," Sariel lets out, the feeling in his gut tightening. "Well, everyone has weaknesses, and I've sure got my fair share," Sariel pauses, thinking. He taps his foot on the floor, concentrating as a soft, purple hue flutters around his limb, before he continues - seemingly gaining strength from the colour. "I'm uh, not the best singer or dancer here. Nor am I an exceptional rapper in any way. But I guess you're looking for something with a little more substance than that huh? If anything, I guess I get distracted easily and I'm kind of overbearing sometimes."

⟪ How do you feel about the other trainees? ⟫ 

 "They're... good," Sariel says carefully. "They're fun to talk to, I met someone with a cyan voice the other day - I've never seen anything like that before." Sariel's features relax slightly at the memory. "But that probably doesn't concern you. A lot of them are good at what they do, really good. Some are not quite there yet, but they're improving, really though, I think everyone's doing a good job." Sariel nods, as if satisfied with his own answer, before smiling again. This time though, the grin seems forced, as if the boy was distracted with his own thoughts. They're all better than me at least.

⟪ Why should we choose you for our future project group? ⟫ 

 "Huh," Sariel starts, face schooling into a more neutral expression. He wrings his hands together, biting on the inside of his lip nervously as the thinks over the question. "Well," the boy says - though he says it more to stall time than anything, "I'd like to think I'm star quality. I'm good at variety I think - a lot of people have been telling me that. And I can sing, dance, and I've been working hard in rapping." Kind of. That doesn't mean I'm good at them though. "And," Sariel shakes his head, as if clearing his mind of thoughts. "I'm dedicated and determined. I have a dream, a vision really, and I'm going to fufill it."






TALENT TWIN:  Seventeen's Jun (1) (2)

STRENGTHS:  Sariel's first love in terms of performing is always dance. He learned a lot from just watching videos and imitating them, and after becoming a trainee his raw talent was honed into a sharp weapon. While he doesn't have a set style yet (he's experimenting with a bunch), he seems to be best at more powerful and sharp moves. He knows this, so he's also trying to improve on his flexibility and grace.

In addition, because of his sound-sight synesthesia, it's very easy for Sariel to understand the inner workings of a song. After one listen, he can pick up the rhythmn and melody with no problem, and often learns songs and lyrics the fastest out of all the trainees. Because of that, things like last minute choreography or line changes don't bother him, as he knows he can just as easily re-learn things based on what he hears as well as what he sees (double the learning if you catch my drift).

WEAKNESSES:  Sariel's voice is softer than most males. It's not low or anything like that, it's just it's naturally more melodic. Though it makes his voice comforting to listen to even when he's just rambling, it's hard to find appropriate lines in songs for him. Most pop songs don't fit his voice, and even though he can sing, he doesn't seem to get too many lines because his voice doesn't "deliver".

His rapping and singing aren't bad either. They're just not the greatest. He sings better than he raps, and it's not like his soft voice is bad. He can sing, he's got his technique down, it's just hard to match his voice to the right song. For example, things like strong, hip-hop concepts become enigmas when it comes to Sariel. Because of his dance style, he'll often be put in the front or center of the dance, but because his voice doesn't match the song, he doesn't get many lines - often puzzling choreographers when they try to figure out where to place him.


love interest



You can pick one for him if you want, it doesn't really matter to me. He's probably panual through and through, seeing as he's open to anyone (if you even need that little bit of information-)

NAME:  lorem
FACELCLAIM:  Here / Backup
AGE:  Lorem


Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.


Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.





LAST COMMENTS: I didn't know where to put this but another fun little thing you can experiment with Sariel is people treating him like a foreigner because of his Italian culture even though he's literally pure Korean and has never visisted Italy.

Also I'm literally tone deaf so I had some trouble with the weaknesses and strengths part - if that's wrong or like, just bad give me some poiners please I don't really know what I'm doing if it's not dealing with dance-

I also kind of exaggerated the interview section but that's how Sariel's brain works. He'll seem calm and friendly on the outside but on the inside he's constantly second guessing and wondering whether he's being annoying or bothersome. I really hope I managed to explain things because the personality section is just so long and I didn't want to write more- Heck, I'm writing too much even now.

SCENE REQUESTS: Nothing as of now, I'll probably think of some later though.

PASSWORD: I hate this password-



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