Chapter 8

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

이 = Lee

송 = Song

씨 (ssi) = Mr./Ms.

네 (ne) = Yes

G1 = Guy 1

G2 = Guy 2

G3 = Guy 3


A day after the trip during dinner 광수 (Kwang soo) asked 지효 (Ji hyo),

이: “Noona, how was the trip?”

송: “It was fun. I sprained my ankle by the way.”

이: “Really? Do we need to get you to a doctor?

송: “No. I’m fine. The medic already fixed it.”

이: “It’s a good thing that you were brought to a medic immediately. How did it happen anyway?”

송: “I fell down the mountain while trekking down. 유재석 (Yoo Jae suk) brought me to the medic.”

이: “Really? I should thank him tomorrow.”

송: “광수야 (Kwang soo ya)”

이: “네 (ne), noona”

송: “Remember the last time we talked that he said sorry to me?”

이: “Yeah, at the wedding. What about it?”

송: “Can you remember what he said exactly?”

이: “Yeah. (He thought) ‘Oh that! Well I told your sister not to worry about it but she seems to have misunderstood my intentions. I think she is mad at me so I think I’m the one who needs to apologize but I think she won’t accept it so for now, would you tell her that I am deeply sorry’ those are his exact words.”

송: “Why did you remembered it with such details?”

이: “Because I knew that you would ask me one day.”

송: “Huh? What do you mean?”

이: “Never mind it’s nothing.”

송: “Can you tell me his sched for tomorrow?”

이: “He is free at 8 in the evening.”

송: “8. Okay. Do you know what flavor of cake does he like?”

이: “I think he likes mango cakes.”

송: “Mango. Okay. Can you give me his number?”

이: “Well. I could but why the sudden interest? I thought you hate him?”

송: “I did.”

이: “Did?”

송: “Yeah . . . just give it to me okay.”

이: “Here.”

송: “Thanks.”

이: “Noona, be honest with me. You already like him don’t you?”

송: “NO! but . . . I also don’t hate him now. I just took your advice and thought with an open mind and I figured that he is not so bad. So like what you said I’m going to give him a chance. I’ll return his coat and say sorry and I will try to become his friend.”

이: “You’re lying. I can see that you like him.”

송: “Whatever 광수 (Kwang soo) goodnight.”

She stood up and went to her room. Her brother was all smile while watching her leave.

이: “What could have happened on that trip?”

(Outside 재석’s (Jae suk’s) office at 8 in the evening)

지효 (Ji hyo) was standing outside waiting for him to come out. She texted him saying ‘재석씨 (Jae suk ssi) this is 송지효 (Song Ji hyo). I want to talk to you. I promise it won’t take long. I’m outside your office. I’ll just wait for you here.” 5 minutes passed but he did not come. A little while longer it’s already 8:30pm but 지효 (Ji hyo) still waited for him but then, she noticed 3 guys looking at her from a distance. She looked around but no one was there. If these 3 guys attacked her it would be her doom. Then what she feared came. The 3 guys approached her in different directions. She is now surrounded.

G1: “What’s your name pretty lady?”

G2: “Is that for us?”

G3: “Do you want to have some fun?”

They laughed causing her heart to beat faster. She was very scared but she decided to not let it show because the last thing she wants is for these guys to feel that she weak and that they can overpower her easily.

송: “Stay away from me I’ll scream if you come any closer.”

G1: “Then scream all you want nobody will hear you because nobody cares.”

Then they attacked her. She screamed as loud as she can through the hands that covered but they were right nobody seems to hear her. She tried her best to get loose. She found a chance and kicked one of them on the right spot where he would certainly feel it.

G2: “OUCH! YOU *ITCH!” (He jumped up and down) the 2 other guys came to him asking if he was okay. He was so red from the pain and from anger.

G2: “You’re going to get it you *itch!”

He walked towards her swinging his hand upward. 지효 (Ji hyo) could not do anything and she just stood there frozen on the spot. The only thing that she could do was to close her eyes and waited for the slap to come but it didn’t. When she opened her eyes she saw that 재석 (Jae suk) was there holding the guys hand. He prevented him from slapping her.

G2: “Who are you? Let go of me.”

유: “How dare you hit a woman? Why don’t you pick someone your own size?”

G2: “Really? Okay, then I pick you.”

