AEON : The Overshadowed : Primo


birthdate: 02/17/1991
ethnicity: korean
nationality: korean
hometown: seoul, south korea


   x korean : native | having
been born in Seoul,
Wonwoo has never had
to deal with having
satoori or anything like
that. he speaks well
however, and is pretty educated so he has an extensive vocabulary.

  x English : fluent |
Wonwoo, after going
back to university, took
many an English course,
so his English improved greatly. Even then, he
had always been pretty
good at english in
school, even if he was
often forced to leave in order to train.

  x Mandarin : semi-
fluent | Wonwoo was
forced to learn
Mandarin ever since he
was a kid as his parents thought it would be
good for him to know another language other
than english (which he
was already learning in school). They figured mandarin was a pretty
good bet seeing as he'd
most possibly be doing
lots of activities in
china. they had hoped at least.

height: 183 cm
Weight: 59 kg

Faceclaim: Cnblue's
backup: cnblue's

appearance + style:
Wonwoo is quite tall,
with a average build and
lean muscles. He's not
overly wide or muscular,
but he definitely has one of the nicer bodies in the
group. It's not natural however, Wonwoo puts
a lot of effort into his
body. He's always had a chubby face, even when
he grew older his baby
fat never really went
away. Even with a lean
figure, Wonwoo's face remains chubby and
slightly cute looking - making him look younger than he actually is.

At one point, Wonwoo
was really into body
building and exercising. Around then, he had a
"really nice body" as he always described it,
including full-on abs
and especially nice back muscles. He soon grew
tired of constantly
having to maintain it however, so he's gotten
a lot more lax with it in recent years. He's still considered fit, but no
longer has very defined
abs or muscle lines.

In terms of style,
Wonwoo is quite
fashionable. Ever since
he was a kid, his mom
loved to dress hiim up
to the max. Often, he'd
arrive to daycare in a
suit or a little sweater
vest, causing all to coo
over him. As he grew up, Wonwoo refused to wear
the clothes (they were extremely
However, his mother
made sure he was always presentable, and
arranged for his closet
to contain a variety of
shirts and pants that
would match together
no matter how Wonwoo threw them together.

now, Wonwoo has a more casual style. he knows
how to dress up if the
need arises, but because
he used to always be
dressed in the most
stylish outfits, he's more relaxed about things. A simple t-shirt and jeans
will suffice, maybe a cardigan on top if
they're going out, but honestly, Wonwoo
doesn't really care too
much about clothes.

Cha Wonwoo
"ME? i want curry. But if we're getting sushi that's cool too."
character blurb

Quiet and comfortable, that's wonwoo. He's not overly shy or socially awkward, nah, wonwoo just doesn't talk much because he'd rather not steal the spotlight. he's a good conversationalist for sure, with his love for learning Wonwoo probably knows something about everything, but that doesn't mean he's an attention grabber. Wonwoo is just the opposite actually. he likes to live in the shadows, even references himself as a shadow at times. he's perfectly fine watching his loved ones do their thing while he supports them from the back.

but that's the problem. Wonwoo is too content with his life. no aspirations, no passions pushing him forwards, he's fine being the second male lead. he never takes the initiative to become a better person, and people take advantage of that. wonwoo is easy to push around, for all his knowledge, he's pretty easy to manipulate. in addition, he's passive, squishy even. wonwoo hates confrontation, and will much rather agree to doing something he doesn't want to do if it makes everyone else happy.

and so here he finds himself, a quiet people pleaser with his own dreams yet no motivation to achieve them. all wonwoo can do now is sit and watch, hoping something - someone - will save him, without realizing that he's the only one who can save himself.


+ cooperative, knowledgeable, accepting, observant, selfless
– passive, weak-willed, compliant, lazy, slow

Wonwoo is, first things first, a team player at heart. he's always willing to cooperate, and will probably never be the rock in your shoe. Wonwoo was just raised like that, to always listen to others. It's not like he'll do so mindlessly however, wonwoo is quite an intelligent individual and he'll definitely raise some eyebrows if someone says something stupid or does something that doesn't sit well with him. regarldess though, you can always trust wonwoo to pull through. whatever role you give him, wonwoo will usually perform it to the best of his ability, even if he doesn't particularly want to. and that's where things start to . wonwoo is, for the lack of a better word, kind of a wimp. he doens't know how to stand up for himself, and would much rather just grit his teeth and bear with his situation than speak up and take action. it has to do with the way he was raised, almost all things are, but at the end of the day, he can't help it.

