Chapter 17

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan

유 = Yoo

이 = Lee

송 = Song

효 = Hyo (for Lee Hyo ri)

김 = Kim

하 = Ha

무한 = Muhan (I got it from Infinity challenge)

1G = 1 Girl

1M= 1 Man



종국 and 지효 (Jong kook and Ji hyo) were in the car preparing to leave. 종국 (Jong kook) held 지효 ‘s (Ji hyo’s) hand.

김: “지효 (Ji hyo) are you okay?”

송: “Yes, I’m fine.”

김: “Do you want to go somewhere else? It’s only 8 o’clock.”

송: (지효 (Ji hyo) pulled her hands from 종국’s (Jong kook’s) grip and answered) “No, I’m a little tired so, I just want to go home.” (She looked outside the window)

김: (종국 (Jong kook) saw the sadness in 지효‘s (Ji hyo’s) eyes so he did not insist anymore because he has a good guess why she was like that and it actually made him sad.) “Alright, I’ll drive you home.” (Then they left)

During the ride to 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) house she kept on thinking about their dinner earlier.


There was a point during their dinner when 지효 and 재석 (Ji hyo and Jae suk) were left alone at their table because both 종국 and 효리 (Jong kook and Hyo ri) needed to attend to something. It was really awkward. A totally different atmosphere than they were in before everything happened. 재석 (Jae suk) tried to start a conversation.

: “Long time no see 지효아 (Ji hyo ah). How have you been?”

: “I’m doing good. 종국오빠 (Jong kook oppa) has been so good to me.”

: “It’s nice to know that 종국 (Jong kook) is taking care of you. 지효 (Ji hyo) listen I haven’t actually explained and I’m sorry for . . . (She cut him off)

: “There is nothing to apologize for 오빠 (oppa) and there is nothing to explain. It’s all in the past now besides, we were never even together. And now you’re happy, I’m happy, 종국 and 효리 (Jong kook and Hyo ri) are happy. Everything is good. Let’s just forget about what we had in the past . . . if there was even anything.”

: “You were very special to me and you still are. I’m glad to hear that you are happy 지효아 (Ji hyo ah) . . . But I can assure you that I am not. And please don’t ask me to let go of our memories because that’s the only thing that is holding me together.”

: (She looked at him) “What are you saying?”

: “지효 (Ji hyo) I . . . The truth is . . . I . . . “

But then 종국 and 효리 (Jong kook and Hyo ri) came back so 재석 (Jae suk) couldn’t finish what he was about to say.

(End Flashback)

지효 (Ji hyo) could not erase in her mind what 재석 (Jae suk) said earlier about him being unhappy because the truth is she is not really happy either.

On the other end, 재석 (Jae suk) dropped 효리 (Hyo ri) home then left her without even saying goodbye. He went home and drowned himself with alcohol.

The next morning 지효 (Ji hyo) went to 무한 (Muhan) company to see 종국 (Jong kook). 종국 (Jong kook) told her that he wanted to talk to her so he asked her to come to the company.

송: (On the phone) “오빠 (oppa) I’m here already where are you?”

김: “I’m just finishing something just wait for me in the private lounge.”

송: “Okay.” (They hang up 지효 (Ji hyo) went to the lounge)

Meanwhile, inside the lounge 재석 (Jae suk) was napping due to a headache because of his excessive drinking last night. 효리 (Hyo ri) happened to pass by and saw him napping. She went in and kneeled beside the couch that 재석 (Jae suk) was napping on. She looked at him sleeping so soundly then she kissed him. By this time 지효 (Ji hyo) is already outside the lounge. She entered but immediately stopped on her tracks when she saw them. She could not move. She wanted to run away but her feet were stuck. But she managed to run away behind the entrance wall of the lounge when 재석 (Jae suk) spoke. Apparently, 재석 (Jae suk) woke up and said,

유: “효리아 (Hyo ri ah), what are you doing?”

효: “Kissing my boyfriend. What’s wrong with that? Don’t deny it. I know that you still love me.”

지효 (Ji hyo) was standing outside but she can hear them very clearly. Her world stopped when she heard 재석’s (Jae suk’s) reply.

