Chapter 4

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

이 = Lee

송 = Song

하 = Ha

별 = Byul

짱 (Jjang) = Best

K-mall = (K for Kim because Jong kook owns the mall)

HR = Human Resource



유: “Oh! You have company.”

하하 (HaHa) turned around and remembered that지효 (Ji hyo) was with him and he also remembered that he needs to go home now or별 (Byul) will get mad.

하: “Oh! That’s right. 형 (hyung) it’s really nice meeting you but, I have to go home now. I need to see별 (Byul).”

유: “Is that so? Then go ahead besides, I’m also busy today. Let’s just talk some other time.”

하: “Thank you for understanding형 (hyung) you’re really 짱 (Jjang) ! We’ll go now. Oh and WELCOME BACK!”

유: “Yeah, okay, drive carefully.”

지효 (Ji hyo) and 하하 (HaHa) left the suite and went on their way home. 지효 (Ji hyo) felt so relieved when they were inside the elevator. Then, 하하 (HaHa) apologized to 지효 (Ji hyo).

하: “지효 (Ji hyo) sorry about that I almost forgot that you were there.”

송: “That’s alright. I can see that you’re so excited when you saw him so, I can understand you.”

하: “Is it that obvious (laughs shyly) I really miss that형 (hyung). I’m just so happy to see that he’s back and in good shape.”

송: “You seem to like him a lot.”

하: “That’s right. I like him a lot. He treats me really well, he’s a very loving person and the lists goes on you just need to know him more. Oh! I forgot to introduce you. Ah! Why am I such a fool?”

송: “Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

하: “Anyway I’m sure there will be a next time and when that comes I’ll make sure to introduce you to each other”

지효 (Ji hyo) thought to herself ‘I’m not sure if I want that.’ After a short drive they arrived at her house. 광수 (Kwang soo) was there to welcome her home.

이: “Oh noona you’re home already?”

송: “Yes, oh come here for a second.”

광수 (Kwang soo) did just what his noona asked.

송: “광수 (Kwang soo) this is하하 (Haha), 하하 (Haha) this is광수 (Kwang soo) my dongsaeng.”

이: “Hello, nice to meet you.” 광수 (Kwang soo) said with a bow.

하: “Nice to meet you too. I heard that you belong in the corporate world.”

이: “Well not yet but, I plan to be a part of your world.”

하: “Well you’re very welcome. Why don’t we go out tomorrow? I’ll buy you a suit as a graduation gift and also a welcome back gift.”

이: “Can I do that noona?”

He looked at his sister for confirmation but하하 (Haha) answered for her.

하: “That’s okay I’m very thankful to your sister that that’s not even ¼ of her help to me and I’m sure you want a tour around. It’s been a while since you’re gone many things have certainly changed.”

이: “Well I’m asking my noona to give me that tour.”

하: “Don’t bother her. I’ll give you that tour after we get your suit. Just go with your noona tomorrow then she and별 (Byul) can shop together then the 2 of us can do our own shopping as well.

이: “Wow (광수 (Kwang soo) is smiling brightly) if noona agrees I’ll be there tomorrow. Thank you very much.”

하: “That’s okay it’s no big deal. 지효 (Ji hyo) let him come tomorrow alright don’t be so strict on your brother. Alright I have to go now. Goodbye, see you guys tomorrow.”

이: “Thanks again and thank you for taking my noona home.”

송: “Drive safely, say hi to별 (Byul) for me.”

하: “Oh~ I will”, while walking to his car waving to the sibling.

Later that day광수 (Kwang soo) asked his noona about his employment.

이: “Noona, is it okay with you if I work for유재석 (Yoo Jae suk)?”

송: “If you can get in why not. Besides, I think that’s your dream right?”

이: “Yes. But I still want your approval so, is it a yes?”

송: “Whatever makes you happy as long as you’re on the right I’ll support you all the way.”

