Chapter 18

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

이 = Lee

송 = Song


When he reached his car he saw 광수 (Kwang soo) standing there with 2 bag packs.

이: “형 (hyung) what took you so long? I’ve been standing here for 30 minutes already.”

유: “Sorry I needed to find the right timing. Where is your sister?”

이: “She went to the mountain, the place where you went for the fieldtrip.”

유: “Okay I’ll follow her.”

이: “I know, here’s your bag (he handed him the blue bag) bring this too, it’s noona’s” (he handed him the pink bag).

유: (재석 (Jae suk) smiled) “Thanks 광수 (Kwang soo). I owe you one.”

이: “Just bring my noona back with a smile on her face.”

유: “I will.”

He rode his car and drove to the mountains as fast as he could.

(In the campsite)

지효 (Ji hyo) was sitting in front of the fire. Unintentionally, her mind wonders of the times they were together. At this campsite, at his office, at the amusement park, at the beach, on her bed, and all that he said in the CCTV footage and in the press con.

(In her mind)

‘My heart belongs to someone else, and her name is 송지효 (Song Ji hyo).”

‘If you give me a chance I will show you how much I love you and I will never hurt you again. 사랑해요 (saranghaeyo).”

송: “Uh! Why can’t I forget you? Why do you keep on showing up in my mind? Why do I still like you even if you hurt me?” She cried.

유: “I’m so sorry for hurting you 지효 (Ji hyo).”

송: “See, you can even talk in my memories. How could you possibly do that?”

유: “I’m not sure if I can talk in your memories but I know that I can and I want to talk to you now.”

송: (She turned around and there he was) “Why are you here? Leave me alone.”

유: “Sorry 지효 (Ji hyo) but I can’t do that now. I won’t do that and I will never do that from now on.”

송: “And why is that?”

유: “Because I like you! And you probably saw it or heard it already but I’d be glad to say it again and this time in front of you. 사랑해요 송지효 (saranghaeyo Song Ji hyo)!”

송: “Stop lying.” (It suddenly rained)

유: “I’m sorry if I didn’t stay true to my promise before. I’m sorry for always hurting you. And I’m so sorry for being such a coward.”

He talked while slowly walking towards her in the rain.

송: “I’m so mad at you! I want to hit you, punch you and kick you. Actually, I want to strangle you but  . . . still . . . I can’t stay angry at you.”

유: “And I’m really thankful for that. 지효아 (Ji hyo ah) I know that this is too much to ask for but, would you give me another chance? Can you be my girlfriend?”

송: (지효 (Ji hyo) looked at him for a moment then she smiled) “Yes I will.”

They hugged each other then, parted.

유: “사랑해요 지효아 (saranghaeyo Ji hyo ah).”

송: “사랑해요 오빠 (saranghaeyo oppa).”

재석 (Jae suk) held her cheeks then held her chin. Then they slowly inched closer. For the first time ever they kissed. But 재석 (Jae suk) broke it off immediately and he looked at her. He was surprised when 지효 (Ji hyo) pulled him for another kiss but this time it’s longer. When they separated재석 (Jae suk) could not think of anything to say so he just said what came first to his mind.

유: “WOW! What was that? Where did that come from?”

송: “I won’t lose to them, especially now that you’re mine.”

They were smiling with their forehead together. They couldn’t hide how happy they are. They waited for this moment for so long. They have faced many challenges together. And now finally its official, 재석 and 지효 (Jae suk and Ji hyo) are now a couple.

유: “I’ll never leave you again. I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”

송: “You better ‘coz I will love you forever and besides I won’t let you leave me ever again.” (Both of them laughed and hugged each other.)

유: “As much as I want to stay here with you like this. I think we need to wash up and go to our tents.”

송: “You think? Why don’t you catch me first?”

Then 지효 (Ji hyo) ran and 재석 (Jae suk) chased after her. They played in the rain. They are both laughing and enjoying themselves. 재석 (Jae suk) then caught 지효 (Ji hyo).

유: “Wow, you’re quite fast.”

송: “Of course. (She kissed him quickly) See?”

유: “That was even faster.”

송: (Laughing) “I think we should wash up now. We might get sick.”

유: “I agree. Let’s go.”

They washed up and accidentally met outside the wash room.

유: “How lucky am I to see a beautiful lady after a refreshing wash? Can I take you to your tent?”

송: “Why sure sir, I would love that.”

