'The Lazy Student', Hyukjae


Monday came and Soeun headed to school. When she entered the gates, she expected Naeun to come running towards her but there was no sign of her. Soeun shrugged and headed off inside the school.

The classroom was filled with loud voices and commotions.

*I wish for once all these dumbbells would all sit down quietly.* Soeun shook her head and let out a sigh. She sat down and buried her head in a book. Finally the last bell ranged and Mr. Lee came into the classroom.

He set his books on the podium and reached to grab his ruler.


He banged his ruler on his podium several times until the students began to calm down. “Listen up. We will be having a unit test next week. Read page 245 for review and put together your study guide. You get the next few days to do this so no boozing around or else consequences will be faced. Do you all understand?!” “Yes.” The students all chorused lazily.

 “Now get to work.” Mr. Lee gave the students one last look and headed to his desk to finish grading last weeks’ mini quiz.

Soeun pulled out her textbook and turned to page 245. Mr. Lee took glances around to see if anyone was off task. A smile formed on his wrinkly face when he spotted a student dozing off. His head was bobbing up and down then gently lay onto his desk.

Mr. Lee got off his chair and headed to the back of the room. Everyone’s attention was now focused on the student; not on the study guide. Mr. Lee tapped his shoe impatiently on the cold hard ground. Still, the student didn’t move. The tapping of his shoe began to increase causing Soeun not able to concentrate. She annoyingly turned around to join the scene.

*Who does this kid think he is doing ruining my precious working time? He may be all this and that but I don’t care. Maybe he needs a little lesson. That’ll work him up. *

Soeun reached into her pencil bag and found the biggest eraser she could. She spotted a white circle eraser. She took a good measure at the distance and accuracy. With one flick, the eraser flung across the room and is making its way to the lazy student.

The eraser directly hit the student’s left eye. Right then he jerked his head straight up yelling.


 Everyone burst out laughing including Soeun. Even Mr. Lee was laughing on the inside. Hyukjae angrily yelled. “Shut up you freaks!” Still no one stopped laughing.*That was a nice one Soeun. I knew I had great aim.* Soeun dusted off her hands and went back to putting together her study guide.

“Hyukjae, can you please come and safely land back on planet Earth?” Mr. Lee gave him a stern look.

“Psh, whatever.” He quickly pulled out his textbook and flipped to page 245 at the same time he felt humiliated.

The room was still filled with laughs. “Now get back to work. This will be a lesson to you all that doze off in class. Don’t do this one time you hear me, Hyukjae?” Hyukjae annoyingly nodded his head.  He gave everyone a cold death stare. The students all calmed down and went back to working.

Hyukjae felt a pain up in his left eye. *Why does my eye hurt so much? Did I get hit or something?!*

He spotted a white eraser by his desk leg. He picked it up and observed it. *Did someone throw this at me?*

He looked around the room to see who did. He noticed that Soeun’s pencil bag was opened and several erasers were in there. *So it must’ve been you huh Soeun. How dare you humiliate and disturb me. I’m the Hyukjae. You’ll see what happens when I’m the one watching from afar.* Hyukjae evilly smirked and shoved the eraser into his pocket.


Hey.. finally i got this short chap up. I've been busy with finals and tests at school so this chap is to introduce a new character. Sorry if this chap is short but i will soon get more chaps up!..subscribe and comment!..^-^

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In chapter 11, sorry the formatting is messed up because I typed it on my smart phone and not on the computer.


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Chapter 15: Creepy person
great job author
please update, Soon?!?!

I really love this story FIGHTING <3
Chapter 14: The ahjumma ment daehyun will be forever by your side
Chapter 13: Whose that girl ?
Chapter 13: whose the girl? please dont make her comeback
Chapter 12: Whose that?:o
Chapter 12: thats daehyun for sure!!!
Chapter 11: Update soon !
Chapter 11: you surprised me forsure author-nim
Chapter 10: please update soon
i really like this story