
The Elzard

'I hate them'


Chaeyoung inwardly sneered in her thoughts hearing people celebrate the yearly event called the Heroes' Day; it's the day where people celebrate the achievements of past elzards and took the whole day to honor them thru a festival and even fun games.


"Clare Park, one of the most amazing lightning elzard and said to be almost on par with our current council head"


She was on this pathetic field trip to celebrate Heroes' Week and she was in a bad mood especially since she was separated from her Jisoo-unnie.


"Did you know there was a rumor that the former council head Mason Park and his wife Clare Park have a daughter?"


Chaeyoung rolled her eyes; she was a bit thankful that Jisung made her heritage a secret since her supposed 'parents' were killed when she was a baby. Announcing her real parents might mean a target on her head so up until now, no one except her current family and the council knows her true origin.



"Jennie quick, I just saw them go out"



"It's nighttime...they are definitely doing something during the night and I think you're right unnie" Jennie looked at the older girl's eyes and said firmly



"They're probably hunting"



"Lisa, we're being followed"






Lisa's eyes widened and could feel a splat of dark blob on her cheek; that smile...



"I never knew..." Chaeyoung grinned "It could be this!"

"Good day everyone!"


Bom greeted them energetically then her eyes lit up in amusement seeing Chaeyoung's blank expression and decided to tease the younger girl

"Heard you and dear Jennie here 'broke up' huh Ms. Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung scowled, this has been the nth time that someone asked her relationship status with Jennie "I told you, I don't remember anything!" She said irritatingly. She looked away to avoid more questioning and Bom could only giggle and smile at the usually reserved girl

"I'm glad you're opening up more to people..." Bom switched her gaze to Jisoo who was now calming down the younger girl "Both of you..."

Jennie chuckled and just waved off Bom's questioning look "Enough about that Ms. Bom" Jennie winked, showing everyone she was not that 'heartbroken' "What are we learning today?"

"Oh, today is a challenge, think of it as a pop quiz" Bom grinned "Ms. Yeri, what do you know about the metal element?"

Yeri seems surprised at the sudden question but answered nonetheless "The metal element is a unique secondary element that it is also rumored that it has parts of the earth element. The element has high defense and even high offense but is weak to fire and lava as metal melts if heated past its temperature."

"Can it be used by non-metal elzards?" Bom asked again

Yeri seems to be deep in thought and sighed "Well...yes, but only the most common ones like magnetizing a certain object but even that only has a low radius. It is also possible to create a small weapon like a knife but it will take some hardcore concentration and time"

"And that's what we will be learning today" Bom clapped, her eyes being devious like their certain P.E teacher

"Which is it Ms. Bom?" Lisa asked

Bom smiled and extended her hand; soon, an irritated Chaeyoung magnetized towards her making some of the class laughs at the sheer audacity of their professor in messing with the school's coldest person

"We will be learning the Magnet Spell"

They were all outside, slightly nervous about this particular activity. No one, even the teachers from their high school days, taught a single metal spell as it is one of the hardest elements to manifest for an elzard who has no affinity for it.

Someone raised their hand and Bom motioned him to speak up

"Why are we learning this spell Ms. Bom? Isn't this too hard for us who have no affinity to the metal element?"

Bom smiled "I know that, and it's why we're learning it"

"Because it's hard?"

Bom nodded "Yes; I want you guys to learn it because it will give you the element of surprise...when your opponent is near you but you cannot see them" Bom explained, "Now, the magnet spell focuses on you pulling your opponent towards you." She then gave Chaeyoung a discrete look

"Just like when Chaeyoung here pulled Lisa and Seulgi away from danger using the metal element back in the first match of Thief." Bom said before giving Lisa a metal bracelet "Wear this"

Lisa nodded and put on the bracelet, feeling its cold metal touching her skin. Bom then looked at Chaeyoung and said "Pull Lisa towards you"

Chaeyoung sighed before extending her hand and Lisa felt as if she was metal that was being attracted to a magnet which was Chaeyoung. A soft hand grasped Lisa's wrist and Lisa has to concentrate well when the contact happened


It's not her fault that she and Chaeyoung doesn't initiate some physical contact






Maybe it is her fault but she's done admitting it all over again


"Care to explain what you just did Chaeyoung?" Bom smiled proudly at the girl seeing that she's being more social now unlike in the past few years.

