
The Elzard

‘’Why do I have to be the one to do it?!’’


‘’Because you’re graceful and quite stealthy if you put your mind to it.’’


‘’You just want me to let them corner me…’’


‘’Just do it if you don’t want us to embarrass ourselves in front of mom and dad!’’


She entered the room quietly and wanted to clap herself for her senses ‘’Good, now find it Lisa so that you could get this over with’’ She whispered to herself and started to search the whole room


Then her eyes caught on something that’s resembling an object that she cherishes in her own room…


Lisa grabbed it and traced her fingers to the object, her heart clenching and eyes tearing up at bit ‘’She…she still kept it after all these years’’


‘’Does this mean she misses me?’’


Lisa was so busy with her own thoughts that she didn’t hear the door open and a stern voice speaking that made Lisa’s face turn white at being caught


‘’What the are you doing in our room?’’

The whole family is now in the dining table, the tension very high as Jisung looked at all of them with a very stern look that Jennie and Lisa rarely see, not even in their own training sessions.


So this means what they're going to reveal is probably life-threatening because they looked like they're about to kill.


Hyuna knew by the look of Jisung’s face as well as the tired form of Chaeyoung and Lisa, the situation has finally gotten to their children as well.


‘’Dad…’’ Lisa clenched her fist ‘’What the hell was that?’’

Jisung spread his energy around the area and sighed in relief feeling no one is around ‘’As I’ve said before, that is a shadow monster.’’ Jisung whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

‘’Where did they come from?’’ Chaeyoung asked instantly ‘’Why did it attack us?’’

Hyuna looked shocked ‘’It attacked you?’’

‘’I wouldn’t be holding my shoulder like this if it didn’t attack us’’ Chaeyoung sneered earning a disapproved look from Jisung at her disrespectful answer

‘’Chaeyoungie…’’ She heard Jisoo whisper to her

Chaeyoung took a deep breath to calm herself ‘’I’m sorry, I’m just getting agitated.’’

‘’The better question is,’’ Jennie suddenly said ‘’What are they exactly?’’ The four girls nodded in agreement and looked at their parents for some clarification.

‘’Those are monsters formed by a dark elzard, that’s what we know of, or possibly…’’ Hyuna hesitated a bit before answering


‘’The Dark Shadow itself’’


The four girls’ eyes widened at the information ‘’B-but didn’t dad said that the Dark Shadow is sealed and can never be seen again?!’’ Jennie exclaimed

‘’I know, and there’s been no proof or even any indication that it has been released’’ Jisung said before his face darkened ‘’If it was released, it should be causing havoc around the whole magic realm by now. We just speculated that it’s possible that the Dark Shadow is doing this since what we know is that it can conjure monsters or armies just like that…’’

‘’Isn’t those monsters already causing havoc though?’’ Jisoo said ‘’Judging by how you and mother tends to be more away than at home for the past year now.’’

‘’She is observant…’’ Jisung noticed that to his eldest despite not having any strong connection to her for the past decade.

‘’Yes they’re causing havoc...'' Hyuna answered this time ''but Jisoo, you don’t know how much damage that the Dark Shadow could do.’’ Hyuna said seriously as she continued with that same tone.


‘’This is just minimal’’


That sends shivers down to Chaeyoung and Lisa’s spine, if what they encountered earlier is just minimal, what more could it be if it was the Dark Shadow itself?


‘’How strong are these council members anyway?’’ Chaeyoung gritted her teeth, why is it every time she felt like she was improving herself, something comes up that makes her feel more inferior than before?! Here she is training her off to prove that she’s something and then what they just encountered earlier is just minimal? Just how much more training Chaeyoung has to do to easily defeat those monsters like Jisung did earlier?

Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung and grabbed her hand to comfort  her, she knows what’s going on in the younger girl’s head so for now, she’ll comfort her thru actions and maybe talk to her when they’re alone.

