
The Elzard

 Warning: Language and harassment

‘’Hey Lisa, I’ll go on ahead okay? I really want to catch up some rest’’ Jennie said, walking towards the giant while rubbing her eyes sleepily

‘’Yeah sure,’’ Lisa grunted while maintaining the waterfall she’s conjuring upon herself as Sandara watched from afar with a critical eye

Jennie sweat-dropped watching Sandara train her team‘’Your coach sure is scary…’’

Lisa groaned ‘’Tell me about it’’ She gritted her teeth in concentration, her muscles straining under the harsh fall of the waterfall

Jennie shrugged ‘’You can do it, dad trained us almost as hard as this anyways.’’ She said sleepily, trainings lately are so gruesome that it got Jennie really tired the past few days.

‘’Anyways good luck’’ Jennie waved good bye and Lisa just grunted again so that Jennie could go home now.

It looks like the older girl needed it especially since their parents are acting strange, training them a bit harder than before but there are also times they’re not in the house, which is actually quite a relief because it means more rest for them.

An hour later and Lisa is about to pass out from maintaining the waterfall until her coach yelled out

‘’Okay stop now!’’

Lisa crashed unto one knee, panting harshly ‘’I feel like I could drink the whole ocean right about now’’ She muttered, sweats are also dripping from her body like she’s taking a shower

Sandara could be a really scary coach…especially when they’re training for an upcoming match

‘’You okay there Lisa?’’

Lisa smiled weakly and grabbed the hand that’s offered to her ‘’Yeah, thanks Seulgi’’

The bear-like girl just smiled shyly at her; She’s the new girl that’s just joined the Thief this last year in high school, which is kind of weird and she was faced with some jeers to her fellow teammates but she quickly shut them up when she kept up with Sandara’s strict training plays and that earned Lisa’s respect to her

‘’You sure you can go home alone?’’ Seulgi asked, a bit worried to her condition while Sandara is announcing a new practice schedule to the others

‘’Yes I can don’t worry’’ Lisa chuckled ‘’I’m the daughter of the council head you know’’

Seulgi laughed lightly ‘’Yeah, you’re right. I better get going then.’’ She waved to Lisa, and after receiving a hug from a squealing Sandara who kept saying she’s cute like a bear; Seulgi left the arena.

‘’How she’s not even limping, I’m really impressed’’ Lisa muttered and while walking, she felt like she could collapse anytime.

‘’There’s my best player’’ Sandara grinned ‘’I’m surprised you’re not limping with how long you maintained under your own waterfall’’

Oh how much Lisa wants to limp right now but she’s got to stay strong; Her pride won’t allow it especially since she’s been hailed as the strongest Thief player in their team.

‘’Drink lots of water okay?’’ Sandara winked ‘’Next training will be more likely what you all did today, along some additional plays that I’ve thought of. Better get your energy manipulation ready.’’

Lisa nodded, her body screaming to go home and crash her bed ‘’I will boss. I better get going now’’

Sandara slapped Lisa’s arm who has to bite her lip to keep the scream that’s threatening to escape from

‘’Sure my dear player’’ Sandara giggled ‘’Take care at home! I heard there’s been some kind of creatures attacking the realm lately.’’

Lisa blinked but just nodded ‘’I bet they’re just rumors, because I would have heard about it from dad or mom already.’’ She thought

Lisa left the arena while carrying her bag, walking the way home with the sun already setting and night is around the corner.

Then she noticed something strange ‘’Is it really quiet to this street around this time of night?’’ Nevertheless, her body is craving for that rest right now and she hopes that she’ll get home soon. Walking tiredly also makes her think about other things…

Other things like the girl she hated as well as her fellow companion

‘’I can’t believe they still managed to get to this point’’ Lisa muttered. She’s a girl with honor; As much as she wants to sabotage Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s records so that they could drop out, her conscious will just eat her too much and she won’t be able to perform well. She only hoped that they so much at being an elzard along some of jeers from their peers and then they’ll just give up 


Apparently they’re a hard nut to crack but things have changed;


Like how Chaeyoung gained the reputation of being the coldest person in school at the start of high school; Pushing everyone who’s trying to befriend them away, she never smiles genuinely anymore, and she’s a direct kind of person now. Saying every word so bluntly and keeping a distance between everyone in the school.

Heck the only reason no one’s bullying them is because of Jisung and Hyuna’s status so all they could do is just throw jeers and insults to them especially when they found out that Chaeyoung’s elementless, as well as Jisoo.


Just like Lisa lost her laugh, Chaeyoung also lost her smile


‘’But sometimes…’’ Lisa whispered ‘’I catch her only being her true self when…’’ Lisa clenched her fist


‘’When Jisoo’s around…’’




Lisa stopped walking and her body tense hearing a growl just around her, the worst part is that she’s all alone

‘’What the heck is that?’’

Lisa narrowed her eyes before shaking her head


Maybe it’s just her imagination




Lisa clutched her left arm in pain and jumped to her left ‘’What the ?!’’ She cursed and held her bleeding arm tightly, her water element washing away the blood immediately

‘’Who’s there?!’’ She demanded and squinted her eyes, seeing a figure move towards the alleyway. Lisa gritted her teeth; No one attacks her and gets away with it!

Forgetting she just came from training, Lisa went after the figure and shouted

‘’Water Sphere!’’

She conjured a sphere of water and shot it towards the figure with precision and strength. At the same time it was hit, Lisa crashed again to her one knee while panting in exhaustion

‘’ I used up too much of my element’’

She could feel herself getting dehydrated too much making her eyes blurry as the figure turned around and sneered at her

‘’It…it looks like something that attacked my mom!’’