재석 (Jae suk) escorted 지효 (Ji hyo) to her tent and was about to leave but 지효 (Ji hyo) had another thing in mind. She pulled재석 (Jae suk) in her tent then she pushed him onto her bed. 재석 (Jae suk) was totally surprised by her actions.

유: “Wha . . what are you doing 지효아 (Ji hyo ah)?”

송: “I just want to lay down beside you. Relax will you?” (지효 (Ji hyo) laid down beside him)

유: “I don’t know if I can relax with you beside me.” (But he pulled her closer to him.)

She hugged him and he her hair.

송: “Will you really not leave me?”

유: “I won’t.”

송: “Can I ask you a favor?”

유: “Of course. What is it?”

송: “Can you stay here with me?”

유: “Are you sure that’s what you want? You might sleep better if I’m not here.”

송: “I’m very sure. And you’re wrong ‘coz I’ll sleep better knowing that you’re right next to me.”

유: “Okay then I’ll sleep right here with you.”

송: “Don’t ever leave me 오빠 (oppa), promise.”

유: “I won’t. I promise.”

Then they fell asleep like that in each other’s arms.

The next morning at around 8 o’clock, 재석 (Jae suk) woke up and immediately saw a sleeping 지효 (Ji hyo) beside him. A smile crept up his lips while looking at her so peaceful in her sleep. Who would have thought that a day like this will come where the girl of his dreams is laid beside him sleeping so soundly not only that, she was now his girlfriend. 지효 (Ji hyo) suddenly snuggled closer to him making him freeze with surprise but he immediately relaxed when he heard her spoke.

송: “Can you please stop smiling while staring at me so lovingly?”

유: “Why?”

송: “It’s distracting. I can’t concentrate on my sleeping if you continue to do that it’s still early so I want to sleep some more.”

유: (Chuckling) “I’m sorry. I just can’t help my self from staring and smiling especially when a pretty lady is sleeping so soundly beside me.”

송: “I’m sure you have seen a lot of girls who were prettier.”

유: “Well, now that I think about it I guess I have.”

지효 (Ji hyo) pushed away from him and looked at him with wide eyes. She could not believe that he would say that especially now that they just became a couple.

송: “What did you just say?” very awake right now.

유: “That I have seen a lot of girls way prettier than you.”

지효 (Ji hyo) turned away from him not facing him anymore.

송: “Then, why are you still wasting your time here? Just call one of those girls and let me sleep in peace.”

재석 (Jae suk) laughed and it fueled her anger even more. She immediately turned around and glared at him.

송: “What is so funny?”

유: “It’s fun to see you get jealous. I like it.”

송: “It may be funny to you but not to  . . . (he kissed her softly)  . . . me.” 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) anger dissipated a bit because of his kiss.

유: “I don’t find them attractive. Even though you put them in a line in front me right now I won’t even notice them or give them any bit of attention.”

송: “Why is that?”

유: “Because I’ll be too busy just looking at only you.” (He hugged her and she smiled but she did not let him see that.) As much as I want to stay in bed with you we have to get up now.”

송: “Why? It’s still too early.”

유: “Have you forgotten that your brother will be leaving today for the business conference.”

송: “Oh you’re right I need to send him off but his flight is not until this evening so it’s still too early.”

유: “That’s right but I wanted to spend some time with you while we are still here and enjoy our time together or you could stay here in bed and I’ll just enjoy the scenery by myself who knows who I meet during my little adventure.”

He started to walk out of her tent. Upon hearing this 지효 (Ji hyo) suddenly stood up and called after him.

송: “Wait for me! I’m coming with you!”

The new couple hiked up the mountain arm in arm enjoying the beautiful scenery together. They enjoyed a little picnic. They fed each other and laughed while doing the process. They were just so happy and so in love and they can’t hide it. When the time came to go down the mountain he asked him to hop on his back this time around she did not even hesitate and climbed up on him immediately. He carried her down the mountain walking carefully as to not let them both fall. When they were about to leave 지효 (Ji hyo) took one final look at the mountain before she rode the car. Inside the car she smiled.

유: “I’m starting to get jealous of who is it that you are thinking about that makes you smile like that.” He said while driving to the airport.

송: “You should be because what I am thinking right now makes me really happy.”

유: “Really? What is it then? May I know?”

송: “Of course. I just can’t help but smile while thinking how this mountain plays a huge part in our life. It’s full of memories of us together.”

