《 Cosmos 》楊李沁

李沁 - 楊李沁
☪ britney yang ⋮ this is her english name 
☪ 天使 ⋮ when she was a baby (even now), her looks are not that of a goddess but on par with an angel. her parents were happy, even though having a daughter was really ideal. despite that, 楊李沁 is the 天使in her family eyes. even if she isn't all that perfect ⋮ her family members (mostly used by intermediate family members)
☪ 李-李 ⋮ back in australia, she told them that her chinese name is '楊李沁'. of course, her english speaking friends decided to take the '李' out of her name and make a cute nickname for the latter. this eventually stuck with 李沁, telling others that they can call her '李沁' or '李-李' ⋮ friends (those who are closer to her or prefer to call her this)
☪ 염소 ⋮ just like amber being called a 'llama', 李沁 is called '염소' by her members. this is because her surname '楊' means goat. even though her beauty is far off beter than a goat's, you can't help but call her '염소'. ⋮ members  
BIRTHDATE: november 11, 1994
BIRTHPLACE: zhejiang, shengzhou, china
HOMETOWN: zhejiang, shengzhou, china (15 years) + sydney, new south wales, australia (4 years) + seoul, south korea (2 years)
ETHNICITY: chinese
☪ 紹興話/紹興方言 ⋮ this is the chinese she grew up using and talking in. although this may not be the main dialect used in china, this is pretty popular dialect for some unknown reason ⋮ native
☪ 北京話 ⋮ other than 紹興話/紹興方言, 李沁 also knows 北京話. it could also be that this is the main dialect/accent spoken in china. without it, she would struggle but thank god that the schools back in china taught them the standard 北京話. ⋮ fluent
☪ australian english ⋮ unlike many people who dwell in an english speaking country, 李沁 was able to it up quickly. her first year in australia was a struggle since she only knew basic english. however, since she was forced to speak english most of the time, her english improved a whole lot than before. her accent is now spoken and sounding like a true aussie ⋮ fluent
☪ 서울말 ⋮ now, this one is a real struggle. she was able to grasp the gist of it but not to her liking. she forces herself to talk in korean when she is in korea but the thing is 李沁 likes to use both dialects of chinese or english so her korean is okay. she makes a lot of mistakes in both pronunciation and grammar. on top of that, she still struggles to speak it along with understanding it ⋮ semi-fluent


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FACECLAIM: yoon sun young     
BACKUP: bae joo-hyun     
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 175 cm & 57.3 kg
APPEARANCE: we get to the fun part! honestly, i hate writing these out but i have to, ya know what i mean? okay, 李沁 in general is fine looking woman, but that's not a good enough description. 李沁 is 175 cm and weights 57.3 kg. she is thin but can gain weight easily if she doesn't exercise the calories she intakes. but since she always works out, her body fat is not that visible. yet, she doesn't have any abs...oh well. this is also good for her skin too, which is why her skin always looks healthy with a glow. this means her pale skin is close to having that porcelain look. it could also be that she go the beauty products along with make-up going on. this is also so that acne (that she don't have but insists that she has) is exterminated. regarding her delusions, she has a oval shaped faced with sharp jaw lines and the high cheek bones. her nose appears perfect but she feels like that it is really sharp and points out too much. she has doe-eye like eyes, but to her they are crooked. her eyebrows are actually the only thing she doesn't have to shave off (that is hair) is her eyebrows. her eyebrows aren't that hairy and are nicely shaped but that still doesn't look like that in 李沁 eyes. to go with her nice eye-sets (get the joke-ish?) is her lips. they are thin but soft and a light blush of pink. her ears are pierced with both standard piercing. but, her left ear has a conch piercing, while her right ear has a helix piercing and an upper lobe piercing. to add on to her looks, 李沁 is pretty tall and thin looking with pretty features. heck, even her feet and hands are delicate, thin and long. it doesn't make any difference because 李沁 herself does not see that about herself. she thinks that she is below average in every aspect, no thanks to that man.
STYLE:   growing up, 李沁 was very interested in fashion. i mean, have you seen her baby pictures? she was one stylish kid,along with being cute. getting back on topic, 李沁 clothing style doesn't have a certain type of fashion taste. she bases her fashion from what she's on the street or in magazines. but, she buys 95% of her clothing online because they have the best clothes. regarding on the length, she tries to be conservative in her clothing. some of the clothing she wears is a little showy, but she makes sure she has something to cover up. it doesn't help that the clothing has to be comfortable to her, so that means it has to be loose. yes, her clothing sense doesn't make sense in words but in looks wise, i think we get the gist. this means it has to look good and feel comfortable on her, and maybe appropriate. like i said, as long as it meets 李沁 requirements, it's sold. moving along her clothing preference, let's go to her accessories. she is into the flower crowns, cute charm bracelets, and etc. to go with that, high heels. she is definitely a high heels person. this is the only thing she can do in confidence, never slipping in her whole entire life. she doesn't dislike sneakers but she would rather wear high heels. again, if it looks good, it's sold. in general, 李沁 is not picky, choosing almost every piece of clothing she sees because she thinks it looks good one way or another. last but not least is make-up. she always wears make-up, being basic or full out. she doesn't feel confident in her bare face, so make-up is a must. what is sad is that she doesn't know that she is beautiful, thus very careful (she always has a fashionable member or a stylist help her).