Lisa, for the first time in her life as a Kim, felt fear. If this was really the monster that attacked her home many years ago, she stands no chance especially since her parents just died because of them and she’s feeling so tired because of training.

The monster launched at her and Lisa screamed feeling its heavy weight upon her. She bought up her arms to protect her chest and face while yelling

‘’Get off of me you monster!’’

Each slash felt like it’s taking away Lisa’s life as she slowly started to close her eyes to surrender to the pain she’s feeling

‘’Anyone…’’ Lisa thought hopelessly even if there’s no chance people can hear her thoughts


‘’Please…help me’’


The monster screeched and Lisa could hear something chirping, like it’s crackling with energy and it struck the monster on top of Lisa.

Lisa slowly opened her eyes and saw a person kicked the monster on top of her making the monster skid at the other side of the alleyway.


Lisa’s eyes widened seeing the person walked slowly to the groaning monster and killed it instantly with a strike to the heart using the hand that’s been chirping loudly.

The monster turned to dark ashes and the figure looked at Lisa with emotionless eyes.

Lisa’s voice is in shock, her eyes showing the glass of tears as she slowly walked towards the person with tired feet ‘’Y-you…you’r-!’’

The person gently caught her as Lisa fell forward, finally collapsing in exhaustion and the only thing she heard last was…


‘’Forget everything that just happened here’’


Chaeyoung glanced behind her and saw Jisoo looking at her with wide eyes ‘’Jichu…’’

‘’What the hell are you doing?!’’ Jisoo whispered frantically when Chaeyoung walked closer to her ‘’And why are you a bit red?! Don’t tell me Joy got you to drink some alcohol?!’’

‘’I have to play this beer pong game’’ Chaeyoung sighed ‘’Joy put on some kind of seal to me already. I can’t leave the game unless I finish it whether I win or lose. If I leave, my arm gets hurt like crazy. Trust me, I’ve tried’’

Jisoo’s nose scrunched a bit ‘’What the hell did you drink?’’

‘’Some potion that gives me temporary access to the basic elements.’’

Jisoo blinked in surprise, she has heard potions like that but she didn’t know it’s used to games like this.


Well, they are in the elzard world so maybe it’s nothing new.


‘’We really have to explore more…’’ Jisoo thought and sighed ‘’Fine…I’ll be here then. I’ll wait for you’’

Chaeyoung smiled and grabbed Jisoo’s hand, tightening her hold on it ‘’I know Jichu…’’ She whispered sweetly ‘’You’re always here for me…and I really appreciate that’’

Jisoo blushed lightly at how sweet Chaeyoung is talking to her despite the crowd around them ‘’Is the alcohol already getting on her head?’’ Nevertheless, she gripped Chaeyoung’s soft hand tighter ‘’Now please finish this already so we could go home’’

‘’An elementless playing beer pong? You have got to be kidding me.’’

Chaeyoung and Jisoo turned and saw two beautiful girls sneering at them ‘’Don’t worry Hyeri, I’m sure Joy already gave her the potion. Let her have happiness on gaining elements even if it’s just a game’’

‘’Whatever Suzy, I’m sure this would be a quick match. She’ll be going home dizzy and swaying, I won't be surprised if she throws up during the game’’

Chaeyoung let go of Jisoo’s hand and said ‘’I better go now’’

Jisoo nodded ‘’Chaeyoungie?’’


‘’Be careful okay?’’

Chaeyoung nodded and Joy tugged her arm while sending a playful smirk to Jisoo. Joy received a very satisfying glare for that and went beside Chaeyoung’s side.

‘’You sure you remember what I’ve said Rosie?’’ Joy grinned.

Chaeyoung gripped the ball tightly in her hand, her eyes analyzing its weight and glanced at the table where 20 cups, 10 on each side, are lined up in each of their and their opponent’s side.

‘’Yeah I got it. I’m not stupid’’ Chaeyoung said coldly making Joy swoon

‘’Oh Rosie you’re so cool!’’

Hyeri snickered ‘’As kind elzards, we’re letting you take the first shot Chaeyoung’’ She spat her name like it’s poison.


‘’A bet anyone?’’


‘’Pfft, I’m betting she’s going to miss’’


‘’Yeah, this is her first time’’


‘’Yeah no one’s betting her to really hit the cup’’


‘’Yeah, let’s just don’t bet’’


Ignoring the mockery and jeers around her, Chaeyoung stepped forward and made sure to herself she’s not overstepping the boundary between the table and the position where they’re supposed to shot. She looked at the first cup at the opponent’s side and saw it was water.

She took a deep breath and her eyes turned sharp, she charged the ball with the lightning element and she was surprised to see it light up in electricity earning some slight gasps to the audience.

‘’Wow, she quickly grasps the lightning element’’ Lisa said in surprised ‘’The potion really helped her through this huh.’’

‘’Looks like Ms. Bom is right about elementless then’’ Irene commented

All of them watched in anticipation as Chaeyoung arc her arm in an angle and threw the ball with surprising precision.

Hyeri and Suzy’s mouth dropped seeing the lightning-covered ball enter the cup of water element perfectly as the cup floated towards them.

‘’Lucky shot’’ Hyeri sneered and drunk it. She felt embarrassed hearing other people chuckling at her when Chaeyoung gave her a light smirk.

‘’Let me do this’’ Hyeri’s eyes hardened and saw the cup on Chaeyoung and Joy’s side is Earth. She smirked and charged the ball with water element and shot it.