유: “Yes you’re right. I love you. (지효’s (Ji hyo’s) tears fell unbidden without even knowing the reason why. All she knows is that it’s like her heart is being crushed and torn into million pieces. She put her hands on to silent any sound that might come from her) I love you so much that I could not live without you. (지효 (Ji hyo) could not take it anymore. She has heard enough so she ran away while crying) but that was before. Now, you’re just a sister to me, a good friend, and a business partner because my heart already belongs to someone else. And you very well know her but if you really want to hear it from me I'll glady tell you her name is 송지효 (Song Ji hyo). But don’t worry I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend ‘coz I will never let you hurt her.”

By this time 지효 (Ji hyo) passed by하하 (Haha), who was on his way to the lounge,

하: “지효 (Ji hyo) what’s wrong?” (But she ignored him)

Then she passed 종국 (Jong kook) but she ignored him as well. He was confused for a second then he chased after her. Back to 재석 and 효리 (Jae suk and Hyo ri).

효: “You’re just saying that because you’re mad.”

유: “No 효리 (Hyo ri). I’m saying this because it’s the truth. This is what I feel. So please leave me alone.”

재석 (Jae suk) went out of the lounge and saw 하하 (Haha).

하: “재석형 (Jae suk hyung)? What happened to 지효 (Ji hyo)?”

유: (재석 (Jae suk) was confused) “지효 (Ji hyo)? What are you talking about?”

하: “I saw her earlier she came from this direction and she was crying. I thought it was 종국형 (Jong kook hyung) but I saw you instead. But it seems that you did not saw her.”

유: “I didn’t. But I think she might have heard something wrong. Where did she go?”

하: “Well, I think she would take a taxi and go home so she might be near the lobby by now.”

유: “Okay thanks.”

재석 (Jae suk) ran after her with all his might, he even passed 종국 (Jong kook) who started chasing after her before him. 종국 (Jong kook) stopped when he saw 재석 (Jae suk) over take him. He realized that 지효 (Ji hyo) was not really for him. He knew right there what he had to do. After running so hard 재석 (Jae suk) saw 지효 (Ji hyo) hail a taxi. 재석 (Jae suk) ran towards her and made her face him. He held her arms and looked her in the eyes but all he saw was hurt and pain. Then a taxi stopped in front of them. he wanted to explain but he saw the pleading in 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) eyes to let her go. That she wants to be alone because she is hurt. 재석 (Jae suk) hated himself for hurting her again so all he could do was to give her what she wanted. He let her go. He removed his hand’s grip on her arms. Then, 지효 (Ji hyo) turned around and went in the taxi to go home. All 재석 (Jae suk) could do was to watch her leave.

Later in the evening 재석 (Jae suk) was home drowning himself in alcohol once again. He is so mad at himself for hurting 지효 (Ji hyo) like that. He was already drunk when 효리 (Hyo ri) came in his house.

효: “Is that the best you can do? Drink away your sorrows?”

유: “Stop it. Just leave me alone.”

효: “You’re the one who should stop it. Look at you. Just forget about her. She doesn’t like you anymore. She is with 종국오빠 (Jong kook oppa) now.”

유: “Go home. I told you to leave me alone!”

효: “I won’t go. I won’t leave you. Let’s just drink together.”

(She sat beside 재석 (Jae suk) and drank with him. They drank non-stop. At first she tried to match him but in the end she can’t handle it anymore because he was drinking too much. Actually, she was surprised to see him drinking like this. He was drinking way too much than he can handle. So, she stopped him already.)

효: “야오빠 (ya oppa), stop drinking already I’ll go now, so stop it. Go to your room and sleep.”

유: (재석 (Jae suk) looked at her) “Don’t go. Don’t leave me. You’re the one that I like.”

Then he kissed her. 효리 (Hyo ri) was surprised so she pushed him away. But 재석 (Jae suk) kissed her again and this time 효리 (Hyo ri) did not stop him but instead she kissed him back. 재석 (Jae suk) stood up and pulled 효리 (Hyo ri) towards him and kissed her again. He led her to his bedroom not breaking their lips. One thing led to another then 재석 (Jae suk) pushed her on to the bed. He followed her and kissed her once again. Then they looked at each other and 재석 (Jae suk), said

유: “사랑해지효 (saranghae Ji hyo).” Then he kissed her again.

효리’s (Hyo ri’s) world was crushed. All this time 재석 (Jae suk) was thinking of 지효 (Ji hyo) and not her. He pushed him away

효: “Stop it 오빠 (oppa), I’m not 지효 (Ji hyo). I’m 효리 (Hyo ri), 지효 (Ji hyo) is not here.”