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TRAITS: soft spoken, witty, sensitive, hard working, calm, uptight 
PERSONALITY: 李沁 isn't too far off from being the 'dream girl' of every mans dream. the only problem is that her personalities kinda contradict. it's only natural since humans are contradictory beings in general. going back to 李沁, she is soft spoken, witty, sensitive, hard working, calm, and uptight. let me break it down for you so you get a better grasp of 李沁. in general, 李沁 doesn't like to speak too much. it doesn't help that her voice is naturally soft so it takes good hearing to hear her voice. because of her soft voice, she is perceived as shy but she ain't. not only is she misunderstood, her voice tends to be overshadowed when speaking in general. that along with people thinking that she is mute, telling her secrets and venting out to her. that's good but now she has no one to vent to or talk to, mostly because no one seems to have a listening ears for her. she tends to few this trait as a hinder to herself since she struggles on a daily basis to be heard. in ways, it's good because some times those who speak softly are the wiser ones. this is probably why she found ways to be witty in her speech so when she talks, at least something sticks out. she will turn regular words into puns or riddles. sometimes, she can do reverse psychology on you. very smart in her chose in her words, knowing what words to use when someone is mad or when someone is upset. being witty is being clever with your words, so that doesn't mean it's only sarcasm, it can also be something to help others. although her witty remarks can be a little hurtful or rude, in which she doesn't realize until much later when she is going to bed. 李沁 may be beauty and talent but sometimes, she lacks the brains when it is needed. despite being sometimes careless of others feelings, she is a sensitive person. many are surprised to hear this since her looks look like she is cold, shy, and heartless (at least to me ;;). 李沁 is someone you need to be careful with or the beautiful glass will break. sadly, her glass has been broken many times yet she glue them back together. in other words, she is someone who you need to be careful with what you do and say to her. in some ways, that is kinda y and very demanding since in today's society we forget about others and tend to focus on ourselves. 李沁 is one of the few that need to be looked after or she will break, kinda like a baby who is learning to walk. this is kinda a bad trait but hey, at least she is in tune with others feelings. she makes sure that everything she does doesn't hurt anybody, even if that is kinda hard. but hard is good, thanks to being a hard worker. like chanyeol said, 'no pain, no gain'. it could also be that her parents always told her and her sister that people who are lazy in life get no where while people who do something become something. another factor could be that they always had to do something, even if they were kids (back then, not know because i'm pretty sure 21 year old is an adult and not a fetus). she makes sure that she gets the job done right or at least to the point where she as a person is satisfied with the outcome. she sometimes over exerts herself which is bad for her health, having been hospitalized many times due to lack of sleep or lack of something. along with being too extra on herself, she also tends to make others around her work harder too. this may good if you are a lazy person but no one likes a work-a-holic/perfectionist. sometimes, you just gotta chill and enjoy life. this applies to everyone, even to 李沁. despite being a hard worker on herself and others, she is pretty calm. this is kinda scary since her voice is soft and her temper is kinda unknown so when in situations she should be upset, she is calm. this in general is scary as because that means the person is plotting your murder and (just kidding...or am i?). setting the jokes aside, it is good to be calm because you have more time to think before act, even though she may sometimes say before thinking. anyways, she is usually calm and patient, thus having a good composure when all things goes wrong or in life in general cause blowing up in other faces doesn't do anybody a good thing. however, when you keep in all that that you get from others, you are bond to explode. just like sung-jong of infinite, she tends to take out her anger on stuff animals. if you are her lucky victim, you get her full wrath so you better beware or 李沁 is gonna kill you. just make sure you scare the out of her when she is angry, because all wrath will be gone. instead, fear and anxiety fills her mind and heart once the wrath is scared out (why does this sound like some exorcism?). she is so uptight, making it seem that she is scared of something. in reality, she is just a person who gets scared easily like joo-honey and ren from nu'est. she hates it because it's literally fearing for you life 24/7. but the good thing about it is that you get to hear screams and see her run when you scare her or leave her in scary house. other's miseries are other's pleasures, right? and that's it for 李沁. like i said, she seems perfect and acts like she is almost perfect but she ain't. another thing is people, especially idols show us the 'them' they want us to see and hide the uglies. 李沁 sometimes does that when she doesn't want others to worry or be in her business. 
