How To Undo A Love Potion Pt. 1

The Elzard

“Wendy…when I said you could come over, I didn’t mean you bring your friends”


Chaeyoung spoke with her eyes twitching in annoyance and a clinging Joy to her arm


“I’m sorry Chaeyoung but…”


Jisoo shot Joy an annoyed look before sighing and letting them in


“Come on in then”


“What is she doing here?” Jennie scowled at the still clinging Joy while Lisa crossed her arms in distaste


“We were supposed to train Chae.”


“I know, I know”


“But you have visitors” They all looked and saw Hyuna and Jisung, not noticing Irene and the others stiffening at the sight of the two of them.


‘Wow…so this is the aura of the council heads’ Yeri thought while Seulgi fidgeted a bit


“You should all just take the day off and enjoy the day together!” Hyuna smiled at them warmly


“I’m kind of here to train my light element with Jisoo” Wendy said sheepishly


“Oh? So, you’re the other light elzard these two are close with…”


“You two go on with that then, just don’t overwhelm yourselves too much.” Hyuna grinned at them

“Perhaps a mock battle will help you guys since I know some people here just wants to train” Jisung gave a teasing smirk to Chaeyoung who huffed rather cutely at him.


“So, what does this do Irene-unnie?”


“That’s a Truth Potion” Irene and Yeri spoke together making Joy roll her eyes at them


“What does it do then?” Jennie asked


Irene shrugged “Basically to force someone to tell the truth.”


“Don’t be like that; it’s actually rather useful for interrogation, though the enemy can use it as well so it’s better to be really careful in espionage or even elzard warriors.”


“What is your goal right now?”


“I…” Chaeyoung’s eyes softened looking at a frame with the whole family in it


“What are we going to do?” A shadowed figure watched as the four daughters of the council head enter the house after bidding farewell to their friends


“There’s no time, it’s obvious that she’s slowly letting go of her hate. We need to put the seal as soon as possible”


“As soon as possible…like when?”


Another figure tapped impatiently as she continued speaking “We’ve been waiting around the bush for far too long, just how much longer?”



Days have passed since Chaeyoung accidentally drank Jennie’s love potion and things were actually going great!


For them at least


Jennie’s eyes fluttered open, eyes instantly meeting Chaeyoung’s closed eyelids. A smile immediately appeared on her face as Jennie slowly traced a finger on Chaeyoung’s face, outlining them like a soft feather touching a skin.

“I would never get tired waking up with you beside me…” Jennie whispered and snuggled closed to Chaeyoung. Breathing in her scent, Jennie felt arms slowly wrap around her and pull her closer.

“Good morning wifey”

Jennie heard Chaeyoung greet her groggily. She puts a small distance between them and was met by Chaeyoung’s gentle but sleepy face.

“Hey you” Jennie giggled and pinched Chaeyoung’s cheek. Chaeyoung giggled and pecked Jennie at her lips

A small rush of guilt entered Jennie’s system when Chaeyoung did that, well actually…

That small guilt is always there inside of her, that small part of her saying that this is wrong and that she should find a way to break Chaeyoung out of this spell.

“I mean…it’s not like I was the one who made her drink it. It was an accident!”

It might be because she missed having Chaeyoung this close again. It reminded her of the childhood where everything was normal (minus the kissing obviously) and sometime, she wondered where it all go wrong.


That snapped Jennie out of her thoughts and looked thoughtfully at Chaeyoung

“Yes hubby?”

Chaeyoung let out a small silly smile hearing the nickname but it didn’t stop her from asking “Is there something wrong?”

“There’s nothing wrong”

Chaeyoung looked worried “This isn’t about Lisa and Jisoo avoiding us like plague?” She asked “I mean…they’ve been stuck in the library for so many days and goes to who knows where”


Jennie’s eyes darkened again


Now she remembered where it all go wrong


It was because of her sister


“This is the view that my sister sees every day for the past decade…” Jennie held on to Chaeyoung tighter and cupped Chaeyoung’s cheek


“…Should I be selfish just this once?”




Jennie shivered at how Chaeyoung whispered her name to her lips so huskily


“…I should even if”


Jennie closed her eyes and pushed her lips towards Chaeyoung’s waiting ones


“Even if it’s timed…”

Lisa slammed the book shut and groaned for the umpteenth time “Jisoo-unnie…” She sighed and looked at the older girl who was re-reading all the books they collected in the family library regarding love potion but so far, they got nothing.

