ATALANA GIRL NO.8  ✕  이해빛나



rudeneja • ari • 7 out of ten


the basics.

name » 이해빛나 [lee haebitna]

nickname(s) »

🌿 빛나 [bitna] + 빛나 is derived from the root form of the korean verb 빛나다. this is actually useless information but i thought it was cool. the real reason as to why 이해빛나 is called 빛나 is that 이해빛나 is a mouthful. since 빛나 is easy along with being a common name, people just naturally call her 빛나 

🌿 예쁜 공주 [pretty princess] + this is not the game, okay? even though, the point of pretty princess correlates as to why 빛나 is called this. growing up as the only daughter in the lee household, her parents made sure that she was aware that she was pretty. despite that efforts, it didn't really work yet she gained another affectionate nickname.
🌿 멍멍이 [doggy] + the one stupid nickname that 빛나 will ever accept. you see, 정신 wanted a dog. none the less, their parents said no due to unknown reasons. because he couldn't get a dog, he decided to give his sister that nickname when she was born. honestly, no matter what she says, it suits her. i mean, she has eyes that are similar to that of a puppy's and an mind of a puppy from time to time.
🌿 정글 여왕 [jungle queen] + 빛나 is very adventurous, like the thrill and chills it gives her. she is willing to go any where at any time. in her eyes, its like living out an image that you have from a book. in her members eyes, she is a lot like tarzan when it comes to adventures. at first, tarzan was the name but she didn't like it, thus 정글 여왕 is born


birthdaY » july 15, 1996 (20 years old / 21 years old)

BIRTHPLACE & hometowN » ilsan, seoul, south korea

ethnicitY » korean

languageS » 

🌿 서울말/경기 방언 + honestly, how can someone who is born and raised in korea not know korea? 빛나 knows this language thanks to 서울말/경기 방언 being her native tongue that she grew up and spoke with. + native 

🌿 山の手言葉 + training under fnc has its perks. since fnc mainly promotes in japan and korea, they teach the trainees japanese so they can fluently speak it, making promotions easier. oh, it could also be that she continued to learn it when she trained under starship and big hit + fluent
🌿 standard british english + in korea, they teach standard american english. of course, 빛나 picked up easily but struggled with the accent. this is when she decided to have a british pen pal (more like skype buddy), who would help her with her accent. since has since then improved but still struggles with the minor details of english + semi-fluent
🌿 北京话 + because she is low-key an over achiever, 빛나 learned chinese and it helps that her friends from uniq help her learn chinese a whole lot better aka 王一博 + semi-fluent

face claiM » jin na young of wings 

backup face claim » kim hye-me of rania 


height & weight » 165.1 cm & 50 kg


appearance »

🌿 we all know that siblings tend to look a like, whether they admit or deny it. yet 정신 boast that they look a like, 빛나 refuses to admit that she looks like her older brother. there are a few things that look similar : their nose, eyes, and jawline. anyways, the jawline wasn't so hard to have similar looks in. just like 정신, 빛나 had to have braces to line her top and bottom rows of teeth. soon after 3 and a half years of wearing braces in middle school, they were off (replaced with life long retainers, having to wear them religiously). but because of getting her teeth straight, this also changed how her jawline appeared, becoming sharp and narrow. other than her pearly white teeth thanks to teeth whitening, she has good visuals. her nose is actually thin and small, similar to a button nose but a little thinner than that. this causes her lips to appear thick, which kinda are. her peachy colored lips are average when it's the top lip but thick on the bottom lip. she is very conscious of it since most humans don't have thick lips (unless you are niel from teen top or hyungwon from monsta x). her ears are pierced with the typical standard lob piercing on each ear, while her right ear has a helix piercing and her left ear has a upper lob piercing. not owning any beauty spots, she does have a birthmark that is a light brown shade. it is a blotch that looks like it a 'cow spot', located in the middle of her right hand (not her palms). she also has doe-eyes that seem to be more like puppy eyes. just like kyungri from 9muses, 빛나's eyes are slightly uneven (not her double-eyelids) but how her eyes are positioned are slightly crooked. adding to her eyes are her thin but long and bountiful amount of eyelashes. to go with her eyelashes are her eyebrows, that have been waxed/shaped into the desired straight eyebrow shape. regarding her hair, it is thick but silky, thanks to all those hair products used in her hair to keep it soft, shiny, and silky. she also has it dyed brown/light brown currently with the bob-like hairstyle/short hair that ends to her chin (if you get the joke considering jin na young of wings is her face claim). do you think that her skin is also lacking? nope, she also has many facial products to keep her skin healthy and glowing (this is starting to sound like an info-mercial). however, on days that mother nature visit or when she is really stressed out, the acne witch comes and casts as spell on her face. in general, her skin is as white as tofu, making any make-up (specifically dark make-up) sticks out. that is just her facial features, now we move on to her lower body features. she has a thin, petite figure/frame, thanks to being 165.1 cm. even so, her shoulders are the only thing that isn't 'lady-like', having broad shoulders similar to a swimmer's. other wise, she is really thin and has no muscle's on her. this is why she is starting to work-out so she can be like her idol crush, krystal of f(x), and have those '11' shaped abs. let's see if 50 kg 빛나 can do it. in conclusion, 빛나 is a short petite, woman who is the ideal image of a korean beauty. ironically, she doesn't she herself that way, only seeing the flaws that only a few can pick up. if she was ugly as she thinks, how in the world did she become a popular eolljjang? i don't know, you tell me.


style »

🌿 she honestly doesn't care what fashion style there is. as long as it looks good on her, she will wear it. 빛나 is one of the those few girls who plan their outfits already, even having back-up outfits if there is something horrid going on. being a former eolljjang has it's perks, having a closet full of popular clothing. she is fond of wearing masks, tennis skirts, and sweaters/hoodies. this means, anything cute or pretty is probably going to be in 빛나's closet. that is just her clothing style. when it comes to wearing high heels, wedges are the best. she can't really do thin high heels (but she can rock them, unlike me who falls over before even able to walk in high heels). just like any average girl, it has to match her outfit regardless of it being high heel or level on the ground. even her make-up has to match the outfit, which most of the time she wears basic make-up with cat eye-liner on. let's not forget accesories, which help make your look more prominent, right? she will wear earings (but never ever big ones), have rings on her fingers, bracelets on her wrists, scarfs on her neck, sunglasses on her face, and etc. so in shorter words, 빛나's fashion is popular korean clothing that is cute, fashionable, or good looking. they have to be coordinated/matching whether it be it color scheme or aesthetics. like a wise woman said, 'beauty is pain'.

regular clothing +

sleep wear +
sweating clothes +
fancy smenchy +
flying into the sky +



" 당신의 미래는 지금 당신이 무엇을 하고 있는가에 달려 있다."