BACKGROUND: born into a soft spoken family, 李沁 was born at 4 o' clock p.m. in zhejiang, shengzhou, china. little did she know that life was going to take her on an adventurous journey that would bring scars, tears, and memories. her life growing up was filled with dance and music, learning the arts of tradional chinese naturally. she didn't seem to mind since at least she did something that she enjoyed. it was kinda like her way of escaping what the cruel world has thrown at you. i mean, 李沁 and 碧玉 were always competing for mom and dad's affection. she was also pressured into getting high marks, making sure that she only hit a certain grade and never dropping it. it was kinda stressful for poor 李沁, having to keep up with these standards. however, she learned how to cope with it, wear a mask and smile through all the life throws at you. on top of that, she learned that 4 walls are not enough so she took a dip to the unknown (i will love you forever if you get that reference). in reality, because 李沁 was a people's pleaser, she lost herself. it's not like she truly lost herself, rather, it was deep hidden in her. during this time, she didn't care about her own well being (another song reference because imma loser XD), too caught in hearing other's problems, making mom and dad proud, along with mastering the things she is taught. this didn't help that she was getting hurt a lot by those at school. many people were using her just to get popular or something beneficial to them. in other words, life was starting to become dull. she didn't really see the point of living since it was always the same routine, yet she threw away such a dangerous though, knowing that something bad could come after this. okay so let’s start from the basics. ever since birth, 李沁 was never at rest. as soon as she learned to talk, a lot of stuff was shoved down (not literally). her parents made sure that she always on top of things, being one of the finest that the world has ever seen. if though it is impossible to achieve such thing, the poor girl still had to go through such horrendous things her parents put her under. it didn't make things any better that she and her sister were constantly competing for their parents affection. because of this, the relationship between the two was quite damaged, until they came to their senses when reaching high school. regardless, her life was something that was unachievable. to make matters better, her parents made her do after school clubs, making her constantly busy which meant no time for herself. slowly, not only did she lose herself but the whole family was starting to fall out. it was if life on the outside seemed perfect for the 楊 family, but in the inside it is a disaster. what made things worse was that their parents decided maybe they should file for a divorce and re-start their lives. even this would bring more problems, which is not a good thing to have. after a whole year of discussing what do to, it was time. the 楊 family decided that to make amends with their children, along with having a fresh start was to move somewhere else. this way, they could leave everything in the past. the whole family was excited, leaving this old neighborhood that drove them wild, little did they know that just because you solve problems doesn't mean they keep appearing. when they moved to australia, 藝軒 , a good friend of 李沁 decided to board the plane too. well, at least 李沁 has her buddy with her, right? wrong, because life likes to mess you up very badly. the move to australia was smooth but the transition to whole new culture was different. her parents didn't mind since this was why the came to australia for, a new life. 碧玉 seemed to fit right in like she lived there the whole entire time, already having a good grasp of the new life. sadly, 李沁 struggled. she wasn't accustom to anything over there, feeling like an outcast. even if living in china caused a lot crap, her life was comfortable over there not in here in a new alien country. on top of that, her buddy left her in her weakest moment. she honestly did not know what to do, she was to scared to commit suicide but she didn't want to keep going through pain over and over. seeing that 李沁 was struggling, her parents agreed to do what was best for her, enroll her in dance lessons again. only this time, she could take whatever she want. 李沁 didn't care, only having her previous life in mind. slowly after many months of staying in their first year there, 李沁 finally decided that change was needed. throwing away the mask that she covered herself with and tearing her 4 walls, she decided to life a new life. this caused a huge change in her, along with her maturing. just know that the scars that 藝軒 was still there, bitter towards the handsome man. this hindered her love life, thanks to 藝軒 capturing her heart (yet she hates him like wtf). aside her love life that was hindered, she seemed to be in control of her life this time. she lived life a lot better, attending clubs she enjoyed, having fun with the fam bam and hoes friends. in general, life was getting good until tweedle dee and tweedle dum decided to submit videos to an online audition for yuehua entertainment. all i can say is, here we go again (i kinda want to be more than friends~) no? okay.)