‘’I’ve talked to Bom regarding about this and she has a theory that it’s possible that a dark elzard has created this monsters because she sensed that its whole being is consisted of the dark element.’’ He said ''However Bom is still not sure about that theory being a master of the dark element herself...she said that she did not know if she can even conjure a living being like that since it will probably take a lot of energy and concentration but we decided to still consider it because the Dark Shadow is not even appearing itself and it's been a year since those shadow monsters appeared...I don't think the Dark Shadow has patience like that so that means,''

‘’That we’re facing an unknown enemy here’’ Lisa whispered

Jisung’s eyes hardened ‘’There’s no we here Lisa, the council will take care of it. This is too much of a burden for the four of you to carry. I’m only letting you know about this piece of information so that you’ll be on alert even more than before.’’ He said sternly

Lisa stood up defiantly and glared at Jisung ‘’Those monsters destroyed my childhood! I deserve to have a fight in this especially because they killed my parents!’’ Tears started to gather in Lisa’s eyes as she continued shouting ‘’You can’t tell me all this and expect me to do nothing! I need to avenge my mom and dad!’’

Lisa looked at Chaeyoung almost desperately for some support ‘’Tell them! Tell them that those monsters are what attacked our parents years ago!’’




Jisung and Hyuna stood up and looked at Chaeyoung ‘’You saw the monsters that attacked Marco and Chittip?’’


Chaeyoung gripped Jisoo’s hand in search for comfort as she nodded yes, not liking to be the center of attention.


‘’What do they look like?’’ Jisung demanded; all these years they never knew who or what attacked Chittip and Marco…Lisa can’t answer them because she didn’t saw it too much and they assumed Chaeyoung didn’t too because she was a cry baby when she was young.


But they never did thought the possibility of the Manoban family encountering shadow monsters from a decade ago when those monsters just recently started causing trouble a year ago!


‘’Like what we just faced earlier…only difference is that they don’t shoot arrows like what we faced earlier.’’ Chaeyoung answered


‘’Jisung…’’ Hyuna looked at Jisung fearfully ‘’Is it possible that what happened to Chittip and Marco wasn’t just a frenzy of monsters attacking?’’ Then she continued, her voice shaking

‘’W-was that an attempted murder?’’

Jisung’s form started flickering with fire ‘’Has the enemy been here in this realm for that long already?’ Are the two events related to each other?’

They need to have an emergency meeting at the council, much better if it’s tomorrow morning because shadow monsters tend to attack at night so that will lessen any possible fights that might happen at night.

‘’Let me join this fight please’’ Lisa pleaded ‘’I-I…I really want to avenge them please…’’

‘’I-If there is someone controlling those monsters’’ Lisa tightened her fists ‘’I want to know why they targeted my family…I want to serve justice so please let me fight! I’m a strong elzard because of your trainings so I can definitely handle myself!’’

Hyuna’s eyes softened and hugged the crying girl ‘’I’m sorry Lisa…you can’t. This is way out of your league especially since you’re just starting your college.’’

‘’Your mom is right, and this doesn’t refer to just Lisa’’ Jisung looked at the remaining quiet girls ‘’This refers to all of you. Do not attempt to engage or even try to hunt shadow monsters on your own. They’re too dangerous. If I wasn’t able to sense the sudden power urge earlier, I would have witnessed Chaeyoung and Lisa getting more injured than what they have right now.’’

Chaeyoung gripped her injured shoulder ‘’Weak…I’m still too weak’’ She thought angrily

Hyuna noticed Chaeyoung’s injury and softly said ‘’Please Chaeyoung, let me heal it. I promise I’ll let you go as soon as I finished stitching it up.’’

Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo who just sighed and nodded ‘’Let her heal you…this injury of yours, I think it’s serious.’’ Jisoo whispered to her. Chaeyoung clenched her jaw but followed what her unnie said and looked at Hyuna with defensive eyes




‘’Lisa managed to wash away the blood so that it wouldn’t flow out too much so I’m sure it will be fast’’ Chaeyoung said and removed her hoodie to reveal a tank top underneath, as well as her injured shoulder.

The three girls blushed at the sudden removal of cloth and can’t help but admire the toned arms that Chaeyoung has.

‘’Looks like Joy is right…she really has strong arms’’ Jennie thought, eyeing those toned muscles in Chaeyoung’s arms.

‘’No wonder Joy is always clinging to her’’ Lisa grumbled while wiping away her tears

‘’Sometimes this girl has no shame’’ Jisoo shook her head, but her face has turned a bit red at the sudden action of her Chaeyoungie.