" 최고를 희망하되, 최악에도 대비하라 "


i'm gonna be a star.

stage name »  해빛나 + 빛나 is a common name so it's really hard to be unique. on top of that, when you share the same stage name with someone else, it can be confusing. after much pondering if she wanted to use 빛나 or not, she decided to use 하은, having part of her first name included in it

STAGE persona »  심장 도루/heart stealer or oppa killer + we all heard of boy idol's introducing themselves as the 'nuna killer'. instead of being an oppa killer, 빛나 is the 심장 도루. she is known to have capture the hearts of many both younger and older males. who could blame them, her visuals are enchanting. POSITION / main vocalist, sub-rapper / lead vocalist, face of the group

position »  #8; lead vocal, leader material


performance twin »  jin na young of wings / jung eun-ji of apink

vocal twin »  jin na young of wings / jung eun-ji of apink


trainee years »  5 years : 1 year in fnc + 3 years in starship + 1 year in big hit

trainee life »  
🌿 before being able to train, you need to audition. well, since 빛나 loved music, even joining a rock band in her first year of high school, she decided to take it another level. unlike many others who were street scouted or got in through connections, 빛나 worked her way. she decided to audition for the same company that here brother was in for the feeling of comfort. it was tiring, along with nerve wrecking, auditioning and seeing contestants be eliminated or dropped out. during that time, 빛나 wished that she could use the 'my older brother is an idol' card, knowing how easier the process would be. but that would not be fair for others who have to work all their way up to the top, let alone be good for 빛나. after multiple audition process, 빛나 was one of the few people out of thousands who were chosen to be a trainee at fnc. during the time she was accepted as a trainee, girl group aoa was starting to form. because her vocals were good and she was an okay dancer, 빛나 was considered for the line-up. however, she was too young, lacking experience in training which caused her to be pulled out. this upset 빛나, shocked that company would pull her back for something that seemed so trivial at that time. with a wounded ego, she canceled her contract. this wasn't the end for 빛나's journey to stardom, since she wanted to become a singer one way or another. wanting to have fnc regret their decision, 빛나 tried out for starship. again, she went through the same process of auditions she went through with fnc. the results were also good, being selected to train. her first year was probably her best year, considering the fact that she made a couple of friends. on top of that, she was one of the top trainees despite being a newbie (only regarding her vocals scores). 빛나 felt accomplished, knowing that she truely deserved to be a singer, not a trainee. i mean, she was the good girl who did things well. she learned dance fast, being able to mimic the teacher's way of dance and style. her vocals were better than the above average singer, and rap wasn't too shabby. she even made sure she did well in school along with making sure she followed the rules and regulations set up. heck, she was always extra early so punishment due to tardiness was never a problem. sadly, she realized that the reason why she wasn't debuted was because of the way she acted and thought. her skills were what they looked for but her views and attitude didn't suite the idol image. even she admits, that way she acted before wising up was rather childish. need i remind you, you need friends to point that out to you. during her second year of training, cosmic girls started to form (only the korean members). she too was considered for the line-up, which caused her trainee regiment to changed. this doesn't stop her from interacting with other trainees. while training as a member of cosmic girls, she friended new trainee im changkyun, a former member of upcoming boy group, nu'bilty. because of their similar experiences of almost debuting and what not, these two goofballs became friends. as the third year of her training came, starship had made a collabaration with chinese company yuehua. again, 빛나 was dropped out since the chinese trainee had seemed like a good start for the new alliance between the two companies. at this rate, 빛나 really didn't care anymore since she kept getting cut out of groups. yet, she was able to (more like forced him) friend trainee (at the time) 王一博. anyways back to her trainee life and not her friend life (more like forced friend). she decided that she had enough, deciding to terminate her contract. however, starship refused to cancel her contract. they told her that she was going to debut in the new girl group, velocity reluctantly, she agreed. but she didn't regret it since she finally got to debut after all those years of hard works. maybe patience is a really important virtue. but it was a dud as starship had scraped the idea, deciding to focus more on their active musicians rather than focus on a band that would never likely to become popular nor see the light of the industry. soon enough, she decided that she had enough of the crappy company, but she took her sweet time on departing as she had made friends and long lasting memories at the company. soon enough after much preparation along with making sure she and her friends were at good terms, she quit starship. again, she had to start from square zero, seeing how she had been through two companies and wasn't sure if she was up to the challenge nor having the companies accept her since she was getting old and burned through two companies. however, a greater play was in for her as she decided for the sake of having peace in her mind that she would try out one last time and if things don't work out the way she wanted it, she would quit the idol life and further her studies. 위성 decided to try out a big company, choosing big hit as they seemed to lack good vocalist (빛나's point of view okay?). she was slighly nervous but when it was her turn during the auditioning process, she nailed it. heck, the big man was so impressed that he gave her a standing ovation before critiqueing her very harshly. none the less, her audition stuck to bang pd nimand she was in. she was officially a trainee at big hit, where she would have to repeat another process of training but for some reason, the vibes were pretty good and 빛나 had a good feeling that she would debut soon. so, she continued on with her usual trainee life, training hard and making sure she did good on the monthly evaluation which soon paid off. soon enough, big hit announced that a new girl group was being created but through an show. 빛나 made sure she signed up for that and trained extra hard to make sure she was guarenteed a spot. this stragtegy work and soon enough, she was training with another trainees. overall, it was a long journey to get to where she is now but in the end, 위성 is satisfied and wants to make sure that this is an ensured spot and not something that will be out of her reach soon. thus, 빛나 is training harder than ever before and making sure that she is improving as an indiviudal and making sure that the she improves as well so when the show starts, she can do well and at least be in the gorup.

PRE-debut experiences »
🌿 was an eolljjang for 2 years (age 13 - 15)
          - she modeled for clothing
🌿 she was the lead singer (so practically the main vocalist) and guitarist for 1 year in high school girl rock band : sirens (shh, i know it's stupid)
           - they won multiple awards at local music festivals and competitions
🌿 she appeared in cn blue's mv 'cinderella'
🌿 she was in uniq's mv 'falling in love'


girl next door.