☪ listening to music. not because she wants to keep up with what's the new hit song. music provides relief for her from all the stress she has. it also feels likes she loses herself, kinda like she is in another dimension.
☪ looking good even though she has low-key self esteem. she feels like one of the few steps to make herself confident (more like survive through out the day) is making sure she looks presentable. this is not vain as first impressions to make a big impact, not knowing who or what will catch you/see you
☪ when she was adjusting to get use to the cultural difference, the first thing she liked was the banana flavored milk. the soft creamy feeling on her tongue, followed by a sweet, savory taste. now that is good
☪ just like music, 李沁 and dancing have become one. she loses herself while dancing, which makes her out of the universe as she dances to music. it also makes her feel alive (everything that kills me/drowns me makes me feel alive)
☪ if the neighborhood hates the beach than they hate 李沁 too. 李沁 is encaptured by the beach's beauty and serene yet lively feeling. it kinda has that good vibe feeling that you want in your life.
☪ we have amber who is fond of llamas, kris fond with alpacas, and etc. get ready for it because 李沁 is fond of goats. fitting thing to like, given the fact that is her nickname along with the meaning of her last name.
☪ in the pure but scarred mind of 李沁, she likes to hang out with her friends. they are the people who are their when you need them or maybe not because someone in sure wasn't there for her when she needed him
☪ ever since twidle dee and dum told her about tumblr, 李沁 loves to go on tumblr and look at what's good /looks at miley cyrus/
☪ 李沁 likes anything regarding the moon, whether it be it full, half, lunar, red, white, cheese, rock, she doesn't care. i guess it's kinda like kris and the galaxy or tao and gucci ☪ the only sport she did growing up was swimming (other than dance but dance is considered a hobby). she now has become one with the water, even making it to the national junior swim team (but that was only for like 2 years)
☪ she really dislikes anything with horror or scary or both. she is the one girl who will literally run with her eyes shut and scream out 'i'm scared'. so much for being ideal girl /insert smirk emoji
☪ like any regular human being on this earth, she hates getting up early in the morning. what's funny everyday of her life from what she can recall from, she was waking up early in the morning because the early bird gets the knowledge and power
☪ seafood, which is a shocker since her parents own a seafood restruant. she doesn't like the smell nor the nasty taste. it's like jessica and krystal with cucumbers, it's ewww.
☪ people who are fake are literally are people that she can't deal with. she wants to be able to trust people not become suspicious of them. it doesn't help when people who you really trust turn out to be fake.
☪ chapped lips are the worst. they are dry and so hard to moisturize, so you gotta make sure that them lips are good or you're screwed fam
☪ now, we all know that no one likes getting sick (well maybe most because ya know how some people be). even so, i think 李沁 wins the crown of someone who has a strong disliking of getting sick. when she get's sick you better steer clear because she literally can't do anything. poor 李沁
☪ this girl is really something if you ask me. 李沁 doesn't do the color yellow. it is such an ugly color which comes to mind as to why yellow is a color.
☪ coffee has this bitter taste to it, which doesn't sit well with 李沁. she is more of a sweet, sour, or spicy person rather than a bitter person. besides, coffee gives you bad breath.
☪ a mess makes 李沁 go insane. if you are thinking ocd, it isn't. it's just that 李沁 can't stand messes because her older sister was a messy person, having to share a room made 李沁 not want to be messy. so if you are messy, 李沁 is looking at you with disappointment
☪ she has her hair short for a reason, it's cute and simple to take care of. she doesn't do long hair, it doesn't even look good on her
☪ just like haru, she enjoys dancing freestyle. it's what she is the most passionate about so why not enjoy it while you can?
☪ again, like haru, swimming is life. when she get's the chance she swims instead of doing work outs (although she is technically working out). surprisingly, the company is okay with that
☪ listening to the beautiful voice of k.will, sipping banana flavoured milk, and reading mangas are the bomb.
☪ as a past time favourite, she likes to go window shopping to see what is on sale and what is cute
☪ when the manager or members wake her up, she tends to pout in her sleep. she isn't violent unlike jungmin of ss5o1 but she doesn't wake up easily
☪ she tends to furrow her brows when she is thinking or lost in thought. looks like sehun, siwon, and yibo have a sibling in the fam bam
☪ when she isn't really thinking, she talks in 紹興話/紹興方言 