With the same result as Chaeyoung’s first shot, the earth cup floated towards Chaeyoung and Joy.

‘’Want it Rosie?’’ Joy grinned


Joy shrugged ‘’Suit yourself’’ She drank the cup and threw it away. ‘’I’m next, where’s my good luck kiss?’’ Joy flirted

‘’Flirt with me one more time and I’ll punch you’’

‘’So rough Rosie’’ Joy husked

Chaeyoung sighed and rubbed her forehead in distress ‘’Please Joy, let’s just get this over with.’’

‘’For the sake of my sanity’’ Chaeyoung added in her thoughts.

Joy snickered but got into position, and saw that it’s a grass element cup in the other side. She smirked ‘’Perfect’’ She muttered.

Easily, Joy’s ball is covered in fire and Joy launched it almost lazily to the other side; The ball swishing perfectly to the opponent’s cup.

Suzy growled and drank the cup Joy just shot as she muttered

‘’Let’s get serious then.’’

‘’Are my eyes deceiving me?’’ Lisa rubbed her eyes ‘’Is Chaeyoung and Joy actually competing against Suzy and Hyeri? They’re one of the top students in the academy!’’

Jennie scoffed ‘’I’m sure Joy is carrying Chaeyoung throughout the game’’ Her tongue clicking seeing Chaeyoung swiftly shot a fire-charged ball to a grass one making Suzy grumble and forced herself to drink it.

‘’I knew you’re going to be amazing at this Rosie!’’ Joy squealed ‘’Look we’re winning!’’

‘’Whatever’’ Chaeyoung grunted and felt a small relief seeing Hyeri missing her shot ‘’Do your best Joy.’’ She said. She noticed that Joy seems to be not pestering her too much if she commented or said something to her so Chaeyoung kept on doing that but this time, an encouraging one.

‘’I will my Rosie’’ Joy winked and kissed at the cheek, her form a bit tipsy and eyes glimmering with a drunken haze and playfulness

Chaeyoung let out a ‘tsk’ sound and wiped her cheek. Her eyes looking around and saw Jisoo already getting sleepy because this game is actually taking too long. Chaeyoung knows Jisoo gets sleepy when she’s too bored that made her feel a bit guilty.

She locked eyes with Jisoo and like they have telepathy, Jisoo shook her head and just gave her a thumbs-up. Chaeyoung let out a small smile before wiping it away hearing whispers from the crowd


‘’Who would have thought an elementless would actually be a challenge to Suzy and Hyeri?’’


‘’I’m sure she’s cheating because there’s just no way she knows how to play beer pong’’


‘’Well she did graduate high school. Maybe that helped?’’


‘’Rosie~’’ Joy giggled and Chaeyoung saw a cup floating towards her, a lightning one. ‘’It’s your turn~’’

Chaeyoung sighed and subtly glanced to Jisoo who’s looking a bit worried that she’s been drinking for quite a while now. She quietly grabbed the cup and drank it quickly.

‘’Wow, Chaeyoung sure knows how to drink’’ Yeri said in awe ‘’That’s her 5th drink now. Your sister sure got some strong tolerance’’

‘’Did the two of you know about this?’’ Irene asked

Jennie and Lisa shook their head, watching Chaeyoung down her drink in one go. Much quicker than the others maybe because she’s getting a bit buzzed now.

‘’No, she and Jisoo rarely get out of the house, and our parents don’t buy alcohols that much especially since we’re there’’ Jennie answered

‘’What did I miss?’’ Seulgi asked with a tired grin from all the dancing she did

Lisa rolled her eyes ‘’Just a game of beer pong. Only thing interesting in it is that an elementless is actually competing against Hyeri and Suzy’’

‘’Wow! Is it Chaeyoung?’’ Seulgi exclaimed ‘’I never would have thought Joy would succeed in her plan’’

‘’Plan?’’ Jennie narrowed her eyes

Seulgi giggled ‘’Plan to make Chaeyoung drunk and steal a direct kiss from her’’ She said while Yeri pinched Seulgi

‘’Ow! What was that for?!’’

‘’Why are you such a blabber mouth’’ Yeri hushed her

‘’What the hell are you two talking about?’’ Jennie fumed while Lisa tightened her grip to her cup.


Steal a kiss? Maybe if Chaeyoung is not that drunk, she can easily avoid that. But now…


Jennie and Lisa looked at the furrowed eyes of Chaeyoung, her eyes showing that drunken haze but she’s obviously fighting it even if she failed to swish the ball to the cup just now. The two knows it won’t be long until Chaeyoung succumbs to that haze if this is her first-time drinking.

‘’It’s my dare to Joy’’ Yeri answered, not wanting to face the wrath of the Kim sisters since she noticed they’re always tense whenever Chaeyoung is mentioned. ‘’If she could steal a kiss a Chaeyoung and even make her drunk, I’ll do all her chores for a month.’’

‘’But she’s been kissing her since the game started so your dare is done anyways’’ Lisa shrugged but Yeri snorted

‘’I said it should be on the lips.’’

‘’One of these days, I’m going to kill you Yeri’’ Jennie growled and looked at the game with hawk-like eyes specially to Joy who has been looking at Chaeyoung like a lovesick puppy.

What they didn’t know is that Jisoo heard what they said since they’ve been standing closer to their group. She looked at Wendy who is obviously acting normal like she didn’t hear anything

‘’Is it true?’’

Wendy sighed and just nodded, not wanting to face the anger of a Kim Jisoo

‘’Chaeyoung please hurry up so I could escape you here’’ Jisoo thought worriedly.


She is not going to let Joy steal a kiss from her Chaeyoungie


She’s going to make sure of that.