Though they did get the information wherein that love potion does depend on the feelings of the creator…

Jisoo grunted in response and it was the last straw for Lisa as she stood up and closed the book Jisoo is reading


Lisa grabbed the book and stared intently at Jisoo “This is not helping us unnie, it’s been almost a week since Chaeyoung is like this! It’s obvious the love potion is not wavering anytime soon. Reading in the library for days is definitely not helping us!”

Jisoo snorted, bags a bit evident under her eyes “Well, do you have any brighter ideas then?”

Lisa closed her eyes to think and whispered “Will…the potion you used back in your potion-making contest work?”

Jisoo suddenly stood up, eyes lighting up at the idea “The Dispelled Potion…I know that potion will dispel any spells out there depending on who is stronger.”

“Who…is stronger?” Lisa asked

Jisoo nodded “For example, if the potion is made by an amateur, it won’t be enough to dispel a stronger technique. However, if the potion is stronger than the said technique…”


“Then the spell would work” Lisa is now slowly grinning “How strong is your potion unnie?”


“It depends on how much elzard energy I will put in the potion...”


“Will it work on the love potion then?”


“I-I’m not sure…since the love potion is well…also a potion. It’s not a spell” Jisoo massaged her head “But…it’s worth to try.”


Lisa stood up with a determined look


“Let’s do this”

Chaeyoung casually walked towards school while holding Jennie’s hand; the whole school seems to be used to it now since it’s been going on for days now though it is still the talk of the school.

They are now heading towards the cafeteria to get some food and eat outside. It’s been their hobby for a while since Chaeyoung tends to get irritated for having every eye of the school towards them. Jennie doesn’t mind at all and happily went along with it.

“What will you be having today babe?” Chaeyoung asked Jennie as if they do this for years. It doesn’t stop Jennie from feeling all the butterflies in her stomach and sometimes she wondered if she will ever get over this phase.

“Well…I do love this irresistible girl”

Jennie smiled fondly and said “I’ll have Kimchi Fried Rice”

Chaeyoung grinned “Cool, I was supposed to get that too” She chuckled and then winked at Jennie “Though I like yours better”

Jennie giggled “It has been a while since I cooked for you huh”

Chaeyoung’s eyes sparkled and was about to respond but a voice stopped them

“Hey Chaeyoung!”

Chaeyoung turned and nodded in acknowledgement “Hyeri…” She greeted before connecting her eyes to the girl’s best friend

“And Suzy, what’s up?”

Suzy clenched her jaw seeing the intertwined hands of Chaennie but said “Oh nothing…just thought we said hi.”

Chaeyoung looked a bit weirded out and said slowly “Oh…hello then?”

Jennie smirked at Suzy’s uncomfortable look and stole a kiss to Chaeyoung’s cheek “Go on Rosie, I’ll wait for you here”

Chaeyoung let out a small blush and coughed out “Of course wifey, I’ll be right back” She waved at Hyeri and Suzy before getting some food.

“So…you and Chaeyoung huh” Hyeri said and cocked her head to the side “I never knew you were into her Kim; isn’t that I don’t know…illegal?”

Jennie snorted “If you must know, we’re not really blood related” She shrugged “She even kept her real name so basically, it’s like we’re just living together in one house.”

Hyeri raised her eyebrow in interest "You used to bully her and Jisoo, what changes?" She smirked 

Jennie gritted her teeth and a flash of regret appeared in her eyes "That's none of your business"

Suzy exhaled “ But to really use a love potion?” Suzy smirked in revenge “Man Jennie, I never knew you were that desperate. I much expected Jisoo to have a genuine relationship to Chaeyoung but you?”

Jennie frowned and walked closer to Suzy, eyes burning fire “What are you saying Bae?” She said lowly

Suzy retaliated with her own fire “I’m saying you’re being desperate to have Chaeyoung all for yourself. I don’t think Chaeyoung deserve someone like you who uses cheap tricks to get what she wants”

A small pang of guilt entered Jennie once again before the anger took over “It was an accident” Jennie snarled

Suzy kept her smirk “And yet you’re not doing anything to undo it” she said smugly, not noticing a small crowd forming around them

Jennie clenched her burning fist and grabbed Suzy’s collar fiercely “It’s not my fault that there’s nothing to undo the spell but time itself”

Suzy flinched at the superior fire that Jennie has in which the cat eyed girl started glowing brown red indicating her lava element emerging as Jennie continued speaking

“So, stop being a jealous little girl and just stay on the side”

Hyeri could only watched with a dropped jaw and grabbed Suzy, pulling her away from Jennie “That’s enough.”