☪ back in her 4 years in australia, her first two years she was part of the national junior swim team. her strong are backstrokes, butterly, and freestyle
☪ she knows how to play traditional chinese instrument : guqin
☪ other than her traditional chinese ballet, she knows how to dance breakdance, (insert blushing emoji), ballet, freestyle, and modern
☪ only during trainee years did she have long hair. other than that, her whole life has she had short hair
☪ like i.m., she is good in english but she believes it isn't good so if a member is better at english than her, she will speak in korean but she speaks english most of the time
☪ although she isn't at the skill set of creating dances, she has shown interest in making them
☪ i don't know if you realized this but 李沁 is really pretty but because she has low self esteem, she doesn't think she is
☪ her favourite places to shop for things are online but the only things that she will buy online every time are from lush and bath and body works
☪ 李沁 isn't the best cook but her cooking is okay. it's no chef level but it ain't like 'i burned the rice'
☪ despite being upset and hurt by 藝軒, she secretly still loves him (but i'll save that for the love interest section)


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☪妈妈, 楊芳华 ⋮ 45 years old ⋮ owner of seafood restruant 'yum yum' ⋮ soft spoken, caring, strict, sensitive ⋮ (fc. angelababy) she tried to make sure that 李沁 and 碧玉 had the best in life. she knew that life would be hard if they didn't become anything sucessful, her reason being as to why she pushed her children. she knows that sometimes she was wrong when scolding her kids or teaching them, but hey, it is for the long run, right? anyways, she tried to be the nicer between her and her husband, although she does have her very scary moments. in general, the both girls aren't as close to their mom, even if the act they use to put up sayed otherwise. setting her relationship with her kids, her husband and her were planning a divorce, thanks to realizing that they f-ed up, not wanting to take the blame. realizing that it was going to go no where with that, they agreed to throw out the divorce. ever since they moved to australia, 芳华 has definetly changed. she is know a genuinely caring mom, not caring what others think. she is also closer to her kids, which is good since their relationships were so bad.
☪父亲, 楊​凱 ⋮ 47 years old ⋮ owner of seafood restruant 'yum yum' ⋮ soft spoken, patient, uptight, harsh ⋮ (fc. haung xiaoming) just like 芳华, he tried to make sure both girls would life a good life in the future. growing up, the only thing he knew was competition since that's what life was like. he was the reason the both daughters hated each other for a while. on the positive side, her father had a bigger ego than his love for his children, making sure they always did good things and got good things. because of this, a lot of damage was done to the family. he realized that he, along with 芳华, messed up big time. 芳华 was the one who suggested the divorce, which he agreed to. but common sense hit them realzing that they were being selfish, not thinking about their daughters. ever since they moved to australia, 芳华 has also changed. he isn't too affectionate but his demenor has become more gentle than before.
☪姐姐, 楊碧玉 ⋮ 23 years old ⋮ a waitress in the family restruant ⋮ soft spoken, competitive, hard working, selfish ⋮ (fc. chang yi-jiao, formerly of rania) these two hated each other for around 15 -16 years. it was terrible, i mean it was always competition between them. 碧玉 always tried to outdo her younger sister, fear that she would be riduculed by her parents and friends if she let the latter beat her (which did happen). this make things even bitter between these two girls. they couldn't even look at each other without sending waves of hatred to the other. however, 碧玉 realized that if that kept going on like this, it would end bad. 碧玉 was the first one to approach the latter. ever since that night, the girls slowly got closer. sadly, australia kinda drifted them apart but that doesn't mean they stopped caring for each other. however, it kinda seems like that one friend you know but aren't even close with to call friend. sad isn't? 
☪please stay quiet, i don't want to get in trouble again, anastasia budnik ⋮ 21 years old ⋮ an aspiring actress ⋮ silly, hot headed, competitive, loud ⋮ (fc. chloe moretz) on 李沁 second year of staying in australia, she was friended by tweedle dee. anastasia took interest in 李沁, who finally decided to give this new life a change. because of this, they kinda just became friends, which was good for both of them. they do almost everything together and know the other inside and out. i don't think words could define this good friendship they have going on. anyways, it can get kinda nasty since 李沁 doesn't really say anything when things are done to her that shouldn't be done. this causes hot headed anastasia to scream injustice out and what not. well, it's okay since 李沁 has her back, listening to the girl's frustration in life. ahh, the beautiful relationship between the two.
☪oh, my gosh. don't bring up 9th grade year, kyra dowling ⋮ 22 years old ⋮ an aspiring model ⋮ sassy, clumsy, blunt, dense ⋮ (fc. elle fanning) well, you heard 2 items for the price of one? this is exactly what happened when anastasia friended 李沁. unlike anastasia, kyra is a little more turn down. that doesn't mean this girl is easy going. she can be crazy and loud when she wants to be. to make things better, if you piss her off she will let you know about it. regarding her friendship with 李沁, it's no different from the relationship that anastasia and 李沁. actually, all three of them are squad, which means they all share the same friendship with each other. btw, this is tweedle dum.
☪if you want to cry, go ahead, 黄翔 ⋮ 20 years old ⋮ studying foreign laguage in zhejiang univeristy ⋮ 4d, short tempered, impatient, understanding ⋮ (fc. hong jonghyun) this was the only few male friends that 李沁 has. not only that, 藝軒 approved of their friendship. considering the fact 藝軒 likes 李沁, 翔 must have been extra good in a previous life. 翔 doesn't have much friends since he was considered weird by the other student back in primary school. 李沁 saw the lonely baby, taking him under her wing. because of this, a beautiful friendship between the two (haha, i don't know if you can tell but i honestly hate these sections too XD). they have a family feeling to them, which is good since 翔 is the only child, having a lot pressure on him. never fear, sweet 李沁 is hear to fix that.
☪ my lovely boy, 문준영 ⋮ 21 years old ⋮ trainee under yg ⋮ goofball, loyal, talkative, naive ⋮ (fc. park seo joon) he is literally a two year stuck in a 21 year old body. he is literally so hyper, never taking any moment to rest much to the amazement of 李沁. it's ironic, the two have such different personalities yet they are good friends. why? well let's say that 준영 had a crush, wanting to ask the girl out. however, he could see that there was some body else in her eyes, seeing that she was always staring at a certain someone. realizing that maybe now isn't a good time to make a move on the beautiful girl, he decided that he will wait to see how it plays out. either way, he still wants to be friends with 李沁.


