Chapter 1

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

이 = Lee

CC = Chief Captain (Just made this up ‘coz I really have no idea)

S1 = Stewardess 1

S2 = Stewardess 2

HBC = Hong Kong Business College (made up again :D)


(In a flight from Hong Kong to Korea)

A man wearing black high-end suit with matching shoes reading the newspaper next to a vacant seat in the plane. A smile crept up his lips upon reading the headline.


He looked outside the window for a few seconds then looked at his watch saying

유: “Hmm? . . . We’re not yet taking off?”

Then he heard a commotion.

유: “What could the problem be?” Asking himself, “Let’s find out”, he said.

Giving in to his curiosity he approached 2 stewardesses reasoning to a very tall man.

S1: “Sir, we’re very sorry but your flight has been cancelled.”

M: “How could that be? This is my flight. If it got cancelled then what are all these people doing here?”

S2: “What we mean sir is that your ticket has been rebooked. You have been transferred to a later flight.”

M: “But why?”

S1: “Sorry sir, it is our fault that the notice was not sent to you on time, but we will assure you that you will have a great flight on the rebooked date.”

M: “You did not answer my question. What is the reason?”

S1: “Uhm . . . I’m actually not sure. Truth be told sir, we are also confused. They just told us that you are not on this flight and that you will be placed in another flight with great accommodations.”

M: “That’s absurd!”

By this time the curious guy tapped the other stewardess and politely asked about the problem. The stewardess immediately smiled and tended to his query.

S2: “You don’t have to worry sir we are just clearing a misunderstanding. We will be taking off in a few minutes.”

The stewardess answered carefully, but the man overheard the exchange of the other stewardess and the man involved in the conflict. He realized that he is the reason why that guy can’t go on this flight. The man made a decision and approached the man in conflict.

유: “Excuse me, would you mind if I help you?”

M: “Not at all. I really want to go home now so any help would be very welcome.”

The man answered then the suited guy smiled then turned his attention to the stewardess.

유: “Can I have a word with you?”

S1: “But sir we need to clear this . . .” the man cut her off

유: “I know. That is what we are going to do. This will take just a few minutes. Let’s go where you get your orders shall we?” He smiled again.

The stewardess can’t argue anymore and just said okay and she led him to the place where they get their orders. Once there he immediately went to business.

유: ”Look, I know that you want to patch up this conflict immediately and I’m here to help.”

The stewardess just nodded. He continued after seeing that the lady understood.

유: “I think I am the problem here okay? So listen to me and don’t ask questions.”

Again she just nodded as if she were hypnotized.

유: “Call your head and then put me on the phone.”

The lady did just that and handed him the phone.

유: “Hello sir, am I right if I say that the reason behind this conflict is the famous businessman 유재석 (Yoo Jae Suk)? Please be honest with me sir because I might have information that can save the face of your airline.”

The guy still hesitated but said yes and asked what information he has and who is he.

유: “I am박명수 (Park Myung Soo), Mr. Yoo’s secretary and he just confirmed that he would not be on this flight, so I guess that guy over here can just take his seat. If you need information you can just check it out. I am seated beside Mr. Yoo and out tickets was paid for by our company.”

CC: “Okay hold on a second we’ll just confirm that.” A few silent seconds then he said, “We have confirmed your statement and we are very thankful sir for considering our goodwill we send our deepest appreciation to you and Mr. Yoo. We will just have to show this gratitude the next time you fly our airlines. We are deeply sorry sir, and again very thankful.”

유: “Don’t worry. Anything we can do to help.”

He hung up then turned to the stewardess

유: “Just send that guy next to my seat and treat him nicely so that he can forget this incident.”

He ended his orders with a smile and a wink. The stewardess admired his leader characteristics so much that she felt weak in the knees and almost fell if not only for the help of her co-worker.

S2: “What happened to you?”

S1: “He is so cool plus he smiled and winked at me . . . (sigh)”

S2: “Get to your senses. What should we do?”

S1: “Leave it to me I will serve everyone near his seat. He is so damned charismatic. If you want to help you can, but he is mine, alright?”

S2: “Whatever you say.”

Immediately they escorted the man with the conflict next to박명수 (Park Myung Soo).

S1: “Here is your seat sir, if you need anything just call us for you too as well Mr. Park.”

The stewardess was obviously flirting and her co-worker cannot believe it. She looked at Mr. Park’s direction and saw his smile and wink and she too was under his spell in an instant. They left the 2 as the plane was finally about to take off.

M: “What happened to those two? Why are they suddenly kind to me?”

유: “Let’s not worry about that now. What’s important is you can go home now, right?”

M: “Yes. By the way thank you very much for your help whatever you did or whatever you told them is surely effective. I will remember this for a very long time sir.”

He bowed then looked up. This is the first time he saw him up close and the man was shocked.

M: “Oh . . . you are not a secretary, you are 유재석씨! (Mr. Yoo Jae Suk!)”

Everyone looked at them with curious eyes.

유: “Just explaining guys, you heard wrong, just talking about the economy.”

After hearing this everyone mind their own business again.

유: “You’re wrong man and please keep your voice down we don’t want to attract too much attention.”

