Chapter 7

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

송 = Song

길 = Gil

개 = Gae (This is for Gary)

D = Driver

T1 = Teacher

씨 (ssi) = Mr./Ms.

네 (ne) = Yes

대박 (Daebak) = Awesome



지효 (Ji hyo) was standing outside the bus to assist her students and their guardians. One of her students approached her holding a letter in his hand.

길: “Teacher, teacher.”

송: “Oh 길 (Gil) why are you alone? Where is your father?”

길: “My father can’t come today teacher because of an urgent matter but I really want to go today. Can you be my guardian today teacher?”

길 (Gil) gave 지효 (Ji hyo) the letter from his father asking to let 길 (Gil) come on the trip. 지효 (Ji hyo) agreed because the kid really wants to join them.

송: “Okay I’ll be your guardian.”

길: “Thank You teacher.”

Then they heard someone calling 길 (Gil) from a distance.

개: “길이, 길이 (Gilie, Gilie)”

길: “Oh! 개리 (Gary)!”

They saw 개리 (Gary) running towards them and behind him is his uncle.

개: “Hello teacher (bowing) 길이 (Gilie) (turning to 길(Gil) ) look who is with me.”

개리 (Gary) pointed behind him. 길 (Gil) turned and followed the direction where 개리 (Gary) was pointing to. He immediately became excited when he saw who it was.

길: “Oh! Uncle 재석 (Jae suk)! Uncle 재석 (Jae suk)!”

He repeatedly screamed while he ran towards him. 길 (Gil) hugged 재석 (Jae suk) when he met him.

유: “Hello 길 (Gil), how have you been?”

길: “I’ve been good. Are you going to be with us today?”

They talked while walking towards 지효 and 개리 (Ji hyo and Gary).

유: “Yes I’ll be 개리’s (Gary’s) guardian.”

길: “대박 (Daebak)!”

유: “Where is your father?”

길: “He can’t come today because of an urgent matter so my guardian would be teacher 송 (Song) for today.”

By now they were in front of 지효 (Ji hyo) and 개리 (Gary). 개리 (Gary) then run up the bus full of excitement, then he called 길 (Gil).

개: “Come on 길 (Gil) let’s find a seat.”

길: “Wait for me 개리 (Gary).”

길 (Gil) followed 개리 (Gary) leaving 지효 (Ji hyo) and 재석 (Jae suk) behind.

유: “Hello 지효씨 (Ji hyo ssi).”

송: “네 (nae), hello.”

유: “So 길’s (Gil’s­) father can’t come today huh?”

송: “Yeah, they sent me this letter asking me to let 길 (Gil) join without a guardian.”

유: “If you want I can be 길’s (Gil’s) guardian.”

송: “No. It’s okay I don’t have someone to look after to anyway.”

D: “We are about to leave please find your seats everyone.”

송: “We’re leaving soon why don’t we go inside.”

유: “Okay, After you (gesturing to let her go first).”

지효 (Ji hyo) did not argue anymore and just went inside the bus. Once inside one of the teachers got her attention.

T1: “Teacher 송 (Song) , 개리 (Gary) and 길 (Gil) asked for permission to be seated together.”

송: “Ah but the guardians must be seated beside the students.”

T1: “they promised to behave. Let’s just let them sit together.”

개리 and 길: “Please!”

T1: “See, they will behave. You can just sit here with 유재석씨 (Yoo Jae suk ssi).”

유: “Uh, if you want I will talk to 길 (Gil) and . . .”

but 지효 (Ji hyo) cut him off.

송: “No, it’s okay let’s just sit together. You 2 behave alright? (Turning to the kids who just smiled.) You can sit by the window.” She told 재석 (Jae suk).

유: “Uh. Okay then.” 재석 (Jae suk) did not argue and just followed what she said.

They found their seats and settled in. Then, the bus driver said,

D: “Okay everyone we are now leaving the school.”

To which the kids responded to with a “YEHEY!”

유: “지효씨 (Ji hyo ssi) are you sure about this? If you’re uncomfortable I can transfer seats.”

송: “I’m fine. Let’s just stay seated and mind our own business.”

유: “Okay then.”

So they sat together quietly. They didn’t talk and they didn’t even look or glanced at each other. 재석 (Jae suk) just looked outside the window and 지효 (Ji hyo) just looked straight in front. Halfway to their destination 지효 (Ji hyo) started to feel sleepy. 2 more hours passed when they finally arrived at the camping site.