Hyuna walked closer to Chaeyoung and observed the wound; a rather pierced shoulder with the arrow really hitting her through. She placed her hand on it and ignored the way her heart hurt feeling Chaeyoung flinch at her touch.


Then she felt something


‘’What are you feeling Chaeyoung?’’ She suddenly asked, her eyebrows furrowed.


Chaeyoung stiffened and said in a monotone voice ‘’it’s pulsing constantly, as if there’s something in that arrow that’s spreading throughout my shoulder…’’


‘’There’s been some kind spell…’’ Hyuna whispered ‘’It’s as if…it’s already been there’’


‘’Can those monster cast spells at their state?’’ Chaeyoung asked, she needs more information about those monsters in cases they attacked again. She will need it to defend herself and protect the others.


‘’We…we still don’t know’’ Hyuna said, a bit disappointed at their lack of knowledge ‘’We’re still finding out what other things those monsters could do and even who is possibly manipulating them.  For now, this should be useful information…one that could definitely help us defend ourselves against from their attacks’’


Chaeyoung could see Hyuna’s hand glowing white, once again feeling that warm cold sensation throughout her shoulder. The other three girls watched in awe seeing Hyuna let go of Chaeyoung’s shoulder and bringing out the dark substances that’s present in her shoulder.


Chaeyoung gritted her teeth at the slight pain she felt but buried it deep inside her. She finally let out a small breath of relief seeing her shoulder all healed up and ready to go.


Hyuna smiled at her softly ‘’There, all healed’’


Chaeyoung rotated her shoulder and nodded, feeling it back to normal. She looked at the smiling Hyuna and looked away, muttering a small ‘thanks.’ Jisoo grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand and nodded at her family ‘’If that’s all then, we’re heading upstairs to rest now.’’




Lisa stopped them by holding Chaeyoung’s other hand, shocking the Kim family at her unusual action.


‘’What the heck Lisa? Since when did you start approaching Chaeyoung?’’ Jennie thought with anxiety.


What did happen between the two of them when they ran off?


‘’What is it?’’ Jisoo asked, a bit annoyed at the sudden intrusion of the maknae.


‘’I need to talk to her.’’


Chaeyoung looked at Lisa’s determined face with a blank look ‘’What is she planning this time?’’

‘’Why should I trust you?’’ Jisoo narrowed her eyes ‘’You’ve been nothing but a pain in Chaeyoung’s life. Don’t start coming back right now if you’re just planning to hurt her even more.’’

Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo with a bit of hurt ‘’Does she really think I’m that vulnerable?’’

‘’I’ll be fine Jisoo-unnie’’ Chaeyoung suddenly said, wanting to prove that she can handle whatever Lisa is going to say to her. She appreciates the way Jisoo is looking out for her as always, but Chaeyoung knows she can handle herself just fine.

Jisoo’s hold however isn’t letting go of Chaeyoung, not wanting to let her go and her eyes glaring at Lisa’s face.

‘’Let go of her,’’ Lisa demanded ‘’We’ll talk in my room’’

‘’Jisoo, let go.’’ Chaeyoung also said that made Jisoo, with a heavy heart, finally let go of Chaeyoung’s hand.

The whole Kim family watched Lisa suddenly pull Chaeyoung closer to her and went upstairs rather quickly.

Jennie glanced at Jisoo who has a spiteful look on her face, a very uncharacteristic face from all the faces that Jennie has witnessed in her sister’s face...but not to her, it’s been normal for Jennie to have that kind of face but this time…hers are filled with suspicion.

The whole Kim family just standing there with one thought

‘’What are you up to Lisa?’’

Lisa locked the door of her room while Chaeyoung subtly glanced at Lisa’s room, which was dark blue in color with a hint of green making it appear a blue green one. She looked at Lisa’s bed which was yellow in color and definitely quite comfy from the looks of it.

‘’So why did you bring me here?’’ Chaeyoung asked ‘’Why didn’t you just tell it to me downstairs with the others present?’’

‘’Because they wouldn’t understand’’ Lisa whispered, gripping the doorknob tightly

‘’Understand what?’’