Joy hiccupped


‘’It’s a close game…’’


There are 3 more cups on Joy and Chaeyoung’s side while there are 2 more cups on Suzy and Hyeri’s side

Hyeri looked at Chaeyoung with slight respect ‘’I got to say newbie’’ She smirked ‘’For an elementless, you sure control different elements well. Looks like Ms. Bom is right that you guys can understand the concept of energies.’’

Chaeyoung stayed quiet, not wanting to answer to any of that.

‘’Maybe if you weren’t elementless, I would have totally go after you’’ Hyeri snickered ‘’Can’t waste those good looks’’

‘’Would you shut the up already Hyeri and finish this game!’’ Jennie angrily yelled making the others look at her ‘’Lisa is already waiting for her turn! This is taking too long!’’

Hyeri rolled her eyes but knew to herself she must not fight with a daughter of the council head, especially if it’s Jennie.

‘’I’m entering?’’ Lisa asked dumbfounded

‘’Yes you are’’ Jennie said harshly ‘’and with Seulgi if you want to finish it quick.’’

‘’But who’ll be our opponents?’’

‘’Irene and Yeri’’

Irene and Yeri looked at Jennie in shock ‘’W-what?!’’ Yeri sputtered

Jennie just gave them a warning glare and they sighed in defeat, nodding in confirmation.

‘’Fine’’ Lisa pouted ‘’Only because I want to get over this feeling of...distaste’’ Seeing Hyeri and Suzy looking at Chaeyoung with a different light twist something in her gut, and she absolutely hates feeling. 

‘’Joy just make sure you hit it’’ Chaeyoung groaned, holding her head in pain already. She really needs to drink something else or she’ll succumb to this drunken haze. 


Elzard alcohol is no joke


‘’Guide me please Rosieeee~’’ Joy pouted. Chaeyoung sighed and guide Joy to an angle where she would hit the cup well. She held Joy’s arm and positioned it right

‘’There, you should be able t-‘’ Chaeyoung’s eyes widened when she felt Joy moving too close to her face...


Almost feeling her lips!


Everyone gasped


As Chaeyoung zipped away like she’s the Flash, looking at Joy with wide eyes ‘’I uh…’’ Chaeyoung coughed ‘’Hit the ball already’’ She said in an irritated tone.


Wendy glanced at Jisoo who was gripping her hand like crazy strong, the normal warmth Wendy is used to is now icy cold and it was directed to Wendy’s other friend.

‘’Yeri…you and Joy are really the devil spawn’’ Wendy sighed; This is one of those times that Irene and Wendy just don’t know what to do with these children.

‘’Did…’’ Lisa said, eyes wide in shock ‘’Did they just?’’

‘’Nah’’ Yeri yawned ‘’Chaeyoung moved away so quick Joy missed. Looks like that will be the last time Chaeyoung would get closer to Joy. I am so going to win this bet much earlier than expected’' She snickered

‘’I could have sworn though their lips touched’’ Seulgi squinted her eyes, face a bit red from drinking.

‘’Your eyesight is really poor Seulgi’’ Irene chuckled

Seulgi pouted then they heard Joy yell

‘’I missed!’’

Hyeri and Suzy smirked ‘’Finally!’’ A chance to turn things around. They weren’t expecting a tight match but maybe this is their chance to take over.

Hyeri laughed when she successfully shot an Air-covered ball to their opponent’s grass element cup making Joy grumble


‘’I don’t know if I can take this…’’ She thought. Elzard alcohol is no joke especially since they have no idea how strong are they drinking. She sighed and was about to accept it and surrender to the drunken bliss but a hand stopped her.

‘’Don’t’’ Chaeyoung whispered and drank it like it’s water ‘’You’re too drunk now. Stop drinking’’

Joy blushed like a schoolgirl and muttered ‘’Thanks…’’

Chaeyoung looked at the state of the girl and sighed ‘’Let me take those two shots. I’ll make sure I’ll hit it.’’

Joy looks worried for a bit before quickly switching her face to a flirty one ‘’Of course my strong Rosie~’’ She grinned and was about to come closer to her but Chaeyoung’s hand stop her matched with a glare

‘’Don’t’’ Chaeyoung said ‘’Especially after your earlier stunt’’

Joy pouted while Chaeyoung successfully shot a water-covered ball to a fire one leaving Suzy and Hyeri’s side with 1 cup.

Suzy stepped forward, throwing the ball rather weakly and received a pinch from Hyeri when she missed terribly

‘’What the heck was that?!’’ Hyeri glared ‘’That’s like a child throw! You’ve barely hit the lid!’’

‘’I’m getting too drunk’’ Suzy pouted. Hyeri clicked her tongue, they are not losing to an elementless even in beer pong!

‘’Quick Suzy distract her!’’

Suzy grumbled and when Chaeyoung is about to throw another ball, she grunted in pain feeling something burn at her side that made her miss the ball.

Chaeyoung glared at the smirking Hyeri ‘’You cheated.’’ She said angrily

‘’You have no proof’’ Hyeri answered smugly

Chaeyoung knew she has no real ally to this school and just scowled; Especially when Hyeri successfully shot another ball to their cup, leaving only 1 cup on their side.

Joy was about to grab the cup to help Chaeyoung but Chaeyoung slapped her hand away. ‘’I said don’t!’’ She said angrily


‘’No.’’ Chaeyoung said coldly ‘’Can’t she see herself?! Geez…’’ This is why Chaeyoung sometimes hates herself for being selfless and kind even to Joy.

