Chapter 10

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

이 = Lee

송 = Song

효 = Hyo (for Lee Hyo ri)

무한 = Muhan (I got it from Infinity challenge)

사장님 (Sa jang nim) = Company president

동생 (Dong saeng) = younger sibling or a close friend that is younger than oneself

네 (ne) = Yes



(무한 (Muhan) Company’s Party)

무한 (Muhan) Company is holding a party to celebrate the opening of their new building. Many famous business persona attended as well as family members of the company's employees. 재석 (Jae suk) gave a speech to officially open the new office. Wine is served here and there. Foods were also served. Nice music is playing in the background. Everyone is enjoying themselves.  재석 (Jae suk) was moving along the crowd looking for someone and at the same time he is greeting the guests that came tonight. 지효 (Ji hyo) was standing near the table when he saw 재석 (Jae suk) busy greeting the guests and he seem to be looking for someone. She then noticed how handsome he looks in his suit. She just smiled and continued to watch him. 재석 (Jae suk) saw what he was looking for and he rushed toward that direction, but he was stopped by one of his directors who introduced him to some of his friends. He greeted them warmly then excused himself. He went to the place where he saw someone standing earlier but there was no one there. He immediately looked again but could not see what he was looking for. He started to think that maybe he was hoping too much, that maybe whom he is looking for is not really here and it frustrated and saddened him. Then, suddenly someone spoke from behind him.

송: “I have noticed that you seem to be looking for someone 사장님 (Sa jang nim)?”

He turned around immediately upon recognizing the voice and automatically smiled when he saw 송지효 (Song Ji hyo). He saw her wearing a blue cocktail dress that made her so beautiful.Just seeing her made all his frustrations go away.

유: “Yes I am, and it seems that you have been watching me all this time?" he looked at 지효 (Ji hyo) still smiling.

지효 (Ji hyo) was caught off guard by his question. She doesn't want him to think that she was looking for him so she immediately retorted back.

송: “No, of course not. I just happen to see you walk by while I was scanning the area earlier."

재석 (Jae suk) didn't exactly believe her but he did not push her further and just let it go because he doesn't want to fight with her again. He actually enjoys the relationship that they have now since they are getting closer day by day.

송: “Anyway, have you found what you were looking for? This is a big place if you want I can help you find it."

유: “Yes, I found her. Thank you for coming tonight. You look so beautiful.”

송: “Thank you. (She answered shyly. She can feel that her face is heating up good thing that it is a bit dark where they are.) You don’t look so bad yourself. I bet all the girls here are waiting to talk to you.”

유: “Well, they have to wait because I am talking to a very pretty lady as of the moment and I have no intention of leaving at all.”

송: “Stop it already. I might believe you. By the way congratulations on your new building and you gave a very good speech earlier as expected from the사장님 (Sa jang nim).” She smiled.

유: “Thanks for your kindness and don’t ever think that I’m just saying things that I don’t mean so that I can flatter you because you really look wonderful tonight especially with your smile.”

They talked more just enjoying each other’s company. Suddenly a woman stood beside 재석 (Jae suk) and interfered in their conversation. She looked young, beautiful and y.

효: “Hello 오빠 (Oppa). (She turned to 지효 (Ji hyo)) Hello.” 재석 (Jae suk) was surprised to see her there.

송: “Hello.” 지효 (Ji hyo) responded to the stranger's greeting.

효: “오빠 (oppa) some investors wanted to see you. Let’s go.”

She pulled 재석 (Jae suk) but he did not move.

유: “But I’m talking to someone right now.”

효: “I’m sure she will understand, right? (She looked at 지효 (Ji hyo)) can you excuse him for a while? There are some important investors who wanted to see him.”

유: “야 (ya), don’t be like that.” 재석 (Jae suk) reprimanded her for talking to 지효 (Ji hyo) in a rude manner.

송: “No, it’s okay you can meet them. I mean you have to meet them. The host should greet his guests especially investors. I’m sure they have something important to say since they wanted to meet you.”

효: “See. She understands. Now come on.”

유: “Are you sure 지효 (Ji hyo)? I can . . .  

지효 (Ji hyo) cut him off

송: “Yes I’m sure. There will be other times that we can talk. Go on. Talk to them I’ll be alright.”

유: “Okay. I’ll be just a minute. Call me if you need anything.”

재석 (Jae suk) left even though he did not want to. 효리 (Hyo ri) hooked her arms to his. She was clinging on to him as if she was a metal attracted to a magnet. 지효 (Ji hyo) looked at them as they walked away. She was curious about the identity of the woman and what is her relationship with 재석 (Jae suk). She asked herself,

송: “Who could that be? Why is she holding on to him like that? And why is he letting her do it? Is she his 동생 (Dong saeng)? Girlfriend?” with that thought she drank a glass of wine in a single shot.

재석 (Jae suk) asked 효리 (Hyo ri) while they were walking,

유: “Why do you have to treat her that way?”

효: “WHAT! I did not do anything wrong.”

유: “You should have been nicer you know?”

효: “Sorry, I’ll try next time alright? Happy?”

유: “야 (ya), YOU, never mind.”

They went to the investors and he greeted them. They talked about business and when he got the chance to get away from 효리 (Hyo ri) he grabbed it and he immediately looked for 지효 (Ji hyo) but he could not find her anywhere. Good thing he saw 광수 (Kwang soo) and he asked him if he knows where 지효 (Ji hyo) is.

유: “광수 (Kwang soo) have you seen 지효 (Ji hyo)?”

이: “네 형 (Nae hyung), noona just left. She said that it is already late so, she wanted to go home. She told me to tell you when I saw you.”

유: “How long ago? Which way did she go?”

이: “About 5 minutes ago, she went that way” (Pointing to her direction)

재석 (Jae suk) ran toward that direction in a flash leaving 광수 (Kwang soo) dumbfounded. 재석 (Jae suk) saw 지효 (Ji hyo) near the door and called her.

유: “지효아, 송지효! (Ji hyo ah, Song Ji hyo!)

She turned around and saw him running towards her

송: “Why are you running 오빠 (oppa)? Is there an emergency?”

유: “No, I just wanted to talk to you.”

송: “Me? Why?”

유: “I wanted to apologize for leaving you earlier. I am so sorry.”

송: “Oh you don’t have to, I really understand. I am not mad. Really I’m not.”

유: “Really?”

지효 (Ji hyo) nodded.

유: “But I still feel bad for leaving you. How about we do this? Let’s go out tomorrow. I’ll treat you out just the 2 of us to make it up to you. This is my peace offering. What do you say?”

송: “Um . . .

유: “Please.”

지효 (Ji hyo) could not do anything about that pleading.

송: “Okay then. since I don’t have classes tomorrow.”

유: “Yes! I’ll pick you up tomorrow at your house. Thanks again for coming. I had a lot of fun talking to you. I’m sorry I could not drive you home. There’s still many guests inside.”

송: “It’s okay and I had a lot of fun also. Congratulations again.”

유: “Thanks. See you tomorrow 지효 (Ji hyo). Goodnight.”

송: “네 (Nae), 오빠 (oppa) goodnight.”

They both smiled and he saw her get on a cab. Then he went back to the party. They have a date tomorrow.




A/N: The long wait is finally over. Sorry for taking me so long to update just happen to have finished some things. By the way sorry for Hyo ri fans it's just that I can't think of anyone better than her to put in my story please bear with me. Anyway I hope all you guys enjoyed. Thank you for always reading :D

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D