‘’The feeling of losing the people you love in your entire life’’

Chaeyoung clenched her jaw hearing that, once again remembering the pain of loss ‘’So you told me this because I would understand your pain.’’

‘’It’s not just that.’’

Lisa turned to face Chaeyoung and walked closer to her. Chaeyoung’s eyes narrowed and cautiously took a step back every time Lisa is stepping closer to her.

‘’Don’t come closer, I’m only talking to you.’’ Chaeyoung said with a warning but Lisa continued walking closer to her until Chaeyoung felt Lisa’s bed just behind her now.

Lisa is quiet however, and with formidable strength, she pushed Chaeyoung hard on her bed. Chaeyoung hissed at the sudden push but gripped Lisa’s shoulders tightly in an attempt to push her off

‘’Don’t move!’’ Lisa growled before leaning closer to whisper in her ears ‘’They’re just outside my door, trying to listen in’’

Chaeyoung shivered at the sensation and gritted her teeth ‘’I’m not comfortable at this Lalisa!’’ She whispered harshly

‘’Deal with it!”’ Lisa leaned away to equal Chaeyoung’s glare ‘’Or you’ll be spending the night here just so I could tell you what I want to say!’’

Chaeyoung is reacting very strangely at their close position, and maybe because it’s from years of isolating herself away from the younger girl, she could feel butterflies in her stomach and they're absolute going crazy at the sudden contact from the girl she despises but silently protecting for years! So she decided to just close her eyes and let her energy flow inside her to calm herself down.

‘’Calm down Chaeyoung…she won’t touch you or whatever. The worst case of scenario is that she’ll kill you right now in this position.’’

‘’Fine, now tell me what you want to tell me’’  Chaeyoung whispered, finally sensing that there are people just outside of Lisa’s door.

‘’I want you to help me learn more about those shadow monsters’’ Lisa said with deadly serious eyes ‘’Hunt them down or whatever, I just want to know who is behind them…’’

‘’And then what?’’ Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows

‘’…Kill the person responsible for those monsters, or even those monsters themselves.’’

Chaeyoung stared at Lisa’s cold eyes, almost matching her own ones ‘’Why should it be me?’’ She finally asked ‘’I’m an elementless Lisa, how could I possibly be of help to you?’’

‘’We worked well together earlier at the fight against those monsters. I’ve seen you move despite having no elements’’ Lisa said bitterly ‘’And I got to say, you have good alertness and instincts. Who knows? Maybe your element will come out if ever what Ms. Bom said is true.’’


Lisa looked at Chaeyoung with wide eyes ‘’What?’’ She whispered and Lisa could feel the rush of hot anger throughout her body as her eyes glowed angry blue


‘’Think about it Lisa, we can’t just barge into a council meeting without them sensing that we’re in there! We’re just freshmen not some undercover agents’’ Chaeyoung said harshly

‘’So are you running away then?’’ Lisa mocked her before giving her a spiteful look ‘’Just like when you ran away from mom years ago’’

Chaeyoung stared angrily at Lisa ‘’It’s not running away, it’s called the last best option for the both of us to survive!’’ She hissed

Lisa rolled her eyes and tried to convince her once more if she wants to have someone who’s as smart and quite skilled as Chaeyoung to guide her in this kind of situation. Not to mention Chaeyoung understands her pain and reasoning for doing this.‘’I’m not saying we should just barge in there, what I’m saying is I want you to be my partner-in-crime in this situation.’’

‘’Please Chaeyoung…’’ Lisa softly said seeing Chaeyoung’s conflicted look ‘’Don’t you want to know who attacked us that day? Don’t you want to avenge our parents? Those monsters are the reason why the both of us are like this…please, you’re the only one who understands why I’m doing this’’

‘’Don’t accept her offer Chaeyoung, remember all those years where she and Jennie bullied both you and Jisoo…you’re being too stupidly kind if you’re going to accept her offer!’’ Chaeyoung thought

She in her breath feeling a hand caress her cheek softly ‘’Please…’’ Lisa’s mouth quivered and for the first time in Chaeyoung’s eyes after a decade of cutting her heart off to Lisa…


Lisa looked vulnerable


‘’Don’t do it for me, we both know we still hate each other’s gut’’ That made Chaeyoung chuckle a bit, making Lisa let out a small smile


‘’Let’s do it for mom and dad.’’