She put her hands on top of his and he looked at her lovingly.

유: “You’re right it is a wonderful mountain. You know you could sleep for a while we still have a long way to go and I want you to rest. I’ll just wake you up when we are near the airport.”

송: “Are you sure? You won’t have someone to talk to.”

유: “That’s fine. Seeing and knowing that you are by myside is enough for me so just rest for a while.”

She rested for about an hour and then 재석 (Jae suk) woke her up gently to let her know that they are almost there. They entered the airport trying to find 광수 (Kwang soo) among the crowd of people while 지효 (Ji hyo) tried to call him. Before 광수 (Kwang soo) could even answer they already found him and called his attention. The couple walked towards 광수 (Kwang soo) while holding their hands and both are wearing beautiful smiles on their faces. 광수 (Kwang soo) was so glad to see the 2 of them so relaxed and so happy and of course so in love.

이: “I see that the mountain did it’s magic once again.”

유: “It did 광수 (Kwang soo) it certainly did.” The couple lovingly looked at each other. Seeing this little exchange made 광수 (Kwang soo) clear his throat to get the attention of the couple.

이: “Ahem, it’s really sweet to see you look in each other like that but what are you guys doing here? I thought you would stay there for at least a week.”

송: “I wanted to send you off properly that is why we came.”

이: “It’s only a business conference noona I will be gone just for a week.”

송: “Still I will miss you a lot.”

이: “I don’t think so. Now that you have 재석형 (Jae suk hyung) by your side. You can’t even seem to let go of his hands right now.” He pointed at the couple’s hands still holding the other.

송: “Can’t you just let it slide we just want to hold hands that’s all.”

이: (Smiling) “I guess I can. How can I even say no when I can see that you are so happy.”

송: “Thank you 광수 (Kwang soo) you are the best brother ever. Have a safe flight.”

The sibling hugged each other tightly. After they parted 재석 (Jae suk) started to talk to 광수 (Kwang soo).

유: “광수 (Kwang soo) I know how much you love your sister so I just want to thank you for trusting me to share the responsibility of taking care of her ang giving her utmost love. Thank you for putting me back to my senses and making me realize what I would be missing. I also want to say sorry for . . . (광수 (Kwang soo) cut im off)

이: “형 (hyung) there is no need to thank me and definitely there is no need to say sorry for. Like what I said I just want you to bring my sister back with a smile on her face and that’s enough for me. Looking at her right now you already fulfilled my wish and that would be enough but I have to say that I don’t want to see her cry again especially when you are the cause because it pains me as well. can I ask that of you 형 (hyung)?”

유: “Yes 광수 (Kwang soo) I won’t be the reason for her crying anymore I promise you that. Have a safe flight and keep me updated on the conference.”

The 2 guys hugged so naturally that it left 지효 (Ji hyo) confused. She kept on thinking what they are talking about but gave up in the end. What matters is that the 2 guys in her life are so close and happy hugging each other. She soon joined them to complete a group hug. After their hug they waved a last goodbye to 광수 (Kwang soo) before he left.

The couple then went on to 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) house. They entered the house and sat on the couch snuggling.

유: “Today is quite tiring isn’t it?”

송: “Yes but it is so full of happiness as well so, you would not hear any complain from me. I don’t even want the day to end and be stuck in the moment.”

유: “I don’t want to be stuck in this moment with you.”

송: “What?!”

유: “I want to create many happy memories of us together and not just be stuck in a single moment. If you would allow me I want to make every single day of our lives together a happy memory that we will cherish forever.”

송: “I would love that.”

유: “I know I already said this but I want to say it again and for the rest of my life. 사랑해요 지효아 (saranghaeyo Ji hyo ah).”

송: “I know I already answered but I will answer you for the rest of my life. 사랑해요 오빠 (saranghaeyo oppa).”

They shared a sweet kiss and looked at each other’s eyes and all they see is love for each other. 






A/N: The story of a Candy alliance fan ends here . . . for now. I'm actually thinking of writing a book 2 but I'm not promising anything. Anyway, if ever that did happen it won't be for many months from now but, I hope that you read that story if ever it materialize.
        I want to thank you you all for your continued support, for subscibing to my story, for giving all those positive comments, and for reading my story continously until the end. It really motivates one to write. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
       Please continue to support Candy Alliance. It's really fun to see that stories about them are starting to come out I hope this continues

       I hope you enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Once again Thank you all ! :D

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D