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STAGE NAME: 李沁 ⋮ she decided to go with her chinese birth name because britney is a common name. on top of that, britney spears has the name 'britney' in it so having a copy cat stage name is a no no. either way, she still would have chosen her chinese name. why? her name means 'beautiful stringed musical instrument'. she wants to be able to be viewed as that (regarding her voice).
PERSONA: 꿈의 소녀 ⋮ the reason why this is her persona is because she literally fits into almost every guy's ideal girl. she is pretty and charming, along with filial. on top of that, she seems like a girl who doesn't have any imperfections to here. the only thing is that 周藝軒 has left scars in her heart. this means there is no room for love or is there? 
POSITION: vocal, main dancer, choreographer
☪ SINGING TWIN ☪ kang seul-gi / hahm eun-jung
☪ DANCING TWIN ☪ kang seul-gi / hahm eun-jung
☪ RAPPING TWIN ☪ kang seul-gi / hahm eun-jung
☪ ACTING TWIN ☪ kang seul-gi / hahm eun-jung
☪ TALKING TWIN ☪ kang seul-gi / hahm eun-jung
TRAINEE YEARS: around 1 year under yuehua entertainment/yg entertainment and 1 year under yunrae entertainmet
TRAINEE LIFE: first things first (i'm the realest), let's start from the very thing that started her road to stardom. unlike 周藝軒, who was scouted, 李沁 had to audition. more like she was forced to audition, thanks to twidle dee and twidle dum. anyways, her two good friends (in australia) knew that 李沁 loved singing and dancing, hence why she joined every dance group at school. but, they also knew that she would be too scared to act out on it. so being evil people, they secretly signed her up for an online audition, taking videos of her singing and dancing. to her shock and dismay, yuehua entertainment wanted to recruit her. heck, she only needed that one online audition, where as others needed to go through a lot of auditions. soon after being chosen, she received an e-mail stating that she was accepted to train under yuehua company. very surprised, she decided she would reject. even so, her parents encouraged her to pursue it since she seemed so happy performing. it would be a shame to throw a rare opportunity just because you don't want it. with that, she packed her bags and headed back to china to train. little did she know that fate would make her meet someone again. disregard that, let's go back to her way to stardom. when she started training, she was nervous but determined to do well. surprisingly, she did well seeing that she was already good in dance and her vocals sounded pleasing. because of having potential, halfway through her first year of training, she was moved to yg to train. there she was force to learn a new language and had to train daily. she wasn't use to it, having to go through such a different course of training regiment. don't forget that 李沁 was like an alien to a foreign land. she didn't like it since it was an uncomfortable transition. i mean, the way she was taught korean was harsh, being slapped on the stomach or flicked on the head to get her pronunciations right along with being scolded if she got it wrong. she also had to wake up early in the morning to go to school, along with waking her training mate since if either one of them was late, it was trouble for the both of them. on top of that, punishments were always given if 李沁 didn't follow the rules. during her first year at training in korea, she hated it. she felt like she didn't belong, kinda felt secluded. she decided that she was going to quit. even if dance was her passion, she didn't want to go through this much hell for something she enjoys. her scores weren't as high as before when she first started training. matter in fact, she literally did not care anymore. however, she heard that someone was debuting in an upcoming boy group, she decided to stay. in the end of the first year of training, she decided that she was gonna train a lot harder so she could surpass that bastard. she would wake up extra early, train longer hours, and well tried to become a model trainee. she was driven to reach the man who broke her into pieces, still bitter about what happened. many were impressed by her while some felt threatened by this. the only thing that was in her mind was to surpass that man. this got thhe attention of the companies she was under. both yg and yuehua was surprised since her scores started to raise along with being hospitalized. they didn't know that the girl was truly driven, wanting to be deemed better than him. because of the lack of knowledge, they assumed she really wanted to debut. they told her that they would have to drop her if she continued to keep up with that reckless behaviour. not wanting to lose this game, she decided to lay it off. finally, after 2 whole years of training, the companies believed that it would be wise to debut her since she had the assets of being in a girl group. she was able to sing well, dancing was good, and her survival instincts of the industry was good. besides, looking at 李沁 brought dollar bills in their mind. set on debuting her, they changed her regiment so it was now with the members in the girl group. but, yg discontinued the girl group. having enough, 李沁 quit both companies. she knew that she wouln't be able to have her revenge, so she looked for korean entertainments. 李沁 came across th auditions for yunrae entertainment. she auditoned and got in. there she trained a year before getting chosen as a member of cosmos. little did they know that they were helping the heart broken girl get what she wants. time to pay because karma is a . 
☪ appeared as an extra in the mv 'come back home' by 2ne1
☪ appeared as an extra in the mv 'bae bae' by big bang
☪ modeled bbq chicken with lee jong suk in both korea and china
☪ is the face/model of the face shop in both korea and china
☪ modeled for didier dubot in both korea and china
SCANDALS: up to you :)