Chaeyoung drank it and coughed, she held her head in pain. ‘’What the heck are in this anyways?’’ Chaeyoung whispered and looked around, her vision blurry as the only thing that’s a bit clear to her are Wendy and Jisoo’s worried faces…


As well as Jennie and Lisa’s anxious faces to her.


‘’I have no choice…’’


Chaeyoung took a deep breath and relaxed herself, building up her energy throughout her body and slowly, she could feel the drunken haze now disappearing to her eyes.

‘’Is it me…’’ Yeri narrowed her eyes ‘’Or is Chaeyoung’s face is going back to normal?’’

‘’What do you mean?’’ Irene asked

‘’Yeri’s right…’’ Jennie whispered, seeing the red tint on Chaeyoung's face slowly disappearing ‘’It’s like, she’s almost not drunk anymore.’’

Chaeyoung saw that Hyeri and Suzy’s last cup is a fire element. She subtly glanced at Lisa as she easily conjured a water-covered ball. Then she looked at Suzy who was already looking at her with her hands outstretched…

Lisa caught that glance and felt confusingly proud and happy that Chaeyoung is conjuring her main element. She didn’t know herself that she slightly smiled at that in which Jennie noticed with suspicion.


Everyone watched with bated breaths as Chaeyoung threw the ball in a perfect angle…


‘’We won!!!!’’


The ball landing perfectly in the last cup as Joy cheered loudly


Joy gave Chaeyoung a big back hug which made Chaeyoung grunt in pain ‘’I knew your arms would be useful’’ Joy whispered to her ear making Chaeyoung shiver since her ears are sensitive and shook Joy away from her back.

‘’Whatever’’ Chaeyoung pried Joy’s arms away from her and what Joy is surprised at, Chaeyoung grabbed her hand! That's the first time Chaeyoung initiated something physical to Joy so she can't help but express it

‘’R-rosie?’’ Joy asked in shock

Chaeyoung looked at her arm and wanted to cheer seeing that the seal is gone now but she kept calm. She walked away with a smirk when she heard

‘’What the hell Suzy?! Since when did you fell asleep?!’’

Hyeri shrieked when she watched in shock seeing Chaeyoung calmly shot the ball making them lose the game and then she looked at Suzy only to see her snoring.

Chaeyoung walked towards Jisoo and Wendy, ignoring the looks she’s getting from her peers because she just won the beer pong game.


Wendy caught Joy when Chaeyoung threw her to Wendy’s direction ‘’What?’’ Wendy asked dumbly

‘’She’s drunk.’’ Chaeyoung said bluntly ‘’Take care of her.’’ She said, looking at the now sleepy Joy whose eyes are closing in tiredness from drinking and playing.

‘’How about you though?’’ Wendy asked with a worried voice ‘’You drank way too much than Joy here, and she’s a party-goer!’’

Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’I feel fine don’t worry about me. I have to take Jisoo-unnie home already’’ She pointed to a yawning Jisoo who apparently dozed off during the last minutes of the game despite wanting to keep an eye to Joy.

‘’Eh, I’m sure Chaeyoung dodged that anyways…’’ Jisoo sleepily thought.

‘’Oh,’’ Wendy laughed ‘’ I didn’t even noticed she dozed off on my shoulders. I just thought she drank too much and her head hurts’’

‘’You two drank?’’ Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows

Wendy nodded ‘’Just a bit, showing her the ropes of a party.’’

Chaeyoung eyes softened and grabbed Jisoo, putting her in piggyback style ‘’We’ll go home now.’’

‘’Did you enjoy it?’’ Wendy smiled knowingly

‘’Enjoyed what?’’

‘’The game’’

Chaeyoung glanced at Joy who is now snoring on Wendy’s arm and turned around so that Wendy could not see her face


She answered but a small smile is on her face. To be honest it was fun, being able to conjure elements in her own will even if it came from a person that's in her despise list. With that, she walked home not knowing a figure is following her with plans to confront her.

Chaeyoung looked at the sleeping girl behind her with soft eyes ‘’I’m sorry if you’re not able to go out too much…’’ Chaeyoung felt like it’s her own fault for Jisoo’s lack of knowledge about the fun things in life. Yes even she is not aware about what happens in a party, but watching lots of movies helps her in that.

From the years, Chaeyoung watched movies whenever Jisoo is not with her or if she’s asleep. She got an idea of a party because of that. She’s sure Jisoo read something about that but being able to experience it is different.


She hates how it’s hard to trust people nowadays especially since…


Chaeyoung felt Jisoo’s arms tightened around her neck, hugging Chaeyoung closely as Jisoo slept peacefully

‘’Since you’ve been attacked years ago…’’ Chaeyoung whispered and gripped Jisoo tightly.


She is not going to let anyone hurt Jisoo…


Never again


Chaeyoung placed Jisoo to her bed and just looked at her softly ‘’Sleep tight Jichu’’ Jisoo spoke something incoherently and turned to face Chaeyoung who is just speechless at the visual of her unnie.

‘’Wow…’’ Chaeyoung whispered ‘’You’re really pretty…’’ She caressed Jisoo’s cheek and smiled feeling the smooth skin.

She her unnie’s hair and said quietly

‘’I’ll be right back.’’

Jennie watched as Chaeyoung entered the house carrying Jisoo on her back ‘’So…they’re just going home.’’ Jennie said, almost a bit disappointed. She thought that they will go somewhere that can answer Jennie’s running question on her head.

‘’I guess I should just go back…’’

Jennie’s ears perk up hearing the door of their house open again and hid; she peeked and saw Chaeyoung, without Jisoo on her back anymore, walking towards the direction of the academy.