But 재석 (Jae suk) is already asleep. Although hurt she couldn’t leave him looking like this. So, she tried her best to fix him. She completely removed his polo and fixed his position in the bed. She got some basin and water and washed 재석 (Jae suk) slowly. All throughout the process 재석 (Jae suk) was calling 지효 (Ji hyo) which hurt 효리 (Hyo ri) even more. When she was finished she left and closed the door and said,

효: “So you love her this much?” (Then she went home.)

The next morning 광수 (Kwang soo) went to 재석’s (Jae suk’s) house. He was worried because he did not went to the office and he was not answering any calls plus the fact that he heard what happened yesterday so he wanted to talk to him. He actually did not know what to do and how to deal with the situation. Two of the people he like and love are both in pain which puts him in the middle finding himself so stressed by the whole thing. Deep inside he knows that 재석 (Jae suk) must have a good reason for all his actions because he knows how 재석 (Jae suk) feels towards his sister. 재석 (Jae suk) might not directly tell him but the way 재석 (Jae suk) cares and looks at his sister tells him a lot but, on the other hand, He feels sorry for his sister who is in so much pain because of 재석 (Jae suk). He knows that even though she tries to look happy infront of him that her heart is not truly happy. So 광수 (Kwang soo) decided to try and fix things a little. Once he entered he already smelled alcohol. 

이: “형 (hyung)? I’m here where are you? (광수 (Kwang soo) looked for him but he’s not there. So he went to his bedroom) 재석형 (Jae suk hyung) are you here?”

광수 (Kwang soo) saw him in his bed looking so miserable, so pitiful. 광수 (Kwang  soo) made him coffee and brought it to his room. Just then 재석 (Jae suk) woke up and saw him.

유: “What are you doing here 광수 (Kwang soo)?”

이: “I’m here to put some sense back in your mind. Here drink this it will help you. (He handed him the coffee.)

유: “Thanks.”

이: “What are you doing 형 (hyung)? Are you trying to kill yourself?!”

유: “No. I just want to forget some things. Although what you suggested seems to be a great idea at the moment.”

이: “What are you talking about?! (he calmed himself) 형 (hyung), I’ve always heard from you that we need to face things, not hide from them or try to forget them. But what are you doing now? (재석 (Jae suk) looked at him and just looked down in defeat ‘coz he is right) 형 (hyung) if you like my sister then fight for her. Protect her from everyone who wants to hurt her by being by her side. Let her know . . . No, let the whole world know what you feel for her. Not like this.”

유: “This is my way of protecting her 광수 (Kwang soo). Besides I might hurt her again if we’re together and I don’t want to do that anymore. I want her to be happy.”

이: “Do you think she is happy right now? Do you think she is not hurt? 형 (hyung) I’ve never seen my sister happier than the times that the 2 of you were still in good terms when you were still hanging out and the only moment I saw her hurting was when you left her when that good relationship vanished. Why don’t you let her decide where she’ll be happy? Forget about everything else 형 (hyung) and think of yourself.”

Meanwhile, 종국 (Jong kook) visited 지효 (Ji hyo) at her house and they talked.

송: “오빠 (oppa) I didn’t know that you were coming. Please come in.”

김: “I just wanted to see how you are doing? Are you okay?”

송: “Much better . . . I guess. I’m sorry for running away yesterday . . . I just . . . ”  (He cut her off)

김: “No need to explain I understand I’m just thankful that you are fine now. 지효아 (Ji hyo ah) I have something to tell you just listen okay? (she nodded)  재석형 (Jae suk hyung) is a nice person . . . (지효 (Ji hyo) tried to say something but종국 (Jong kook) stopped her) just listen. He wouldn’t put himself first and 효리 (Hyo ri) knew that very well. So she devised a plan. That presscon, that reporter, that kiss, that hug and everything else in between were all part of that plan. I know that in your mind 형 (hyung) can deny their relationship but in reality he had no choice but to confirm it. That’s because 효리 (Hyo ri) threatened to kill herself and even harm you. 효리 (Hyo ri) had 재석형 (Jae suk hyung) in a corner where she wanted him to be. I admit that I know all this because I was a part of it. I was supposed to be there for you and we succeeded you were mine, 형 (hyung) was hers but we both know that that’s not the truth because you guys were never ours. I don’t want to see you sad anymore 지효 (Ji hyo). So, I won’t hang on to you anymore. Let’s break up but I have a favor to ask. I hope that we can still be friends.”