이: “Yes! Okay noona you already agreed you can’t change your mind later on. YES, YES, YES!”

송: “You’re so confident aren’t you?”

이: “Of course I am. All I need is one phone call and I’m in. Thanks noona you’re really the best!”

송: “I don’t want to burst your bubble but do you really think that he will honor his words to you at the plane? Didn’t you think that all he said was just empty promises to pacify your frustrations at that time?”

이: “No noona. I never considered that thought because for some reasons I trust him and I know and I feel that what he said to me were all sincere. I’m also 100% sure that he will honor his words and I’ll prove it to you.”

광수 (Kwang soo) then run to his room and immediately dialed 유재석’s (Yoo Jae suk’s) number. It took 5 rings before he answered. 재석 (Jae suk) had just finished a meeting when his phone started to ring. He looked at the caller ID but only numbers were written. He thought ‘Who could this be? Well I guess I have to answer to find out.’ He answered and found out that it was광수 (Kwang soo), the tall guy that he helped on the plane.

유: “Oh광수 (Kwang soo) it’s you how have you been?”

이: “Oh sir, you remembered me. I’ve been well.”

유: “Of course I remember you. It’s good to hear that you’re doing well. So, why did you call? Have you decided already?”

이: “Yes sir, I have and I assure you that I have thought about it carefully and I already asked my noona’s approval.”

유: “And . . . your decision is?”

이: “I have decided to accept your offer sir, that is if you still want me as your personal secretary.”

재석 (Jae suk) smiled hearing the sincerity coming from this guy and his consideration for others as evidenced by asking for the approval of his noona. 재석 (Jae suk) is very fond of this guy and he wouldn’t lose the opportunity to have this guy work for him.

유: “Of course I still want you as my secretary as a matter of fact I’ll personally give you the contract that you need to sign tomorrow”

이: “Oh I can’t ask that of you sir. That would be too much.”

유: “Nonsense. I’ll do it. Let’s meet for dinner tomorrow at the K-mall Diner’s Lounge. You can bring your sister with you I would like to meet her and I’ll be meeting a friend there we can eat together. He’ll bring your contract and you’ll be working with him too so, I guess this is a very good meet up.”

이: “If that’s how you see it sir then okay. We’ll be there at around 7. Thank you very much sir.”

유: “No problem. See you tomorrow. Bye.”

He immediately called the HR department and asked them to make a contract. Then, he called하하 (Haha) and asked him to get the contract from HR then bring it with him to the dinner tomorrow. 광수 (Kwang soo) told his sister that he got the job and that 유재석 (Yoo Jae suk) would want to meet them both tomorrow. She was shocked how her brother managed to do that but she just said okay. Actually, she couldn’t believe that a famous businessman would really honor his words to someone who is practically no one to the society, but seeing her brother so happy made her very happy as well. The next morning하하 (Haha) and별 (Byul) picked them up for the tour and some shopping. They are all dressed formally that made them laugh.

하: “I guess we have the same concept huh? You 2 have a date?”

이: “No sir, we’re going to meet someone later for my employment. Um . . . I don’t want to be rude by asking this but, are we going to have dinner together?”

하: “Unfortunately not. We also have to meet someone for dinner that is why we are dressed like this,”

이: “Oh is that so? Then I guess it is not unfortunate in this case. As a matter of fact we can even consider ourselves lucky. Let’s just have that dinner next time sir. I’ll even treat all of you after I get my first salary.”

하: “That sounds good then.”

So they had a tour of the city and updated광수 (Kwang soo) on the place then they went to K-mall for some shopping. As promised하하 (Haha) bought 광수 (Kwang soo) a suit and 광수 (Kwang soo) bought one for himself. While 광수 (Kwang soo) was looking for his right size 하하 (Haha) got a call from 재석 (Jae suk).

유: “하하 (Haha) where are you?”

하: “I’m at the K-mall 형 (hyung).”

유: “Okay good. What are you doing at the mall?”