Chaeyoung still looks conflicted, as much as she wants to avenge Chittip and Marco, a part of her still doesn’t want to be in close proximity to Lisa. Heck even being close to her right now is making alarms in her head beat an ambulance!

Lisa waited for a minute and gripped her fists tightly ‘’Fine,’’ Lisa spat out, angry tears b in her eyes ‘’If you really don’t want to then I’ll just do it myself!’’ Lisa stood up and looked away from Chaeyoung’s form, her hope at getting closer to the girl that just saved her just dashed down to the drain.


‘’I love you both so much…don’t ever lose your dreams, fight for the greater good, and most of all…’’ Chittip looked at them with conviction


’’Protect the people you love’’


Lisa took a deep breath and thought with conviction ‘’I’ll get answers soon mom…dad. This is a fight not just for me to avenge your death, but also to protect the greater good’’ 




Lisa in a breath hearing the answer she’s been wanting to hear all night long. Lisa felt Chaeyoung standing up and walking to her side


‘’I’ll do it.’’  Chaeyoung said and looked at the shocked Lisa ‘’Only because I don’t want you being an idiot that will definitely hurt herself.’’ She hoped that Chittip will greet her by the heaven’s gate with a proud smile that she kept her promise to her when all of this ends.


No matter what happens,


Chaeyoung will protect Lisa as if her life is depended on it as that is her promise to her mother.


Not only Lisa…


But to the people she loves as well.

‘’What’s taking them so long?’’ Jennie whispered suspiciously, her ears at Lisa’s door trying to eavesdrop on what they’re talking about

‘’How the heck should I know, I’m not even in there’’ Jisoo snarked at her, her ear also at Lisa’s door.  The two sisters have been in there for quite a while and all they could hear were whispers, which is a red sign that they’re probably close enough to talk so quietly like that.

‘’You do know we’re being pretty silly right now like?’’ Jisoo suddenly said

‘’you’re so weird, I didn’t even ask you to come with me. Heck you came here before I did!’’ Jennie said angrily at her

Jisoo took off her ear to Lisa’s door to glare at Jennie ‘’I don’t trust you and Lisa’’ Jisoo muttered angrily ‘’I don’t know why the hell you two are now giving attention to us but the attention I was kind of hoping is definitely not this.’’

‘’What, what were you hoping then?’’ Jennie mocked

‘’That we would fix our former bond’’ Jisoo said bitterly ‘’I held on to that hope ever since Chaeyoung and Lisa became part of the family, but the years passed by, you guys have proved that I shouldn’t even think about fixing our bond. It’s a waste of time especially right now in college.’’

Jennie didn’t know why but she felt hurt hearing that her sister is getting ready to give up on them ‘’I shouldn’t care…right? Heck I’m more superior than both of her and Chaeyoung!’’

Before Jennie could let out her thoughts though, Lisa’s door suddenly opened; the wind force hitting Jennie’s ear as she suddenly stood up with a panicked face.

‘’What are you two doing here?’’ Lisa asked with a knowing smirk ‘’Eavesdropping on us now huh?’’

‘’Jisoo-unnie?’’ Chaeyoung said with her lips in a thin line ‘’What are you doing here?’’

‘’I’m just…worried’’ Jisoo mumbled

‘’I can take care of myself’’ Chaeyoung said coldly and for the first time, Jisoo could finally feel the hurt hearing Chaeyoung directed it to her.

Chaeyoung noticed that and her eyes softened, she could never get angry to Jisoo now of all times especially since they’ve been together for so many years now.

‘’What did the two of you talk about?’’ Jennie questioned them

‘’Don’t worry Jennie-unnie’’ Lisa smiled innocently ‘’It’s nothing you should worry about.’’

Jennie narrowed her eyes at the maknae and fumed seeing Chaeyoung just blankly looking at them. She huffed and finally gone inside her room with a large bang.

‘’Must be on her period’’ Lisa chuckled and said to Chaeyoung ‘’Thanks for talking to me.’’

