( ↘ 금서율'S NEXT DOOR


geum seoyool'S PROFILE

NAME : geum seoyool ( 금, 서율 )
 seoyok ( 서욕 ) ; the first syllable of her first name combined with the word "yok" as a play on words of her second syllable "yool". "yok" has a meaning of "swear", "cuss", or even "curse". this nickname originated from her middle school days, the time where she just learned a few cusses and swear words. her middle school peers created this nickname due to her constant cussing. the nickname still lives on until now since she swears and cusses more often now.
 yura ( 유라 ) ; the last syllable of her name separated to make pronouncing it more easier. if it was written and pronounced s "yul-ah" than "yu-ra", it would be an odd nickname to pronounce for some so during her childhood, those around her joked around and separated it to make "yura". she herself is actually very fond of this nickname since it sounds cute and gentle to her.
 lioness ( 암사자 ) ; she doesn't get mad or enraged often since she endures it well but when she does, she gets violent and her fingernail turns into somewhat claws. her middle school friends claim that seoyool's eyes remind them of a wild animal when she gets mad, like a female lion or lioness. you can feel a change of aura and tone of voice when seoyool gets enraged, thus her friends dubbed her "lioness". the nickname lives up until now because some of her acquintances during high school and middle school go to her university and spread some stories of when seoyool becaomes mad or enraged.
BIRTHDATE :  05.01.1991
AGE : 22 (2013) or 24 (2015)
BIRTHPLACE : haeundae, busan, south korea
HOMETOWN :  gangnam, seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY : 100% south korean
 korean ; fluent, native ; she's born from a full korean family and is full korean. she has never lived outside of korea.
— english ; conversational ; she learned proper pronunciation and phrases during her days in the hagwons as she had lessons in english to improve her knowledge of english. she also learned english at school as english was one of the mandatory languages the students needed to learn and hopefully, master. she has learned english ever since the start of elmentary school. she usually swears in her odd yet endearing broken english. 
QUOTE "you enrage me, you die" 
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION : equipped with a dirty mouth and an angelic baby-face, geum seoyool is the girl that you love to hate and hate to love. despite cussing everywhere she goes and is the queen of dirty jokes, seoyool is quite the mother so leave it to her to cook your meals and to take care of your cat fights. but, that's not all, folks, as she's one who gets very very violent when she's enraged. my advice for you when that happens would be to run as far as you can or beg for mercy while you still can. why? simply because the lioness geum seoyool hates being enraged and when she does get enraged, she knows no mercy.

— seo yuna, aoa ; ace of angels
— oh seunghee, clc ; chrystal clear
HEIGHT : 168 cm
WEIGHT : 51 kg

being a natural beauty, seoyool has a slightly chubby face accompanied with bright, clear and smooth yet slightly dry complexion. she always unintentionally boasts her complexion in public by goingbare-faced most of the time and taking care of her skin well. boasting a daunting dark brown hue in her hair, her hair is completed with dark red highlights around the roots. her hair colors can range on from light brown, dark brown, maroon and black. her hairstyle is styled to exactly frame her face to create a young and youthful look. her hair grows until it reaches her chest. she could be said to have the looks of a princess or a manga character or maybe a drama character by having her bangs reach her forehead, thus covering it. though she's farsighted and posses several pairs of prescription glasses, she always manages to look amazing. seoyool has pierced her ears ever since she was young and she still pierces them until this very day. seoyool's stature isn't as petite as it seems; yes, she might look frail but she has a lot of strength hidden within her. she exercises to the extent where you "might" see some abs form but they're not so noticable. through exercising, she was able to eliminate some of her fat located in her calves and thighs. speaking of fat, she is lucky enough to still have most of her baby-fat in her face, in which helps build seoyool's trademark "baby-faced goddess" image. it's not a secret that seoyool's double eyelids are natural and so, she has no need for the ever-so famous double eyelid tape. with makeup, she has the ability to make her look youthful and carefree as she tries not to change the structure of her face to the extreme. most people mistook her for a high school student due to this, they even tell her that she doesn't look like she's past twenty, or something among those lines.
seoyool is said to have a very nice fashion sense. she likes to dress according to the seasons. in spring, she likes to wear floral patterns or she wears a floral themed accessory. she also likes to keep her outfits a soft or light color. during fall or autumn, seoyool mixes up in warm clothes like sweaters or cardigans with a skirt or leggings (when she's wearing a skirt, she usually wears stockings underneath). she usually keeps her autumn accessories simple with a plain watch and a bracelet. for summer, seoyool tries to dress appropriately but still fitting for summer. she usually wears less layers and more thinner clothes. for summer, she only wears bracelets. in winter, seoyool goes all out with the warm clothes. she usually wears a sweater or a long-sleeved shirt. over it, she wears a really thick jacket. for shoes, seoyool likes to wear sneakers the most. for accessories, she rarely wears earrings or necklace. she also likes to wear snap-backs during summer to protect her head from the sun. she rarely wears skirts. she will only wear them if she feels like it. seoyool is one that tends to dress casual and laid-back. she prefers her bare face more and she despises being dolled up. she buys clothes that is to her liking and is comfortable. seoyool isn't a very open individual when it comes to clothes and stays true to what she prefers. she prefers comfortable and cute sweaters and dark jeggings. she gets most of her clothing from stores around hongdae or online stores. she loves the clothing from coii and centsshop because the clothes they offer are leaning more into the more casual style. for the time she spends practicing and chilling out in the dorm, she is usually seen wearing sweaters, hoodies, and jeggings for exercises. yes, jeggings because she's not one to expose skin and she feels more comfortable moving in them. seoyool's formal wear proves that she stays true to her youthful image. she doesn't really wear those really long and fancy dresses. she prefers the length of her formal wear to be just above or under her knees, not touching or kissing the floor. but she does like those type of dresses that are short on the front but long on the back because she loves the way the design feels on her body. with her formal dresses, she stays true to her colors and goes for white, soft pink or blue. there are times when she wears a two piece outfit to a formal gathering. seoyool doesn't really wear a lot of makeup. she doesn't wear bb cream because most of them are a darker shade than her skin. she usually goes bareface. seoyool pays more attention to her skincare more. she would usually do it like this: cleansing foam-eye cream-emulsion/moisturizer-sunscreen (morning) and makeup/cosmetic remover-cleansing foam-exfoliator-toner-eye cream-essence/moisturizer-night cream (night). don't think she's crazy, she's just taking care of her skin.

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— positive; maternal, resposible, observant, humorous
— neutral; blunt, patient, ocasionally devious or sly
— negative; reserved, perfectionist, introverted, skeptical / dubious

— shall we talk about the pros of geum seoyool? so, where do we start? oh, yes, well, seoyool is that one friend that always takes care of everyone and has a motherly aura to them. you know, the one who always cleans up the dirty messes left by the others but is always left uncredited without a word of gratitude to spare. always being caring and protective, seoyool has a few characteristics resembling a mother. denoting feelings that are typical of a mother, she's capable of protecting her loved ones and certainly has an immediate unreasonable understanding regarding the well being of people as she claims that she 'knows without knowing how she knows'. she's also not afraid to make a stand for her loved ones. without saying a word, she can easily provide comfort for those who need it. call it a mother's intuition, shall we? in addition to that, seoyool is capable of being trusted with everything. she finds looking after everyone to be worth the risk of being the primary cause of something. she's able to keep a good eye on everyone and can always be trusted with keeping everyone in place. seoyool isn't the rough type of person, but she knows when she should be rough and when she should be a mother. quick to notice things, seoyool is fully aware of her surroundings and loves taking mental notes about things. she is able to sense change and can easily read the meaning behind others' actions. she's able to notice the small ripples of change in one's emotions or actions. also able to read the atmosphere of a place, she knows what to say and when to say it. she loves observing others as she likes to make conclusions and theories in her head as she thoroughly observes them with her eyes. being comical, seoyool has a way with causing amusement and laughter. she is quite the comical person as she knows how to cause laughter with her straightforward, sometmes un-filtered remarks and snappy comebacks. she is considered good at joking around or providing amusement. she's able to entertain those who are sad or gloomy. knowing how to read the atmosphere of a place, she knows when she should lighten up the air and lessen the tension. and that, folks, are probably some of the reason why geum seoyool is known for being a mother.