하: “Oh I’m giving a present to a dongsaeng of 별’s (Byul’s) friend. I’m buying him a suit.”

유: “Oh really? I just had an idea. I think I want to give a gift to our new employee as well but I don’t know his size. Wait I’ll call him then call you back okay? Stay there.”

하: “Okay 형 (hyung) I’ll wait for your call.”

Then 하하 (Haha) thought that he needs a gift for 재석 (Jae suk) as well and he figured that a suit would be good. So, he asked the sales clerk if they have 재석’s (Jae suk’s) size and fortunately he bought a suit recently so they have his exact size. 하하 (Haha) was looking around for 재석’s (Jae suk’s) gift when 광수 (Kwang soo) emerged from the fitting room. 하하 (Haha) looked at him and asked,

하: “You found your size?”

이: “Yes sir, I already gave it to the sales clerk.”

Just then, 광수’s (Kwang soo’s) phone rang and he answered. He was shocked to hear that it was 재석 (Jae suk) at the other end of the line.

이: “Sir, is there a problem?”

유: “No. I just want to ask you something”

광수 (Kwang soo) walked away from 하하 (Haha) to hear better.

이: “What is it sir?”

유: “What size of suit do you wear? Hurry!”

광수 (Kwang soo) was shocked but answered immediately 재석 (Jae suk) thanked him then hung up. 광수 (Kwang soo) looked at his phone trying to comprehend what just happened there but just dismissed it. He went inside and saw that 하하 (Haha) picked a very elegant suit.

이: “Wow sir, that is very elegant.”

하: “It’s good right? I’ll give it to a very special person so of course it has to be special as well.”

이: “I’m sure he’ll love it.”

하: “I hope so. Okay, wait for me I’ll just tell them and I’ll pay for our purchase as well”

하하 (Haha) walked to the clerk and told him to get that on 재석’s (Jae suk’s) size then he paid for it. He then received a text from 재석 (Jae suk) stating someone’s suit size then his phone rang.

하: “Oh 형 (hyung), is that the size?”

유: “Yes. Just buy 5 suits on that size then tell the clerk to put it on my tab. I’ll trust you with the design. He’s a young lad 29 to be exact.”

하: “Okay 형 (hyung) I’ll see you later.”

He approached 광수 (kwang soo) and asked him for help on what a 29 year old guy would want his suit to be? He chose 5 then 하하 (Haha) told the clerk to give him the 5 suits chosen by 광수 (Kwang soo) on the size on his phone. He showed the clerk the size then the clerk asked for a few minutes. After a few minutes everything was ready. 하하 (Haha) told the clerk to put it on 재석’s (Jae suk’s) tab. The clerk did so without any complain he didn’t even bother to ask anything he just asked for 하하 (Haha) to sign for verification. The 4 of them met at 6:30 in the evening and exchanged their thank you’s and bid their goodbye’s. By 6:55pm 광수 and 지효 (Kwang soo and Ji hyo) arrived at the podium of K-mall’s Diner Lounge. 광수 (Kwang soo) asked for 유재석’s (Yoo Jae suk’s) reservation then they were led to a table but a couple is already sitting there with their backs turned to them. 광수 (Kwang soo) thought ‘They must be his friends’  but he was shocked when he saw that it was 하하 and 별 (Haha and Byul).

이: “Oh sir, what are you doing here?”

하: “Oh 광수 (Kwang soo), 지효 (Ji hyo) we’ll meet our friend here so, we’re waiting for him to arrive.”

이: “At this table?”

하: “Yeah. They led us here why?”

이: “They led us here also. Is this some sort of misunderstanding?”

But then suddenly right on cue a voice from behind them said, “There is no misunderstanding. Both of you are in the right place.”





A/N: Hello! Got some spare time so I managed to update earlier than usual. I'll also try to update again within the week. Thank you very much for all your support. Seeing all your comments really motivates me to write. Thank you so much :D 
Enjoy :)

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D