LOVE INTEREST: 周藝軒 / yixuan of uniq
BACKUP LOVE INTEREST: 张艺兴 / lay of exo
☪ kind, gentle, eager, awkward, anxious, dense

yixuan is so positive and optimistic. he seems to be the type that takes every experience including failures as a lesson and accepts the outcome as it is. to continue on, yixuan seems like someone you’d want as a friend. someone who’s there to tell you positive things, and they won’t be lies at all, because he truly believes them. it wouldn’t be said just to be said or because it’s the right thing to say. he’ll encourage you when you feel like giving up, just as he’s done for wenhan. his overall presence says he’s there for you and he gives off a warm and approachable vibe. yixuan is understanding and patient and he does the chores that no one wants to do, the ones that the members play to not do. in interviews, the members mention yixuan’s personality many times; that he’s nice, takes great care of them, and such which only continues to validate what we know about him. yixuan is also SUCH A NERD, it’s truly beautiful. he’s smart, he loves to read books from historical analects to poems, and from inspirational books to modern novels and current issues. he seems insightful, an old soul if you will (insert old man jokes here.) several members said he’s best at giving advice. he may be much older than the other members, but he was able to experience things that can only be achieved with having a life outside of living in training room for days on end. too many idols say its unfortunate that they weren’t able to do certain things, or do things that they want. he’s still kind of awkward in front of the camera. he’s great with words, but when it comes to just being themselves on camera doing random things as they please, he’s kind of awkward there and not sure of what to do and relies on members in that area. but he tries. 
BACKGROUND:  they first met each other as toddlers at the daycare that their parents had put them in. what's funny is that they were 'buddies' in the daycare, meaning they were always paired up. gradually, this little 'buddy system' graduated to becoming good friends. it was literally like scene from a movie where the guys grows up with the girl and they fall in love. well, let's stick with the story details first before jumping to conclusions. at first, they were just good friends (i didn't say close but good, like in i got that good good). they started to learn more about the others interest. it also meant that they hung out more often (as friends), playing around. slowly, 李沁 let herself be dragged out from the unknown. by middle school, they had starting growing feelings for each other but 周藝軒 refused to admit his feelings for the petite girl. yet he became a little more overprotective over her without making it too obvious that something changed. he didn't like it when she made friends with guys, while 李沁 藝軒 friending girls. not knowing if he should ask her out, he looked for surrogates, only to no avail. slowly, their skinny love for each other was becoming an issue. didn't like knowing that this can go on forever, he decided to finally step up. when the two were going to graduation for their middle school years, he was going to confess to her. it seemed like the perfect time and minute, but she dropped the biggest bomb on the earth. on that tearful day, 李沁 told 藝軒 that she was moving to australia. he didn’t know how to react since the girl of his dreams was going to be gone. he should have confessed but that didn’t seem like the right timing. all he could to was be that good friend, kinda ty in李沁’s mind. she was kinda hoping that he would care or do something to show that he loved her. instead, 藝軒 encouraged her, telling her that it was the new start that she needed. she never felt so hurt and betrayed by those words but she kept it in. she smiled it off, nodding along to what he said.

藝軒 : it’s not so bad. besides, we can always talk through letters or messages [translation : please don’t go. I need you by my side.]
李沁 : that’s true. i can’t believe that I was being so upset over this. you are right, i think this is a good chance [translation : you horrible man, can’t you tell that i love you? why are you saying these harsh words?]
藝軒 : hey, why don’t we hang out for one last time before you go? [translation : i love you, can’t you see that?]
李沁 : sure. let’s go! [translation : only if you knew how I felt about you…]

that was how it went when the news of moving to australia was dropped. the end. just kidding, there is more to their love story.

藝軒, who was not willing to let go, pleaded to his parents to let him study dance abroad. he told them that the楊 family was moving there, so all he needed was permission. Having a discussion with the楊’s, 藝軒 was allowed to go. only if he got good grades and came home over the summer. both藝軒 and李沁 were overjoyed. this means that their time with each other is no longer short. with that, as soon as they were about to board the plane, 李沁 received the confession that she waited for such a long time (she didn’t that he liked her but rather hoped that he asked her out). this made李沁 as happy as can be. she accepted his confession, becoming his first boyfriend along with李沁 becoming藝軒’s first girlfriend. thanks to that confession, everything was going to seem okay. Well, from the looks of it than but now it’s different. shortly after arriving in february, the two were enrolled to school. they both struggled but everything seemed to be okay because they both had each other. they didn’t care if they didn’t fit in or if they didn’t understand what was being taught. they were like peanut butter and jelly, inseparable, or so we thought. in may, 藝軒 learned some dances. of coursem that is one of the main reason why he was allowed to come to australia, right? that don't mean nothing, since time flew by so quick for the two of them. finally, summer hit which meant that 藝軒 and 李沁 had to be apart for a couple of months. during that time period that 藝軒 in china, his dance crew that he joined and 藝軒 performed, which caught the attention of yuehua entertainment. without any prior notice of this, 藝軒 never returned to australia before the new semester started, leaving 李沁 broken hearted and upset. it didn't help that it was during a time period that she felt alone and needed someone to be there for her. 藝軒 leaving added salt to the wound, making the poor girl emotionally wrecked. it's not like 藝軒 didn't try to get back to his girl. because he was a trainee, he wasn't allowed to have a lot of contact, only limited to people within the company. 藝軒 felt troubled by this, even so, he knew that 李沁 would text him or communicate to him in some form. this part was true, 李沁 wrote letters, texted, called, whatever msm there was, 李沁 did. she finally gave up, thinking that 藝軒 forgot her and wasn't going to come back. she didn't want to admit it but slowly, she tried to get rid of her feelings for him. the second year she was in australia, 李沁 recieved a text from 藝軒. in that message, she was told that they were over and that his focus couldn't be on her but his training. her wounds that she tried to close up were open again, finally realizing that she was the fool. she didn't know that the company forced him to break-up since they couldn't risk any scandals nor distractions for the upcoming boygroup member. because of this, their relationship has been broken to pieces in which 李沁 is not willing to let go. no, she wants answer and revenge on the very man she called lover. 
RELATIONSHIP: before i start elaborating their relationship, i just want you to know that this is from the past (when they first started dating) till now. got it? okay, let's roll like a buffalo now.