‘’She’s going back?’’ Jennie asked a bit confused.


Why would Chaeyoung go back to the academy?


She continued following Chaeyoung like a stalker and when she thought Chaeyoung is entering the academy, she turned and went behind it.

‘’What?’’ Jennie furrowed her eyebrows ‘’That’s where…the well is’’

Jennie quietly followed Chaeyoung and saw her with closed eyes while in front of the well. ‘’What is she doing here?’’ Jennie narrowed her eyes before closing it…


Only to feel something flowing around Chaeyoung


‘’Is that…elzard energy?’’


Why was Chaeyoung flowing with elzard energy? Does this mean she has an element all this time? But Jennie can’t distinguish it…


‘’Come out whoever’s out there.’’


Jennie froze, hearing Chaeyoung’s voice call out to her


‘’Come out there or I’ll come to you’’ Chaeyoung said before her voice turned dark ‘’You won’t like what I’ll do if I come to you.’’


‘’What are you doing here anyway?’’


Chaeyoung’s head snapped, finally seeing Jennie out of her hiding spot and walking towards her.


‘’Jennie…?’’ Chaeyoung said, a bit confused then her eyes hardened ‘’It’s none of your business’’


‘’Hey’’ Jennie smirked deviously


‘’I wouldn’t have thought you would be making a wish’’ She mocked ‘’What? Wishing the temporary potion earlier will give you a permanent element?’’


‘’I don’t have time for your sick jokes’’ Chaeyoung said coldly ‘’How did you even know I’m even here?’’


Jennie stopped walking towards her to panic inside ‘’, I can’t say that I followed her.’’


‘’I saw you and thought it was suspicious to see you going to this place at this time of night.’’ Jennie answered coolly


Chaeyoung took a step back whenever Jennie’s taking a step closer to her making her hit the well behind her ‘’What are you really doing here?’’ Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes ‘’You can’t fool me.’’


Jennie’s steps were not stopping making Chaeyoung nervous on why she’s coming closer to her as she said with alertness


‘’And keep your distance, I don’t like people coming closer to me.’’


‘’You don’t complain when Joy is close to you’’


Chaeyoung rolled her eyes ‘’Does it look like I have a choice?’’


Jennie smirked and trapped Chaeyoung making Chaeyoung’s breath hitch at their close proximity ‘’Then looks like you don’t have a choice with me either’’ She whispered hotly

Chaeyoung, due to her panic, leaned back and screamed when she felt no support behind her as she began to fall backwards to the well




Chaeyoung felt a hand grab hers but she was already falling, making the person who grabbed her fall along with her. In her instincts, she hugged the person and cushioned the fall making her let out a groan filled with pain.


Jennie’s heart is beating like crazy feeling arms secured around her, she could feel her face getting hot and she hates how her fire element is reacting to her emotions.

‘’You okay?’’ Chaeyoung grunted, almost forgetting who she’s talking to

‘’Y-yeah, I’m fine’’ Jennie stuttered a bit, she didn’t know whether to get out of Chaeyoung’s embrace or just stay in it because it’s so…

‘’So warm…soft’’

Jennie closed her eyes and her arms are twitching to hug back but she was roughly pushed away making her yelp and glare ‘’What the heck was that for?!’’ She snarked

Chaeyoung gave a small smirk ‘’You look like you’re getting too comfortable Kim’’ She taunted

‘’As if!’’ Jennie shouted but her face is flaming hot, and she desperately hopes that Chaeyoung didn’t notice it.

Chaeyoung stood up and looked up ‘’I can easily reach it if Jennie wasn’t here…’’ Chaeyoung bit her lips, she touched the wall and estimated it to be around 10ft deep, not only that…

‘’It’s filled with that energy…’’

‘’Now how the hell are we going to get out of here?’’ Jennie grumbled. Chaeyoung looked at Jennie and finally noticed what she’s wearing

‘’It’s like we’re having matching couple clothes…’’

Jennie felt Chaeyoung stare at her and felt slightly conscious but her confidence is back full time now that Chaeyoung’s attention is on her ‘’If you’re thinking you want a piece of this,’’ She gestured to her body

‘’You ain’t getting it’’

Chaeyoung scoffed ‘’I wondered why you concluded that kind of thought.’’

‘’Because you kept staring at me’’


‘’Because I just had an idea and is just waiting for you to realize it’’


‘’Which is?’’ Jennie raised her eyebrows


Chaeyoung snickered ‘’For being one of the strongest elzard in the academy, you sure are stupid’’ She said smugly

‘’ you’’ Jennie spat ‘’Tell me already! I don’t have time for your games!’’

Chaeyoung sighed and tapped her feet ‘’Earth.’’ She said simply

Jennie’s eyes lightened up the idea ‘’Use my Earth element to raise us up…’’ She whispered and Chaeyoung  nodded in confirmation

Then a dark idea entered Jennie’s mind as she smirked making Chaeyoung nervous ‘’What is she planning now?’’

This is why Chaeyoung hates to face Jennie alone, it’s always making her feel nervous and Jennie seems to be much more different when they’re alone.

‘’I swear this girl is crazy in the head’’ Chaeyoung thought

‘’I won’t lift you up with my Earth element’’ Jennie smirked ‘’Unless you answer my question’’

Chaeyoung clenched her fist, she can’t risk it all now just because of a small stupid accident that made them end up here.


‘’What is it?’’


‘’Your element.’’ Jennie’s eyes hardened ‘’Tell me all about it.’’


Chaeyoung sighed and wanted to punch the well for making her go through this again


‘’I don’t have an element.’’