T1: “Everyone we’re here!”

지효 (Ji hyo) was awaken by the voice of her co-worker. She slowly opened her eyes and immediately bolted up when she realized that she was using   재석’s (Jae suk’s) shoulder as her pillow.

송: “Sorry about that I didn’t intend to fall asleep.”

재석 (Jae suk) smiled and said,

유: “It’s okay. Your head is not that heavy anyway.” 재석 (Jae suk) answered to .

지효 (Ji hyo) glared at him but he just returned a smile. 지효 (Ji hyo) then stood up and went down 재석 (Jae suk) followed and he saw that 지효 (Ji hyo) went straight to the other teachers not looking back even once. 지효 (Ji hyo) was talking to herself while walking away from the bus.

송: “What!! My head is not that heavy anyway. Ugh! I really hate him! Why did I have to use his shoulder? Ah! I hate this trip! I wish we can go home immediately.”

They were given 1 hour of rest before they start on their activities. 재석 (Jae suk) was sitting outside their tent when he saw 지효 (Ji hyo) talking to the camp instructor. He remembered a scene in the bus earlier.


Halfway through their trip he was looking outside the window when he suddenly felt something heavy on his shoulders. He looked and saw that              지효 (Ji hyo) was asleep and is currently leaning on him. When he was about to wake her up, she adjusted her head into a more comfortable position so 재석 (Jae suk) figured that she must be really tired, so he just let her sleep and let her use his shoulder as a pillow.


Remembering this scene made 재석 (Jae suk) smile to himself. He said to himself,

유: “This woman is really interesting. I think I’m starting to like you even more 송지효 (Song Ji hyo), but you hate me. Oh what should we do about this?”

1 hour finally passed and their first activity started. A large box was passed around to determine one group. And as if the heavens are playing with them 재석 & 지효 (Jae suk & Ji hyo) both drawn the No. 7 making them one group with 개리 & 길 (Gary & Gil). They have to do all the activities together. 지효 (Ji hyo) could not believe that this is happening but she had no choice but to go with it. They played all morning enjoying all the activities. They played dodge ball where 재석 protected 지효 (Jae suk protected Ji hyo) from all the attacks of the other teams. They also played a game where 재석 (Jae suk) needs to race with other parents while carrying 지효 (Ji hyo) on his back. Most of the game they played required team work and a lot of close proximity with their group so, although 지효's (Ji hyo's) team is winning she was really uncomfortable especially when she notices that 재석 (Jae suk) is so close. They went down the mountain to the campsite when it’s time for their lunch. 지효 (Ji hyo) thought absent-mindedly while going down the mountain.

송: “At least that went well. It was even fun. Well, except for those uncomfortable moments. Why did they make those games anyway (sigh) at least itwas over. 1 part down 4 more to go then, I can go home.” When she suddenly heard,

길: “TEACHER WATCH OUT!” but, it was too late.

지효 (Ji hyo) stepped on a steep portion of the mountain and fell down. The fall gave her a sprained ankle that hurts very much. She could not walk. As a matter of fact, she could not even stand up due to the enormous pain that she was feeling. She was about to cry when someone held her foot and checked on the injury.  

유: “Your ankle is sprained (examining her foot) good thing it is not broken.”

송: “재석씨 (Jae suk ssi) AWW! (she screamed in pain)”

유: “I bet it hurts so much (지효 (Ji hyo) just nodded). Don’t worry once the medic straightened it and put ice on it you can walk without any pain. Other than your ankle are you hurt elsewhere?  (지효 (Ji hyo) answer ‘NO’ with her head). Do you think you can stand up?”

송: “I don’t think so. It hurts so much.”

재석 (Jae suk) then turned around so that his back is towards her. She was confused.

송: “What are you doing?”

유: “Get on my back I’ll carry you back to the campsite.”

송: “I don’t want to.”

유: “Don’t be like that. Can you just forget that you are mad at me just this once. You can continue to hate me after we get you to a medic, okay? For now get on my back and I will carry you because as of the moment my concern is you. Get on.”

지효 (Ji hyo) didn’t argue anymore and she got on his back.

유: “You ready?”

송: “Yes.” Then he stood up.

유: “Hang on tight.”