Chaeyoung knew the hidden meaning behind those words and just nodded, grabbing Jisoo’s hand and finally going to their room.

Lisa watched them go with a lonely thought

‘’Will we go back to that kind of closeness again Chaeyoung?’’

‘’What did you and Lisa talked about?’’

Chaeyoung sighed, the moment they entered their own room, Jisoo immediately bombarded her with questions

‘’Tell me.’’ Jisoo said with a grave look on her face

Chaeyoung contemplated whether if she should tell Jisoo or not…then she remembered Lisa’s parting words

‘’Don’t tell Jisoo-unnie what we just talked about’’

Chaeyoung looked at Lisa who stopped her from opening the door


Lisa looked away and muttered

‘’I…I don’t want them getting in our way.’’

‘’This seems pretty personal for her…if I did tell Jisoo and she would find out, it might cause her to solo this situation and that could result to getting herself hurt even more.’’

Chaeyoung looked at the crossed arm Kim Jisoo and could only just say ‘’You do know you look kind of like Jennie right now?’’ She joked in a lighter tone of voice

‘’I’m not joking’’

Chaeyoung cringed at that and sighed ‘’She asked me what they always asked us since we started the college’’ She lied, feeling really guilty for hiding this information to Jisoo

‘’She asked me if I have an element since we fought pretty well against the shadow monster that just attacked us.’’

‘’And what did you say?’’

‘’As always,’’ Chaeyoung answered ‘’I’m an elementless’’

‘’Why does she need you alone though?’’ Jisoo narrowed her eyes ‘’This is Lisa we’re talking about, if she wants to humiliate you in front of the family or a whole crowd, she would have done it downstairs with the rest of us.’’

‘’Damn this girl is too smart!’’ Chaeyoung cursed

‘’I’m not sure’’ Chaeyoung shrugged ‘’Ask her about that, not me.’’

‘’…Did she do something to you?’’

Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows ‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’I sensed that you two talked…rather close’’ Jisoo walked closer to Chaeyoung until only a mere inch is their distance ‘’Did the two of you talked close like this?’’ She whispered


The longer Chaeyoung stared at this unusually serious Jisoo, the faster her heart beats because of how outstanding her unnie’s visual is.


‘’…still wondering why no one’s courting her’’


‘’…yeah’’ Chaeyoung said half the truth ‘’We talked…like this’’ If Jisoo finds out that Lisa has to pin her down to her bed just to talk quietly, she’s scared because she doesn’t know what Jisoo’s next action since this is one of those rare times where she couldn’t read what’s in Jisoo’s mind.

‘’…you usually don’t stand people close to you like this, especially people you despise’’ Jisoo murmured ‘’So why did you let her get close to you like this?’’

‘’Why is it you’re asking so many questions like this?’’ Chaeyoung bit back that question and shrugged once again and said in a nonchalant voice ‘’I have to or else I won’t be able to get out of her room.’’


Chaeyoung is starting to get irritated at these 20 questions and answered in a grating voice ‘’Because of you two eavesdropping on us’’

‘’I was just worried about you’’ Jisoo hissed

‘’And I don’t need to babied Jisoo!’’  Chaeyoung answered back just as angrily ‘’I know we’re in this together but you need to ing trust me to handle myself just fine! I don’t need to be a damsel in distress because even you know I’m better than that!’’

Jisoo took a step back in hurt at the outburst and could finally feel the lump in ‘’Oh…okay then’’ Jisoo said with no emotions, turning away and changing her clothes that made Chaeyoung blush at the sudden action and turn away quickly to let Jisoo change her clothes in peace.

‘’That’s not a good sign…’’ Chaeyoung cursed herself for letting her temper get out of control

A few minutes passed by and Chaeyoung finally peeked at Jisoo’s side of the room and saw her laying at her own bed…not facing her indicating that she’s upset to the younger girl.

Chaeyoung exhaled solemnly and began to change clothes as well; as she was finishing in changing her clothes, Jisoo’s voice startled her


‘’Turn off the lights when you’re done.’’