🌿 positive; exuberant, gregarious, adventurous, patient, quick-witted, fair minded
🌿 negative; dimwitted, insensitive, fussy, impulsive, aloof, cynical


🌿 like it was stated before, sometimes siblings are alike, sometimes they aren't. 정신 and 빛나 like to think they act different, mom and dad say otherwise. okay, 빛나 is an exuberant child. she seems to always have some type of energy in her, making her a mood maker. she is so lively, having a smile on her face or laughing out loud at something being said. this also another reason why she seems to have mood swings since she has a wider ranger of emotions. i'm not saying that she get's mad and than happy, she mainly is happy. i'm just saying that she tends to have her resting face after a good laugh. in other words, she is like me ^^. going back to 빛나, can be impulsive. that's why she is always seen doing things with a blank face, like jihyo of running man. she doesn't know that she does it, ironically. this means when you play music, she will just start dancing with a straight face on until she realizes what she is doing. perks of being an exuberant person she says, trying to cover up that she secretly enjoys it. hand to hand with her being exuberant, 빛나 is a gregarious person, always wanting someone to be in the same room as her. it doesn't mean she has to know the person, it's just that she likes the company of others. it's funny since people find being in the same room with a stranger weird. what's even weider is that 빛나 has this friendly aura to her, making people at ease instead of awkward. there have been many times where random people will start talking to her. all thanks to being a gregarious person. even though this is a weird trait, she is glad because sometimes, 빛나 is too scared to make the first move when talking to someone else, espically when she has to talk/meet someone new. in the end, she is really adventurous, i mean not with people that scare her or make her feel awkward but when it comes to life and challenges. she is always up for the thrill and fun that it gives her. this can cause her to do some crazy things such as bungee jumping, white water rafting, etc. this also means that this crazy girl isn't afraid to take on people who challenge her. it makes things a lot better when it is a person who pisses her off or has some bad history with that latter. i mean, i'm saying that she hasn't faught, since she has, but it was never with others since she doesn't have issues with them. really, the fights took place in her house. it some what ways, 빛나's personality is kinda similar's to that of ahn hee yeon of exid. the only thing is 빛나 is more boyish than hee yeon (no offense to my dorky goddess). i mean in order to have fun, you gotta be patient. 빛나 learned that doing things in a quick manner is bad. that's why you see her take her sweet time. in ways, that's good because she is patient with others, waiting (until she hits her breaking point). this crazy girl may seem like she gets pissed off often but she doesn't. i mean unless you are 정신, 빛나 will tolerate a lot of things. immoral things on the other hand are a big no no to her. hey, being patient doesn't mean you let go of everything. you gotta have wits, if not, 빛나 and you are gonna have problems. having quick wits are a thing that 빛나 tries to use in everyday life. yes, this does mean she is sarcastic or has that rage humor in her. it can get rather annoying if she overuses, but none the less, it helps her survive (really, i mean do you know how many times she has burned 정신?). in the end, she is pretty fair minded and tries to make sure that everything she does has a reason. also, even though the word 'fairness' is hard to use, 빛나 tries her best. she makes sure that her decisions are fair minded. i guess 빛나 is really a person that is misunderstood as there seems to be good traits underneath her energetic and agitatative state of aura.

🌿 it's ironic as the 이 siblings have certain negative traits that they share in common. don't tell them that because as you can tell from the way that i've repeated this multiple times, they don't see each other as similar. but that is beside the point of this description so let's go onward. when you see the word 'dimwitted', don't assume that 빛나 is dumb. actually, 빛나 is silly which you may see as a good thing but let me explain. in a certain sense, 빛나 is funny but it's really irritating once you see it 24/7. she doesn't stop and on top of that, she tends to exaggerate it. in some ways, it makes 빛나 look like an idiot that doesn't have sense which is wrong but because of her silly ways, no one takes her seriously nor do they think she is capable of anything. sadly, in a society where people are eager to judge, people don't see past her silly actions or thoughts. but that's another story for another time. but i think that the fact that people look down at her and have a misconception of her is the reason why she is insensitive. she has to deal with cruel remarks and comments so in order for 빛나 to be okay, she needed to grow some thick skin. so when people say cruel things, the bounce off. however, that doesn't apply with everyone as some are sensitive or some have soft topics. but 빛나 is aware of that thus making her so insensitive. she will say things that hurt the other party, regardless of intention or not. it's honestly a trait that 빛나 wishes she could fix as she wants people to like her and not hate her. i mean she isn't perfect but she has come along way from her youth. it's just these traits stuck with her and she is having a hard time getting rid of it. speaking of hard to get rid of, 빛나 is pretty fussy when things aren't done a certain way. no, it's not ocd but rather that she is picky and likes having certain things done her own way. but not only does it affect the way she does things but how perceives things (if that makes sense). it's hard to explain but it's like a domino affect. if one red flag falls, the rest of them fall thus making 빛나 a fussy . and yes, she knows about it and she knows it's childish and immature but she is working on it. also, that's why she is pretty impulsive regarding making decisions or taking action. it's amusing seeing the things she does when she just does it. however, this may affect her as in causing chaos, which is not good. not only that, she can't take but what is done and will have to suffer the consequences of what is to come from her impulsive action. i'm not saying that only bad things come from it but a majority of her impulsive actions have led hurt, chaos, or something pretty scarring (not literal but you get what i mean). i guess that's why 빛나 is pretty aloof with other people. no, i'm not saying she is cold and likes to be silent like tape face. but, she feels like she should keep her distance until she is adjusted or aware of what's going. don't get the misconception that 빛나 is outgoing and she makes friends 24/7. 빛나 is quirky and is a really weird person to figure out, making a her a 4d person to those who don't know her along with are not close to her. regardless, 빛나 is weary of what others thinks thus why she is aloof. also, it's something that comes natural to her so she really doesn't know how to fix it. it's really weird as most traits are developed but her aloof trait is something that has a mind of it's own. finally, we come to the last trait, which is cynical. who could blame the poor girl who had a hard time 빛나, seeing how people used her, lied to her, and just hurt her in general. this is why doubts the fact that any does anything good for the right reason. in some cases she is right to doubt but in some cases. she is wrong to doubt. don't get me wrong. 빛나 is a pretty mature person who is struggling with personality. the reason being is that she has yet to fully mature along with have someone in her life that will help her fix her conflicts. so despite her childish and crazy outer shell, she is actually wise, mature, and willing to go the extra mile. it's had to understand as i did such a bad job in describing her along with her personality being sporadic but that's the beauty of 빛나, isn't it?