"The metal element is a fleeting element" Chaeyoung closed her eyes "I don't know what it feels like for non-metal elzards, but from what I have read in the books, you have to feel not just the metal element, but the environment around you. Just like when Lisa has the bracelet, it has become easier for me to locate her so I synchronize both my metal element and the bracelet and then used my elzard energy to pull both together. It will become easier as you use it more as metal can be easily attracted."

"Not only that," Bom continued "Chaeyoung here has the lightning element so it has become easier for her to pull Lisa towards her as it creates some kind of magnetic field so Chaeyoung's lightning element helped in the later part of the spell"

Irene raised her hand "Does this mean us lightning elzard will have an easier time?"

Bom smiled "Possibly, you'll never know until you try it yourself" She then looked at Yeri "Any tips in conjuring the metal element, Ms. Yeri?"

Yeri nodded and answered "The metal element is a fleeting kind just like what Chaeyoung said, so you'll have to catch it or you'll never be able to get it. It feels cold but strong; imagining touching a metal wall. Again, for non-metal elzards, this is already a hard enough activity so accomplishing this tells how talented of an elzard you are."

Everyone seems inspired by what Yeri said in the end

"How talented huh" Jennie murmured before smirking in excitement "Finally, some challenge"

"I'll be giving you these metal bracelets for easier usage of the spell. If you finished the spell within the day, I'll give you additional points for the upcoming elzard matches or the assessment test for the elemental class. Not only that, but I can also give you tips while doing the exam which gives you an advantage during it."

Chaeyoung and Yeri smirked in victory before it died down

"Except for Chaeyoung and Yeri, you two can do the spell for formal purposes but all I can give you are additional points. The last part of my deal is for non-metal elzards only." Bom sent them an amused smile "You don't think I'm giving you an advantage, right?" She laughed slightly seeing the irritated look on both metal elzards face

"You two already have the metal element so that would be unfair don't you think?"

"Fine..." Both metal elzards murmured

"I'm putting you all in pairs for easier concentration" Bom announced before looking at the list she made for this day "First pair would be Chaeyoung and Yeri"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes "Of course she would put us together..."


"Jennie and Irene"


"Jisoo and Joy"


"Lisa and Seulgi"


"Wendy and..."


The list continued until everybody are paired. Bom put them at specific locations to make sure that they won't get confused by the others' bracelets. Thankfully, the space is wide enough for everyone to fit in as Bom started flying up to make sure she sees every student.


"You can now start!"

"Let's finish this quick" Chaeyoung said to Yeri who held up a hand to stop Chaeyoung from charging her metal element, a mischievous look on her face "Why don't we make this more challenging don't you think unnie?"


"You are older than me, right?" Yeri cackled "I know your birth year is 1997."

Chaeyoung seems suspicious "Really then? What's my full birthday?"

Yeri just smirked "February 11, 1997"

Chaeyoung took a slight step back when she felt a weird energy brewing around them; Yeri's eyes seems to be shining and glinting with some kind of emotion, like a kid who couldn't wait to play.


" did you know that?" Chaeyoung glared


Yeri shrugged "My mind likes to remember important things"


"Important my birthday?"


Yeri snorted "Don't feel too special unnie," She joked around "I know all of your birthdays."


Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes to the younger girl who just giggled and waved her glare

"Don't be too suspicious, we're friends, aren't we?" Yeri said cheekily "Now, enough talking, and let's start. I'm going to hide, and you have to pull me using your metal element. No lightning"

"Why should I care about your stupid rules?" Chaeyoung crossed her arm "I can use lightning anytime I want"

"Oh, so your metal element is weak then?" Yeri smirked "I've put that rule to see how strong you are unnie, are you really stopping yourself from getting stronger?"


Chaeyoung then suddenly remembered Irene's words


‘’It’s no problem at all, you should just be free.’’ Chaeyoung looked up and blinked seeing Irene’s eyes glowing while her hand is touching Chaeyoung’s shoulder ‘’Be free and don’t hide anymore. Unleash your element Chaeyoung, it’s destructive but powerful.’’


"You know, you're really like Irene. I won't doubt it next time if she says you're really her daughter" Chaeyoung suddenly said making Yeri laugh out loud

"You've gotten to know Irene-unnie? Now, that's surprising" Yeri smirked "Looks like you're getting close to our group don't you think?'