dating period : you know that song by auburn? the one called perfect two? well, this was kinda their theme song. a lot changed from being good friends to a couple. ever since they started dating, the two of them became more honest and open with each other. on top of that, they had more skinship with each other. other than that generic description, let me give you some insight to what happens between these lovely two. they knew each other pretty well, prior to before dating months. anyways, they both had a reason now to be jeoulus without having to worry if the other would find out that they liked the other. other then being jeoulus, the two became closer. whenever one of the was sick, the other would take care of them until the person was nursed to good health. they would also make sure that the other was okay after having a bad day. it was constant care and selfless between the two. that doesn't mean that their relationship was perfect. literally, their fights would be the reason why 李沁 is crying while 周藝軒 is upset. usually when they argued, 李沁 would always give 藝軒 the silent treatment. this go on for god who knows how long until one of them apoligizes betweeen the two. oh, it could also be that when they make up, they have . yes, they have had (safe because they are too young to go on that show 'teenage moms'). i mean, they did the deed when they were 15 - 17. i would go in to detail about what happened but that's a little too much, don't you think? anyways, they really thought of each other where ever they went or was. but now, let's go into the indivudual dating period elaboration, huh?

周藝軒 [dating period] : during the time they were dating, 周藝軒 was a caring and thoughtful boyfriend. he was the one who always remembered what to buy when she forgets to. he is also not ashamed that his girlfriend has needs, thus goes out to buy the pads that she needs along with the sweet ice cream and desserts. he is no perfect being but he tries to make sure that his girl is always happy. although there are times that he gets frustrated with her, not knowing how to deal or to react when situations make him feel this way. in the end, he loves her no matter what and tries to make sure that he doesn't lose her since she is the reason why he smiles randomly through out the day.
藝軒 [dating period] : during the time she thought as long as she had 周藝軒, she was happy. she tried to make sure that 周藝軒 wouldn't look the other way and only at her. this made her feeled pressured to lose weight and become prettier. adding to the fact that she knows how to please others, she wants to make sure that he is satisfied with her that he doesn't think about leaving her once. she knows that she can be hard to deal with but it's not like that lump of bread is any easier. sometimes, he can act so childish, thinking that he knows everything and has the right to accuse you. she wishes that they trust each other liked they trust each other back than. however, no matter what happens she loves him, not willing to let go of him until the bitter end.

after they broke up : 周藝軒 was never proud that he chose to listen to the company than rather keep his girl. it's the guilt/burden he was to deal with. it doesn't help that he sees her training in yuehua. he knows that 藝軒 is wanting answers of what happened. he is ready to answer them since he doesn't want to keep her in the dark. however, little did he know that he kept her in the dark too long, with the addition of hurt. 藝軒 on the other hand didn't want to see him. well yes, she wanted to see him so he could answer her questions but in general, she hates him and can't stand him. or can she since she steal has feelings for him. so in quick words, they still have feelings for each other but can they overcome the hurt or will the hurt overcome them? 



COMMENTS: regarding the love interest section, i left the others section tba until i know the outcome. meaning if my chara gets chosen, since i let you choose the conclusion. if she gets back together with yi-xuan, than i will fill out. but if they dont or they havent made any progress than i wont fill out. is that okay? other than that, i am done :)
i hope you like her. i know she isn't anything like you asked for but i hope you are willing to accept her. regarding her personality, she isn't a mary-sue but can appear like it when she doesn't want other to know stuff about her. also, sorry for the late submission of this app. i know this app is crappy and all but yeah. i cant wait for the story to start/contiue cause it honestly seems/looks good :) also sorry for unsubribing a couple times. none of my charas suit your story, but than i created an app but wonho was taken and than i was going to use haneul but i had issues so yeah. i understand if you found it rude and irritating, i hope you can forgive me.
PASSWORD: andromeda (i know it only has three members but the song is good tbh)


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