Jennie walked closer to her and Chaeyoung has no choice but to let Jennie’s face come closer to hers because the space in the well is not that accommodating


‘’That’s bull’’ Jennie snarled ‘’You won against Suzy and Hyeri, one of the top students in the academy! Now tell me!’’


‘’Isn’t what Ms. Bom talked about us clear to you?’’ Chaeyoung said harshly ‘’We can only manage to grasp basic idea of each element but not fully master them.’’


‘’Don’t lie to me Chaeyoung or I swear I’ll leave you here’’ Jennie growled


‘’For Christ sake Jennie!’’ Chaeyoung yelled ‘’We ing don’t have an element! It’s not my fault the potion made it easier for me to access the basic elements! They’re just ing basic elements! It’s just a game Jennie! What’s got you all riled up because of that?!’’


Chaeyoung pushed Jennie away because she’s too close for her own comfort ‘’What’s gotten with you and the family?!’’ She seethed ‘’You ignored us throughout the years and suddenly just because we continued our college you all assumed we found our element!’’ She spat


‘’Get it through your thick ing heads!’’ Chaeyoung shouted ‘’We don’t have an element! We’re ing elementless! Why the heck are you getting too affected because of your stupid assumptions?!’’


Jennie looked stunned at Chaeyoung’s outburst, and stayed quiet for a while ‘’Maybe they really are elementless and I’m just getting paranoid that they have one?’’ She thought ‘’Besides…if they do have an element, they’re still not stronger than me because I have years training my own element and is on the process of even combining them while they have no one to guide them like I have mom and dad training me…’’


Jennie started calming down and nodded to herself, it’s time to stop thinking about it and just move on. ‘’I just don’t like training with you and Jisoo in case the two of you really got your element’’ Jennie said coldly to her ‘’Seeing you in school is enough for me, but training with you two?’’ She scoffed


‘’I would rather train myself than be with you two’’


‘’Good because the feeling’s ing mutual’’ Chaeyoung sneered


They stared down each other, eyes glaring and lips snarling like they’re ready to pounce at each other. Jennie scanned Chaeyoung up and down and can’t help but notice how gorgeous she looks in party clothes. If only they weren’t having this tension, Jennie would have definitely acted on her feelings.

‘’Why did you come here anyways?’’ She asked to get rid of the tension

Chaeyoung looked at her before turning her head away to hide an embarrassed blush ‘’It’s none of your business Kim.’’ She stated coldly

Jennie can feel her element flaring once again ‘’It’s my business because you live in our house Chaeyoung.’’

‘’What does that have to do with me telling you everything?’’ Chaeyoung finally turned to face her with deadly eyes ‘’You’re not my protector because I can protect myself just fine, heck you’re not even my parents! So tell me why should I tell you everything I do?!’’

‘’Because I…’’

Jennie seems to be quiet before finally huffing out of frustration  

‘’Whatever! Let’s just get out of here!’’

Chaeyoung nodded and watched Jennie close her eyes in concentration with the earth beneath them. She took a deep breath and crouched down, whispering something as finally


Chaeyoung and Jennie felt the earth moving and is now lifting them up. Chaeyoung can feel a huge relief at that but as they’re going up, Chaeyoung is noticing that they’re getting faster and faster with a possibility to get injured when they suddenly fly from the earth’s force if Jennie doesn't slow down now.


‘’Hey Kim,’’ Chaeyoung whispered and glanced at Jennie who is now sweating profusely ‘’You okay?’’


‘’T-this earth..!’’ Jennie grunted ‘’I-I can’t control it! It’s getting out of control!’’


Chaeyoung watched with panic as they’re now nearing the outside world ‘’Let go of it now!’’


‘’I can’t! It will suddenly return down like nothing happened and we’ll be falling again!’’


Chaeyoung gritted her teeth ‘’Just let go of it!’’


Jennie could feel her strength weakening at the unstable earth that they’re stepping on and finally listened to Chaeyoung. A hand grabbed her waist and then the earth they stepped on suddenly disappeared like nothing happened. Jennie braced herself for another free fall as she could only feel the wind hitting her face harshly as if they’re in a race car.

Jennie grunted feeling the earth once again to her back ‘’ how the heck we’re going to get out from here?’’

Jennie felt something breathing her face and opened her eyes to see Chaeyoung panting on top of her. Her eyes widened at that and before she could react, Chaeyoung quickly pulled herself up and took a deep breath.

‘’You fine?’’ Chaeyoung asked

‘’How could I be fine when we’re back right where we started!’’ Jennie said angrily making Chaeyoung chuckle

‘’Look around you dumbo’’

Jennie can now recognize the air not so tight around them anymore and saw that they’re now back to the surface ‘’W-what?’’ She said in shock ‘’But how?’’

‘’I grabbed you and took the risk to jump’’ Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’It was worth it though. At least I could finally get away from you.’’ She said and looked down at Jennie with a snicker

‘’You’re going to sleep here or what?’’

Jennie growled and quickly stood up, but then felt another presence behind her and turned around. Her heart drop seeing Yeri looking at them with shock

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes ‘’…’’

‘’I uh…’’ Yeri said awkwardly

''You done with beer pong?'' Jennie asked 

Yeri just nodded slowly, looking at her and Chaeyoung with suspicion ''Yeah...Me and Irene-unnie won. I think Lisa's drunk as hell by the way.''

Another moment of silence suffocates them and Jennie opened to let out the question lingering on .

‘’You saw everything?’’ Jennie asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Yeri slowly nodded and zipped seeing the scary look of Chaeyoung and Jennie before quickly scurrying away from them

‘’Don’t follow me again.’’