likes :
🌿 she likes to cook and bake, seeing how this was the only few things she got to do with her mom along with actually enjoying and not feeling confined in. more over so, 빛나's brothers joke around saying that she should give up idol life and became a chef full time
🌿 she likes to explore the world when she has time. it's a big thing but when given a chance of having a vacation, 빛나 will travel in korea or out of korea (depends on the time given). she hopes to see the seven wonders of the world too along with many cities and historical monuments
🌿 she likes to hang out with her family, as cliche as it sounds. in reality, she really does as trainee life can be draining thus when she hangs out with her family, her worries and hardships disappear and the good times are created.
🌿 she likes the sound of birds chirping, even though most people find it annoying. the reason being is that 빛나 personally feels as if they are composing a song and they are doing it together. weird but it's something that she will never get sick and tired of
🌿 she likes eating spicy foods, seeing how it's yummy. none the less, it's pretty weird as no one in her family has a great like for spicy food where as 빛나 is head over heels for it. so i guess the way to 빛나's heart is buying/cooking spicy food for her
🌿 she likes to support other artists, regardless if they are in the same company, blood related, are close, etc. 빛나 believes that artists should help each other as they are striving for one dream too.
🌿 she likes to drink water, which makes 빛나 even weirder. but who can blame her when idol life is rigorious along with her having to go workout to mantain a fit body. despite that, water is healthy and good for you in general, so you do you 빛나
🌿 she likes to practice her singing, seeing how 빛나 is doing something she enjoys so she doesn't mind the labour. also, she feels like she is lacking a bit thus she practices her vocals everyday when she has a chance
🌿 she likes speaking a different language other than korean because it makes 빛나 feel special and unique. even thought she can speak a certain amount from english and chinese along with being able to speak japanese fluently, 빛나 likes to pretend she is a linguist and is a foreigner who only speaks those languages (excluding korean)
🌿 she likes dressing up and looking good. so practically 빛나 is one of those girls who are willing to sacrafice extra sleeping time to coordinate an outfit and do their make-up. the reason being is that beauty takes dedication and sacrafice

dislikes :
🌿 she dislikes people talking behind her back. in 빛나's mind, a coward along with someone who has no life will only talk about her behind her back. thus she likes it when people talk crap in front of her
🌿 she dislikes the smell of dirty animals along with their feces. regarding the dirty animal, she feels as if they need to be cleaen and presentable in order to be touched. if not, she will bathe them till they are clean. now, on to the feces. 빛나 hates it when people forget to clean after their pets and just leave it out for it to dry and smell. honestly, have some decentsy
🌿 she dislikes having to clean her room. in all honestly, her room is fairly clean but when it does have those messy days, she doesn't feel like cleaning and dreads it (in which 빛나 calls 채원 to help her clean up her room)
🌿 she dislikes having long hair, seeing how it's like having a high matainance human stuck to her. she feels like her short hair is easier to keep along with complimenting her features. in a way, she is right but she honestly looks pretty with long hair too
🌿 she dislikes the sound of smacking. she finds it wet and gross thus when she sees those aesthetically pleasing sounds on video, she avoids them as smacking while their chewing is a 'nice sound'. if 빛나 remembers correctly, if she smacked, she got smacked by her mom
🌿 she dislikes having people look down on her because of her background. as a trainee, 빛나 had to live under the shadow of 정신. she really hated and which that people could see her as an individual and not someone's younger sister
🌿 she dislikes the colour pink, as she felt that it was too gender specified. also, pink isn't 빛나's style thus as to why she stays away from it but the stylist and coordinator will once in a while slip in something pink, much to the dismay of 빛나
🌿 she dislikes the humid and heat mixed together. i mean, if it's raining but it's humid, 빛나 could deal with that. but when it's is hot (as in over 90 degrees outside) along with being super humid, 빛나 is done for the day and won't come outside until it is cool enough to actually move
🌿 she dislikes mosquitoes. those bloodsucking insects get on her nerves as she doesn't get one bite (when they bite her) but give her around a good 6 or more bites. this causes her to itch like crazy but refrains from it as it could damage her skin
🌿 she disikes greasy hair, making her feel slimy and dirty. as soon as 빛나's hair get's greasy, she will hit the showers. the reason being that she feels like when her hair is greasy, she is dirty af (which is true)

hobbies :
🌿 in her free time, 빛나 is practicing her vocals along with writing songs lyrics and creating them. so practically in her spare time, 빛나 is in the studio, crying over the fact that she is not as good as the other singers out there (just kidding. she does that stuff in the inside)
🌿 in her free time, 빛나 is busy hanging out with her fam bam along with her friends. she wishes that she could have more time but seeing how most of her friends are busy with life or their own schedules, it's rare for all of them to gather up. thus when they have time, 빛나 treasures those moments
🌿 in her free time, 빛나 is working out because she has to keep up that pretty image she has going. also, she feels her body giving her hell by acting sluggish or feeling sick when she doesn't get active (in the healthy way). oh, her work-outs don't inculde running and all that stuff. no no, 빛나 rock climbs and hikes on the mountains and all that good stuff
🌿 in her free time, 빛나 is watching baking and cooking videos along with actually trying to cook and bake. she feels like she has gotten rusty along with wanting to expand the dishes she makes
🌿 in her free time, 빛나 is spending time in her room. she practically locks herself up there and doesn't come for a while until the next schedule or in a few days. no one knows why but i'll tell you why. sometimes when she feels super stressed and her other activites don't help her, she has a little me time and just chills and forgets her worries when she locks herself up. meaning, when she feels better after locking herself up for god who knows how long, she will come out

habits :
🌿 when 빛나 is nervous, she pushes brushes her hair with her fingers and puts it behind her ear.
🌿 when 빛나 is pissed, she will have a stoic look on her face as she doesn't want to explode without cause. she will also become silent and a lot more serious so be careful

trivia :
🌿 this one is a no brainer but 빛나 is the younger sibling of 정신, who is the bassist of c.n. blue. honestly, not a whole lot of people know and 빛나 wants to let it stay this way but she knows that rumours are starting to form and as soon as she debuts, the company along with 정신 will declare that she is the younger sister of 정신
🌿 here is another obvious one, 정신 is a former trainee of fnc and starship. she isn't really close to anyone at fnc, excluding c.n. blue and a few other artists over there but at starship, she has three close friends there that make her wish that her future could have gone the way she wanted it. none the less, she is a former trainee of fnc and starship
🌿 just because she is an unique individual, it doesn't mean she is human. when no one is around her and she is all by herself and she has been keeping all that frustration in, she will cry to know end. don't tell her friends nor her brothers as they will worry about her and 정신 doesn't want that
🌿 it's really hard but 정신 get's into watching reality shows that mnet or some other tv station puts out. because, let's be honest, despite the crappy editing and the drama here and there, it's fun to watch from time to time
🌿 as an artist, 정신 wants to be a flexible musician/artist thus she listens to all types of music, disregarding the language. in 정신's view, she feels like in order to make good music and good lyrics, she needs to see what hasn't been done but what's popular along with what artistry is good and etc.
🌿 when she gets the chance, 정신 is always keen on making crafts. it's not a hobby but it's something she does and gifts to other people when she is done with the project. the reason of giving it away is to show her thanks and gratitude for whatever they may have done for her
🌿 despite being a former eoljjang, 정신 still recieves clothes from hoshi shop. the reason being is that they sponser her along with the ceo a.k.a song ah ri, having adored the girl when she was modeling for the company, giving her free gifts as a thanks along with keeping an update on the latest fashion
🌿 you think that with her life as a trainee and soon to be idol rigime, she would quit school but no. she went to high school at sunhwa arts school and graduated there. currently, she is attending korea univeristy and decided to major in medicine
🌿 personally, 정신 wishes to stand on the same stage as her brother along with a lot of the accomplished stars in the kpop industry. but in order for that to come true, she along with the group has to work hard
🌿 we all know people who never seem to be bored, well that's 정신 (in a way). 정신 always seems like she is having fun and is occupied but honestly, she is bored. thus she when she is bored, 정신 will talk more or act more goofy than usual


background » 
🌿 many people live life with excitement or pain or maybe adventourous or hell. 빛나 wish she had live a live that actually had some time of adjective to describe it. instead, 빛나 lived an average life, seeing how it was pretty normal and dull. i mean, she is the youngest child among the 아 family and was the only daughter. other than that, her life is as plain as paper. no matter as i still have to write out this section even if it is crappy and lame.