ever since he was a kid, he was always told to listen to his parents. either that, or he was commanded to follow instructions. no matter what, wonwoo didn't really think for himself as a kid, and it carried on. now, wonwoo has trouble with being independant. not in the way that he needs other people, but in the way that he can't stand up for himself. while he may think something is wrong, wonwoo won't do much to change it. he's the brains in an operation in a way, willing to think of a solution, but not the type of person to step forwards and get the ball rolling. likewise, wonwoo doesn't like taking center stage. he's fine on the wings, better yet, behind stage. wonwoo, unlike most idols, is not very ambitious. he doesn't go out of his way to secure screentime, but it's not like he ducks away from it either. he accepts what he gets, and moves on when things don't get his way.

in a sense, wonwoo is selfless. he'll never do something merely for himself. before doing anything, wonwoo will always think of others first. whether it be something as simple as ordering a meal, wonwoo never puts himself first. he has, in fact, many times, ordered sushi and the likes for the members because they wanted to eat it, even though he himself is allergic to fish. to an extent, of course, this is good. you can always trust wonwoo to watch your back, because he will do it wholeheartedly. he isn't the kind of person to stab you and step over you to get to higher places, because wonwoo doesn't really want to go anywhere. he's content where he is. he knows he's not the best at much, but he doesn't have a burning desire to improve. he is entirely unmotivated and not ambitious at all, and this is another downfall.

wonwoo is very lazy, both in terms of his physical life and his situation in general. wonwoo doesn't care for organization, anyone whose ever shared a room with him could tell you that, but wonwoo also doesn't put much care into his life. he goes with the flow in a sense, but doesn't even try to fight the tide. even if the river was going to carry him over a waterfall, wonwoo would accept his fate. he has passions and dreams of course, everyone does, but he makes no moves to attain them. even if he hates the situation he's in right now, wonwoo wouldn't change a thing. not unless someone else did it first.

on the more positive end of things though, wonwoo is quite the knowledgeable individual. he loves to learn, whether that be by himself or with others, and is always seen researching various topics. it's a hobby of his actually, to just think of a random concept and wholeheartedly chase after it. honestly, it's probably one of the only things wonwoo will take initiative for. it helps him to an extent though, especially when he has to meet new people. wonwoo isn't socially inept, but he's definitely not the most charismatic person you've ever met. what helps him though, is that he's knowledgeable in almost every field. not an expert in anything really, wonwoo can still talk to anyone about, well, anything really. even if it was just one or two facts, wonwoo is quite well-informed, and it's hard to trick or bull him because of that.

wonwoo is always the first to notice things as well. his intelligence, combined with his observant nature, allows him to pick up on things quite easily. as mentioned before, wonwoo stays in the shadows. because of this, he notices what others wouldn't. since he isn't up in the front and center all the time, wonwoo watches s and friends from behind. here he watches and makes sure they don't slip up, and even if they do, he'll be there to help. or well, he'll try to. another thing about wonwoo is that he doesn't like confrontations. he's passive, weak-willed really, and his worst fear is probably having to reprimend someone (it's a godo thing he's not the leader). even with his younger sister, wonwoo can't find it in him to be strict. he'll bend eventually, and will always end up being pushed aside. he's easy to manipulate that way, since he doesn't stand up for much.

maybe it's because wonwoo's used to be pushed aside, but wonwoo is a very accepting person. he doesn't question much (at least, not outwardly), and will probably take everything in stride. even if someone were to tell them they were the next in line for the thrown of morroco, wonwoo would nod and congratualte them, despite not knowing where morroco was. it's a pretty good trait, seeing as it doesn't earn him many enemies, but at the same time, it adds to his naive character. not that wonwoo wants to be seen as naive, he can't help it really. he sees past all the lies, all the manipulation, but he just can't do anything about it. he's not strong enough, he thinks, to be the hero at the end of the day. he sees his flaws, recognizes his weaknesses, but he can't get past them. he freezes up any time he tries to change, and the situation passes him by. often, wonwoo feels unprepared for everything life throws at him. by the time wonwoo collects himself and readies his aim, the target has already passed and been hit by someone else's arrow.

in this way, wonwoo is swept to the side by life. he's pushed away from where he wants to be, and he just isn't strong enough to get to it. he can see his destination, recognizes all the things in his way, but can't move forwards. and that's what gets him. often, he tells other people that recognizing their faults and starting to work on them is the hardest part. but for wonwoo, it's the whole 'getting there' process that kills him. he knows what's going on, he sees what others say about him when they easily bully him into doing something he doesn't want to do, but he can't confront them. he can't speak up, can't stand up for anything. he's weak, and he doesn't know how he can be stronger. and so he accepts his place in life, listening to his mother's constant reminder that, "if you find yourself somewhere, there has to be a reason as to why you're there" and uses fate as a scapegoat to escape his problems. he can't do anything about his situation, not because he's weak, but because that's just how life turned out. not his problem, no more guilt. easy.