They fought 3 against 1. He did his best to protect her and won the fight. The 3 ran leaving him with a bruise on the lips and on his knuckles. He immediately ran towards 지효 (Ji hyo) after the fight.”

유: “지효씨 (Ji hyo ssi) are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

송: “No, no, I’m fine but you are bleeding.”

유: “I’m fine let’s go inside it’s not safe here.”

They went to his office and he handed her the first aid kit because she insisted to treat his wounds.

유: “I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner. I was on the phone so I did not see your text.”

송: “It’s fine now at least I’m safe already.”

재석 (Jae suk) was about to talk again but froze when she put her face near his to treat the bruise on his lips. She gently touched the corner of his lips applying the medicine. His world stopped and the only thing that he could hear was his own heart beating loud and fast. He then felt a sudden pain that took him back to reality.

유: “OUCH!” He held his lips.

송: “Sorry you seem to be someplace else so I needed to get your attention. Your hand.”

유: “What?”

송: “Give me your hands so I can treat them.”

유: “Oh . . . you know it’s really okay if you don’t do this” Then he gave her his hands.

송: “It’s okay. I wanted to do it anyway. It's actually the least I can do for everything that you have done for me.”

유: “I haven't done anything much for you though. Anyway, how about you? Are you really okay? Aren't you even shocked or something?"

송: “I'm fine besides nothing really happened. You came at the right time so, you don't have to worry about me."

She took his hands and held it lightly. His heart immediately beat faster and he was once again lost in his own world. He watched her ever so lovingly apply the medicine on his knuckles. He can’t seem to look away at their hands even though they were just slightly touching. He just looked at her with amazement not caring about his own injuries or anything else for that matter. 

송: “I’m done!” He was once again taken back to reality.

유: “Thank you. So why did you want to talk to me?”

She got the cake and gave it to him.

송: “I want to formally say thank you for helping me on the mountain. I hope you like the flavor.”

유: “Mango. This is my favorite. You shouldn’t have but thank you very much. I’ll enjoy it.”

송: “And I also wanted to return this to you.” She gave him another box and he opened it.

유: “Oh it’s my coat and you were right it’s as good as new and the scarf too. Thank you for having it cleaned.”

송: “No problem. With these I also wanted to say sorry for everything that I have done wrong to you especially at the restaurant. I’m sorry for being rude and I don’t know if I even have the right to say this but here it goes. Let’s start all over again. Friends?”

She put out her hand offering a hand shake but he did not indulge her. He just looked at her hands then back to her face. 지효 (Ji hyo) raised one of her eyebrows in question.

유: “Only if we take away our formalities.”

송: (She inhaled then breathed out) “재석오빠 (Jae suk oppa) can we be friends?”

유: (He smiled) “Of course 지효 (Ji hyo).”

They shook hands and that was the start of their friendship. 지효 (Ji hyo) then stood up and was about to leave when he held her hands. She immediately stopped and looked at their hands touching. They have shook hands earlier but the feeling of their hands touching was very different this time. She can’t explain what she is feeling. She feels that her heart is about to explode. Actually he was feeling the same thing. He mustered all his courage and held her hands to stop her from leaving he tried his best to cover his nervousness. Both are actually feeling the same way but both of them are not aware and both of them are trying really hard to cover it up from the other.

유: “Can you stay a little longer? Why don’t we eat this cake here. It’s not that good when you eat it alone. What do you say?”

송: (It took her a while to answer but said) “I guess . . . that would be okay.”

She went back to her seat. They ate the cake. They enjoyed it very much. They had a lot of fun just talking. This was the first time they actually talked. She never imagined that he was very talkative and a good listener and on his part he was amazed that she did not complain about his being talkative. They both felt that they became closer. It was as if they already knew each other from way before. They enjoyed each other's company so much that they didn't feel any awkwardness at all. Later that evening, he gave her a ride home.

송: “Thank you for giving me a ride.”

유: “No problem. I’ll feel more at ease knowing that you are home safe. Thanks for the cake and the company to eat it with.”

지효 (Ji hyo) smiled.

유: “WOW it’s the second time I saw you smile. You should really do that more often. It suits you really well. Go in and have a goodnight 지효 (Ji hyo).”

송: “Okay I will. Goodnight and drive safely 오빠 (Oppa).”

유: “Okay.”

Then they both went their own ways happy that they gained an important friend.



A/N: Chapter 8 Enjoy :) Happy reading everyone.

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D