종국 (Jong kook) offered his hands but instead of shaking it 지효 (Ji hyo) hugged him.

김: “Thanks 지효 (Ji hyo). You really suit each other you know. Now that I realize, I was such a fool to even come between you 2. I truly hope you and 형 (hyung) be happy.”

송: “We’ll never be. I can be happy, he can also be happy but, we’ll never be happy together. After hearing what he said I know where I stand.”

김: “Are you referring to what happened yesterday? (지효 (Ji hyo) nodded) Okay if that’s what you think all I can say is that you left too early.  (지효 (Ji hyo) can’t understand what he was saying) Here. (He gave her a CD) A gift for being friends (She took it) I’ll go ahead I have a presscon to attend. Please watch it or you’ll regret it.

Later that day before the presscon started 종국 (Jong kook) saw 재석 (Jae suk) and talked to him.

김: “형 (hyung) can I talk to you?”

유: “Of course.”

김: “형 (hyung) I broke up with 지효 (Ji hyo).”

유: “What?! Why did you do that are you crazy?!”

김: “형 (hyung) shouldn’t I be the one to ask you that? We’re good. We’re friends. Why are you being a coward 형 (hyung)?”

Before he could answer it’s already time for the presscon so 재석 (Jae suk) left but 종국 (jong kook) smiled because he saw that 재석 (Jae suk) is back to his senses. 지효 (Ji hyo) was on a bus on her way to the place where they conducted their fieldtrip. She planned to get away from everything for a while and take some alone time to think. She just finished watching the CD that 종국 (Jong kook) gave her. It was a CCTV footage of 재석 and 효리’s (Jae suk and Hyo ri’s) conversations. Everything was there, her threat, his disapproval and to top it off his confession. She also now understands what 종국 (Jong kook) meant when he said that she left too early. Apparently, she heard his feeling in the past but missed the important part, the present. She kept on replaying in her mind what he said.

송: (To herself) “My heart belongs to someone else and her name is 송지효 (Song Ji hyo). But why can’t you say it to me directly?”

Just then a flash report came in the TV inside the bus. The heading read in all capital letters.

(Flash Report)

유재석’s (Yoo Jae suk’s) TRUE LOVE !

R: “Earlier today there was another press conference with 효리 and 재석’s (Hyo ri and Jae suk’s) company and to everyone’s surprise another scoop to feed the public. When 유재석 (Yoo Jae suk) was asked for some closing remarks he willingly took the mic but instead of closing the program he opened another news. (The video was of재석 (Jae suk) talking)

: “It’s easy to close a program so, today what I want to do is to open some news. 효리 (Hyo ri) and I were never a couple. That was all just for show but there is someone that I really love . . . and I have hurt her countless times because of my foolish actions and this time I want to make things right. YOU, I know that you are watching right now. I’m sorry for being a coward. If you give me a chance I’ll show you how much I love you and I will never hurt you again. 사랑해요 (saranghaeyo).”

R: “유재석 (Yoo Jae suk) refused to say the name of his love one to protect her identity. Meanwhile, 효리 (Hyo ri) confirmed that it was all for their promotion. She apologized for fooling the public and she announced that she’s leaving once again after the merger is finish.”

(End Report)

Then 지효 (Ji hyo) heard around her.

1G: “WOW! That’s one lucky woman right there.”

1M: “Lucky? He couldn’t even stand up for her.”

1G: “What do you call that then? Anyway we don’t know the whole story so we don’t have the right to say anything.”

1M: “Right. How about you miss what do you think?” (The man asked for 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) opinion)

송: “Oh?  . . . I can’t really say for sure. I need more time to think.

(At the hall after the press con)

효리 (Hyo ri) saw 재석 (Jae suk) approach her.

효: “오빠 (oppa) you better make sure to be happy with her or else I’ll come back and get you and that time I won’t be this nice.”

유: “I will 효리 (Hyo ri), I’ll remember that. Thank you.”

재석 (Jae suk) hugged her and thanked her once again then he ran to go and see 지효 (Ji hyo).

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D