Chaeyoung scoffed "Don't toot your own horn on this Yeri; I'm only talking to you right now because we're partners in this activity. Nothing more, nothing less."

Yeri chuckled and started backing away to start hiding "Well, you should probably get used to it soon unnie. Who knows? Maybe we'll only have each other at the end of all this."

"What does she mean by that?" Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes before shaking her head. She watched Yeri disappear from her vision and started closing her eyes to concentrate and expand her metal energy. She could feel everyone's bracelet but she ignored that and focused on the lone bracelet that is near the forest.

"Predictable, I don't even need my lightning element" She smirked before sprinting "I'll show her that I'm strong"

"How did you do that?" Jennie's eyes widened seeing Irene perfectly hugging her close using the metal element and grasping Jennie's metal bracelet in victory. Bom looked surprised at how easy it seemed to Irene to use the spell before smiling proudly before writing in her notes that Irene will be having that advantage.

"Watching and even training with Yeri helped with that" Irene shrugged "You should probably concentrate more as I feel like I'm going to be here for a long time" She teased

"As if!" Jennie huffed "I'll show you why I'm the strongest elzard around here!"

Irene chuckled "Go for it then," She said and extended her hand showing the metal bracelet

Jennie took a deep breath and started to close her eyes to try and feel that fleeting element called metal. She scrunched her face in concentration before opening her eyes and extending her hand toward Irene's metal bracelet. She felt a brief feeling and Jennie immediately grabbed that with determination.


"I'm doing it!"


Then, that feeling disappeared after a few seconds making Jennie groan.


"This is going to take some time" Jennie muttered, she looked at Irene who was looking at the running Chaeyoung with a blank look on her face




Irene looked back and asked "Yes?"


"Why are you looking at Chaeyoung?" Jennie asked


Irene chuckled "Looks like Yeri wants to play a game with your adopted sister," She said, an amused smile appearing on her face


Jennie sighed "Well, she can't be worse than Joy"


At that, Irene laughed loudly making Jennie look at her questioningly


"Oh Jennie," Irene's eyes swirled in amusement "If only you knew how Yeri is almost the same as Joy when it comes to having a devious mind...sometimes even worse than her."

"Out of all people I could be partnered off, it has to be you"



"You took the words right out of my mouth"



Jisoo and Joy glared at each other ferociously



"You're the reason why Rosie won't be closer to me" Joy growled "Don't think that just because you're my partner here, everything will be okay. Rosie is mine"

Jisoo could feel her temper flaring and just let out a smug smirk to infuriate the taller girl "Yeah, tell yourself that." Jisoo said mockingly " Chaeyoung won't even want to be in your space let alone have a relationship with you"

"Oh, she will" Joy smirked back "It will take some time, I'll make sure of that"

Jisoo frowned, not liking the show of confidence; where does Joy get this confidence at all? How is she so sure that Chaeyoung would be able to give Joy a chance in the romance department?

"Why are you so fixated on Chaeyoung so much?" Jisoo asked "It's just the two of us since the beginning, even when you arrived, we never talked to anyone." She clenched her fists in anger


"Just, why the hell do you have these feelings for her?"


Joy smirked, opening her hand and Jisoo yelped when she was pulled towards Joy who gripped Jisoo's wrist tightly where her metal bracelet is.


"It's none of your business Kim Jisoo" Joy whispered, eyes glinting like a devil "You should stay out of my way and push your crush for Chaeyoung out of your system. Many elzards would love to get your attention"


Jisoo growled and unconsciously activated her light element as Joy hissed in pain when a flick of white energy hit her hand


"No, Joy" Jisoo glared "You stay out of our way. You just annoy Chaeyoung as much as you annoy me right now; you go find other elzards who want to have your crazy head"


Joy growled before a board appeared in front of her. She switched her glare to Bom and if it was even possible, Joy's glare got harsher


"No fighting in my class" Bom raised an eyebrow at Joy who seems to be out of it today but nevertheless.. "Good job Ms. Joy for doing the spell. Now settle down and let Ms. Jisoo here practice the spell or you won't be able to get that advantage"




Joy closed her eyes and took a deep breath and a neutral look appeared on her face


Jisoo and Bom seem to be confused about Joy


"Why did she just suddenly glare at me like that?" Bom thought and decided to ask "Are you okay Ms. Joy?"