Jennie huffed “That’s what she gets from messing with me and my girl”

“She isn’t yours!” Suzy yelled angrily

“What is going on here?!”

Chaeyoung returned with foods while glaring suspiciously at the small crowd

“And what the hell are you all doing here staring at my girl?!”

Chaeyoung started letting out sparks and soon the small crowd dispersed, murmuring a possible gossip for the whole academy.

Suzy pointed accusingly at Jennie “She hurt me!”

Jennie snorted “I’ve barely hurt you, don’t tell me you got hurt from all of that despite being a fire and water elzard?”

Hyeri sighed and put down Suzy’s finger “Calm down Suzy, you’re letting her get to you.”

Chaeyoung looked weirdly at the two and can sense the tension “That’s enough whatever the two of you did.” Chaeyoung kissed Jennie’s forehead and whispered “tell me about it later. Let’s eat”

Jennie visibly calmed down at the action and sighed “Yeah…” Jennie looked away and started walking towards outside.

Chaeyoung looked concerned and looked back at Hyeri and Suzy, with Suzy looking away with clenched fists. She frowned a bit before leaving them and following Jennie.

“Whatever you said to her clearly affected Jennie.”

The two girls turned and saw Joy walking up to them followed by Yeri

“What do you mean?” Hyeri asked

Yeri hummed “That’s the first since the love potion happened that Jennie looked a bit guilty.” She said. Joy chuckled and spoke “I was supposed to talk to them but you two beat us” Joy smirked, specifically at Suzy

“I applaud you for that but just to let you know...”

Joy started walking forward until she’s side-to-side to Suzy and whispered with an unknown tone that made Suzy suddenly shiver at the sudden cold feeling that went past her

“Rosie is mine”

“What the hell are you two doing here?”

Jennie glared when she saw Jisoo and Lisa at her and Chaeyoung’s usual spot.

“Oh, you know” Lisa gave a toothy grin “Just wanted to hang out with you guys since we have been too busy lately”

Chaeyoung tilted her head “Busy with what?”

Jisoo felt her heart clench seeing Chaeyoung being so close with her sister “Oh you know just…” It took all of her willpower not to grit her teeth when Chaeyoung fixed Jennie’s hair since it’s been a bit messed up.

“Reading something…”

Jisoo finally looked away when Chaeyoung gave a small nod of acknowledgement and then proceeded to give Jennie a soft fond smile

“So…this must be what Jennie felt when Chaeyoung and I…”

Jisoo snapped out of her thoughts when Lisa nudged at her, head tilting towards Chaeyoung. Jisoo nodded and was about to carry on the plan but was stopped by Chaeyoung’s interruption

“What was up with you and Suzy earlier?” Chaeyoung finally asked as they began to eat and made the other two look at Jennie questioningly.

Jennie scoffed “Nothing much, just said some meaningless words that irritated me”

Chaeyoung chuckled and pinched Jennie’s mandu cheeks


Chaeyoung finally laughed when Jennie yelled “You’re too hot-headed, are all fire elzards like that?” She teased

Jennie let out a small blush “I-it doesn’t work like that!”

“Actually, it does have a bit of an affect” Jisoo piped in making Jennie glare at her

“Shut it.”

Lisa could feel her patience running thin and plastered on a fake smile, quickly taking a bottle of liquid behind Jisoo’s back

“Chae! You must be thirsty so I can share you my special drink”

Jennie raised an eyebrow in suspicion “Special drink? Lisa never makes anything related to food…”

“Special?” Chaeyoung asked and managed to catch the bottle when Lisa basically shoved it to her with a weird smile.

“Yeah special” Lisa grinned “Apparently it can boost the usage of elzard energy so it helps me in my training” Lisa lied

Jisoo didn’t know whether to laugh or smack Lisa at the obvious lie judging from her sister’s further suspicion on her eyes.

Chaeyoung looked at it and shrugged, she was getting thirsty anyway. She opened the cap and her nose immediately crinkled at the smell

“Uh…what flavor is this Lis?”

Lisa started panicking but thankfully Jisoo answered for her this time

“It has some potion ingredients in it but I’m sure it tastes like any drinking water out there. After all, it boosts the usage of elzard energy” Jisoo smoothly lied

“Think of it as an energy drink!” Lisa added

Jennie got an inkling feeling it’s not just an energy drink from the way how impatient Lisa is looking right now and from how anxious Jisoo’s face is.