— yes, yes, seoyool might seem like a nice person (or mother figure at least) by now. however, seoyool likes to say everything that's in her mind. she says everything without a filter for her words and her words end up being very truthful and straightforward in the way that they sound very harsh or rude. though some of her words mean well, the way she says them might be a bit to the point of rudeness. seoyool never knows what her words do or mean to anyone and would likely say words without any care for the feelings of people around her. however, sometimes her words are unfiltered because they're her honest thoughts and opinions but sometimes, people just have to hear the truth, no matter how harsh it could get. her honest words also means that she leaves no thoughts of her stuck in her mind (note mind, not heart). her words may not sincere all the time, but note that she really means them. she has great patience, well maybe too great. yes, she does endure and can tolerate a lot of hardships alone but maybe she could endure just a bit too much. she lets everyone pull pranks on her and some remarks does stab her heart, but you'll always see her accepting them with a smile. seoyool's too nice that way; she lets almost averything slide. she's quite the mother that way, always enduring well even if it breaks her. even if she gets hurt, she would always accept it with a smile so you can be happy so you can never be too sure about her smiles. this might come as a surprise but sometimes seoyool has this devious mind where she has a way with creating subtle and unexpected tactics. she sometimes breaks free from her motherly demeanour and has this side where she loves playing mind games with others, using her ever-so trusty mind. she uses it to take down es, break off an argument or to just mess with people's mind and make them really use those brains. she loves to make others speechless with her mind's riddles. she likes to use that clever mind of hers into works when helping others but sometimes dear seoyool takes her mind games too far. though it could start as a joke, it could lead to some misunderstandings due to several reasons wrong timings, wrong selection of words, wrong target and wrong actions...or maybe because her target was a few steps ahead of her.

— now, to the bad side of our geum seoyool. she is especially slow when it comes to revealing her opinions and emotions to people. the matters of her heart when it comes to her inner emotions and opinions are kept especially for those she trusts and believes. she chooses to not to share her inner emotions and opinions with other people and keeps them locked up, wrapped inside her heart. she feels like her emotions and opinions shouldn't be shared or revealed to just anyone and would like to share them with someone she trusts and so, she would be more reserved about her feelings. this may lead to her being secretive and buttoned-up. she became inclined to conceal feelings and intentions. due to her strive to be the closest to perfection (as she knows nothing can be perfect), she becomes her own critic. seoyool has set very high standards for herself ever since her childhood and she would push herself sometimes a bit too hard to reach those standards. seoyool is an individual that puts high standards on almost everything she does (and not necessarily, what others do). seoyool is that introvert that isn't shy and maintains a great social life, but would choose to stay away from a crowd when  she wants to be alone to "recharge" herself. befitting of the psychological definition of 'introvert' or 'introverted', seoyool is someone who is more concerned with her own inner feelings and thoughts than with her surrounding environment. not that she has withdrawn from communicating with other people, she's just forced to do so. she's used to wearing a happy-preppy mask in front of her peers and family. she tries to seem happy and cheerful to blend in with the crowd or to blend in according to the mood so that anybody would know that her happy exterior was actually all a mask made by her. she created that mask to hide her true self, the withdrawn and reserved self of her, so that anybody would come up to her and change her. 'skeptical much, seoyool-ah?' would be the phrase she recites to herself whenever she's unsure of things. she's not really easy to convince. she doesn't seem like it on the outside because she holds it in. her heart and mind aren't easy to convince since she's not completely confident or sure of things from time to time. she does show hesitancy when the time's right but usually will hesitate things only in mind. nevertheless, she doesn't want to tell others this but she lacks strength, courage and boldness when it comes to dealing with a problem. you never know when she'll say she can't do it.

— geum seojoon and shin serin were one of few highschool sweethearts that continued to date. usually, highschool sweethearts would break up when one or both of them would be graduating but for the seojoon and serin couple, they went on strong despite serin graduating first. the two started dating when serin was 18 and seojoon was a mere 16 year old. the two were an odd couple. how they lasted four years is a mystery until this very day. they officially got married when seojoon officially turned 20 in korea (19 years old internationally). the night they got married, serin gave him something "important" that she's been saving up just for him. a kiss lead to something else and the couple thought they were truly happy. a couple of months later, the two were peacefully resuming their studies as they decided to attend the sae university. everything was back to normal when one windy day, serin's best friend called seojoon with serin's phone, telling him that serin was at the university's infirmary after complaining about feeling dizzy and occasional stomach pains and eventually, she fanted. serin had vomitted several times before fainting. hearing the news from serin's friend, seojoon excused himself and quickly went to the infirmary to check on serin. serin's friend immediately greeted him with a quite worried expression. the friend led seojoon to where serin was lying down. he saw the nurse handing a glass of water to serin for her to drink and the nurse looked at seojoon. she looked at serin one time and she looked back at seojoon, taking him aback for a moment.
"so you're geum seojoon, the guy she's married to?"
"yes, is this something that i need to know"
"well, it's not bad news. congratulations, geum seojoon, i think she's a month pregnant"

that moment brought seojoon and serin's friend into tears. the nurse went up to him and embraced him, trying to make him stop his tears. to seojoon, that was one of the happiest moments of his life and thinking about it couldn't makes him tear up. that night, seojoon invited both serin's family and his family so that they could tell them this news. both sides of the family were surprised at first and were also excited at the thought of their children becoming parents but were also worried about how their lives will change soon after the children was born. from that day onwards, the currently pregnant serin and seojoon lived at serin's family house. serin's studies were postponed out of her family's request until the child was born while seojoon continued to study until serin's fifth month of pregnancy when serin started to need him by her side the most.

— our soon-to-be lioness geum seoyool was born in winter, precisely at 05.01 in the morning on january 5th 1991. serin was already admitted to the hospital the day before since her due day was nearing as the baby's original due day was supposed to be on january 7th. serin went into 4 hours of pain-staking labour for her baby, who she now knows would be a girl. serin gave birth through the traditional way and through this matter of life and death situation. seojoon was holding her hand and serin's mother was rubbing her sweat off her chin. finally, after 4 long and painful hours of labour, geum seoyool finally entered the world. seojoon and serin broke into tears as they looked at their child while serin's mother patted the two new parents' backs as she went outside and told the remaining family members who were anxiously waiting for some news. as serin's mother walked out with her usual grin, all the remaining family members knew what that grin meant and immediately celebrating the birth of a new family, some tearing up and some praying. several hours later, all the family members walked into serin's hospital room and anxiously held their breaths as they waited for seojoon and serin to decide on the child's name.