Chaeyoung felt a wave of hurt hearing Jisoo talking as if they’re separated, and knew to herself that this is her fault. She needs to find a way to make it up to her because she knows that she won’t be able to sleep with these thoughts on her head. So an idea came to her quickly as she thought of a way to sleep and possibly turn upset Jisoo back to her normal self.

Jisoo felt Chaeyoung turn off the lights and sighed; she hates feeling like this…like she’s a jealous girlfriend who just saw her significant other flirting with other people. She knows Chaeyoung can handle herself, but she has this fear that her and Chaeyoung’s bond will dwindle if the younger girl opened her heart to other people besides her…

She knows she’s being selfish but how could she not when Chaeyoung has been the only constant person in her life? She remembers the first time she met the younger girl, she was immediately hit with a sense of protectiveness to her. Seeing those innocent doe eyes and chubby cheeks made Jisoo wants to protect her from absolutely everything. Cherish her like no other people can do and love her more than the others.

‘’After everything we went through…she wouldn’t forget about me’’ Jisoo thought then doubt began to creep her mind ‘’right?’’

Just when Jisoo is about to accept that she’ll be having no sleep tonight, she felt a pair of slender arms starting to hug her waist and pull her deeper to a warmer body that made Jisoo’s face turn red at the sudden gesture.

‘’Can you move over please?’’ Jisoo could feel the younger girl’s breathing on her ear almost teasingly ‘’I feel like I’ll sleep with my lower body on the ground while my upper body on the bed’’

‘’W-what the heck are you doing?’’ Jisoo turned to face Chaeyoung just so she could glare at her but was only met with a rather shy-looking Chaeyoung…making Jisoo saw a glimpse of the former Chaeyoung before all the bad things in their life happened.


And that took Jisoo’s breath away, at their close proximity and sudden soft moment they’re having


‘’I uh…’’ Chaeyoung couldn’t hide the blush on her cheeks because she was still hugging Jisoo’s waist


‘’I…want to cuddle’’


Jisoo heard Chaeyoung’s murmur and Jisoo couldn’t believe that Chaeyoung would be the one who’ll initiate a cuddle. It was mostly the other way around when their room is too cold or something major happened…

‘’Is she doing this because she knows I’m upset?’’ Jisoo thought and knew to herself she can’t reject Chaeyoung, not after seeing her like this which is making her heart flutter.


Curse her heart for being soft to the girl in front of her




Chaeyoung cheered inwardly seeing Jisoo scooting over to make some space for her. Her bed is not big, but it’s not too small either. It’s enough for them to squish in and still be comfortable sleeping in each other’s arms.

Jisoo turned away to calm her racing heart because the shine in Chaeyoung’s eyes when she agreed literally made her want to just keep the chipmunk girl to herself but she wasn’t able to stop the feeling of elatedness at being the only one who saw her like this…


And will probably stay like that if they continued on their life with just having each other’s back.


Chaeyoung made herself comfortable and hugged the older girl tighter to her embrace, loving the feeling of warmth that Jisoo is naturally providing to her. She nuzzled her face to her neck, not knowing she’s making it a hard time for Jisoo to sleep at their close bodies.

Jisoo’s heart is definitely beating faster than lightning, she’s glad that Chaeyoung’s hand is on her waist instead of her heart. She’ll definitely question it.  She grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand softly on her stomach and played with it for a while.

‘’You’re so warm unnie…’’

Jisoo could feel herself smiling at that and just snuggled closer to the younger girl. She finally let her eyes close at the superb feeling of comfiness and heart full of love to the girl who always lets her walls down to her but not to others

Jisoo finally fell asleep hearing Chaeyoung finally sleeping by her breathing…as she listened to it to lull herself to sleep with only one thought in her mind.

‘’Please only stay with me…as you’re my clarity’’

Another update yay! Take that writer's block! I'm glad I was able to update, and this is posted in celebration of Boombayah gaining 1B views! I'm so proud of our girls uwu. I won't be able to update tomorrow night due to the fact that I'm definitely watching BP's Documentary on Netflix but I'll porbably update the night after that or a few days from now in celebration for BP's Documentary. I just knew inspiration will strike once I watched it. Let's support our girls even more and to my readers, thank you once again for always awaiting for another chapter! Love you all and have a good night!


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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