There's always that part of him that however, wonders whether he only says he's fine with being on the sidelines because he knows he can't be anywhere else. he's not strong enough to be in the center, even if he wants to. and that's the truth of it all, wonwoo calls himself a shadow because that's all he's ever known. he's too scared to do anything else. soon enough though, wonwoo will have to find out that even shadows shine, and that sometimes, he has to be the one to save everyone else.


wonwoo was born to be the prodigy son of his ambitious parents, cha seunghee and kang jonghyun. their family was already an interesting one to say the least, having taken seunghee's last name instead of jonghyun, something almost unheard of. it foreshadowed seunghee's and jonghyun's marriage well though, with seunghee coming out as the more ambitious and assertive one. both of wonwoo's parents were business people, social climbers if you will. not quite top notch CEO material, but getting there. Basically, wonwoo never had to worry about money. he lived in quite a large house, and was taken care of by jonghyun and other hired hands if his parents were busy.

obviously, being born into a rich family automatically forced wonwoo to maintain their image. being placed in various extracurriculars since he was a kid, wonwoo was soon taught that there was no thing as privacy. people were always watching, his mother told him quite often, and so you must always maintian your image, lest you tarnish the cha name. and that began wonwoo's long childhood of obediance. more than anything, wonwoo always craved affection. he was a needy kid like that, always clinging to his caretakers whenever he could. he was a hundred times more clingy with his parents, and while jonyhgun coddled him, seunghee was the opposite. always the ambitious lady, seunghee used her affection as a kind of reward. whenever wonwoo followed the teacher's instructions and performed well, she would shower him with priases and kisses. promises of spending the day with wonwoo encouraged him to be at the top of his class, and soon, wonwoo flourished.

the boy was a perfect son. the top of his class, along with the star student in taekwondo and a promising pianist and artist, wonwoo had everything covered. that is, until his sister was born. Cha youngji was an adorable little girl, but she was also the catalyst for wonwoo's change. seeing how well seunghee's strategy had worked on wonwoo, she used it on youngji, only for everything to fall apart. youngji, unlike her brother, grew into an independant child. she didn't need the fake affection of her mother, and instead, flocked to sincere actions. youngji, even as a little girl, could tell the difference between a lie and the truth from a mile away, something wonwoo and her had in common. in the end though, youngji took action when she felt that things were wrong, instead of accepting it like her brother.

youngji became more of the older sibling in a way. wonwoo realized, after watching his mother treat youngji the way she had treated him, what a lie his world had been. it was a hard thing for a little kid, for wonwoo was still in middle school at the time, to understand, but wonwoo was smart, his mother had madde sure of that. wonwoo understood how it worked, and he still had jonghyun to fall back on after all. unlike their mother, jonghyun was as supportive as he could be. it balanced the two in a way, with seunghee turning into the bread winner and jonghyun the more emotional of the two. it wasn't shown in public, no, both parents had their images to worry about, but in the secrecy of their bedroom, jonghyun was the ideal father for youngji and wonwoo. filling their heads with stories and affection, wonwoo ended up adoring his father way more than seunghee.

in the end though, his mother's lessons never left him. ingrained within him, despite youngji's hopes in changing his mindset, was the need to follow instructions. luckily enough, because of jonghyun and youngji, wonwoo didn't turn into a mindless sheep (though, secretly, wonwoo wonders if it would have been better that way). instead, he became, what he inwardly calls himself, an informed follower. it fustrates youngji to no end, always wanting best for her brother (though she sees him as a pathetic wimp most of the time), but wonwoo constantly assures her that he's fine, this is great, life is running its course.

in fact, the only rebellious thing wonwoo has ever done is audition for helix, and even that ended in failure, though not in the conventional sense. sure, wonwoo made it in. he had shown many talents in music as a kid and jonghyun had enrolled him in many vocal and dance lessons ever since. in particular, wonwoo had always had quite the talent for ballet and classical dances in particular. whether that be interpretive or theatrical, wonwoo ended up being quite the dancer. he used music, in a way, to get back at seunghee in his one little way. though seunghee had been the one to intially enroll him in lessons, it wasn't her favourite hobby of his. she would have liked it better if he spent more time learning about other things, yet she still allowed him to take the classes because it rounded him as a person. regardless, because of seunghee's slight distaste, wonwoo kept at singing and dancing. he never became the best vocalist or dancer, but he's pretty good. after all, raw talent can get you so far, and wonwoo is a prime example of what teaching can produce.