"it should be meaningful" serin's father said as he patted seojoon's back
"i got it! geum seoyool!" serin said as she looked at her mother-in-law and her mother
"lee yool-ok and kim seori, we take the 'seo' and the 'yool' to make..."
"seoyool...geum seoyool is a great name!" seojoon said as he made his decision
"hello little geum seoyool~" seojoon's mother said as she caught a glimpse of the sleeping newborn

— seoyool's family was in the middle class in terms of wealth, they didn't make a lot but they were happy. as a baby, she was one of the rare cool and calm, not getting cranky easily type of baby. she wasn't a difficult child to take care of and due to that, was usually watched over by her relatives while her parents are too busy. seoyool grew up living in a simple yet humble lifestyle, watching from her mother and father's behaviour. she was well treated in both sides of the family and was quite close to her relatives. she lived as an only child for about 6 years before welcoming her younger sibling, or should we say brother, geum seohyung. as an older sister, seoyool didn't really take care of seohyung the way her parents thought she would maybe because she was still fascinated by her brother's pressence. there wasn't any noticable issues with her childhood, she did only have trouble adjusting to life as a firstborn since she had about 6 years of being an only child. her parents always tell her to get used to her brother because when he grows up, she would be the one who looks after him. also, as a growing fetus child, she would usually climb a tree to pick the fruit to eat or falling off her bicycle but smiling anyways or running so hard that she ends up covered in sweat. she had a simple yet happy and memorable childhood and for that, she will be forever thankful.

— elemaetary school was easy as she didn't have to go to a lot of hagwons at her age (she just had art lessons) but middle school was a total reverse. her family pushed her to attend several hagwons in mathematics, english, science, music and history. she had to sacrifice several hours of her sleeping time to review some material and learn about things not taught at school at those hagwons. though she met some of the best people in her life at those hagwons, it was no secret that it was tiring. she didn't have time to date since she put aside her love life to focus on her study. she usually grabbed the 7th or 6th ranking in class, but it would rise to be the 5th or 4th when she really works hard. music was her escape at her times of major stress or fatigue  and it still is to this very day, actually. strumming the guitar strings at times when she wants to refresh her mind was the way she got rid of her fatigue and stress. in addition to that, puberty does change people and not only did she become more beautiful, she also became strong-hearted in terms of enduring stress and pain. though she seemed all fine and cheerful in front of most people, she was actually holding everything painful deep inside her heart. at school, she was the motherly-type of student and friend who teachers and other students alike. she excelled in mathematics and foreign languages due to her time studying in hagwon. being born and raised in haeundae, the high schools there were, according to her parents, "not at par with her potential". lucky for her, her father found a job as a professor for yonsei university in seoul just several days before her middle school graduation and for the "geum" family, that was their opportunity. packing their bags shortly after seoyool's graduation, the family set their sights for seoul.

— enrolling in an arts high school due to her mother's insisting, seoyool found that her new life in seoul was happy. it might be destiny for she meets her childhood friend bi aeyoung again in seoul as aeyoung's family also moved to seoul (without seoyool knowing) due to aeyoung's father's business endeavours and so with her new found friends and bi aeyoung, she had a new yet thrilling experience as she starts her new life in seoul. she did get enrolled in several hagwons again, but she's faced them before so she wasn't that nervous. she did have trouble adjusting to the standard seoul dialect which was making it totally hard for her to adjust to it so in the end, she didn't. as the time for her high school graduation neared, seoyool quickly filled in her college application. choosing 'chung-ang' as her first choice university and 'xoxo' as her second choice. after taking the entrance exams for both universities, seoyool found out her scores at chung-ang's entrance exams were below the standard so she awaited for xoxo university's reply. nervously opening the envelope, seoyool had bursted into a victory dance and called her family and close friends as she found out that she was accepted to notify them of this news. her victory dance didn't stop there as her best friend bi aeyoung told her that she was also accepted into xoxo university. at the end of the day, seoyool took 'composition' as her major and 'psychology' as her minor while aeyoung took 'creative writing' as her major. 

— basically, the reason why she needed a place to say was because she really had no place to stay. her family did want her to stay with them but she wanted to give her brother some space to finish his highschool studies and well, she couldn't possibly live with aeyoung since aeyoung herself is currently living in with her two older siblings so she feels like it'll be totally rude and impolite for her to live there. but in terms of money, she was lucky that her mother was the owner and founder of this famous cafe in gangnam tht has branches in incheon, hongdae, dongdemun and such places. she helped her mother and herself (for the sake of money) by working there as a cashier or waitress and sometimes, would become the cafe's live music by playing some of her original tunes on her guitar or covering some songs. she did get some tips in her own personal tip jar that was provided whenever she performed and that made it all wonderful. now, one beautiful sunny spring day, aeyoung and her were sipping some tea and coffee in seoyool's mother's cafe when suddenly aeyoung got a phone call.
(note: the text below is all what seoyool heard since aeyoung was right next to her so she never knew what sooyeon told aeyoung)
"no, eonni, i don't need a place to stay."
"you know that jaehoon oppa and jiae eonni are letting me stay for free."
"yes, that is much better than paying rent"
"my best friend does need a place to stay...let her interview in my place"
"fine, well she is a good cook and she does take care of people well."
"cleaning? she's probably a master at it."
"she's definitely needed, though"
"so, you'll let her interview right?"
"thanks a lot, eonni! and no, she won't dissapoint you!"

and that was how seoyol's forever friend bi aeyoung got her a chance to interview for sooyeon. aeyoung never told seoyool how she knew sooyeon, but seoyool did have a feeling that aeyoung knew her from her older sister, jiae. on the day of the interview, seoyool made sure that she was dressed for the ocassion but stil had her usual 'casul and laid-back' feel. to seoyool's surprise, the interview proceed without any problem and sooyeon knew that seoyool's cooking, cleaning and motherly intuition was needed in the house. she also saw something in seoyool's eyes that caught her attention throught the interview. sooyeon knew that the potential residents of the house would need a mother figure (in case most of them caused messes or trouble) and someone to discipline them. sooyeon, with that mindset, accepted seoyool. hearing that she was accepted, seoyool's mind instantly went into a big victory party and her mind was blank. so everything went well as seoyool moved into sooyeon's manor, meeting the other girls who were accepted and eventually, the ladyboys next door, exo.

• jigsaw puzzles ; she loves using her mind to solve problems and so, her most favorite birthday present could actually be a simple jigsaw puzzle. as a kid, she would always open up a box of jigsaw puzzles and get her mother to time how long it took her to complete a whole puzzle. she would always resort to opening a box of these simple puzzles to soothen her mind or to refresh after a hard day at school.  
music ; she took an interest in music shortly after her 11th birthday when she heard her mother play a few chords on the guitar while singing (or actually, humming). fascinated, she joined her mother in humming and humming soon developed into singing. soon, she begin to listen to some jazz or pop to jam to or some relaxing harmonies from some cds lying around that apparently her mother bought from who-knows-where. she finds music as a painkiller and makes life more enjoyable.
variety shows ; queu a happy kim yena as she loves watching weekly idol, running man, and we got married but she loves running man the most out of all variety shows. she loves the bond between the members; jungkook's forceful yet hilarious jokes, jihyo's blank expressions, kwangsoo's facial expressions and constant betraying and jaesuk's hosting skills. she thinks that the show is amazing, despite people say that it's boring now without the nametag elimination mission. seoyool doesn't give a crap since she watches it for the jokes and gags, not to mention the members and guests.
backhugs ; something she thinks is romantic, really. she thinks that it's romantic and cute that someone could hug you from behind, they could whisper something sweet into her ears or breath in the scent of her perfume. if someone she likes does this to her, she'll probably melt inside and get all red.
the color blue ; a color she's been attached to ever since she was a kid. it reminds her of the sea and the sky and maybe that's why she likes it. she thinks it's a stress-relieving color since she would imagine herself by the beach, chilling out while listening to the sounds of the waves and the soft sea breeze. oh, the thought itself relieves her stress.
the color gold ; a color that reminds her of golden-wrapped presents and chocolate. she once received a golden-wrapped box full of chocolate as a birthday present and that memory was the thing that got her into liking the color gold. 
converse high-tops, vans ; you know, those kind of casual shoes. she loves wearing them because the feeling of wearing comfortable shoes when going out puts her mind at peace. she wears them all the time, excluding the times of formal parties or gathering. she has several different types of vans and several colors of converse in her everyday wardrobe.
cooking ; she loves cooking. the thought of making her own food and eating it excites her in a good way. she also gets excited when thinking of people tasting her homemade food and saying that it's delicious. she loves making food for people if it makes them happy. she enjoys making new recipes and giving it to her friends.
playing the guitar ; okay, so she started playing the guitar in her first year of middle school because she started showing some interest in said instrument after seeing her mother play some chords on her guitar many times. she had some nights where she secretly grabbed her mothers guitar and tried to follow what she saw her mother do. well, she got caught once on a midsummer's night and that's when her mother insisted on enrolling her in some private guitar lessons, despite the amount of hagwons she had to go through. she just loves the feeling of the strings on her fingers and the sound they make.

