Saved by strangers


A gentle breeze blew against Soeun's face. She opened her eyes to notice that she was being carried by someone. She idmediately let out a gasp when she saw who it was that was carrying her. Infront of her was also 6 figures walking slowly. Soeun began to panick and struggled to release herself down.

" Oh, you're awake. Sunggyu hyung, she's conscious." The 6 figures turned around when they heard Soeun was awake. " Just keep carrying her until we reach the warehouse. We're almost there." The tall guy carrying Soeun nodded and they all continued their pace.

" Where are you guys taking me?" Soeun breathlessly questioned. No one spoke or replied. Soeun became worried. Who knows what these guys are gonna do to her. She was already in enough pain. She didn't want to get hurt more. " Yah, I said where are you guys taking me. I want to go home. Let me down this instance! Help! There are people kidnapping me!" Soeun tried to yell but it was helpless. There was not a single soul in sight.

" Would you please stop shouting! Whatever you're doing isn't gonna help. If you don't want us to harm you then you better close that mouth of yours." And with that, it shut Soeun right up. * Jeez. Who does he think he is. After I escape this jerks arms, he's gonna get it.*

In a matter of mintues they reached their destination. The warehouse was desolated and run down. Soeun was brought to the second level. " Put her there." Sunggyu pointed to the couch. When Soeun was finally placed on the couch, she felt pain all over her body. She tried to sit herself up but was stopped by a dark brown hair guy. " Don't even try. You're gonna be in more pain if you do. Just try to get comfortable and lay down." He flashed her a small smile and left to go to another room. " Tsh, how can I try to get comfortable when I don't even trust you guys." Soeun quietly muttered to herself.

She hesitantly laid down and scanned the room with her eyes. The warehouse wasn't actually that bad at all. Everything you needed was there. Like a fridge, stove, water dispenser, and etc.

Just then someone entered the room with the first aid kit. He placed it on the table and helped Soeun sit up. Uncomfortable with the skinship, Soeun slightly cringed. " Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm just gonna cure you. You don't need to be afraid. I'm actually really different from what you might think I am. You misunderstood what happened at the arcade a few days ago. I'll explain more later. I'm Sungjong by the way, the youngest out of the 7 of us." Sungjong gave a friendly smile and opens up the first aid kit.

He took out a medicine bottle and some cotton balls. He put aliitle of the medincine on the cotton ball and reached for Soeun's cut on the cheek. Soeun slightly backed away from the medicine. " It won't hurt, I promise." Sungjong gave an encouraging nod. Soeun hesitated then let her cut absorb the medicine. The medicine stinged but Soeun held in the pain.

After a few mintues, Sungjong was done healing her cuts and wrapped her ankle in a cloth. " Thanks." Soeun put her hand on her now wrapped carefully ankle. " You're welcome...noona, I'm guessing you're a year or two older than me. Do you mind me calling you?" Sungjong shyly rubbed the back of his head. Soeun didn't know why but Sungjong was being so nice to her. " Since you're being so nice to me and even helped heal my cuts, I won't mind you calling me noona. You would make a great hoobae." Soeun gave a smile and Sungjong put on a big smile..

He gathered everything back into the first aid kit and went to put it away. Soeun sat quietly on the couch while puffing her cheeks out. " Do you feel fine now?" a guy with soft black hair curiously questioned while opening the fridge and took out a water bottle. " I'm feel a little better now thanks to Sungjong." The guy gave a little smile and handed the water bottle to Soeun. " Here, drink this. You must be feeling dehydrated after what you've gone through." Soeun took the water bottle and slowly opened it. She put the water to her lips and then took several gulps. Indeed the guy was right. She was unknowingly thirsty.

" Slow down there, no one's gonna steal you're water from you." He chuckled slightly. " By the way, I'm Woohyun." Soeun gave a generous nod. Soon all of the 7 members joined in the room. They all quietly stared back and forth at each other. " Let's break the ice here guys. You all know the procedures." Sunggyu looked at his dongsae's. Soeun grew puzzled, what procedures?

-------------------- Hello fellow readers, sorry it took me a while to update. Lately I've been stuck with major projects for school. Anyways, SURPRISE!!.. I bet you all were thinking it was BAP that saved her but nope. It's INFINITE!!..I figure it was time they needed a chapter or two to themselves. Please subscribe and I will update as fast as I can!!..^-^

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In chapter 11, sorry the formatting is messed up because I typed it on my smart phone and not on the computer.


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Chapter 15: Creepy person
great job author
please update, Soon?!?!

I really love this story FIGHTING <3
Chapter 14: The ahjumma ment daehyun will be forever by your side
Chapter 13: Whose that girl ?
Chapter 13: whose the girl? please dont make her comeback
Chapter 12: Whose that?:o
Chapter 12: thats daehyun for sure!!!
Chapter 11: Update soon !
Chapter 11: you surprised me forsure author-nim
Chapter 10: please update soon
i really like this story