🌿 many people live life with excitement or pain or maybe adventurous or hell. 빛나 wish she had live a live that actually had some time of adjective to describe it. instead, 빛나 lived an average life, seeing how it was pretty normal and dull. i mean, she is the youngest child among the 아 family and was the only daughter. other than that, her life is as plain as paper. no matter as i still have to write out this section even if it is crappy and lame.

🌿 after deciding that they would try one more time in hope of a girl, the 아's created 빛나. upon discovering that their child was a girl, the 아's rejoiced. shortly after nine months, 빛나 was born in which her family proclaimed that she was set for a great adventure. in reality, her adventure was a lie but that's not for me to say. you see, 빛나 grew up in a normal family where everyone cared for each other but got on the others nerve along with having the usual fights despite spending time as a family. even so there was something different about 빛나 that gave her own flavour. it could be the fact that 빛나 was the only girl in the family that she turned out the way she did as spending time with her brothers caused her to be a little more rough and tough than the average girl. i mean she was a little more boyish, disliked wearing skirts and dresses along with high heels, she hated taking a shower, and well was the opposite of the normal standards for girls. this could be why she had a hard time fitting in at school (well life in general) when her parents first enrolled her for kindergarten. the boys didn't want to play with a girl but the girls didn't want to play with 빛나. even so, 빛나 was able to friend the girly and quiet 채원 which budded into a forever lasting friendship despite the casual bumps in the friendship. but despite making friends with a couple people here and there, 빛나 felt lonely and misunderstood in a way that made her feel awkward and more aware of the surrounding around her. she didn't know how to act nor what to do thus affecting her as whole. practically 빛나 was no longer acting like herself. causing people around her to like her more due to the fact that she was 'normal'. even with her change, her family could tell something was off but they brushed it off. because of this decision, from grades 1 - 4, 빛나 was a 'robot' who tried to fit in by making sure she hid her quirks and her actual personality. it was terrible as 빛나 felt empty and frustrated for not being able to express her true colours but in order to make friends and fit, she had to make her self like others. it was truly a daily struggle but thankfully that changed in fifth grade. the summer of fifth grade was when her family decided that they needed to get away from their crazy lives and re-discover themselves thus taking a trip to jeju island. the day before they left the island, the family decided to have a heartfelt talk as seeing how the family got busy doing their own thing. there each one spilled their problems, frustrations, dreams, and well just everything there is to talk about. when it was 빛나's turn, she couldn't help but just release every emotion that she had pent up. she talked about how she felt lonely and lost as a human as she didn't know what to do along with the fact that she was frustrated on the fact that she couldn't be herself. of course, despite it being a heartfelt talk, her parents didn't know much thus telling to that everything was going to be alright and she shouldn't care of what others think. it stung 빛나 to see how callous her parents were about her situation, making her feel suffocated. however, her brother's knew the frustration along with problem she was going through as both had a problem with that before they hit middle school. so despite the fail attempt on her parents account, 빛나's brother helped. of course 빛나 was still a kid who was going through puberty so even if 빛나's brother gave her advice, she decided that she knew better. this caused her to have a hard time fitting in for the first few months of fifth grade. soon enough, 빛나 decided that maybe her parents and her brothers were right and that she should stop caring so much of what other's thought and said to her. soon enough, 빛나 let everything that she kept hidden out and soon became herself (with time of course as she couldn't just randomly be herself again). it was hard and it was a struggle but soon enough she grew tough skin and learned that everyone is different for a reason. soon enough, she felt confident and wasn't scared to be herself. during her sixth grade, she and 채원 were having a major friendship issue as both of them were hormonal and immature thus causing the exchange of hurtful words to be sad. now, you wouldn't care but the thing is, 채원 and 빛나 have been with each other for 24/7 and when they have fight's, it's usually small and they get over it quick. seeing this dilemma, 빛나 was forced to make friends in which she hated as she had the belief that no one really understood her and that they wouldn't like her. in some ways it was true but upon making friends, 빛나 realized that not everything was black and white. there were sometime gray areas along with things that are different. so i guess what i'm trying to say is that you don't have to have other's understand you in order to be your friends. you just be you and if they accept that, they let it be. everyone is diffrent and won't agree on a lot of things but why make that the reason why you don't make friends. from there, 빛나 opened up her doors and decided that it wasn't good to only have one train of thought. soon enough, 빛나 and 채원 became friends again along with 빛나 befriending many others. it's cliche and dull along with boring which 빛나 knows. but she felt like if she had decided to conform to peer pressure she wouldn't be able to enjoy life nor pursue what she loves the most : singing.