• strawberries ; she has a strong dislike towards things that she thinks are too sour and strawberries are one of them. she doesn't eat anything strawberry-flavored. not even the ice cream. if she finds a strawberry placed as a decoration in her food, she won't eat it.
long speeches ; the way people sometimes drag their speeches out to make it long as hell irritate and bore her to death. i mean, okay, do your speech but she hates how they would talk a lot of things unrelated to their speeches afterwards. her usual reaction to listening to hella long speeches would be "holy crap, your mouth is still going?" or "shut your crap up"
sour things ; as mentioned in the 'starwberries', seoyool has a strong dislike (hate is such a strong word) towards sour things. they make her eyes pop and make her ears itch. sounds odd, right? well, that's exactly the reason why she hates it.
rock/loud music ; she's fine with the music that develops in the undergound scene but the overly-loud rock music that pierces her ear, holy crap you better give her an aspirin before her ears bleed. she hates music or songs that are overly loud to the extent that she feels like her ears are gonna pop.
strong scents ; her nose is a bit sensitive towards scent and strong scents pierce into her nose. she feels like the scent enters her head and she gets light-headed so she avoids going to places with strong scent without bringing a mask.
the smell of deodorant ; the story to how she dislikes this is that when she was in high school, lots of the male students liked to bring deodorant to spray after physical education class but sometimes, some of the guys like to spray their deodorant around their classroom to pester the girls. ever since then, she has developed a strong dislike for the smell of deodorant.
horror movies / haunted houses ; she's quite the scaredy-cat and she hates things that scare her. she gets scared easily and so, hates things that have to do with ghost and horror. she'll just end up a screaming or a crying mess afterwards.
very very short shorts ; she thinks that it'll expose too much skin and therefore, does not even want to wear or see it. she has her pride as a woman and wearing overly short pants makes her feel like an object or toy used to pleasure men and there is no way in hell that someone like her would want to dress like those types of people.
older men ; it might be surprising, but i's just her personal preference when it comes to men and her love life. people say she's an odd person for preferring younger men rather than older ones but she cringes at the thought of calling someone 'oppa'. she's more happy with being called 'noona' since she's a noona at home and that it suits her better.

• boxing/jogging ; since she does have boxing lessons or classes or something like that with her father as a father-daughter sport every saturday afternoon or morning depending on her wake-up time and seminar scheules back at the university. it also depends on her father's availability. she jogs whenever she can, maybe at a nearby park or maybe just around the block.
composing/playing the guitar ; something she does with the help of her precious guitar. with her trusty sketchbook, she usually writes all her ideas and inspirations and most importantly, her self-written songs. she finds it more easier to write her songs in her skecthbook since all her past ideas and inspirations are in those pages so it's easier to get inspired. she does play the guitar to relax herself. she feels happy when feeling her fingers grip the strings firmly. the vibrations of the strings after strumming them makes her mind and heart feel at peace. she also does these to compose or to practice on new song chords. she sometimes loves to play iu's friday on a friday with her trusty guitar while singing to the song.
listening to music ; her itunes is full of western songs while her one music downloader has a lot of k-pop songs. she listens to music according to her mood so she does have a list of playlists with songs she likes to listen to during a certain mood. gloomy songs on a rainy day or winter and autumn, cheerful songs during summer, soft songs during spring and more.
watching variety shows ; it's her energizer. whenever she needs something to boost up her energy and mood, she would always search for some funny running man episodes or some weekly idol episodes. she does use youtube more often rather than naver music since they provide the episodes more quicker than actually watching it on sbs. plus, there are a lot of the older episodes of running man uploaded on youtube so win-win?

• swearing ; this happens everyday, regardless of place and time. well, she does try and make an exception for children and the elderly. anyways, she swears almost everyday, especially when she's angry and enraged. will start spewing out bad words. whenever geum seoyool, starts swearing, it's best if someone stops her before unwanted scenarios happen. 
speaking with her busan accent ; it is the dialect she grew up speaking with. despite having moved to seoul, she's still not used to the standard seoul accent and so, she still speaks with her busan accent. her busan accent appears the most when she's flustered or frustrated. sometimes, it also appears when she's around her family or when she's enraged.
biting her bottom lip ; she does this to ease her nervous jitters. sometimes, se would bite it until it bleeds. some might take her lip biting as trying to flirt, but it's really not. she does in a daily basis when she's nervous.
lipsynching to the music ; she does this whenever she listens to music for some reason. she imagines that she's the one singing the song instead and will lipsynch to the lyrics. she'll sometimes pretend she's singing the song by putting her iphone near and think of it as a mic. i know, she's a bit odd that way.

• amphibians; she was just born with it. whenever she sees a frog or a newt, she'll just freak out. she'll scream and run as far as possible from the goddamned thing. and people call her weird for not being afraid of cockroaches.
failure or defeatshe just hates disappinting those who've worked so hard. what she hates the most is seeing her loved ones tell her "it's okay" or "there's always next time" because she feels like she had let them down.
ghosts she's just not the type to enjoy those kind of movies and honestly, she's afraid of actually seeing one because she legit feels like they're real and they exist.

she has composition as her major and psychology as her minor at xoxo university
— her instagram : @blue_sseoyool
— writes a lot of songs in her spre time or when she's in her room
— looks up to yoo jaesuk and kim jongkook
— is usually the friend who drives you home when you're drunk
— she has a driver's liscense
— she has
an iphone c5 and cherishes like it's her child (the lockscreen is this photo she took with seokjin)
— is usually the one who gets in trouble due to someone else's actions
— sge feels insecure about her laugh so she covers when laughing
— takes pride in her clothing and would be most sensitive about it
— she's an animal lover as she has a dog named
— she's not the type to do aegyo so never ask her to do it, it'll shock you
— to him, sneakers and snapbacks are life
— is the type to sleep-talk or just mumbles random things in his sleep
— enjoys exercising as she loves to jog and play basketball
— has an unknown attraction to meat - any meat- and cannot last a day without it
— enjoys walking her dogs around the hangang river
— is a cheesecake fanatic
— gets sick very easily, it's been like that ever since she was born
— tends to be a night owl
— is an amazing cook, but doesn't brag about it
— feels as though her hair is her identity
— she's a strong drinker; she can drink over three glasses and still not get drunk
— her favourite food is any meat dish. seoyool + meat = life
— is a fangirl of sonyeohshidae's im yoona and miss a's bae suji
— really enjoys meeting new people
— she and her friend, bi aeyoung are the best comedy duo among their peers
— is always the one who suggests a gathering between her fellow peers