Joy shrugged "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about earlier, just got agitated that you paired me up with...her" She said coolly

Bom nodded slowly and said, "Well, you have to work with other people sometimes, even those you do not like."

Joy nodded "I understand."

Jisoo is not buying this, but she'll remain quiet for now. Her eyes observed Joy who just looked bored, extending her metal bracelet to Jisoo

"Well? What are you waiting for princess? Need your prince charming to do the work for you? or should I say princess charming?" Joy taunted


Jisoo growled


On the second thought, she wants this girl out of her sight right now

"I really hate learning new elements, especially this one" Seulgi grumbled

Lisa chuckled "It has been a while since we hang out huh, I would have kept you on your toes" She teased the other girl

Seulgi pouted "Yeah, you're always with your sister doing who knows what"




"No, Chaeyoung"


Lisa waved it off "Well, we have been repairing our bridges you know? I missed so many years with her because of how I misunderstood everything ever since I was a child"

"Really? It's not because she has elements now that you changed your ways?" Seulgi asked

"No!" Lisa looked sharply at her best friend "It's just a coincidence that they decided to show their elements...albeit accidentally or needed most of the time," She said, mind flashing back to Jisoo healing Chaeyoung after Joy's cake fiasco, Chaeyoung accidentally slipping her lighting element, Jisoo using an air attack to save Chaeyoung, and even Chaeyoung using her metal element to save her and Seulgi.

Seulgi hummed "You're right, it has been an eventful beginning of the year. Not to mention we have an upcoming match soon" Seulgi grinned

Lisa grinned back "Yeah, I can't wait what new tactics we're going to have. I'm sure the coach will announce when's the practice later."

"Knowing her, it will probably be today after classes," Seulgi said jokingly and they both laughed; it's been a long time since they have talked like this, especially with the recent happenings in the school and Lisa’s family problem.

"I'm glad we're talking like this again you know?" Seulgi said with a soft smile "I missed you, and you better not hide anything from me, okay? You know I'll always listen to you"

Lisa nodded and bumped her fist with Seulgi's "I know, we're best friends and we can tell each other everything."

"Really? You're not hiding anything from me now, right?" Seulgi tilted her head


Lisa thought about her partnership with Chaeyoung and decided to tell Seulgi, after all, she doesn't want to lose her best friend's trust if she finds out in the future


"Actually...there is one more secret that I want to tell you. Something that even Jennie-unnie and Jisoo-unnie don’t know"


Seulgi seems shocked before fixing her expression to avoid suspicion from others; if Jennie doesn't even know it, it must be something deep


"What is it, Lisa?"


With that, Lisa proceeded to tell Seulgi everything about her and Chaeyoung's partnership...and their goal

"I'm getting close" Chaeyoung murmured, she was in the dense forest trying to find her partner for this activity. She stopped for a moment to close her eyes and pulse her metal energy.

Chaeyoung's eyes opened and they were glowing silver as she smirked; she extended her hand and the victory she felt hearing Yeri yelp and be tugged towards her was really satisfying. A sound of chain made her snap back in attention and Chaeyoung jumped away, barely dodging the attack. Her eyes saw an impressive length of metal and at the end, was Yeri holding the whip-like weapon with a pretty comfortable handle.

"You like it? Not many people know how to use a surujin" Yeri said smugly

Chaeyoung sighed but an excited smile on her face "You are one unique girl Yeri..."


Yeri's eyes slightly widened seeing Chaeyoung form her own surujin


"What...?" Yeri said dumbly; this is the first time she has been caught off guard by this girl and to think she knows how to use one...


Chaeyoung whipped her surujin and it sparked with lightning making Yeri's eyes flash a bit of nervousness upon seeing it


"Let's see whose metal is stronger hm?"


Chaeyoung whipped her surujin towards Yeri who also attacked with her own causing their chains to entangle with one another. Yeri winced feeling electricity flowing in her body and struggled to speak

"I-I said no lightning, why are you breaking the rules?" Yeri stuttered, her arms straining from Chaeyoung's strength so she decided to pour more metal energy into her arm

"I was never a follower of rules anyway," Chaeyoung said coolly before jumping up and yelled

"Metal Blast!"