“Why do they look like that? And also…they suddenly wanted to hang out with us when they’ve been avoiding us for days.”


 Jennie’s mind suddenly started clicking


“Wait…Jisoo is good at potions. Don’t tell me they spent days at the library researching about the love potion and finding ways to undo it?”


Jennie watched Chaeyoung lifting the bottle to her lips and her eyes suddenly widen


“Wait Rosie!”


She was too late


The three girls watched with Jennie being horrified as Chaeyoung drank the liquid with a scrunched-up face. Jennie’s heart skipped a beat when Chaeyoung let go of the bottle and spilling its content while Lisoo suddenly stood up in anticipation

“Did it work?” Lisa whispered

Chaeyoung grabbed and could feel her head getting woozy “…” She whispered and suddenly ran away farther from them




The three girls ran after Chaeyoung who proceeded to enter the bathroom near them. They entered the bathroom and started hearing Chaeyoung puke inside a stall.

“What was that?” Jennie suddenly glared angrily at the two but Lisa glared back and answered

 “It was a Dispelled Potion Jen”

Jennie pursued her lips “Dispelled Potion…where have I heard that before?”

“It’s a potion that dispels any spell” Jisoo answered

Jennie’s eyes widen “So…it is to undo this love potion” She whispered, her gut instinct was right after all and soon fear is starting to crept into her body.

“What have you done?!” Jennie shouted “Didn’t you even thought about the side effects if we didn’t let the love potion be?!”

Jisoo snorted “Oh yes let’s wait for the love potion to pass by and Chaeyoung will be back to normal before we know it yay” Jisoo said with sarcasm before pointing an accusing finger to her sister

“We all know that it will take years before that happened” Jisoo sneered “And I’m not going to let my Chaeyoung go through this”

“We were doing fine Jisoo” Jennie said heatedly “And it’s not my ing fault that she drank my potion! It was her best friend that did it” Jennie pointed to Lisa

Lisa crossed her arms and has the same sneer as Jisoo’s “I’ll admit that I have been ignoring Seulgi for a while but again, you still have a part on this Jen.”


Jennie let out a sound of frustration “How the is it then!?”


“You’re not doing anything to undo the ing potion!”  Jisoo suddenly yelled


All was quiet, and even Chaeyoung stopped puking.


Jennie has no comeback for that and looked away, clenching her fists


The stall finally opened and out came Chaeyoung who was grabbing her head in pain




Chaeyoung looked at Jennie as the three girls watched in anticipation to see if the Dispelled Potion worked.


Jennie felt her heart fall for a bit hearing the name instead of the endearment while Lisoo’s eyes looked hopeful


Chaeyoung collapsed herself on Jennie and whined a bit that made Jennie’s heart flutter hearing it


“My head hurts so much wifey…”


Lisoo’s hopeful eyes were quickly dashed away as they sighed in defeat while Jennie remained quiet


Jennie’s hand started making its way to Chaeyoung’s hair and caressed it gently as Chaeyoung sighed in contentment and snuggled closer to Jennie


Jisoo and Lisa cannot take this anymore and started walking away, but not before Lisa leaving a bitter remark


“I never thought you’ll be this selfish Jen…”


Jennie closed her eyes and let them leave, she never noticed the hurtful tear sliding down her cheek until Chaeyoung spoke


“What’s wrong wifey?”


Jennie looked at Chaeyoung who was staring at her worriedly and just hugged the younger girl tightly. The warmth of her Rosie immediately relaxing the storm inside of her


“Nothing…nothing at all”

The two couple is now walking home with Jennie being unusually quiet making Chaeyoung look at her thoughtfully

“Okay, that’s it.”

Jennie looked up; a bit confused at the sudden proclamation. They were now in their house with the sun setting signaling it’s about to become night time.

“You’ve been acting strange since I puked earlier, what the hell happened?” Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed Jennie’s shoulders firmly

“Talk to me wifey…”

Jennie opened but only a whisper came out “Do…do you really love me, Rosie? Like my feelings are reciprocated?”

This question caused Chaeyoung to be more confused “Yah, are you really doubting my feelings for you?” Hurt can be heard from Chaeyoung’s tone that made Jennie almost believe it if it wasn’t for the fact that Chaeyoung did indeed drank her love potion.