— she may not look like it, but she's pretty scary when she's angry. she's the female equavilent of kim jongkook when he's angry. whenever she's angry, please put aside all sharp items and valuable belongings as she made have quite a temper. usually, she holds it in pretty well but there are times when that can be the polar opposite.
— has a non-existing list of ex-boyfriends
— her all-time favorite movie is the avengers or maybe any kind of marvel-related film. her favorite avenger is captain america and iron man because captain america's everlasting bootiful face and iron man's character. she's had a lot of clothing items dedicated to them, like hats, sweaters, varsity jackets and accessories.
— her ideal type is someone caring and gentle that will give her his shoulder and warm embrace. if she were to choose, she would say that ze:a's park hyunshik or bangtan's jeon jungkook suits her ideal type the most among the idols.
— she's not one who cries easily. some say that hasn't officially gone down until you see seoyool crying. seoyool crying = has gone down

geum seojoon (fc: jo insung) | father born 1970, aged 43 (2013) | engineering professor in yonsei | laid-back, understanding, forgiving, persistent, candid
+ 'where's my little girl?' would be the first thing mr. geum seojoon would say when he sees seoyool. having been spoiled by daddy dearest all her life, seoyool is close to her father as bees are close to flowers; they simply need each other. he was in charge of spoiling his children while his wife would be the one to always scold them. her father, when the scolding brings dear seoyool to tears, would defend her and stand by at her side. seoyool is a bit materialistic around her father, to be frank. the reason being that her mother would always say 'your father has more money than mommy does' to get seoyool to stop pestering her. her father was quite the cool and forgiving father. always trying to goof off around his children, it earned him a smack on the head or an ear pinch from his wife (with the overly-used reason of 'setting a bad example'). sejoon understands how seoyool feels most of the time (since he doesn't understand seoyool's girl problems). he tries to cheer her up and would always bribe her to tell him with the mention of "korean bbq" or "samgyeopsal" or just the word "meat". always putting up a proud father expression, seojoon loves to brag about his children to his friends. seojoon would always support seoyool no matter if it rains on her or if she got struck by lightning. he would always be the father that seoyool wants to be, not wanting to disappoint his precious children; one of the best things that's ever been his.
— shin serin (fc: gong hyojin) | mother born 1968, aged 45 (2013) | cafe owner | supportive, devoted, over-ambitious, moody, whimsical
+ seoyool has had that responsible yet mternal trait inherited from her mother. her mother is quite an honorable person since she has raised two children correctly, has a loving husband and a successful business. seoyool really admires her mother because of her life and aspires to have a life similar to her when she reaches her age. her mother always worries about her and her brother. due to her friend's child's successful marriages here and there, her mother always pesters her about when she's going to settle down. she's always been bringing up malarriage ever since doorim has a "guy" friend (*cough* seokjin *cough*). sometimes, doorim just wishes her mother wouldn't bring up marriage every time they meet. to seoyool, however, serin is the most greatest mother in the whole world. serin was always there for her chldren as she had always taken care of them. it was thanks to serin that seoyool became attached to music. having been a big follower of music herself durin her youth, serin had always dreamed of her children getting into music. seeing her daughter play the guitar she inherited from her mother, serin could only pat herself in the back. "'i've worked hard" she would always mutter to herself  as she stares at the several family pictures of her family. she's also quite lucky that seojoon doesn't want another child.
— geum seohyung (fc: jeon jungkook) | younger brother | born 1998, aged 15 (2013) | hanlim multi art school student | overprotective, eloquent, candid, caring, clingy
+ seohyung, being the youngest in the house, grew up being taken care of by seoyool. despite being 7 years younger than seoyool, that doesn't stop him from loving her as an older sibling. always getting seoyool into trouble and having been taken care of by her nevertheless, seohyung has no idea how to express his gratitude and symptahy for his sister. seoyool has always helped him out with everything, even though there are times when seoyool was forced to do things for him. at first, during his childhood, seohyung couldn't understand his sister's actions and words and so, he ignored them and made her get into a lot of trouble and has made her frustrated or angry thousands of times over the years. but now, seohyung is older and he has now come to miss the attention his sister gave him and feels this sense of regret and emptiness without her. he could've treated her much better many years before, but that was a fault on his side so now, he and his sister get along perfectly as seohyung 

bi aeyoung (fc: shin hyejeong) | best friend, childhood friend | born 1991, aged 22 (2013) | creative writing major at xoxo | creative, confident, outspoken, spoiled, flirtatious
+ having met seoyool in middle school from having the same class, aeyoung is one of few who have witnessed seoyool's change from an awkward fetus to a campus beauty. having met during those awkward puberty stages, it did shock the two of how different they looked. well, puberty does change people. anyways, though they've come far since their first meeting, the two have promised each other to go even further together. aeyoung, despite being the flirt and occasional spoiled brat she is, she will always be there to support seoyool and give her strength. among their peers, aeyoung is someone special as she understands seoyool better than anyone. she knows when seoyool needs comfort, when she needs someone to talk to. aeyoung knows seoyool's inside-out more than anyone else. if seoyool talks, aeyoung listens and vice versa. that's what makes their friendship simple yet beautiful, they tell each other everything without anything being left out ; they are honest with each other and never hide anything. if aeyoung is around seoyool, everyone knows better than to hurt seoyool. they know that aeyoung is basically her shield and will hurt anyone who hurts seoyool as the two are basically inseparable soul sisters.

— kim seokjin (fc: kim seokjin) | favorite underclassman, potential love rival | born 1992, aged 21 (2013) | theatre major at xoxo | calm, nurturing, understanding, untalkative, introverted
+ seokjin met seoyool through aeyoung, being introduced as an old friend's friend. seokjin was the first to approach seoyool as he saw that she kept a considerable distance from him and mostly conversed with aeyoung. it made him wonder what kept the girl distant from him, it really did. he studied the girl from a distance and soon learned that her distance was made by shyness. seokjin himself didn't know she was older, her face concealed her age well. and so one day, he decided to just approach her when aeyoung invited the two for lunch and asked for her phone number, kakaotalk and tried to open up a conversation with her (at the time, aeyoung was running late and hasn't arrived). she and seokjin grew to become very close friends. they are always seen together whenever aeyoung's not around. seeing this as a chance for seoyool's love life to start, aeyoung usually pairs them up together. thanks to aeyoung's help, the two are close. you can tell that they're close if seokjin is seen calling her by "noona" while seoyool calls him comfortably by "seokjin". seokjin is now seen as a very important person in seoyool's life. seoyool views him as the person she can trust. seokjin always supports seoyool through thick and thin. seoyool does sometimes hang out with him when she has the spare time. seoyool feels as though seokjin is very reliable and understanding and so, she would always depend on him. if seoyool asks seokjin to come to her room at dawn, he would do it as he is that person who would do anything for his loved ones. ever since they got closer, seokjin has been quite protective of seoyool and has been looking after her well. seokjin listens to seoyool well and gives her his broad shoulders whenever she's sad. seoyool loves seokjin's warm embrace and warm hands that comforts her during her bad days.
+ to be honest, both seokjin and seoyool are at that prime age for marriage. dating can lead to marriage in their age and marriage can lead to something else. therefore, most of their peers tell the two to just date and that there's nothing to lose. seoyool has met seokjin's parents as she and aeyoung both arranged a surprise birthday party for him. seokjin's parents did tell him that night that the girl named geum seoyool would make a good wife and daughter-in-law, causing said birthday boy and our dear geum seoyool to blush. to be clear, seoyool thinks of him as her favorite underclassman but there were a lot of times when seoyool sees him as more of a man than her broad-shouldered underclassman. seokjin has shown a lot of his hidden charms to her and this made seoyool put all her trust in him, making it hard for seoyool to tell that he's a close underclassman or is he something more than that. seoyool's heart was stolen by seokjin when one day, he ran up to her on a rainy day without an umbrella when he got her text saying that 'she's lost her way home'. seokjin took the courage to take her to his family's house, knowing that seoyool would be easily accepted by his family ever since they saw her at his surprise birthday party. nowadays, seoyool and seokjin are currently each other's crushes but their soon-to-be relationship was ruined by an unwanted third party they call "kim jongin". due to this unwanted third party, seokjin developed an unexpected sense of competition and is willing to fight for seoyool. he has heard of what jongin is like from rumors and little birds on the street so hearing what he heard, he's determined to keep jongin from going near his soon-to-be sweetheart.


BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST : kim jongdae, kim joonmyeon
D.O.B : 14.01.1994 + 19
puppy (
강아지 ) ; the nickname our very own geum seoyool made in regards of jongin's excessive love for the canine species, like puppies, dogs and all that. he does have two puppies he raised like his own family and blood. it's also due to how he follows her persistently after they met, correction; everytime they meet. breaking out of his heart-throb and lady killer self, he acts like a puppy near seoyool as he now becomes the primary target of her mind games.
playboy-sshi, flirt-sshi바람둥이씨, 난봉꾼씨 ) ; the nicknames she personally made for him as a way to poke at his self esteem and ego. seeing as jongin loves to woo the girls at his university, seoyool made those nicknames to piss him off, to and to frustrate him. seoyool does love to push people's buttons when using that mind of hers and this is the more subtle way of her trying to frustrate him.

— positive; eloquent, loyal, resourceful, sociable
— neutral; confident, undisguised, abrupt, 
— negative; flirtatious, persistent, rebellious, egocentric

— let me introduce to you, the so-called heartthrob kim jongin. shall we start now? okay, so jongin has a very expanded vocabulary and with that, the ability to be fluent and persuasive in his words and writing. he thinks before he talks as he's always finding the right moment to say something, surely he wouldn't want to embarrass himself or make a fool of himself if he just barges in unannounced. he would always carefully choose his words so that those words would have a serious and important impact on people. beneath his heart-stealing exterior, jongin is loyal, alright. he is a loyal friend and lover. he will stand by you through thick and thin, and though he might not be the best person to be with, he will always be there for you. he shows firm and constant support to his work and loved ones. jongin is someone who cherishes his friends and takes his friendships seriously. as a lover, jongin will always come clean with you and will always be there to listen to your problems. having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties, jongin is rather resourceful. he knows how to make use of the things around him and is also quite efficient. he was born with the ability to be able to react to things quickly, meaning that he has quick and sharp reflexes. he always tries to solve a problem objectively, making sure that he solves it according to his surrounding environment's conditions. n to the next trait, oh look, jongin's friendly! willing to converse and interact with other people, jongin sure knows how to approach people. trying to give people a good impression, he's easy to talk to and good-natured (at a glance). he always tries to present himself in a kind and pleasant manner. he tries to interact with all kinds of people without judging them and so far, that got him a lot of ex girlfriends and a lot of bro-beans.

— kim jongin never conceals anything or everything about him. being undisguised, he's open about himself and he's willing to show about him. it's obvious that jongin is quite easy to detect or read. never well at concealing his feelings, jongin is quite the male version of a transparent glass. anyone could read him. that would make understanding him a lot easier, but jongin doesn't let people get to him easily. jongin shows everyone a side to him where he shows confidence. he finds himself confident in his own skills and abilities and it shows a lot during his everyday routine. he has confidence in approaching and befriending people. he has confidence when he's front of a crowd or basically, he has great people skills(okay, maybe we should should say "communicatn" skills). he's not afraid to step up for himself and he never seems to lose his cool in front of others but confidence can be a double-edged sword. he proves that sometimes his confidence can pester people. always believing in his skills, he can sometimes be cocky or arrogant; letting his confidence get to him. his confidence will cause him to ocasionally think that he's the best and will make him underestimate others. not only that, but jongin can be quite unexpected. sometimes, he does something you wouldn't thought he would do or maybe, sometimes he has the most worst choice of timing. it does make your friendship with him thrilling, but the fact that you wouldn't know what he'll do next is quite a bother.

— kim jongin is human, too so he has his own cons. jongin is rebellious. he doesn't like the feeling of being controlled or being manipulated. jongin is someone who strives for freedom and liberation. jongin is someone who is against restrictions and regulations. he loves things that have no boundaries or no limitations. he despises the idea of things such as school, essays, and rules. he wants to be free, to live his life the way he likes it. that's why jongin is very rebellious; he hates being pinned down in regards of living his life (he's okay if it's regarding love). moving on, jongin is persistent as he has this bad trait of continuing firmly or obstiantely when dealing with something he loves. he's a bit too determined, sometimes not wanting to back down and accept some facts. he sometimes taes things too far on this accord and will often cause a huge mess. in addition to that, jongin is one of those guys who has that eye gaze that can capture you in just a matter of seconds. he does have this bad habit of expressing a "playful" image, the problem is that his "playful" image is leaning onto the more ual attraction side. he is quite seducing enough with his eye gaze, let alone his words. for the single ladies out there, be caeful of kim jongin and it would be wise if you never approach him if you meet him in some clubs. also, beware of jongin's ego as he may not have the best control over it. there are many situations when his ego takes over his mind. though sometimes he himself doesn't realize it, he will start to think about himself without even a pinch of care for others.

— jongin and seoyool first met the very day (or morning, perhaps) the twelve boys moved into the neighborhood. the boys and the twelve girls living in the park’s residence, at that time, haven’t really known each other (with the exception of jongin being kim yena’s cousin) and haven’t started pranking and fooling each other. they met the morning the boys moved in. seoyool, that day, was having one of her ‘early bird’ days where she wakes up early. seoyool noticed the loud voices of people and the sounds of cars or what she thought was moving trucks from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth and braided her hair in front of the mirror. she just finished dressing up for a day helping her brother study for his exams and was getting ready to head out. from the bathroom window, she saw several boys talking to each other as they loaded several boxes from inside what she now knew was a moving truck. curiosity killed the lioness geum seoyool that day as she grabbed her bag full of her usual essentials and her brother’s studying essentials. she headed out to greet her soon-to-be neighbours. seoyool, putting on that usual caring mother aura and smile, went out of the gate and walked up to introduce herself to three guys casually chatting in the shade. she was trying to be a good nighbour and welcome them into the neighborhood, even though she's fairly new in the area as well. she also intended on finding the next target of her mind games, but she tried to save that thought for another day. as she introduced herself, the three boys turned crimson in front of seoyool as perhaps, they’ve never encountered someone as beautiful as seoyool (yup, i know i just wrote that but hey, it could be true). seoyool noticed their faces turning crimson but decided not to bring that up.