in the end, even wonwoo's rebellious move got him no where. he had been hoping, by becoming a trainee, that his mother would finally lose her cool and flip. he didn't really know what he wanted (anger was not really the intended goal), but wonwoo just wanted to do something that wasn't set out for him. when he told his family that he made it through the auditions however, his mother was estatic. seunghee had, in fact, been looking into making wonwoo a celebrity. she had, after some talk with her company, wanted a fresh face to represent the business. by becoming a trainee, and hopefully soon, an idol, wonwoo had unknowingly fufilled his mother's wishes. it was at this time, that wonwoo realized that no matter what he did, his fate was set out for him. he couldn't change anything. even when he thought he was moving onto a different path, fate was always one step ahead of him.
and so seunghee practically forced wonwoo to become an idol. he was, if he ever became one, to become super popular, go into acting, variety, and singing, and become the perfect poster boy for his mother's business. he would get deals and promotions of all kind, and along the way, Wonwoo was to always make sure to promote seunghee's business. in addition, seunghee knew all of wonwoo's fans, and the fans of the group in general, would also become loyal supporters of her company. it even worked that wonwoo hadn't joined a more prominent label. if they had, there was no doubt that there would conflicts of interest between the entertinament label and seunghee's business. plus wonwoo's name would have both the family company and the label's image attatched to him. better to have him come from a smaller company that seunghee could control from the outside. from a business standpoint, it was perfect. youngji could, after all, always grow up to take over the business (Seunghee had always believed that youngji would be the better businesswoman, with her wit and ambition that no doubt trumped wonwoo).
so wonwoo put all his efforts into training. in the two years he was a trainee, wonwoo sang, danced, and followed the coach's instructions word for word. while others struggled with the trainee lifestyle, wonwoo didn't find it much different form his life. he had already been restricted all his life, from being told what to say and how to dress by his mother in order to maintain the company image, training was only an addition to this. as a kid, wonwoo was already going from lesson to lesson, practicing and learning, so he naturally adjusted. the only thing he found difficult was probably the lack of sleep and dieting. the training though? wonwoo was already used to it. and so he became a star pupil here too. while he might not be as talented as the other trainees, he became a quick company favourite for two reasons. one was because he always listened to instructions and was never a trouble maker. and two (which is honestly probably the more important one) was because for as long as wonwoo was a trainee, seunghee would give massive donations to helix.
and surely, this was probably a reason as to why wonwoo was chosen for the lineup. after all, hidden behind the scenes, being an idol was all about sponserships. and wonwoo was ahead of eeryone in that aspect. but on the inside, wonwoo never really wanted to be an idol. it was a teenage decision, a hot-headed rebellion that ended up backfiring. in all honesty, wonwoo wanted to study kinesiology. while dancing, he found the movements of one's body almost magical, and really enjoyed learning about the different muscles and joints that worked together almost seemlessly to allow people to move in various ways. but Seunghee wouldn't have it. he was to become a celebrity, not go to university and become some kinesiologist. and so wonwoo was, oddly enough, banned from continuing school after high school. wonwoo always thought it was sort of backwards, how in other families, people were disowned for wanting to become an artist. yet here, because of his mother's aspirations, wonwoo wasn't allowed to enter seoul national university (despite passing the exam) and was forced to continue as a trainee.

as everyone knows, aeon has had quite the miraculous success story! it is nothing if not inspiring. when you debut, did you ever guess that you would become so popular?

"Not at all!" wonwoo smiles, "it was something i don't think any of us had expected. of course, we had hoped, everyone has dreams after all, but i'm not sure anyone of imagined it would be quite like this." Wonwoo watches as the reporter nods and writes down some notes on the pad in front of them. It wasn't entirely a lie, wonwoo hadn't really expected things to work out the way they did. but he knew, at the end of the day, even if they hadn't made it big, that his mother would have somehow managed to make sure he would at least make it to some amount of fame.


Ah but the road wasn't easy, was it? what was it like for you when your group had nothing? 

"It was, interesting enough to say the least," Wonwoo cringes at the words, 'had nothing'. There really couldn't have been a nicer way to put it? "We were all down of course, wondering how to get out of this slump. I think," Wonwoo pauses, eyes flittering to the camera and absentmindedly tugging at the sleeves of his shirt, a habit he picked up whenever he saw his mother (for she always reminded him to make sure his clothes were straight and his appearance was perfect, awe one by visuals and you'll almost always win). "I think I was okay. Not doing great, but I was... doing. life went on, we tried our hardest, and we just had to see how things would fall into place, which they did, in the end."


there were rumors that some of you got part time jobs or studied or trained all day in the hopes of getting better. how did you spend the time when you had hardly any schedules at all?

