Chapter 11

Story of a CANDY ALLIANCE fan


유 = Yoo

이 = Lee

송 = Song

효 = Hyo (for Lee Hyo ri)

동생 (Dong saeng) = younger sibling or a close friend that is younger than oneself



(At 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) house 12 AM)

광수 (Kwang soo) just returned from the party. He entered their house and was shocked to see that 지효 (Ji hyo) was still awake.

이: “Oh, noona why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

송: “I couldn’t sleep. Maybe now that you’re here I will try again.”

이: “Okay then I’ll go to my room now.”

송: “Wait hang on a second. I want to ask you something.”

이: “What is that?”

송: “So you know who is the y woman that kept on clinging to 재석오빠 (Jae suk oppa)?

이: “y woman? (He thought) AH! That’s 이효리 (Lee Hyo ri).”

송: “이.효.리 (Lee. Hyo. ri.)? What is their relationship?”

이: “I really don’t know about that noona.”

송: “You think she is his girlfriend?”

이: “No, from what I know he does not have a girlfriend.”

송: “Then are they dating?”

이: “I don’t know 형 (hyung) is always in the office. I don’t know if they even have time.”

송: “That could still happen. What do you think of her?”

이: “Well based on my observations earlier. She likes 재석형 (Jae suk hyung) a lot. And she is definitely not shy to show it to everyone, but I also think that 재석형 (Jae suk hyung) only sees her as his 동생 (dong saeng). (He added) I also think that you are gaining so much interest on him and all these questions are signs of pure jealousy. You already like him don’t you? Much more than just friends and you are jealous of 이효리 (Lee Hyo ri) because she is being too close to 재석형 (Jae suk hyung).”

송: “What are you saying? Of course not. We’re just friends. I just want to know her that’s all. You’re so imaginative. I’ll sleep now. Goodnight.”

이: “If you really want to know then why don’t you ask him?”

송: “don’t worry I will do that.”

광수 (Kwang soo) did not believe his noona. He knew that she already liked him and is just denying,

이: “If I didn’t know any better. I think she couldn’t sleep because she was so curious about 효리 (Hyo ri). Heh, I can see through you easily noona.”

지효 (Ji hyo) entered her room and saw the envelope that the kids gave her. She picked it up and took the one of her and 재석 (Jae suk) together. She brought it to her bed. Now she is talking to the picture.

송: “Who is that girl 오빠 (oppa)?”

Picture: “Why? Are you jealous of her?”

송: “No. Of course not. I don’t even like you that much we’re just friends. Wait. What am I doing right now talking to a picture.” But then her phone rang and it gave her a shock.

송: “(Phone rings) OH! Who could this be? It’s already 12:30 AM.”

She saw that it was 재석 (Jae suk) calling. Seeing his name her heart fluttered. Then she thought that she should pretend to have been sleeping.

송: “Oh?” (She tried her best)

유: “ Oh 지효아 (Ji hyo ah) did I wake you up? Sorry I thought you’re still awake. Go back to sleep. I’ll just call tomorrow.”

송: “No 오빠 (Oppa) it’s okay you can talk to me now.”

유: “Okay then. I just wanted to know if you got home safely.”

송: “Oh I did thanks for asking. How about you?”

유: “The party just ended. I’m on my way home now.”

송: “Oh is that so? Get some rest you must be tired. Drive safely.”

유: “I will. Sorry again for waking you up.”

송: “It’s not a problem.”

유: “See you tomorrow. Goodnight.”

송: “See you, goodnight.”

재석 (Jae suk) was so happy to talk to her and he is even happier that they have a date even though it’s just a friendly date. 효리 (Hyo ri) then approached him.

효: “Who are you talking to 오빠 (oppa)?” She is fixing his hair but he stopped her.

유: “No one you know. Why are you still here?”

효: “Are you pushing me away? Didn’t you want to see me? We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I missed you.” She held his face but he stopped her again.

유: “Stop fooling around. We’re not together anymore and I’ve lost count on the times you’re away, alright? For now, just go home and I’m leaving also. Goodnight.”

Then he left without even waiting for her reply.

효: “Heh, you still love me don’t you? That’s why you’re still affected by my actions. Don’t worry. I plan to get you back anyway. 유재석 (Yoo Jae suk) you will be mine again and no one can stop me from having you.” She promised to herself.

Back at 지효’s (Ji hyo’s) house. She is trying very hard to sort her feelings out. She doesn’t understand why she feels so excited when it comes to 재석 (Jae suk). She even wanted to see him all the time and wanted to call him. Then she said to herself,

송: “Maybe they’re right again. I think I already like you.”

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Shermina #1
Chapter 14: I really like this fanfic. I like the plot. Candy Alliance! Its amazing how the author thinks this kind of story with details. The author is so imaginative. I hope got book 2. I really enjoy it.
Chapter 1: Great story plot, this is my first Jae Suk and Ji Hyo fic to read and let say that I enjoyed reading the pairing, thanks for sharing :)
TheEvilBlob #3
Chapter 18: I liked the plot! But somehow it feels like since you're writing this in a conversation style, some of the feelings just aren't communicated so well. Although writing it this way leaves it open for the reader to interpret the scene more openly, I'd feel the angst a lot more if you'd described the scene more. Good job writing this fic though;D
This story is wonderful!! Please make more Candy Alliance stories! :)
yoojeasuk #5
Chapter 18: so cute !!
ChoMiLUV #6
Chapter 18: A lovely story <3 Loved the sibling relationship between Kwangsoo and Jihyo too~~ Great job!! :D
microdotz #7
Chapter 18: awwww, im feeling so fuzzy wuzzy now cos of candy alliance ^^ cant wait for book 2 if there is. love everything of this story d(^_^)b
ChoMiLUV #8
Chapter 17: lovely <3 So the Candy Alliance will officially become a couple now...? Wowwwwwww~~ Can't wait!!
ahmefrance83 #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaah. Jaesuk and ji hyo love story. Huhuhuhu. I super super super love it. Kamsahamnida.
yoojeasuk #10
Chapter 16: omg its nearing the end ? ㅠㅠ aaaa i really hope yoomong will end up tgt !! cant wait for more :D