“annyeonghaseyo, I’m geum seoyool…and I think we’re going to be neighbours from now on. I’ll be sure to take care of you guys well.” she said as she reached her hand out for one of them to shake. a brown haired male, whom seoyool pressumend didn’t stand higher than 176, shook her hand and smiled shly. first impressions have to be good or else, you’re done, seoyool thought as she remembered her mother’s advices on greeting or meeting new people. seoyool and the boys she now know were yixing, joonmyeon and minseok were harmoniously chatting about some stories regarding how they ended up in 'lucky avenue' and where they studied (and all that getting-to-know-someone pish posh).

"yo, hyungs~ who's the cute chick here?" jongin said, appearing out of nowhere and casually putting his arm over seoyool's shoulders as he greeted his three hyungs. seoyool instantly knew what direction jongin was trying to take and brushed his arm away from her shoulder, giving him a stare. he must be trying to look good in front of girls to get them to fall for him, she thought as she scanned his facial features for several seconds before raising her eyebrow at him and turned back to the other three, trying to send several signals towards them to help her out.

"um, seoyool-sshi, meet kim jongin. jongin, meet one of our new neighbours, geum seoyool and no, you can't hit on her because she's a noona." minseok said as he sent jongin a glare, enforcing his last words. seoyool smiled shly as minseok saved her from a crisis and bid them goodbye before her brother starts to spam her phone with text messages. jongin looked at the back view of the now-hurrying geum seoyool and smirked.

"i can't hit on her not even once? not even once?" jongin said as his hyungs nodded in unison.

"i don't think she'll let you. i mean, she knew you were trying to make a move on her the second you appeared." yixing said as he crossed his arms.

"okay, instead of talking about cute girls, why don't we just get inside and start unpacking?" joonmyeon said as he led the three inside their new home.

"see, hyung! you said she's cute, too! admit that she's cute!" jongin said with an over-excited tone as they opened the gates and went in.

"i worry about that one the most" yixing muttered as he closed the gate.

RELATIONSHIP TITLE : love is a game (alternative: i'll show you, love is not over)
their relationship, at the beginning, consisted of jongin constantly trying to flirt with seoyool, but unfortunately fails. jongin constantly tries to flirt with seoyool because she’s probably the only girl that doesn't fall for his well-known seducing eyes and pick-up lines. his raging ego took over him due to him not being able to get this one girl to swoon over him like the other girls. seoyool, being quick, notices every move he makes and decided to prove that love isn't a game and that women aren't for playing around. it's mostly just jongin trying to play push-and-pull with seoyool, but seoyool ends up tripping him instead. she did find a positive thing about jongin though; he became her new toy and new target.  seoyool totally made it obvious to jongin that she's never gonna fall in love with him or anything. however, seeing him still in his pusue for her heart, it made seoyool's blood boil. she hated pesistent men who don't know how to give up and so, she developed a strong dislike for jongin. it was a shame, really. seoyool really wanted to befriend the other guys but wherever the other boys would be, jongin was there and it made seoyool's intention of befriending them to disappear. afterwards, seoyool wished she hadn't met jongin since most of his pranks and schemes were targeted towards her. being the mother among the girls, that just meant more messes to clean and more things to do. if seoyool were to describe jongin in a sentence or a phrase, it would be 'such good looks wasted to play the hearts of women around him. what a shame indeed'.

this continued for several months until finaly, something changed it all. what was it? it was the entrance of seoyool's favorite underclassman, kim seokjin into the mix. seokjin noticed a change of mood in seoyool soon after jongin entered her life, seoyoolseemed more gloomy and easily annoyed of course, he was just her underclasmman and friend so he felt odd if he tried to pester seoyool to talk to him about it. but geum seoyool was a unique girl and she approached seokjin first. she came to him as she hugged him and finally crumbled. she showed seokjin something very un-seoyool-like; tears of exhaustion and stress. seokjin was clearly taken aback, but comforted her anyways. it was a coincidence that jongin saw this as he walked by feeling this intense feeling of jealousy, jongin wanted to storm in there and grab her and take her away but he could only walk away as he found himself being called by oh sebooty sehun. meanwhile, seoyool had just finished cring and thanked seokjin for not responding awkwrdly towards her sudden actions. this was seokjin's chance, really. he gathered some courage and decided to just say what he wants to say before the chance slips away and sort of help seoyool. 

"yura noona, you should at least tell me about the reason you cried"
"o-oh, sure. the usual starbucks joint?"
"it'll be my treat. anything for my favorite upperclassman, yura noona"
"seokjin-ah, you're too nice.i wouldn't know how i'll be without you"
"it's nothing, really. it's because i love you"
"me too, seokjin-ah. me too"
"you do? you aren't joking right?"
"no, but i can tell you all about it over a warm latte"

afterwards, seokjin and seoyool walked towards their usual meeting spot (when it's the three of them). seokjin made the initiative and held seoyool's hand along the way as he reasoned "he was afraid of losing her". at that time, jongin was laughing his off as he and sehun were having a casual gathering with the rest of the exo guys. jongin caught the sight of seoyool entering with a man - not only that, they were holding hands - and he couldn't help but develop this strong sense of jealousy. the rest of the exo guys caught where he was looking at and started to . he couldn't believe it, really. the geum seoyool he was trying so hard to catch was easily smiling - having fun, he means - and holding some other guy's hand. it enraged him. he decided that he needed to up his game and be more active - in jongin's world, that means bold - in catching seoyool. meanwhile, seoyool saw a glimpse of jongin's watching eyes and shook it off. she knew it was time for to happen.

- seoyool, seokjin -
"seokjin-ah, i need to ask you for a favor. it's really important."
"what is it, noona? you know i'll do anything for you"
"that guy who looked at us, he's been causing me trouble"
"isn't that kim jongin, the guy whose basically the definition of a playboy flirt"
"yeah, and he's kinda been chasing me. ever. day. i'm tired."
"and, may i ask, noona what does that have to do with me?"
"just help me get him off my back. i'll be grateful till the end of the world."
"as in be his rival? eii~ nobody can rival my love for you~"
"okay, not what i had in mind but that works too.  just show him that he'll never be able to touch your geum seoyool"
"oh, so you already considered yourself mine? i get it now~"
"nevermind, so you'll do it right, seokjin~?"
"if that'swhat it takes to get any hands off of my lady, i'll do it"

afterwards, seokjin stuck to seoyool like glue, going everywhere she did. even to the park mansion (that was one time, several months after the new seokjin-seoyool joint operation). but that one time caused jongin's rage meter to explode as he watched from his room window how seokjin kissed seoyool all of a sudden. what jongin thought was a boyfriend kissing a girlfriend was actually seokjin and seoyool's joint plan of shaking jongin off. seokjin did do it at an unexpected time, bbut despite that, seoyool took it in naturally (okay, maybe too naturally). that was seoyool's first kiss, but hell, she didn't regret having it taken by kim seokjin, it was better than having jongin take it. that was the start of the plan to get jongin off of seoyool's back. step one was to get his jealousy meters exploding. seokjin plays an important part in this so he's now seen everywhere with seoyool. always acting like they're dating and he's her boyfriend, it was surely going to spark up some feelings in jongin (and seokjin, too). their joint operation was finally starting to fall into place when several weeks later, jongin finaly let out all his jealousy and conforonted seoyool when none of the other exo guys and girls were around.