"I had some jobs," Wonwoo coughs. he had always felt awkward about this period of his life. "A couple promotional deals, some CF commercials and things like that." the reporter nods, and wonwoo has to stop talking for a moment. he had never gotten over the guilt of his jobs. while s had reassured him that he had been right in taking those offers while they were going through their slump, wonwoo had never told them that the only reason why he had been able to get jobs was because of his mom. Seunghee had practically coerced all of his promotions at that time. "Sorry," Wonwoo coughs again, "I'm a bit sick." The reporter nods again, before motioning for Wonwoo to continue.

"Anyways, I was probably the busiest member at the time then, from a purely public standpoint. the others were working hard on their own, and they all assured me that by doing solo activities i was also promoting aeon. that wasn't all i did, i also started studying again, preparing to enter university if," wonwoo pauses, not sure if seunghee would wach this particular interview. "if things didn't work out, i had been planning to go back to school." wonwoo bites his lip nervously, his mother had let him go to university, but she hadn't known just how early wonwoo had been planning to drop the whole idol thing. hopefully she wouldn't hold it against him now.


thankfully everything turned around in the end. how did you feel about your sudden increase in popularity?

"It's wonderful," wonwoo says. "Kind of like a dream come true. we went from doing nothing to being able to interact with fans and put out music, of course i would feel over joyed." It was a lie, all of it. Wonwoo had been hoping, despite the guilt he felt when he saw how down the other memebers were, that helix would just disband them due to the lack of income. then, hopefully, wonwoo would be able to escape the idol life and seunghee would leave him be (he would have finally tarnished the cha name after all). wonwoo would have been able to sneak off and study after that. yet it hadn't happened that way. and though wonwoo still managed to go to university, it had happened later than he wanted it to.


was it difficult to adjust for you? so suddenly going from almost unknown to have a mass of fans? 

"I think every change requires getting used to. It was offsetting to being recognized in the streets, but i felt proud. proud that aeon stuck through it all and managed to make it. it felt weird being in the spotlight honestly, but i think i adjusted fairly well," wonwoo replies. it wasn't altogether a total lie. while wonwoo was used to attention on him because of his parents, being an idol was a different kind of famous he had never experienced before. it just, didn't hit him as hard as it had for others.


of course that popularity opened doors for you too. did you end up doing any solo work or branching out into other areas? or did you stay focused on the group?

"I stuck to the group," Wonwoo says confidently. "We really learned a lot from our haitus, and i believed that we shouldn't forget our roots you know?" In actuality, wonwoo remembers, he had felt guilty. He had been hoping the group would disband, even though he had jobs coming in, yet the other members worked as hard as they could to blast them to fame. and so Wonwoo felt as if he owed them something, the actor in particular, because while he was all ready to let things crash, they pulled together and allowed the group to soar. wonwoo didn't deserve any of it, but here he was, might as well keep out of the way to allow the others to achieve their dreams.

"I did go back to school though," wonwoo continues, startling the reporter as they assumed he had finished speaking. "I had, always been planning on it. though there were some complications along the way. i'm just finishing my degree now and am planning to pursue a masters in the future if fate allows."


how do you feel about the rest of the group? did your shared harships bring you closer or did fame push you away from them?

"Closer for sure," Wonwoo taps his thigh. "You don't go through something like that and not leave with a strengthened friendship. right now though, everyone is going about their own things. there's definitely a little more disconnect, but we still message and meet up regularly. I feel like our relationship has just matured as a whole." wonwoo doesn't choose to add that he only meets up with certain members. others he thinks have changed, and not for the better. the media and public don't need to know that though.

thank you so much for this candid inerview. do you have any last words for your fans?

"Oh, it was my pleasure," wonwoo smiles charmingly. "i just want to thank everyone for supporting aeon and me for so long. i'm not sure what the future will bring, but always know that it could only happen because of all your love. please look for aeon and myself in the future, and i hope you will continue to support us in whatever we choose to pursue."


mother : cha seunghee : 56 : social climber for lotte

ambitious is seunghee's middle name. she had a comfortable child hood, but that didn't stop her from dreaming big. ever since she was a little girl, seunghee wanted to be able to provide the same comfort she had for her children. and so she worked hard and got where she is today. seunghee is ruthluss, doing whatever it takes to get what she wants. she's a bit machiavellian in that way, and doesn't see anything wrong with trampling a couple plants if her car makes it through. she does love her children, she just doesn't show it the way one normally would. rather than wasting time on affection, seunghee rewards her kids through other things. for her, actions speaks louder than words, so if wonwoo or youngi end up scoring well on their test, she'll do whatever they want in order to make them happy. what seunghee doesn't understand however, is that not everyone is like her. sometimes, just a word of encouragement is enough.