They went down the mountain while 재석 (Jae suk) was carrying her on his back. Once they reached the campsite he took her straight to the medic.

Medic: “What happened to her?”

유: “She fell while going down the mountain. I think it’s just a sprain.”

M: “You’re right but we have to fix this. You can stay outside and join the others for lunch this won’t take long.”

유: “Okay, please take care of her. She was in enormous pain earlier. Thank you.”

재석 (Jae suk) went out and joined he others for lunch but he can’t concentrate because all this time he is worried about 지효 (Ji hyo). Lunch was over and they are now on part 3 of the trip. They continued with the games but 지효 (Ji hyo) just stood on the sideline after the medic fixed her ankle because she could not put too much strain on her ankle yet. Then part 4 came the dinner. 재석 (Jae suk) was sitting near the campfire while observing 지효 (Ji hyo) attend to the students and their guardians. He admired her more because even with an injury she still tends to others first. Then 개리 (Gary) and 길 (Gil) sneaked up behind him.

They surprised him and they succeeded. The 2 kids laughed at him.

유: “Oh you gave me a shock.”

개: “You like out teacher don’t you uncle?”

유: “What are you talking about?”

길: “Oh come on uncle 재석 (Jae suk) don’t deny it. You know that you can’t hide anything from us.”

개리 (Gary) and 길 (Gil) did a high-five.

유: “Is that so? Okay then, let’s just put it this way. I find your teacher quite interesting and a little cute.”

개 & 길: “Then you like her!”

유: “Is that what that is?”

Then he tickled the 2 causing loud laughter. 지효 (Ji hyo) heard this and looked up. She saw  재석 (Jae suk), 개리 (Gary) and 길 (Gil) playing near the campfire. She walked up to them and reached them without even one of them noticing. They just stopped playing around when 지효 (Ji hyo) spoke up.

송: “Excuse me . . . 재석씨 (Jae suk ssi).” The 3 boys looked at her.

유: “Oh 지효씨 (Ji hyo ssi).”  The 2 kids looked at each other and smiled.

개: “We’re going to play with the other kids now.”

길: “Yeah, we’re going.” Then the 2 of them ran away, again leaving the 2 adults behind.

송: “Can I have a word with you?”

유: “Of course. Have a seat here.”

지효 (Ji hyo) noticed that he pointed her to a chair that is one chair apart from him.

유: “Please speak comfortably. Is your ankle going to be okay?”

송: “Oh yes. The medic said that the pain will come down tomorrow.”

유: “That’s good to hear.”

송: “Yes . . . Um . . . I wanted to thank you for bringing me to the medic earlier.” He smiled.

유: “Anything I can do to help.”

지효 (Ji hyo) was about to say sorry when the camp master told them it is time to sleep.

유: “I guess it’s sleeping time. Oh by the way 길 (Gil) wanted to sleep with 개리 (Gary) so we’ll just use one tent and you can sleep comfortably on your tent.”

송: “No, it’s okay with me if 길 (Gil) sleeps in my tent. It’s not a problem.”

유: “I know. (지효 (Ji hyo) did not expect him to say that). They just want to bond I guess and I figured that it will be better if you can rest properly especially with your injured ankle. (지효 (Ji hyo) just looked at him).

유: “I’ll take you to your tent and get 길’s (Gil’s) things while there. Let’s go?” 재석 (Jae suk) stood up.

송: “Yeah, let’s go.” Then she stood up as well.

They reached her tent and 재석 (Jae suk) went inside to get 길’s (Gil’s) things.

유: “I guess that’s it I got everything.”

송: “Okay then, I’ll go in now. Thank you again for helping me earlier.”

When she was about to enter he called her and she looked at him.

유: “지효씨 (Ji hyo ssi).”

송: “Yeah?”

유: “Sorry if I made you upset at the restaurant. I really did not mean it. (Before she can say something he added.) Have a good sleep. Goodnight.”

He smiled at her and went to his tent not waiting for her answer. 지효 (Ji hyo) could not believe what she heard so she walked inside her tent as if in a hypnotic spell.

송: “What just happened there? Did he really apologize to me?” She‘s now doubting about everything she is sure of before. All her accusations about him have now turned to questions,

송: “Is he really selfish? Is he really self-centered? Am I right to say that he likes to boast about his wealth? Is he a womanizer? Is 광수 & 별 (Kwang soo & Byul) right about him being a nice man? AH! I’M GOING CRAZY! What should I do? 송지효 (Song Ji hyo) relax and think about it carefully. (She ordered herself) What do you think of him now?” she closed her eyes and thought about him with a clear mind.