M: I’m not wrong. I saw you at a recent event and I’m sure of it.

The man stared intently giving the ‘you can’t fool me look’. Normally he would deny it but for some unknown reason he told this guy the truth.

유: “Okay, okay, you’re right but, I’m asking you a favor keep it a secret will you?”

M: “Yes sir”

유: “Thanks. By the way, what is your name?”

M: “I’m 이광수 (Lee Kwang Soo) sir. Nice meeting you formally.”

유: “광수 (Kwang Soo), can I call you that?”

이: “Of course sir. It’s my pleasure.”

유: “No, to tell you the truth I like you I also don’t know why but, that is the truth.”

광수 (Kwang Soo) looked at him with wide eyes. 재석 (Jae Suk) realized that광수 (Kwang Soo) misunderstood his words so he explained immediately.

유: “I didn’t mean it that way. I don’t like you in a romantic way.”

광수 (Kwang Soo)  just smiled but his relief is also evident after 재석 (Jae Suk) explained.

유: “I want to apologize for that conflict earlier. I guess I was the reason why you almost could not go home today. You see, I always travel with a vacant seat next to me and in this flight you are collateral damage because of that want. I am truly sorry and please leave the airline out of this. They are just . . . let us say manipulated by the power of the name that I carry.”

이: “That’s okay sir I don’t plan to take any actions anyway and like what you have said earlier the important thing is that I can go home.”

유: “Thank you for understanding. Uhm, I don’t want to be rude but, can I ask you something?”

이: “Sure sir.”

유: “Why do you want to go home so much?”

이: “Well the simple answer is, I miss my noona so much. I was away from her for four years. We just talk on the phone or chat online so I really want to see her. And I told her that my flight was today and at this time, so she’s probably on her way to welcome me and I don’t want to disappoint her.”

유: “Oh I see, why are you here in Hong Kong then?”

이: “I was studying all this time and now that I graduated from HBC I can finally go home.”

유: “You’re from HBC and a newly graduate? Well, I guess congratulations are in order.”

이: “Thank you very much sir. I’m very proud of this achievement.”

유: “So what do you plan when you’re back in Korea?”

이: “I guess I have to look for a job. I want to help my noona as a token of appreciation for paying for my studies.”

유: “That’s very good! You’re noona is very lucky to have you.”

이: “No sir, I am the lucky one because of my noona.”

유: “Well, I guess you’re both lucky.”

광수 (Kwang Soo) smiled shyly.

유: “So what did you learn about business?”

이: “Well, after all those years in HBC I certainly learned one thing. Business makes a person do bad things.”

유: “ Is that what they teach there?

이: “Not exactly but, that is how I summarized things. Am I wrong sir?”

유: “Actually . . . You’re very right. Now I’ll ask you this. Will you be a bad guy?”

광수 thought for a moment then answered,

이: “No! I want to change the people’s perspectives about business. I want to show them that it is not all bad, it can lead to good sometimes.”

재석 (Jae Suk) was taken aback for a second. This young guy beside him shares his perspective. So he thought maybe this is why they seem to have a connection.

유: “How about if I test you?”    

이: ”That would be an honor sir”

유: “Okay here it goes. Your boss wanted you to do something but you forgot and just remembered at the last minute but, you can still use your power to influence others to correct the wrong that you have done. What would you do?”

이: “I will not use that power. In the first place it was my fault so I should take responsibility.”

He looked at 재석 (Jae Suk) asking permission to talk more, 재석 (Jae Suk) nodded encouraging him to do so.

이: “I will call my boss and explain the situation and offer some alternative solutions to the problem. In the case that he insist that I step on somebody’s shoes I would gladly refuse to do so and just resign I guess.”

 유: “You will not be afraid to tell him other alternatives?  And are you a loyal person?”

이: “I will not be afraid for that might solve problems and yes I am very loyal if that person deserves my loyalty.”

유: “That’s very good. Look, I know that this is out of the blue but would you like to work for me as a personal secretary?”

광수 (Kwang Soo) mouth was wide open in shock. Upon seeing this 재석 (Jae Suk)  added,

유: “Hey, I’m not asking for your answer now I just want you to think about it okay? Here’s my card.”

He handed him his card and광수 (Kwang Soo) accepted it with 2 hands.

유: “Call me if you made a decision. Of course this offer has a due date and that would be 2 weeks from now. If I don’t hear from you within that period I’m going to assume that you don’t want to work for me. But don’t worry we’ll still be friends okay? No pressure alright?”

이: “Yes sir, thank you for this offer I will think carefully and call you when I have decided.”

유: “very well.”

이: “Sir can I ask you a question?”

유: “Well I guess you can.”

이: “Why do you travel with a vacant seat next to you?”

재석 (Jae Suk) laughed and said,

유: “You waited so long to ask that? Haha . . . I’m sorry for this answer but this is the truth. I just want the space and I think there is some other reason in my subconscious mind but I don’t know what that is yet.”

Just like this they talked all the way to Korea. 유재석 (Yoo Jae Suk) found a friend and a younger brother in이광수 (Lee Kwang Soo).

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D