Wonwoo used to adore seunghee when he smaller. she was so smart, so strong, so sure of herself. she never seemed to hesitate, and wonwoo truly admired that in her. and so, wonwoo set out to do whatever he could to please her. after youngji was born, wonwoo began to misunderstand his mother's actions. he thought she was only using him to further her career, and they began to become distant. it was a matter of miscommunication honestly, a mixture of seunghee's inability to empathise and wonwoo's sensitivity, but in the end, it manifested into something that keeps the two apart. wonwoo resents seunghee for forcing him to become an idol, and often blames most of his worries and troubles on her and the whole concept of idols in general.


father : kang jonghyun : 56 : financial advisor for lotte

Jonghyun is more emotional and sensitive than his wife, but he's still as ambitious as ever. though he's more empathetic towards his kids, he also beleives in success through hard work. as such, despite seunghee's wishes for youngji and wonwoo to live a comfortable life, jonghyun makes them work for it. giving them chores and even making wonwoo get a part-time job, he wants them to live a normal life instead of the soft one seunghee wishes for them. it's an interesting dynamic, with jonghyun treating them more harshly yet being there for them in the emotional sense and seunghee spoiling them in anything other than love, it's safe to say they don't provide the best family atmospehre. nevertheless, jonghyun knows when to stop his 'harshness' (as seunghee calls it) and act as a father. he always tries to be there for youngji and wonwoo despite his schedule, and makes sure to really listen to their troubles and likes.

wonwoo didn't care too much about his father as a kid. he saw him as the authoritative figure, one that would punish him and make him mop the floor. as he got older however, he started to appreciate jonghyun since he treated him less like trophy and more like an actual person. wonwoo would open up more to jonghyun, though he never really trusted anyone with his deepest fears (he was always taught, after all, that everyone was judging you and your image). at the end of the day though, wonwoo and jonghyun have an okay relationship. they're not the closest father-son pair, but wonwoo doesn't hold a grudge against him. he does wish that maybe jonghyun could have stood up to seunghee a little more, but another part of him reminds him that he should've done that too. so no, wonwoo doesn't blame jonghyun, but he does still feel a disconnect.


younger sister : cha youngji : 12 : middle school student

Youngji is very mature for her age. often, she's off spouting wise proverbs and other things like that, only for the rest of her friends to stare at her in confusion. nevertheless, youngji is a very independant person. she doesn't care much for other people, and will often go and pursue her own interest. she isn't interested in what others think of her, even if all her friends are off playing with blocks or drawing, youngji will go off and play in the kitchen. though she's young, she doesn't care about stereotypes or anything of that deal, she's really her own person. an individual without being weird, youngji has already defined herself as a role model type person. especially so to wonwoo. as such, she's acts as more of the older sibling. her and wonwoo are closer than they are to their parents but even then, they don't share much with each other. youngji is there to offer wonwoo some advice, and he helps her get out of trouble when her personal adventures get a little out of hand, but other than that, they have more of a symbiotic relationship than that of close siblings.

youngji's birth was when wonwoo's life changed. however, he doesn't hold it against her. instead, he really adores youngji. though he would've liked it better had she beeen the cute little sister he'd seen in the movies, he doesn't mind this version of youngji either. she's there as a kind of slap to the face, a wake up call to face reality. she's often the first person to walk up to him and tell him to stop being a wimp. while wonwoo was living at home, he was often subject to youngji calling him her "pathetic little brother" - but it was all in goodd fun, wonwoo thinks. regardless, youngji really does want wonwoo to succeed. when wonwoo was in high school, he had made leaps and bounds of improvement in standing up for himself, all because youngji was there to help him through it. after his attempt at rebellion failed however, he crashed and returned to where he started. then, as a trainee, he spent less time at home so youngji couldn't find the time to help him through it anymore. when wonwoo becomes an idol, the two siblings get even less time together, so youngji can't do anything but watch and hope that her brother will one day get back on track and grow as a person.