🌿 growing up, 빛나 loved singing. it was a passion that she had ever since she learned how to use her vocals cords. of course, her parents didn't think much of it as they saw it as a hobby rather than a profession. but even so, when 빛나 became 4, she decided that her dreams were to be a singer and preform in front of crowds. heck, she wanted to become as famous as those stars she saw on t.v. but little did she know that her parents would stop her from achieving that dream along with having to live under the shadow of 정신. the thing is, 빛나's parents didn't want 빛나 to pursue something that was of big risk and as soon as she hit kindergarten, her parents told her to forget her silly dream of being a singer and should do something more practical such as being a cardiac surgeon or a doctor, just something that had something to do with medicine. of course 빛나 was young and wanted to make her parents happy and threw away the thoughts of being a singer but never forgot about it. over the course of growing, making her parents proud was a goal she had in mind. however, it didn't help that 정신 started to show interest in being a musician and their parents being supportive of that. it sparked the light of 빛나 wanting to be a singer again, so with out her parents knowledge, she joined school activities that had to deal with singing along with going to karaoke with her friends just so she could practice singing. but as soon as her parents found out, they told her to stop and be more practical. it was harsh as 빛나 loves her parents and wants to make them happy but singing was her passion. soon enough, when she hit fifth grade, 빛나 returned to the ways of becoming something practical rather than being a singer. it bothered her and pestered her but she had to stop it or the urge would take control over her. soon enough, her brother was scouted in which her parents supported him, allowing him to pursue the idol dream. 정신 debuted shortly after a few months of training, which caused even more complications. what was 빛나 suppose to do with non-supportive parents and an rising star that is her brother? 빛나 had no clue and decided that she should take her parents' advice and stop dreaming an unrealistic dream and do something that was more practical. ironically, she was busy during her seventh/eighth grade year as she became a sensation on the internet, making her a viral eoljjang. with her parents pushing her to keep this up, she soon landed a contract with hoshishop and was gathering attention, which would soon help her. also when 빛나 hit ninth grade in which would change her whole life. you see, 빛나 decided that even if she couldn't pursue her dreams, she could at least keep it as a hobby. with the approval of her parents, 빛나 created a band. her life was getting better even if this would be short lived but soon enough 빛나 hit the jackpot. seeing how 빛나 was making good grades and was being able to perform along with model, her parents decided that maybe it wasn't so bad for 빛나 to pursue her dreams. her parents gave her approval and let her become an idol under one condition : she continue her education along with maintaining her grades. this meant that she was free to audition and train but she had to continue schooling and had to keep her grades over a c. 빛나 didn't care about that upon hearing her approval from her parents, all she cared was that she could finally achieve her dreams. soon enough, 빛나 quit modeling along with decided that she would drop off that band. yes, she loved doing that but from what 정신, that would only hinder her from being an idol. with a happy heart and eager attitude, 빛나 was on the hunt for companies. honestly, she didn't know what company to go to so she decided to play it safe and join fnc. also this is where her story ends but not the book as this is the end of the first chapter.

okay okay okay. this is really bad, even for me. so i would like to apologize. i probably will fix her up in the future when i get the chance. but right now, i'm going to keep this as this is what i had in mind along with i will need this when i fix this up a bit. overall, it's pretty basic and boring in which i did warn you in. none the less, you survived this ty background which i hope you forgive me as this is really bad and needs to be redone but if you see things that could have been done better, don't be afraid to comment <3




🌿 아버지/father + 이주영 [lee juyoung] + 48 years old + caculus professor at seoul national university + aloof, insensitive, goofy, adventurous + don't tell 빛나 that she is a spoiled child (not a brat) since her dad always tries to get what his little princess wants. however, she had to work her way up to recieve what she wants which made her strive to do well to get her wants. anyways, he is a loving father and cherishes all of his children, even if the other two protest (they are men so they can always be showered in love, right?). back to 빛나 and her father, he can be a hard- on her when she doesn't meet expecatations since he holds high standards for her. unlike his wife, he is actually kinda pissed that 빛나 has a lot of male fans and has skin contact with them. he is kinda traditional in a way, wanting his daughter to be pure and innocent until she meets her destined one. conlusion is that he loves his girl and spoils her but not in the way others think, he makes 빛나 work for her wants to learn that hard work is rewarded in the end. he really loves her and wants the best for along with wishing her to be happy, thats why when she wanted to become an idol he allowed it but within the condition she keep up with her studies so she has a plan b. 

🌿 어머니/mother + 이해리 [lee hae-ri] + 45 years old + florist at 'sunny clouds flower shop' + patient, fair minded, anxious, skeptical + she is the reason why her daughter is a jokester. momma 이 is known to be the one who brings in laughter in the family. however, she also brings worries as she gets panic attacks from time to time, putting that family on their tip toes. she knows this, which makes her anxious since she feel like she is a burden for her family. knowing that, 빛나 makes sure that her mom is okay, which is ironic as that is a mom's job. 빛나 and her mom are close to the point that people mistake them for siblings (it could also be that her mom looks pretty young). 빛나 is thankful for her mom but wishes that she takes better care of herself since her mom is too busy worrying about others.
🌿 오빠 1/oldest brother + 이진 [lee jin] + 25 years old + studying engineering at yonsei university + funny, sharp, hot-headed, senstive + growing up, 빛나 and 진 got along pretty well but they had their moments were that peace was shattered and war was declared. even so, among her two brothers, he is the that she goes to when she wants something. the reason being is that 진 likes to spoil his little sister and makes sure she is happy. it's funny because 빛나 will dupe him from time to time, which 진 will get mad but will let go after a day or two as they are family (whether they like it or not). another thing about these two other than the spoiling factor is that, among the two brothers 빛나 has, 진 is more chill and gives 빛나 her space and will step up when needed. on top of that, the two act more mature when with each other, which results in people mistaking them as a couple. even so, that doesn't stop them from being close to each other, despite the fact that they can get on each other nerves as both of them have sharp tongues and a bad temper.
🌿 오빠 2/older brother + 이정신 [lee jungshin] + 24 years old + bassist, sub-rapper of c.n. blue + shy, nice, naive, tempermental + honestly, don't tell 진 this but 빛나 is closer to 정신 rather than she is close to 진. moving on, these two mostly seem like tom and jerry, seeing how 빛나 is jerry and 정신 is tom. they tend to bicker over petty things along with having a hard time on agreeing. despite their differences, the two actually get along and don't fight (although they always seem to fight in from of 정신's members). again, these two get along pretty well and tend to talk more than 빛나 and 진. you see, with 진, they have a light conversation and hang out and and what not. on the other hand, 빛나 and 정신 have heart to heart conversations along with some pretty dark conversations. in a way, 정신 feels guilty as both of the boys pushed 빛나 away (only a little bit and it was during puberty) thus he wants to be there for here when she needs him. another thing is that, 빛나 and 정신 had the same dream unlike 진, who wanted to be an engineer, so that's what makes them closer along with trust and talk with each other a lot more. in the end, 정신 is an overprotective brother who sometimes butts head with his sister, but only means well.