"You know," Yeri dodged the blast and looked at the area that was hit and saw a large crater "Ms. Bom won't appreciate us doing other things"

"Then let's finish this already" Chaeyoung shouted before concentrating a large amount of metal energy on her arm and pointing it towards Yeri's bracelet. Yeri is suddenly blasted towards Chaeyoung but she put her foot on the ground hard as Chaeyoung saw a shimmer of silver on that said foot. Then she felt a pull on her bracelet and saw Yeri also using the Magnet spell

"At this rate" Chaeyoung grunted in pain feeling the metal bracelet on her wrist being harshly tugged "We might accidentally cut off our wrist"

Yeri laughed "You're really funny unnie, why did I just get to know you recently?" She said deviously "Oh yeah, you were too busy hiding your element and pushing off everyone in the school except Jisoo"

Chaeyoung frowned, her gaze hardening "Mind your own business, and by the way?" With a loud shout, Chaeyoung closed her fist and pulled strongly as Yeri sailed towards her and Chaeyoung quickly managed to grab Yeri's bracelet and softened her impact.


"I win."


With that, the surujin on Chaeyoung's hand disappeared, and said girl decided to walk away back to the field where the others are




Chaeyoung stopped and glanced back at the girl


" careful"


Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes, her guard rising


"Careful of what?"


Yeri started walking away and shrugged


"Being an elzard warrior in the future is no easy task; other than strength, you also need to have your mental ability up to par." Yeri said "Go and do your thing unnie" She winked before getting ahead of Chaeyoung


Chaeyoung looked deep in thought and muttered in disdain


"I'm always on guard...since years ago"

"Good job everyone!" Bom said happily, looking at the faces of exhausted elzards. "Only a few select can get the additional points and the advantage in the assessment in the future."

She looked at her list and announced


"Bae Irene, Park Joy, Kim Jisoo, Kang Seulgi, and..." Bom smiled in one direction, impressed at the last person


"Kim Jennie."


Jennie beamed in pride, her face full of sweat but she managed to use the Magnet spell in the nick of time; literally, a minute before time for the class runs out.

Irene chuckled and patted Jennie's shoulder "You learned the spell in a nick of time; you truly are an amazing elzard, Jennie."

"Thanks, unnie, but you should expect me to ace this you know?" Jennie smirked through the hard work she put into the activity is truly astounding seeing her state.

Lisa sighed and could only sit on the grass tiredly; she did truly do her best at the activity but it was just too hard for her

"I should ask Chaeyoung for some help" Lisa muttered and glanced at the other girl who was crossing her arms, waiting for class to end, not an ounce of tiredness on her face.

"Even Seulgi did it...and she's a grass/air elzard!" Lisa said in frustration but a tingle of excitement coursing inside her at this new challenge...


And a possible way to bond with her adopted sister


"That's all for now, on our next meeting we will continue this training except for those who passed." Bom nodded at the class and smiled before a vortex of flames started to consume her


"I'll see you all next class!"


That were Bom's last words before disappearing in flames, other students looking at the exit in awe while the fire elzards like Jennie have excitement on their faces.

"You think I can do that?" Jennie said out of nowhere

"Of course, you can" Chaeyoung's voice entered Jennie's ears and the cat-eyed girl turned to Chaeyoung "If I can do it, so can you" Chaeyoung smirked before walking towards Jisoo's direction who was chuckling at her little sister's dumbfounded face.


It took a few seconds for Jennie to boot what Chaeyoung just said...and yelled



"I should have not told her..." Chaeyoung grumbled ignoring a poking on her cheek

"Come on Rosieee~" Jennie pouted and Chaeyoung has to use her willpower to just look on ahead, watching Sandara ready a new weapon for them to learn. Jennie was too busy asking (annoying) Chaeyoung about the flashy teleportation technique.

"What did you do this time?" Jisoo raised an eyebrow at the pair, her eyes for once being amused instead of irritated because it's been a while since she has seen Jennie's childish side

Chaeyoung scowled "How is it my fault?!"

"You told her about the teleportation, didn't you?" Jisoo smirked seeing Chaeyoung sigh in regret and Jennie immediately looking at her sister with an open mouth.