(In지효’s (Ji hyo’s) mind)

1st, is at the airport. When I collided with him the first thing he said was “are you okay?” He thought about me and not himself. Outside he sent the girls away who were clearly in to him. He did not take advantage. When he saw that my clothes were ripped he got a scarf and put it on me. He even made his guards turn around when he saw that they were smiling and looking at me. Even though I stained his coat he told me not to worry but I reacted harshly.

2nd is at K-mall suite. He clearly recognized me but he did not mention about the incident. But why? It’s because he did not want me to be embarrassed.

3rd is at K-mall’s diner lounge. He tried to be friendly and again told me not to worry about his coat but I shut him down and acted rude to him.

4th, at 하하 & 별’s (HaHa & Byul’s) wedding. We were often near each other but for some reason you kept your distance. Why? It’s because you know I will feel uncomfortable if you come close. There are so many beautiful girls there that want to meet you but you talked to my brother when you got the chance and said what? You asked him to tell me that you are deeply sorry. And you did not even do anything wrong.

5th is at the school. You showed me that you can leave your business if your family needs you.

6th is while we were seated in the bus. You tried to make sure that I am comfortable. But once again I shut you out. You even let me use your shoulder for a long time. You must have suffered even from a little pain.

7th is during the games. You protected me from the balls and sacrificed yourself when I fell. You were there in an instant. You even carried me to the medic , but why did you say those words? “Your concern is me?” and “Please take care of me?” I forgot to mention that when you tended to me I saw real concern and worry in your eyes, but why? I saw that the kids like you so much when you were playing with them near the campfire. You then made sure that I got plenty of rest tonight. But why did you have to say sorry so sincerely for my faults?

I guess they were right. I was judging you in a biased way. I should have been more open-minded and be friendly towards you instead of being rude. Now I don’t know what to do. (Sighed deeply) Okay I have decided. I will follow 광수 & 별’s (Kwang soo & Byul’s) advice. I will give you a chance of friendship. I will do that after this trip, OKAY!

(End of thinking)

송: “송지효 (Song Ji hyo) YOU CAN DO IT! 파이팅 (Fighting)!” Then she fell asleep.

The next morning 지효 (Ji hyo) woke up late. When she went outside the others were already finished with the last part of the trip, breakfast. Now all the activities were done and finally they can go home. But before they leave. They were given a chance to take pictures of the scenery so that they can remember this trip for a long time. 지효 (Ji hyo) was sitting on a chair after she did some picture taking of the scenes when she heard her name being called.

개: “Teacher 송 (Song) ! Teacher 송 (Song)!”

송: “Oh 개리 (Gary). Why are you calling me?”

개리 (Gary)  did not answer but he pulled her up and they went to 재석 & 길 (Jae suk & Gil).

송: “Why did you bring me here?”

개: “길 (Gil) and I want to have a picture with you together and 1 for each of us.”

송: “Oh really? Okay then, where should we stand?

개리 (Gary) ran towards 길 (Gil) and said to her,

개: “Follow me.”

She followed him and saw 재석 (Jae suk) standing there holding a camera.

유: “Good morning 지효씨 (Ji hyo ssi).” He smiled at her and surprisingly she smiled back.

송: “Good morning 재석씨 (Jae suk ssi).”

유: “Oh! So that’s what you look like when you smile. You should always do that because you look prettier when you do it.”

This made 지효 (Ji hyo) shy, she even felt that her cheeks were hot, but, she just continued and followed 개리 (Gary). So pictures were taken 1 is of the 3 of them and 1 is with each student. They even managed to ask 1 parent to take a picture of the 4 of them. Then 개리 (Gary) thought of something.

개: “Oh that’s right you 2 have no picture yet. Uncle stand beside teacher.”

유: “Okay.”

개: “Closer”

유: “Like this?”

지효 (Ji hyo) can feel that he is so close but just ignored it.

개: “Okay smile!”

They both did and a beautiful picture came out. The bus ride home was quiet. The only time that they spoke with each other was when he asked if her ankle was already okay. She answered yes and thanked him again.




A/N: ENJOY this chapter guys. There are more where that came from. Thank you for reading. :)

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D