• his stage name, primo, was given to him by his mother in hopes that he would acheive number one
• is allergic to fish (gets hives)
• very superstitious and into things like fate and horoscopes
• knows the signs of each and every one of s (chinese and western zodiac) and could probably predic their movements based on his knowledge of horoscopes)
• youngji calls him a "mommy's boy"
• originally wanted to use his own name as his stage name but seunghee was adamantly against it
• really likes the colour orange (like neon orange)
• his favourite kind of food is indian curry
• probably the best at eating spicy food out of the entire group
• doesn't like to read even though he'll willingly go through twenty research journals in order to understand a concept he's interested in
• absolutely hates poems (his mother used to force him to read them in order for him to appear more cultured)
• took calligraphy classes and is actually really good at it (won a coupel competitions)
• knows how to play the piano and the flute
• picked up sewing because youngji would always rip her clothes while playing and he didn't want her to get in trouble
• always drinks his tea black
• hates coffee
• doesn't have a sweet tooth
• dislikes tofu
• really likes shaved ice
• hard-boiled eggs make him gag
• his role model changes constantly
• as well as his ideal type
• wants to try cheerleading
• used to do traditional archery
• was student council president in middle school but couldn't commit in high school due to more intensive training
• his favourite animal are racoons
• wants a chickadee and a chinchilla as a pet
• wants twins
• hates saltwater
• doesn't have a fear of drowning though, he just doesn't like the taste (yes, yes, technically you aren't supposed to drink the water but it's not his fault if some slips in)
• his favourite subject in school was biology
• grows really interested in psychology and mental health after seeing what the haitus did to the other members of aeon
• after Aeon gets more popular (and he gets less popular in a way), wonwoo finds lots of time to spend with youngji and watch her grow up more (not that she really needs it, she was always the mature one)
• he has a tablet reserved for research and study
• no one is allowed to touch it without his permission
• the kind of person to colour code his notes
• writes in english-english rather than american english (i.e. it's colour not color)
• has trouble with his weight (even though he's skinny the company still makes him diet because of his chubby cheeks)
• his cheeks and the constant dieting/exercise are what initially got him into body building

goals for the future

Wonwoo, for sure, wants to go back to school. he never really wanted to be an idol or a celebrity in the first place, and had only stuck with it because of his mom, and later, because he felt guilt towards the group (for hoping for Aeon's disbandment so he could escape). as such, he stuck around for the contract to end but now that he's free, he would much rather die than resign. of course, he enjoyed his time as an idol. after the haitus happened, wonwoo slowly got over his guilt and began to really live as an idol. he loved the interactions with the fans, how being a celebrity let him travel to many other places, heck, he even liked the late night practices as long as him and some of the other members could go out for street food afterwards. but at the end of the day, idoldom isn't where wonwoo's dream lies. now that he understands that it wasn't purely his fault that anything bad happened, wonwoo can leave guilt free. it helped, after the haitus, that he became the less popular member. it freed up his time and let him attend university part-time, but now, now wonwoo wants to pursue his full degree, and maybe more.

the boy has plans to finish his degree in kinesiology before either going for a masters or a second degree in psychology or opening a clinic. he also wants to try and help other idols, after understanding and living through their lifestyle. even as an idol, despite obvious muscle and joint pains and problems, the company would continue to push them to dance and sing their hardest, causing their body to be roughed up even more. as such, wonwoo hopes, since aeon was pretty popular, to open a clinic for both the public and celebrities to come to, and to make companies more aware of the fact that you need to give the idol's bodies some rest too.

Jung Sooyoung
ex-Kara's hara
March 2, 1991
occupation: computer programmer at kakao inc.


fresh and affectionate, Sooyoung is what wonwoo calls, 'the epitome of spring'. She's loveable and bright, always cheerful and forever smiling. that's not to say that sooyoung doesn't feel sad because she does, often. sooyoung is quite the emotional lady, from crying over seeing a dog being left outside in the rain to bawling when andy leaves woody and the rest of his toys at the end of toy story 3. whatever it is though, sooyoung still maintains that innocent yet childish side to her.

she's still the bright individual though, being at the top of her class and able to keep up with wonwoo's intellectual conversations. a practiced mind, sooyoung was also on both the high school and university debate team, meaning it's very difficult to trick or argue with her. she's smart in the way that she doesn't flaunt it, and has had many people talk to her like she's stupid before. it probably doesn't help that she acts like she's still 16 and gets hurt easily, but if the need arises, sooyoung can turn from a loveable puppy to a stoic intellectual at the flip of a button.

with wonwoo though, sooyoung kind of fills in that younger sister/friend vibe that he never had. she can take care of herself, and often takes care of wonwoo too, but she brightens his life up and acts as his little cheerleader or vitamin. there to comfort him when he's sad, sooyoung is also very good at giving advice, and not in the way youngji does. while wonwoo's actual little sister tells it has it is, sooyoung is a little more practical. she lays it softly, but without buttering up the truth. it helps ease things through, and wonwoo is quite thankful for her constant soft presence.

love story:

Wonwoo meets sooyoung just after the haitus, when he goes back to school. reapplying for seoul national university, wonwoo passes the exam against after brushing up on his high school knowledge and seunghee actually allows him to attend this time. being a part-time student though, wonwoo takes a lot longer to graduate and finds the schoolwork harder than he would've had he, one, done it right after high school and two, been able to devote more time to it. nevertheless, he does well, and despite more people reocgnizing him as aeon's popularity increases, he doesn't have too much trouble fitting in socially. however, he does always remain somewhat of a loner, with people either too afraid to approach him because of his celebrity status or too envious of his supposed perfect life.

wonwoo didn't really let it get to him however, and he merely focused on his studies. helix never let him go on mt's anyways, so wonwoo didn't really feel lonely. he did, however, have a couple of friends (more like classmates honestly) that he could talk to if he missed class. sooyoung was one of them. the two had taken a psychology course together and were paired up for group projects. wonwoo had always felt bad because sooyoung usually had to do most of the writing work. since wonwoo was constantly practicing and such, sooyoung told him that she would be fine with writing as long as he did the research. they worked well together and ended off with a good enough mark in the class, but wonwoo always felt bad.

so when wonwoo's popularity as a member began to decrease, he spent more and more time with sooyoung. she was, after all, one of the few that kept in touch with him despite his schedule and lifestyle. they were just kind of friends, not even that close really, but wonwoo kept it close to his heart because he didn't have many non-celebrity friends. as wonwoo got more time to himself as aeon's contract came to a close, him and sooyoung got to know each other a lot better. while before they were merely friends, they began to get closer and closer until they were messaging each other every day.

throughout their relationship, sooyoung acted as wonwoo's guide. she was good at giving advice, especially in the way that wonwoo needed it. he didn't need the harsh truth that youngji brought, or the independant attitude his mother had always treated him with. instead, sooyoung slowly and steadily guided him through whatever troubles he found himself in. it wasn't, however, until they got closer did sooyoung find out just what kind of effect she had. while wonwoo was already beginning to realize he was the only one who could help himself, sooyoung gave him the extra push. whether it was her just being there with an encouraging message or a funny story to take his mind off the situation, sooyoung always managed to lift wonwoo's spirits and prevent him from falling back into a slump. she was, as he likes to cheesily call it, the light at the end of the tunnel.


Wonwoo and sooyoung start going out maybe just over a year before aeon disbands. it was, amusedly, sooyoung who asks wonwoo out, seeing as the boy would probably never gain the balls to do so (as quoted by youngji). after pouting and mumbling that it should've been the other way around, wonwoo agrees to go out with sooyoung and they progress in their relationship. it's a whole boat loud of fluttery feelings and awkward moments, but they make it work. eventually (more like a couple months in), wonwoo stops feeling like he's going to mess up or vomit out of anxiousness whenever he sees sooyoung because, "wow she's really pretty" and their relationship finally hits the smooth sailing stage. well, kind of.

of course, like every other couple, they exit the honey moon stage a little after wonwoo gets comfortable (maybe half a year before disbandment). it's little disputes, with sooyoung's job picking up and helix pushing for a comeback before they disband, but it gets in the way. they work through it however, already used to their friendship suffering because of their lives. it was just a little more stressful this time around, with the whole added label of boyfriend and girlfriend at stake, but in the end, they're mature enough to deal with it.

now, with wonwoo getting ready to leave aeon and sooyoung settling into her job at kakao inc. the two are talking about maybe moving together soon. of course, wonwoo still has to reveal to the public that he's dating someone and sooyoung needs to get her own life settled, but wonwoo decides that with the news of disbandment hitting, a little dating rumour is the least of everyone's worries.

Author's note

any comments for me? My friend's brother's name is actually primo and i feel weird using it as a stage name but it kind of fits the aesthetic so whoops. feel free to change things if you want, i kind of pushed my own idea of how the haitus and past events should go, but that's up to your own descretion (is that how you spell that?). Basically though, i do hope wonwoo goes back to school after aeon becomes more popular since he's no longer the most well known member.

also, you don't have to go too in depth with the love interest. i added her at the end of the story (kind of?) because i think wonwoo needs to save himself rather than have someone else do it for him. of course, people can help him, but the main conflict is with himself. as such, i didn't really want to take the easy route where the love of his life helps him change, instead, sooyoung is just kind of there to guide and help him relax. i dunno, i thought it worked better like that?

anything you'd like to see? you'll know if i think of anything ;)

password: "a little birdie once told me that i was put where i was for a reason, and i used to listen to it. now though, i found out that every bird has a different call, and that i just had to discover my own."


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