"You know it too?" Jennie asked, and if it was possible, it was like she was preventing stars from coming out of her eyes

"Maybe?" Jisoo chuckled "Try reading in the library, maybe you'll find something"

"Why not teach me instead of making me read..." Jennie sulked and just looked away

Jisoo almost wants to give in but thankfully, Sandara began speaking

"Good news! We're learning a new weapon" She said in her usual cheerful self

"Oh, I am so going to hate this" Lisa sighed making Chaeyoung look at her

"Why so? You have decent accuracy when using the dagger...what's the difference with this?" Chaeyoung said "It's just the same but're holding two of them now"

"That's the thing..." Lisa muttered

Chaeyoung seems suspicious and Sandara continued speaking


Jennie felt her instincts kicking in and barely caught the arrow that Sandara suddenly launched at her, heart picking up in the excitement and slight adrenaline

"Good catch Jennie" Sandara smiled and winked at her

"Today...we'll be learning the bow and arrow"

"Finally, a weapon where I can ace it" Jennie grinned to herself, strapping her bow at her back while listening to Sandara

"So, for today we'll only be shooting at these straw dummies" Sandara showed them a long line of straw dummies "One straw dummy per student, I'll be grading this activity for 1 point per center"


The class waited for some bizarre gaming and Sandara sweat-dropped


"Well...get to work then!"


The students looked at each other, unsure if that's all this day had to offer by the weapon-training professor


"Yah! What is wrong with you all" Sandara pouted


"Well, I guess we just got used to your bizarre training methods" Yeri shrugged before picking a straw dummy and started shooting her arrows


"Yeah, who would have thought that this would actually be a normal day" Seulgi mused and took the spot next to Yeri followed by Wendy, Irene, and Joy.


Chaeyoung took the farther straw and was about to shoot before pausing


"What are the maximum points to finish this activity?" Chaeyoung asked Sandara and all heads turned toward the Thief coach


"Maybe this is where something strange will happen in the activity"


Sandara nodded and said, "The maximum would be 22 points."



Everyone gasped inwardly



This is a normal activity!



"Why 22?" Jisoo asked



Sandara shrugged "I just like the number"



Never mind, there is nothing normal to this professor at all

Chaeyoung watched Jennie perfectly finish this assessment without any kind of misses which made the class stared in awe at her. Her eyes looked at the determined and serene face of Jisoo's sister and couldn't help but admire the way she shot those arrows with such confidence. She vaguely remembers Jennie doing something like this but with a gun to get the elemental beast she has right now.

Speaking of the elemental beast, Kuma suddenly appeared out of nowhere making the girls in the class coo at his cuteness and the boys stare in amazement at seeing another elemental beast.

"Kuma!" Jennie greeted in surprise before smiling and patting him "Why did you suddenly appear? Is there something wrong?"

Kuma shook his head and yawned, jumping towards Jennie's arms and curling

"Oh, you knew I would ace this activity and needed some cuddling huh" Jennie grinned and tickled her dog

Kuma huffed and just closed his eyes, napping his life away

"I swear..." Jennie shook her head in amusement, Kuma may not look like much, but he's a strong elemental beast. The dog is really proud of having Jennie as his owner and he would flaunt it to other people hence why he suddenly appeared after acing the activity.

"Proud beast she has there" Lisa muttered, eyes looking at her straw dummy and sweat-dropping seeing so many missed shots and one almost hit the center.

"What happened to your aim?" Jisoo snickered; her own training dummy has its fair share of centers while some are just hitting the other parts.


"Shut up please"


"Rude" Jisoo teased and then looked at Chaeyoung to her right seeing that she was also done with the activity.

"What are you going to do next?" Jisoo asked

Chaeyoung shrugged "Probably rest, Sandara said that we have Thief's training later for a match tomorrow."


"Ah! So, you're leaning on the bow and arrow for today huh"


Everyone looked at the loud voice and sputtered seeing Kim Hyuna beside Sandara


"How's it going, Dara?" Hyuna looked at her friend who pouted at her and spoke

"Just these students being mean"

Hyuna looked at Jennie for confirmation

"She's made today's activity normal"

Hyuna nodded in understanding "Well, you better prepare for the next activity then" She chuckled knowing Sandara's mind


"If her activity is normal, expect the next one would be grueling"


Everyone gulped seeing Sandara sulking even more and focused on finishing this activity earlier.


Hyuna walked toward her daughters and winked "Tomorrow after school, let's take a trip to train your bow and arrow"

Chaeyoung's ears perk up, she knew Hyuna's main weapon is the bow and arrow and she won't let this opportunity to get stronger slip by

"Where are we going?" Lisa asked, "Is it somewhere like dad took us during daggers training?"

