Chapter 16

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

송 = Song

효 = Hyo (for Lee Hyo ri)

김 = Kim


Now the whole world knows that 이효리 (Lee Hyo ri) and 유재석 (Yoo Jae suk) were a couple. 재석 (Jae suk) was now sitting in his office thinking of what had happen earlier.


효리 (Hyo ri) pulled him then she kissed him. He could not react fast enough because he was very surprised. Then she hugged him and whispered something to his ears.

효: “Go with it 오빠 (oppa) ‘coz if not I will kill myself. Who knows I might even take 지효 (Ji hyo) with me.”

(재석 (Jae suk) could not do anything. He was in a corner with no way out. He didn’t want 지효 (Ji hyo) to get hurt so all he could do was comply.)

During the interview he was asked if it’s true that they were a couple. In his mind he wanted to say ‘No we’re not I have someone else in my heart’ but he couldn’t. he thought of what 효리 (Hyo ri) said and he could do nothing but to confirm that they are in fact in a relationship. After the interview he immediately went to his office and called 지효 (Ji hyo) but she is not answering any of his calls. He figured that she already saw it and that she is mad at him because she is probably thinking that he lied to her.

(End Flashback)

유: (to himself) “Why am I such a coward? Why couldn’t I tell them the truth? Now you’re hurt once again because of me.”

Then 효리 (Hyo ri) entered his office all jolly and lively.

효: “Hello, 오빠 (oppa)!”

유: (재석 (Jae suk) looked up. He was so mad at her that he stood up and told in her face to leave.) “What are you doing here? Get out! Leave me alone! I don’t want to see you.”

효: “What’s wrong with you? No! I won’t leave.”

유: “What’s wrong with me? You’re telling me that you don’t know why I’m mad right now?”

효: “Yes that’s what I’m saying.”

재석 (Jae suk) could not believe how absurd things are that he just calmed himself because he figured that dealing with this situation with anger will only make things worse.

유: (Deep sigh) “Okay. Why do you have to do that?”

효: ”This will be good for our promotion and besides you know that I liked you ever since. Technically, you’re still my boyfriend because we never broke up. You were just ignoring me all this time.”

유: “Promotion?! We don’t need that! And if we do need it there are a lot of celebrities to do that for us. About the breaking up part, have you forgotten that you left me without a single word and that has been what? 2 years 효리 (Hyo ri). I haven’t heard from you for 2 long years and now you suddenly show up and you’re telling me that we didn’t break up. Stop this! Stop this right now!” (He tried his best to talk to her in a calm manner but his anger just resurfaced upon hearing her excuses. He was so mad.)

효: (but 효리 (Hyo ri) kept her cool) “I will never stop 오빠 (oppa). I will only stop when I want to. And if you don’t go with this . . . I will really kill myself I can even drag 지효 (Ji hyo) with me.”

유: “Why would you even kill yourself? There are a lot of good guys out there that are interested in you. You are very successful and pretty you can pick any guy you want.”

효: “That’s exactly what I’m doing and I’m picking you. I always get what I want 오빠 (oppa) and this time I want you back and if you will be stubborn and insist to go to 지효 (Ji hyo) then, might as well lose us both.”

유: “Leave her alone. Keep her out of this.”

효: “That’s not a problem. I won’t touch her as long as you go with the flow. So it’s all in your hands 오빠 (oppa).”

유: “All in my hands? (재석 (Jae suk) smiled ironically) you’re really funny but okay (재석 (Jae suk) decided) just don’t ever touch her. You understand? ‘Coz if you do I might forget who you are. I don’t want to do something that I will regret in the end so stay true to your promise.”

효: (Smiling) “So this is how much you love her huh? Why haven’t you told her yet? And you know 오빠 (oppa) if you really love her why do you keep on hurting her? I’m sure she’s hurt once again.”

유: “What are you talking about?”

효: “I’m saying that if you really love her. Let her go. Don’t hang on to her. Let her be happy with someone else instead of her hurting in your arms. Isn’t that the reason why you still haven’t told her how you feel? Because you’re so afraid that you might hurt her but tell me 오빠 (oppa) what’s the difference with what you’re doing right now? Whether you’re with her or not you’re still hurting her so, just let her go and as for you just be happy with me.

재석 (Jae suk) could not do anything. He knew that 효리 (Hyo ri) is not joking and that she has the capacity to do what she had said. He knew that although 지효 (Ji hyo) was safe at the moment 효리 (Hyo ri) could easily take her away and take her someplace that they wouldn’t be able to find her and just do whatever she wants to her. He was afraid that 효리 (Hyo ri) would really hurt 지효 (Ji hyo) and he couldn’t risk that. He also realized that she was right. 지효 (Ji hyo) needs to be happy so he has to let her go. On the other end, 종국 (Jong kook) kept on visiting 지효 (Ji hyo). She turned him down so many times but he persisted and kept on visiting her. When she was ready to talk to him he kept on asking her out, talking to her, lending her his shoulders, listening to her problems, to put in simple terms. He became her lifeline. Then when he saw that 지효 (Ji hyo) have recovered he formally courted her without missing a day of giving her flowers and picking her up from school and driving her home. One day all his effort was rewarded because 지효 (Ji hyo) accepted him as her boyfriend.”

After a few weeks 재석 and 효리 (Jae suk and Hyo ri) were having dinner at the ’Red sea’ when 종국 and 지효 (Jong kook and Ji hyo) arrived to have their dinner as well.

김: “OH! Would you look at that! 형 (hyung), 효리 (Hyo ri) you’re also here. What a really small world this is. Would you mind if we join you?”

효: “Of course not. Let’s change seats.”

They arranged their seats and seated beside each other’s partner and 지효 and 재석 (Ji hyo and Jae suk) sat in front of each other. The 2 kept quiet. Only 종국 and효리 (Jong kook and Hyo ri) talked. Then 종국 (Jong kook) announced something.

김: “Alright. Let’s eat I’ll order for us and this will be my treat because I gain myself a girlfriend last week.”  (재석 (Jae suk) looked at 종국 (Jong kook) surprised then he looked at 지효 (Ji hyo).) 지효 (Ji hyo) and I are now a couple just like you.” (재석 (Jae suk) looked down)

효: “WOW! That’s nice! CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you.”

김: “Thanks. (Turning to 재석 (Jae suk)) 형 (hyung) aren’t you going to congratulate us?”

유: (He looked up) “Oh . . . of course. congratulations 종국아 (Jong kook ah). (He turned to 지효 (Ji hyo)) Congratulations 지효 (Ji hyo).”

They ate talking about business and current events but 재석 and 지효 (Jae suk and Ji hyo) just kept quiet the whole night. The couples also started a battle of which couple is better. They started to show off their affection to their partners. 효리 (Hyo ri) kept on feeding 재석 (Jae suk) and wiped his mouth. 종국 (Jong kook) kept on holding 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) hands and talked about their stories together and how he persisted on courting 지효 (Ji hyo).

김: “I visited her everyday even though she didn’t want to see anyone. I really fought for her that’s how much I love her and I’m really thankful that I did because now all those effort are rewarded.” This made 재석 (Jae suk) really sad because that’s what he wanted to do for her but he couldn’t. Hearing what 종국 (Jong kook) did for 지효 (Ji hyo) made him accept a little that 지효 (Ji hyo) would really be better off with 종국 (Jong kook) than him.

In the end both 종국 and 효리 (Jong kook and Hyo ri) concluded that they were the better couple. They called it a night and went home in their separate ways.



A/N: Really sorry for updating so late. It's just that life has been busy and it still is but don't worry I will look for time to update up to the very end which is already near. Thank you for your patience.

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D