🌿 [fc. monike radulovic] pen pals + emilia ross + 24 years old + studying literature in oxford + outgoing, gentle, sarcastic, tempermental + during her elementary school years, her teacher decided that in order for her students to get a better grasp of english, she would give them british pen pals. well, the project was for only a year but that didn't stop these two girls from bonding. eventually, during middle school years, they exchanged sns which meant that the could see each other for the first time in real life. emilia helped 빛나 with her english, even teaching her british culture (which isn't really a culture she was taught since emilia just ranted and told her about groups and life frustrations). on the other hand, 빛나 taught emilia some basic korean and all about their culture. in a way, they benefitted from their friendship, even promising to meet each other one day in real life. oh, regarding not meeting each other a lot and not hanging out with each other, they still act like typical teenage girl friends. they talk about a lot of things and some of them are things that make 빛나 worried for emilia. but thanks to her, 빛나 knows the true meaning of fan girling and stess over life.
🌿 바보/fool +이종현 [lee jonghyun] + 25 years old + lead vocalist, lead rapper, lead guitarist of c.n. blue + kind, caring, stubborn, dense + this is a no brainer, thanks to older brother 이정신 being in c.n. blue. it would be a lie if she stated that she is close with all of c.n. blue and that they are like family and crap. yes, she is 'friends' with the members but the only member that she really is close with is the 바보, 이종현. she enjoys his slow reactions along with his goofy tactics. sometimes, 정신 gets upset since the two act more like siblings than the actual 이 siblings. 종현 doesn't really mind being friends with a girl, let alone someone who is younger. thanks to having similar personalities, they can get a long pretty well. they like to prank with each other, prank others, make jokes, and just have fun. heck, they have so much fun that laugh too much when they are around each other. due to their relationship being similar as siblings, there is a lot of skinship between them which you shouldn't be suprised by (nothing ual, just innocent, okay?). he even worries about her, taking care of her well. sadly, the actual 이 siblings aren't like that (they kinda are-ish XD).
🌿 샤이보이/shy boy + 王一博 [wang yibo] + main dancer, rapper, sub-vocalist, maknae of uniq + childish, silly, aloof, hot headed + being friend with this buffoon is the best thing that happened to the both of them. at first, 王一博 despised the shorter girl, trying to avoid her at all costs. over the month of the forceful frienship, a real friendship blossomed between them. 王一博 knows that he can be awkward and shy, which is why he is glad that he is friend with crazy nuna, 빛나. anyways, ever since 王一博 and 빛나 became good friends, they literally dork out together. he likes her craziness, postive energy, and fair personality. he feels like he can be himself when he is around her, acting childish and immature than the image he sets for himself and the fans. i mean, he literally will try to show off what ever he can do or the new items he got from fans. due to training at a young age and not being socially adapted, 王一博 cherishes his nuna. although many of those who do not know them believe that they are a nuna-dongsaeng relationship (dating wise), they are not. they are friends who like to act childish and silly, although one tries to show off his skills and the other just compliments the other.
🌿 미친/crazy + 임창균 [im changhyuk] + 20 years old + lead rapper, maknae of monsta x + goofy, shy, awkward, secretive + just like 王一博, 창균 is pretty shy. however, he can be a clown once he gets use to his surrounding. ironically, his relationship with 빛나 is not that of a playful one (unlike all her friends). don't get me wrong, they do joke and all but they have more dark and deep conversations. this is how they bonded in the first place, remember? they are the emotional support group friends, giving each other advice and help when one hits a dilemna (?) or emotional crisis. it's really weird since it's these type of relationships are hard to find, espically between a guy and a girl. moving a side all the dark stuff, these two literally fight each other with puns. adding on to their pun war, they make little mini-challenges with each other. like once, they could only talk in song lyrics for a whole day (it was a tie), and another time was when they couldn't talk for a whole day (it was a tie again). just like 王一博 and 빛나's relationship, they act like pretty close to each other. a fun fact is that 임창균 is a couple months older than 빛나, even so, 빛나 tends to act like the older person between them (which 이정신 claims is a lie).
🌿 [fc. 강예슬 of wings] 소꿉동무/childhood friends + 정채원 [jeong chaewon] + 22 years old + studying theatrics in seoul university + calm, witty, blunt, critical + meeting each other at the age of 3, these two became the ultimate frienship goal people. growing up, 정채원 was the master mind behind all their childish schemes while 빛나 was the one to carry it out. now, since they are all grown up and matured, so has their friendship. they will talk about anything and everything, which is interesting because if they hang out with each other too long, they seem like they have nothing to say but the next day will come and they will talk of each other heads like they haven't seen each other for years. they know each other very well to the point that its hard to cover up thing whether be in actions or words. even if 빛나 gets on 채원's nerve and visa versa, they have been friends for a long time that it is hard to make them stop being friends. that doesn't mean they have their fights. they don't cry anymore and give each other forecful hugs, making them friends at the end of the day. instead, when they get mad at each other, they stop talking until one of them apologizes (always 빛나 because 채원 has an issue apologizing to 빛나). in the end they are like sisters and best friends combined into one. another thing is that, 빛나 is the only person 채원 ever trust so if they stop being friends, that's kinda...this also goes for 빛나. i guess some friendship are meant to last forever. 


the interview.

please introduce yourself to the viewers » hello everyone, it's your vitamin, bitna. it's been awhile but i'm glad to see that everyone is happy and healthy. i hope that someday we can see each other face to face as you guys have done so much for us! hwaiting and make sure to give us many love!


HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE IDEA OF COMPETING AGAINST 20 GIRLS? » in all honestly, it's cruel. this is harsher than training as we tend to grow closer with these type of situations and when you realize that you have lost and have to pack your bags, the feeling is surreal. it doesn't get any better as the cristisicm we recieve is more of jabs and hurtful comments that are made for us to grow stronger yet it breaks us. even so, it's interesting to see what the play is and what is to happen.


out of the 20 girls competing in atalana, do you think you'll be able to be ranked in the top 7? » i think so since i will work hard and make sure i do not fall behind. although i may not be in the top three, i need to at least be among the top 7 if i want to debut. if i could, i would give it up to someone else but i can't let this chance slip through my finers.


Is there any trainee in big hit you think will be hard to surpass » that's hard to answer as we are all different and hard to compare. however, i'm keeping my eyes out on the vocal trainees as i major in vocals and it would be a shame to be elimnated before i could even perform.


please give a message to the viewers watching 'atalana' » please give us lots of love and support. we hope that as trainees who are to debut that we can become the idols that you are proud to tell others of. not only will we be working hard on our talents but we will also work hard on every aspects there is to us to make you guys happy. in return, we ask for your love as that is the best gift that you guys have given to us without any means of an end.


and finally, please give a message to the girls competing in atalana » let's stay strong together. even though it's going to be tough and we will have problems, everything will work out in the end. don't be dicouraged if things don't go your way as it's a mean for us to learn from our mistakes. sadly, only seven will make it but let's not be hurt but encourage. let's not be angry but happy. let's fight this battle well together.


chae hyungwon of monsta x.

backup » choi 'changjo' jonghyun of teen top 

birthdate » 01.15.1994


personality »
🌿 blunt, harsh, kind, sarcastic, caring, open minded

🌿 the is quiet and sort of antisocial one, which is why people are not noticing him at first. but what is interesting about him is that he has a gentle side of him along with the y/badass hyungwon that he lets out sometimes. however, that gives people the reason to call him fake. also, he might be rubbed off the wrong way easily because he’s straightforward and open about what he does or says. truthfully, he can be an actual sweetheart and cares for s and those around him, joking around with them in a bit of a harsh way mainly because he’s comfortable with them.
🌿 he’s constantly surprised by when people call him very good looking or talented, which seems like sincere shock judging from his reactions rather than bluffing. he also knows how to have a good time, with a strange sense of humor that never fails to catch your attention. it’s obvious that he’s hardworking in any field he applies himself in, be it modeling or singing or acting. though he might not stand out the most in any one field, it’s obvious that he does enough to satisfy himself.