Jennie turned to Chaeyoung who said that with a warning

‘’Trouble always comes with you,’’ Chaeyoung continued, making Jennie feel hurt at that ‘’I don’t want you coming near me ever again.’’

Chaeyoung walked away leaving behind a hurt and angry Jennie at her wake but then…


She felt something…


Something bad that’s been pinching her heart and her instincts are telling her to go after her




Jennie watched in confusion seeing Chaeyoung suddenly stop walking…


And now she’s sprinting as if she saw something important


‘’What is she up to now?’’


Nevertheless, Jennie saw that Chaeyoung is running towards where the party is so she has no choice but to ignore her warning and went after her.

Chaeyoung is back at the party and looked around frantically, the party going on full swing as hot and sweaty bodies covered Chaeyoung's vision; her senses are ringing loudly in her head and shouting at her to quickly find her


‘’Where the is she?!’’


Chaeyoung pushed any drunken student out of her way and looked around for ash grey hair…


Finally seeing it at the darkest corner of the party…


Chaeyoung’s eyes burned in rage seeing a man harassing the person she’s been silently protecting for years.


‘’Come closer to me…’’ The man whispered to her ‘’I know you want this babe’’


‘’W-who the f- a-are y-you’’ Lisa slurred, her drunken mind is out of control because she and Seulgi lost to Irene and Yeri. Seulgi just drank only 1 cup because she’s already tipsy enough making Lisa drink the rest of it.

The man smirked in a maniac way and grabbed Lisa’s neck tightly, choking her and Lisa is powerless at her drunken state as she choked ‘’Someone who’ll give you a good time’’ He his lips ‘’I’m sure my friends are going to holler loudly when they hear I slept with the daughter of the council head’’ He was about to grab Lisa’s clothes but a strong grip stopped him.

The grip twists his wrist making him howl in pain


‘’Get…Your…ing…Hands…Off…Her’’ Chaeyoung whispered furiously, her eyes glowing darkly under the party lights




Chaeyoung growled and finally broke the man’s wrist making him cry out in pain but apparently the loud music of the party prevented anyone from hearing him


‘’W-who the heck are you?!’’ He snarled but a whimper escaped from him when he was suddenly pinned to the wall that Lisa was trapped against earlier. He started choking because Chaeyoung is pinning him by the neck and she started whispering scarily to him


''Get out of this party and you will not harass Lalisa Manoban or else you'll face the...'' Chaeyoung clenched her fist to keep calm


 ''You'll face the council's wrath''


The man nodded his head fast, the fear that he felt growing in sizes the longer Chaeyoung kept on looking at him ‘’P-please let go. I-I promise I’ll stop p-please just’’ He breathed in air as Chaeyoung harshly let go and let him fall to the floor like a pathetic idiot.


‘’Don’t you ever come near her er’’ Chaeyoung spat in disgust ‘’People like you disgust me that I almost want to kill you all’’


The man shakingly nodded and bowed his head for forgiveness before finally running away with a visible patch of wetness in his pants, a sign that he peed out of fear.


Chaeyoung watched the ert get out of her sight and felt a figure slump to her side, her reflexes immediately catching her.

‘’S-so warm’’ Lisa moaned and hugged Chaeyoung ‘’So warm…’’ She sighed again in relief, nuzzling her head to Chaeyoung’s neck.

Chaeyoung’s eyes softened ‘’You’re so drunk pabo…’’ Chaeyoung clenched her fist; If she didn’t follow her instinct just now…


Lisa would have been…


She Lisa’s hair and whispered gently ‘’You’re safe now, you can go to sleep.’’


Lisa grinned dorkily ‘’Okay cute voice I will’’ She said with a hint of happiness and Chaeyoung chuckled a bit at her wording.




Chaeyoung freeze a bit before relaxing, she turned around while holding Lisa in her arms protectively only to see Jennie looking at her with wide eyes, her eyes switching between her and the girl she’s holding right now.

‘’D-did Lisa?’’ Jennie stuttered, her eyes lingering on Lisa’s mark on her neck.

Chaeyoung’s emotionless eyes stared to Jennie’s shocked ones, the older girl swiftly catching the drunk girl when Chaeyoung gave Lisa to Jennie albeit gently too.


‘’A minute later, and she’ll be a victim’’ Chaeyoung answered coldly


‘’How…’’ Jennie stared to Chaeyoung’s eyes ‘’did you know that she’s being harassed?’’


‘’I don’t.’’


‘’You…you saved her’’ Jennie whispered and clutched Lisa’s form tightly, worry and relief etched in her face when she saw Chaeyoung beating the out of the ert ‘’Why?’’


‘’That’s a stupid question Kim.’’ Chaeyoung started walking away but not without parting some words


‘’I may be cold, but I’m not heartless…’’


With that she walked away, Jennie looked at her with a bit of respect now but also suspicion ‘’Is it me or were eyes really different earlier…’’


Chaeyoung continued walking home without answering anymore of Jennie’s questions in her head, looking at the sky to see it filled with stars as she whispered almost longingly to the sky


‘’I always keep my promises…no matter what’’

Surprise? Another quick update for you all! Hopefully this long chapter is enought to suffice for my possible long absences in the future. I hope everyone is catching up to the story! If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to PM me! Sadly I can't reply to your comments in fear of spoiling some future chapters. But maybe I'll change my mind and reply to each of your comment. Your support and comments are what is pushing me in writing more chapters and give you all an exciting journey here in my new story. Once again, thank you everyone for your support and see you again in the next chapter!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