Hyuna chuckled "Maybe?" She patted her daughters' heads one by one, eyes sparkling in excitement


"I'll see you all tomorrow"


With that, Hyuna said bye to the students and Sandara before continuing her patrol around the vicinity.

"That woman" Sandara rolled her eyes, how dare she spoil her students.

"Another family outing huh" Jennie grinned "At least this time I know I won't be dead-last"

"That is so going to be me" Lisa sulked

Jisoo finished her activity and sighed, walking towards Chaeyoung and lying beside her on the grassy field

"Hanging out with them again huh," Jisoo said absent-mindedly

"Training with them" Chaeyoung corrected her "There's a difference"

Jisoo looked at her "So, you mean to tell me you accepted it to get stronger?"

Chaeyoung nodded "I may not like them, but I won't deny how strong they are." Her eyes looked sideways to stare at Jisoo "You know my goal is to be an elzard warrior, someone who is strong to protect the innocent and abused victims."

Chaeyoung's eyes darkened as Jisoo looked at her with sympathy

"I don't want anyone to experience what I...we've gone through. And if they did, I'll be there to save them"

"Gather up team!"


Everyone from the Thief's club gather around Sandara who was looking at her board

"So, our opponent tomorrow would be iKon; now this is a newer team from a new school so there may be some with not much experience in tournaments." Sandara continued talking, basically pointing out that the advantage of their team is the experienced players like Lisa, Seulgi, Suzy, and Hyeri.

Chaeyoung straightened up when Sandara looked at her "Your metal element might be known by other schools but it's most likely it will be just rumors. If it is, I want you to not show that element to this match. But when they do know, then don't hold back"

Chaeyoung nodded and soon, they are now doing drill again for the match and this time, she was matched up against Seulgi. Lisa is once again dodging attacks while not moving in one spot to strengthen her earth element with Suzy and Hyeri really going at it to her. Lisa groaned when an ice attack froze her water and hit her face.


Her coach really loves her


"I heard from Yeri you defeated her using her own main weapon," Seulgi said as she started floating, watching Chaeyoung move like a not-so-innocent bear.

"Maybe, she might be holding back," Chaeyoung said nonchalantly, hands charging with electricity before firing it at Seulgi who easily dodged it gracefully before quickly shooting up when Chaeyoung is suddenly in front of her with iron fists. Seulgi bit her lip when the metal hand managed to graze her ankle. The bear-like girl controlled the leaves around Chaeyoung's feet and made them explode into a leaf tornado.

Chaeyoung is trapped, she knows that herself so she let out a 'tsk' sound before letting out a small competitive smile. When the leave started cutting her, Chaeyoung let out a burst of electricity making the leaves burn and fell into blackened charcoal but there was still some surrounding her.

Seulgi chuckled knowing it won't take long until Chaeyoung escaped so she made her move now. She extended her hand and let the wind pick up Chaeyoung who seems surprised for suddenly getting off the ground. Her eyes glowed green and soon, each leaf have sharpened to become blades and pointed to the struggling girl.


Chaeyoung looked around and pursued her lips, closing her eyes as she started to concentrate a lot of lightning energy...


Using the sky above


The sky started turning dark and everyone flinched at how loud the thunder is rumbling, wide eyes looking at Chaeyoung as if she was going to destroy the whole stadium.


Seulgi looked on in awe at the sky before looking back at Chaeyoung who was now glowing dark violet while not even struggling in the air. Without wasting time, she manipulated the leaf blades towards her and furrowed her eyebrows when the leaves started burning upon contact. Growing an even greener eyes, the leaf blades grew even larger and sharper.


Chaeyoung flinched, cuts appearing all over her body despite the lightning crackling around her "She seems to be making my focus disintegrate..."


It was not a bad plan for the experienced Thief player, but for Chaeyoung who has been handling assassins and hidden attackers when she was just turning teenager?


Chaeyoung has more focus than this


Lighting suddenly came down from the sky and almost struck Seulgi who shouted in pain when the lighting grazed her skin. The sudden pain made Seulgi lose her focus and Chaeyoung is now back on the ground ( comment), who seems to have the element of surprise as she bends her knees and launched herself toward Seulgi. Seulgi is unable to react quickly and can only cross her arms in defense.


Chaeyoung's eyes widened slightly when Seulgi managed to take a hit from her iron fist; yes, she flinched in pain but she stood strong


"This girl...she must have trained to such an extent, but why?"


