Chapter 38

The Legend of a Mafia's Love Story
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Luhan fell to the ground as someone stomped on his stomach. He moaned in pain and coughed uncontrollably. The men grabbed him and made him kneeled on the ground. There were bruises, cuts and blood on his baby face. He winced as one of the men punched his stomach. Kris, on the other hand wasn’t any better, he got bruises, cuts and his stomach was bleeding a lot. David watched from the side amused.

Kris kicked a man and shoved another who was going to throw a punch at him. He was tired and hesitated but he kept going with his mind only focusing on one thing, you. “Kris, just leave! Don’t worry about me…Get out of here right now!” you bawled as you keep banging onto the glass. Kris refused to listen and continued fighting. Someone grabbed a chair and slammed it onto his back.

Kris immediately fell to the ground and hissed in pain as his stomach come in contact with the ground. His back ached but it was as painful as his stomach. Men were throwing kicks and punches at him as he tried to defend himself. “KRIS! LEAVE! DON’T FIGHT FOR ME ANYMORE! DAVID WONG! LET HIM GO! KILL ME IF YOU WANT!” tears where rolling down your cheeks and dropping into the water that was as high as your hips.

“N-NO! HOW C-CAN I J-JUST LEAVE Y-YOU?...I C-CAN’T LEAVE YOU H-HERE...QING YU…Y-YOU HAVE…T-TO KNOW…THAT…THAT…I LOVE YOU! I-I LOVE…YOU! I FELL…IN LOVE WITH…YOU…A-AT FIRST S-SIGHT!” Kris shouted out his confession in between groans and painful hisses. You cried harder and wished he had never fell in love with you so that he won’t suffer so much pain right now.

“STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP HURTING HIM! PLEASE STOP! DON’T HURT HIM ANYMORE!!” You smacked the glass, hard as you cried out. David was glowing with victory and amusement. “KILL ME IF YOU WANT! STOP HURTING HIM!” You yelled. “As you wish…” David smirked and turned the switch to fast pumping. The water speed up and now it was up to your neck. Kris eyes widened. *No….NO!* He kicked a man’s leg, making him slam onto the ground. Kris immediately got up and using all his strength, he fought back.

Kris kneed the man in the face and run for the switch but other men pulled him back. “FIGHT ONE ON ONE WITH ME,

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I'm so sorry my readers :( Something came up today so I won't be able to update today~ MIANHAE~~~:'(


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Chapter 44: Oh mein Gott.

Ich weiß gar nicht wo ich anfangen soll dich zu loben.

Die Story ist echt genial.

Ich mag deinen schreibstil.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch sehr gelungene Arbeit ❤️
Chapter 43: Nice story!
vitalimzz #3
Chapter 44: Love it
Omg!!!!! I love this story. It took me a while to find this story to read again and I was so scared that you might have taken it down but thank you for not taking it down
Chapter 1: Im still reading this story in 2017~
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 34: Ugh i dont understand chinese lol Xd
14 streak #7
Chapter 47: I LOVED THE STORY SO MUCH! the family is so cute! But you didn't write what happened to David Wong's body after kris told his guards to give it to davids dad......
Chapter 34: Authornim sometimes I don't understand what the meaning of sentence in mandarin that you wrote here ^_^
that description up there perfectly matches kris to the wu xD
Aphrodite7 #10
Chapter 46: This story is so sweet..... Kris would make a great mafia, father and husband.... The story had so much action, drama, suspense and romance... It was really nice... I can so totally imagine exo m as a mafia group!