- seoyool, jongin
"just stop making me feel this way"
"oh and what might this so-called feeling of yours?"
"jealousy, okay. i'm jealous of you and that guy of yours"
"that figures since this is the first time you've talked about it. feeling defeated, playboy-sshi?"
"yes, okay, i do. what's so great about him anyways? i'm much better than him"
"oh, playboy-sshi, love just comes and finds you when you need it."
"even i know that. just why can't i take his place?"
"seokjin's place? you'll never replace him. he's the--"
"give me one month to prove it to you that i can replace him."
"what the ing are you--"
"date me for one month and i'll prove it to you."
"what if i don't want to?"
"you have to. but you can break up with me anytime you want"
"call, i bet it'll only take several weeks"
"we'll see, geum seoyool"

that's how step two started i guess and jongin was so happy as finally, seoyool was his. or so he thought. what he didn't even know was that it was all going to end. definitely, seoyool was the ace in making it all end. her on-point acting and words were enough to convince jongin and make him think she was in love with him but no.why wasn't she in love with jongin, you may ask? because her heart only thinks of kim seokjin. seoyool's heart doesn't thaw easily for others, but seokjin was one of the few who succeeded in doing so. no matter how much jongin says he loves her, seoyool's heart and mind will always lead or think of kim seokjin. there's no other guy in the world that can make her feel like that. it's a shame that jongin will find that out in the most heartbreaking way possible. how? on precisely day 15, jongin saw a geum seoyool being confessed to by kim seokjin and accepted said confession. later that day, seoyool broke it off between her and jongin. though seoyool might seem like the bad guy, it was the cold harsh truth and so, from that day on, jongin never interacted with geum seoyool. ever. again. he saw how happy she was with seokjin and he could use a break from the ladies. that experience with seoyool opened his eyes on the bigger picture of love; it takes a lot of courage to love and let go.

well, that makes geum seoyool's plan a success and that adds another painful break-up for jongin.

— surprisingly, jongin has no social media (he says that he's having too much fun chasing the ladies *vomits*)
— jongin is majoring in dance, having education as a minor
— most people say that jongin is a great dancer
— jongin takes pride in his appearance and would be most sensitive about it
— he has two older sisters (the main seeds of his noona-loving)
— he's an animal lover as he has two puppies, jjanggu and minggu
— he's not the type to do aegyo so never ask him to do it, it'll shock you
— to him, sneakers and snapbacks are life
— is the type to sleep-talk or just mumbles random things in his sleep
— enjoys exercising as he loves to jog and play basketball
— has an unstoppable attraction to meat - any meat- and cannot last a day without it
— enjoys walking his dogs around the hangang river
— a cheesecake fanatic
— really likes the smell of deodorant or men cologne
— gets sick only once a month, twice if he's not in good condition
— tends to be a night owl
— feels as though guys who wear glasses are odd and old-fashioned
— he's a weak drinker; his limit would be just one glass
— jongin has a thing for noonas
— likes to show off his abs to his exo hyungs
— cannot eat spicy food, despite describing himself as "hot"
— his favourite food is hamburger. jongin + hamburger = your new otp 
— secretly likes to learn girl group dances. 
— really enjoys taking selcas
— sneakers and snapbacks are his life

— i never regret living here! okay, so my room isn't tiny or large but i'll take whatever's given. so, um, what should i say? [pretends to ponder, looking up to the sky but gets embrassed anyways] i clean my side of the room often and sometimes, my roomie's side too if she's not around to clean it. i also have a lot of snacks stored in my side of the room for me to nom on during my spare time, though i've caught my dear roomie stealing some snacks [giggles shyly]. my sleeping hours tend to be different everyday so please don't frustrate me on the days where i don't enough sleep [ominous giggle]. f
or cooking, i think everyone kind of assigned me the role of head cook in the house without me knowing. i mean, they would always-and i mean, always-pester me about food so i make a lot of food for breakfast in the morning, pack the leftovers and make more food for dinner later when i get back. also, some of the girls would always tell me to buy them food before i come home so there's plenty of geum seoyool's food to go around, people! hehehe [gets embrassed, hides herself behind her hair].

— i work at my mother's cafe that's located in hongdaeas a cashier or a waitress or even performer and entertainer very often so you could say you could find me there, or you could find me at my university, going through seminars and working hard for that bachelor's degree of mine! i can see my graduation already! if i'm quick, i could graduate in 2014 yo~ [gets over-excited, calms down shortly afterwards]. you coud also find me wherever bi aeyoung or kim seokjin are. i usually go out with aeyoung a lot because we're homies~ [pinches self to stop] and i usually go out on dates...i mean, study dates with seokjin hoobae [face gets red imagiing it]. o-okay, well...next question please! [claps hands twice, very loudly].

— me? geum seoyool? i would say, no...i mean, i rarely do. there's already enough of that going around so call me the cleaning lady as i always ,and i repeat always, clean up the other girls' messes [sighs and pinches nose bridge]. i usually wait until they need me to step in and break off the situation like if it gets ugly. you know, "yena" ugly. as in, when yena gets mad. i would be the one to calm her down before anyone gets badly damaged and i thought i had a bad temper [smiles shyly]. but i do have an exception. if anything has to do with pushing kim jongin's buttons, count me in! [devious smile].

— so basically, aeyoung knows sooyeon from who knows where [whispers 'she never told me'] and sooyeon first offered aeyoung a spot to interview but aeyoung already has a place to stay with her siblings so she told sooyeon that i would be the one going for the interview instead of her. aeyoung told sooyeon a few good things about me since i kind of promised to treat her with some korean bbq. aside from that, i decided to give it a shot since i wanted to get out of my parents' way and i didn't want to disturb my brother's studies [gives a thumbs-up]. i couldn't live with aeyoung since she lives with her siblings and there's no more room for an extra person plus it'll be totally awkward and rude and impolite for me to be there. also, i can't just live at seokjin's place...that'll be totally awkward for a guy and a girl to be living under the same roof...[gets red, fidgets fingers].

— excluding kim jongin, everyone of them are adorable [giggles]. i do think that they're all eye-candies, even kim jongin but there's something about them that seems so immature. i can't put my finger on it, but there's definitely something about them that lacks maturity. i would say that out of all of them, that guy called yixing looks like the most sane among them. but seriously, i would date yixing if he wasn't living with the other eleven or if someone [whispes 'jongin' 'jongin'] wasn't one of the people close to him and...there is also one thing i have to say...is that they are so easy to read! i mean, gosh, you could see straight through them like glass! [queu the devious laugh]. such simpleminded man [flips her 'imaginary' long hair with sass].



thanks for applying for 'EXO NEXT DOOR!'

NAME : silvi
USERNAME : ---aeonian9 (main acc), sirius- (applyfic acc)

QUERIES/COMMENTS? i'm sorry if the layout got a bit over the place (well at least, it's still recognizable). basically, this is it. i guess. i have no words to describe my feelings of me finishing this.
SCENE SUGGESTIONS? more to be added when brain is 100% full of battery.
— the girls set a bagful of cockroaches into the boys' dorm. lemme hear those screams
— the girls playing truth or dare, one girl is dared to skinny-dip in the pool (if they have one)
— a seokjin x seoyool moment in front of the girls pls, i wanna see how the others react to some romance like yeah
— the girls going to the beach, seoyool taking a selca with her bikini body and posts it on instagram (jongin sees it from baekhyun's phone and goes 'that body is so fine-' and desperately makes an instagram acc to follow seoyool like-)
— jongin unknowingly steals glimpses of seoyool, but gets caught by seoyool's forever bodyguard seokjin
— seoyool getting ultra mad at the boys, unleashing her inner lionness on them and let's just see how they react to the merciless lioness geum seoyool's anger outburst 
THE PASSWORD : seoul (jongin to her song), london (her to jongin song)new york (her song), paris (the story's song)





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