A blade of grass appeared on Seulgi's arms and with a shout, she pushed Chaeyoung back to the ground with such force that Chaeyoung coughed out a bit of blood and created a dent on the ground. The others are looking at the pair, especially Seulgi, with wide eyes as they have never seen the sweet bear-like girl use this much power.


Chaeyoung's breathing stopped when she felt the force of the air weighing her down "What the hell?" She murmured, the sudden rush of power Chaeyoug felt earlier from Seulgi was boggling.


Seulgi chuckled as she went down and placed a single arm (which was still encased with a leaf blade) on Chaeyoung's neck


"Looks like this is where it ends Chaeyoung"


Chaeyoung sighed before chuckling back making Seulgi confused at her reaction


"Yeah...I think this" Chaeyoung's whole form started glowing silver, almost blinding Seulgi with how bright it was. Chaeyoung clenched her fists and slammed them down hard on the ground.


Eyes glowing silver, Chaeyoung continued "is where it ends"


The moment Chaeyoung said that, some kind of pillar that is made out of metal burst from the ground and slammed into Seulgi's head. Chaeyoung quickly stood up, eyes glowing silver, and whispered




Seulgi grabbed her head in pain from the force of Chaeyoung's attack and when she opened her eyes, she was in some kind of...metal force field with blades pointing right at her. Seulgi stood up and froze in one spot, because the moment she moved, the blades seem to be getting closer as one managed to barely touch her back.


"A trap kind of attack...I wasn't expecting that from Chaeyoung"


Usually, Chaeyoung goes for hard and powerful moves, intending to finish off opponents in a swift manner; she's not the type to create traps from what Seulgi observed


Seems like she was wrong


"How cunning" Seulgi chuckled before raising her hands carefully in surrender


"I surrender"


Chaeyoung let out a breath of relief, the silver aura she's having slowly disappearing along with Seulgi's metal trap.

"That was a good match," Chaeyoung said before looking at her minor injuries "I'm assuming you know how to heal yourself?"

Seulgi gave her a warm smile "Yeah, no need to worry about me." Seulgi's whole form started glowing green as she continued talking to Chaeyoung "So, you are more powerful than what others said."

Chaeyoung smirked "I am, though you almost got me earlier, to be honest. I wasn't expecting someone to take a hit from my iron fist" She narrowed her eyes a bit and said in a serious tone "Why are you training yourself to that extent though?"

Seulgi raised an eyebrow and said teasingly "Don't tell me you're worried about me?"

Chaeyoung blushed a bit "It''s not that" Chaeyoung closed her eyes, her mind flashing back to all the hardships in her life, and wondered if Seulgi has been experiencing the same as hers.


"Then what is it?"


Chaeyoung opened her eyes and saw how Seulgi looks to be so...calm, too calm that Chaeyoung is weirded out about it


"It''s nothing"


Chaeyoung shook her head "You're a strong girl Seulgi, don't forget that. A friend of Lisa is a friend of mine, I'm just looking out for..." Her eyes widened, why the hell was she saying this to Seulgi? She knew that she has a soft spot for this girl since Seulgi had never teased or harassed her and Jisoo in any way and that Seulgi has such a gentle and warm nature that even Chaeyoung herself is comfortable around her.


"Awww you're too sweet Chaeyoung" Seulgi laughed light-heartedly, patting Chaeyoung on the shoulder "Don't worry, you can also count on me for help." She started walking away before looking back at Chaeyoung as she stated


"After all, maybe we'll be the ones helping each other in the end"


Chaeyoung watched Seulgi walk up to Sandara who gave her a proud and wondering smile. Seulgi pouted like a child when Sandara suddenly started fussing with her like a mother to a child.


"Strange..." Chaeyoung tilted her head "She almost said the same thing as Yeri..."


Chaeyoung remembered what Bom said to her back then and whispered to herself, feeling slightly warm at the realization


"Is this what Bom-unnie said about...having friends?"

Hello! I missed updating this story huhuhuhu to make up for the long wait, here's a long chapter! Thank you all for patiently waiting and I'm currently just writing all of my stories bit-by-bit. It feels good that I finally finished a chapter here for The Elzard; we still have a long ride to go for this story but at least we're getting some progress. Stay safe everyone and have a nice day/night!


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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