history » 
🌿 now this won't be super long nor super short. also, this won't be cliche nor original. their meeting was something of an average meeting. upon 빛나 entering starship, hyungwom was curious as to what the craze was about. you see, every trainee checks out the fresh blood and determine from their looks and talents on how far they may get. but with this new comer, confusion was occuring along with alot of buzz talk going around. curious to who this person could be, hyungwon went to go check her out. of course, out of all times that she could be alone, 빛나 decided to have an personal/individual practice. sadly it was dance practice in which she wasn't amazing at which caused hyungwon to sneer and look down at her. realizing that she was being watch, 빛나 confronted hyungwon on being a ert. seeing how absurd that was, hyungwon scoffed and told 빛나 to dream on. this then lead to both of them mutually disliking each other. thankfully they didn't run to each other since that incident but of course life doesn't work that way. after 3 months since their last encounter, the pair had met again. this time it was at the cafeteria and it was at the dessert bar. it didn't help that the pudding was the only one left in which the two faught for it. soon enough a random person (wonho of course) took it, stopping the two from their petty fight. not knowing what to do from there, hyungwon decided to head back in which 빛나 decided to be thirsty and stop him. 빛나 being 빛나 , asked if hyungwon mind sitting with her as she didn't have much friends and didn't like sitting by herself. hyungwon wanted to reject her and tell her that if she wanted to date him that she would have to wait as their is a whole line of girls after him. but realizing that the girl was serious, he waited a minute before replying with a yes. there a beautiful friendship arose even if it took almost 6 months to build it as they two had to get over their hate along with differences. now here's the common love story part. during the time they warmed up to each and became friends, they had some unexpected guests come in. you guess it, it's love. obviously that didn't confess right away nor recognized their feelings for each other right away. it took time along having to get over the fact that they liked their friend. it didn't help that once they caught feelings for each other their interaction with each other was different (will be explained in interaction section). however, soon enough, 빛나 couldn't take it anymore and confronted hyungwon. if you are thinking she confessed or told him she had feelings for him, you are wrong. all 빛나 did was say that she knew a friend that liked him and thought if he was interested. hyungwon was slighly pissed and agiattaed as he liked her and couldn't believe that she was telling him this, which caused him to be y and reply that he wasn't interested. soon enough there was a riff between the two for a bit in which 정신 decided to make friends during that time period, much to hyungwon's dismay. after 2 month of the 'silent treatment' to the other, they decided that it was time they came forth and laid out their feelings. being the man he is, hyungwon confessed that he liked her and didn't like it how she was oblvious to that and stated things without thinking them through. blunt but it's hyungwon, to which 빛나 just laughed and replied with "don't like to be you little punk." this caused the two to glare at each other before laughing it off. but all jokes aside, hyungwon confessed and was waiting on 빛나's answer into which she didn't know how to reply. i mean they didn't like each other and then they became friends and then now this? it's seemed fishy along with something she didn't want to risk because what happens if they break up or something happens between them? nothing will be the same as it was before. so being the wimp she was, she asked hyungwon to give her time (much to his dismay). he was willing to wait but gave her a deadline, not wanting to have to wait for a long time. during this time period, she talked with 채원 for some help along with wanting 채원 to slap some sense into her. 채원, being the creature she is, told 빛나 to accept his propasal. i mean, hyungwon may be good locking along with having some sassy attitude but it seems as if he really likes her so if she rejects over miniscule matters, her oppurtunity with him would slip. thus the next week, 빛나 gave hyungwon her answer into which she said yes. this is how the couple was formed, much to 빛나 happy little heart.


interactions » 
🌿 upon being friends with each other, their relationship was stiff at first. they had hard time carrying a simple conversation nor sharing with each other as both still had the hatred left. however, as the other one got to know each bit by bit, soon enough they warmed up to each other and started acting comfortably with each other. of course, being a girl and guy had some restriction on what they could to but that never stopped them from being friends. hyungwon was blunt but also an emotional support for 빛나, seeing how she needed some guidance along with some help from time to time. 빛나 was the one person he could go to and not worry about being judged for what he did. thus both of them provided the other an outlet where they were suppose to cage in the life they were expected to live. however, their relationship changed a bit when 빛나 decided to ask hyungwon to go out with her friend. hyungwon was hurt and didn't want to talk to her, while 빛나 was confused and angry for hyungwon who stopped talking to randomly. it was an awkard period for hyungwon as he was trying to figure out his emotions for 빛나. on the other hand, 빛나 was just trying to get her together as her life was hitting a stress point. soon enough, when they started talking to each other and hyungwon asked her out, things between them changed. ever since they were dating, it seemed as if a third wall that was blocking them was destroyed and that allowed them to be able to finally be comfortable with each other. yes, they do hold hands and have those passionate kisses. hyungwon usually hold 빛나 hands as he misses her along with never wanting her to slip through his fingers. 빛나 kisses hyungwon passionately as she feels like words can not describe her love for him but rather actions. despite being head over heels for each other and loving/caring for each other deeply, they have their moments of despair. sometime 정신 feels like hyungwon has fallen out of love and thinks that he is cheating on her while hyungwon thinks that 빛나 is no longer interested in him and has thoughts on leaving. it's a very human relationship but it's a relationship that they are willing to keep no matter what.


RELATIONSHIP » dating, which is done in secret as rookies are not allowed to date. however,as cliche as this sounds, a couple years later they have dispatch on their asses thus having to reveal that they have been dating. since then, they literally continue on as if they don't care which is true 

🌿 hyungwon calls 정신 'suger momma'. the reason is when hyungwon and 빛나 were out on a date, hyungwon asked if 빛나 wanted a nickname as couples give their significant others. without thinking, 빛나 blurted out 'suger momma' (thanks to emilia talking about suger dads and moms). thus hyungwon calling her "suger momma" or "y momma" as a joke


the end.

comments/suggestions » sorry for all the hangul. this app was created a while back but i decided that i didn't want to create it. none the less, i translated a majority of it as the rest is just the names and etc. however, if you do have issue, i will re-write it to english. another thing, if you have problem finding pictures for both face claims, i would use eoljjang lim bora and use eoljjang kim ja young as back-up. regarding her high school band, her friend, 채원, was one of the members. there was five members in total (빛나 being one of them). however, most of them kind of went their seperate ways after 빛나 left and haven't really seen each other nor contacted each other since then. also, i hope you like the app! 


password »  i dont have one ;;







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