Jennie shook her head and gave a small smile “No, it’s nothing. We should head inside, and maybe train for a while.”

Chaeyoung watched Jennie shrugged her shoulders so that Chaeyoung could let go of her now and walk inside the house. Chaeyoung could feel her heart beating erratically seeing how beautiful Jennie’s silhouette is under the sunset but her mind is throbbing making her hold it for a bit.

She shook her head and ran after Jennie, grabbing her hand and turning her wifey to her. Jennie’s eyes widened when a pair of lips connected with hers but soon melted on how sweet and soft the kiss is and returned it with passion.

They stayed like that for a while before Chaeyoung finally released the kiss with reddened cheeks as she mumbled some words.

Jennie was in a daze before her ears caught some words from Chaeyoung “Hm? What is it hubby?”

Chaeyoung’s blush intensified at the nickname and whispered “Let’s go on a date…tomorrow. Since we don’t have any school and it’s basically a free day, right? So, I was thinking we could use it to hang out and let’s not train for today so that we’re fully energized tomorrow! Let’s go to a carnival near the park and have some rides?”

Jennie giggled making Chaeyoung stop rambling. She wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung’s neck and whispered at her lips

“Shut up and just kiss me you dork”

Chaeyoung’s radiant smile was all it took for Jennie to fall in love all over again as she was once again caught in another sweet kiss.

How could she ever let this go when it’s all she ever wanted since they were kids?

“What are we doing here again Lisa?”

Jisoo whispered, eyeing the man at the desk with a skeptical look

Lisa sighed “Look, I know it’s uncomfortable that he’s a dark elzard but he is our potion professor so maybe he has an idea on how to undo this all.”


Jisoo hugged herself tightly making Lisa look at her in confusion and slight concern

“We’re running out of options unnie…” Lisa spoke but looking at the way Jisoo hug herself, she feels like there’s more reason that Jisoo doesn’t to talk to him aside from being a dark elzard.

“If you want, I could talk to him alone” Lisa said softly. She watches Jisoo contemplate it before shaking her head and spoke

“No, I also need to say some more inputs since I’m still knowledgeable about potions more than you do.” Jisoo stared ahead and as if he could hear them, he looks at their direction and waved

“Then, let’s talk to Professor Seungri” Lisa said as they walk towards their potion professor

Seungri hid a smirk and chuckled “I knew they would come for me sooner or later” He puts on his friendly smile and asked

“What can I do for you?”

Lisa started to initiate “We would like to know how to undo a love potion”

Seungri sat back on his chair, folding his hands and looking a bit amused “Is this about Ms. Chaeyoung? It’s been days, maybe even a week since then. Is it still not wearing off?”

They shook her head in negative

“No, in fact they’re going stronger than ever” Lisa looked uncomfortable remembering their moments before looking at Seungri with determination

“We need a cure”

Seungri chuckled “The love potion is an easy to make but complicated to undo kind of potion. So far, fact states that it will wear off on its own, as it depends on the feelings of the creator” His eyes twinkled in mischievousness as he looked at Jisoo

“Don’t tell me your sweet little sister has feelings to her own adopted sister?” He laughed “I do wonder why the two of you are the most affected…could it be you also have little feelings to her as well?” Seungri said mockingly as his eyes observed in wonderment watching how Jisoo’s aura changed

“Isn’t it I don’t know, awkward? You shouldn’t even be having feelings to each other as sweet little sisters. From my point of view, I think Ms. Chaeyoung wouldn’t end up with any of you.”

Jisoo clenched her jaw “We’re not even blood-related to Chaeyoung. Don’t go judging our actions right now; we need help not some stupid criticism” she said heatedly, finally speaking to Seungri.

“Bingo…so Chaeyoung does have some kind of hold on you.” Seungri thought “Maybe I can use Jennie to my advantage then…”

Seungri laughed out loud and waved off “I’m just joking jeez, no need to get so work up” He joked

Lisa fidgeted “So? Do you have any kind of theory or cure?”

Seungri closed his eyes, thinking back all of the books he read about potions “Hmmm…I don’t think there are many more information regarding love potion.”

Lisoo slumped their shoulders in disappointment then Lisa suddenly looks at Seungri with accusatory eyes

“Why the hell did you even made us make these things?!”

Seungri chuckled “Tsk, tsk, is that any way to talk to your superior Ms. Manoban?” He let out a dark pulse that made both girls shiver and Jisoo took a step back, a bit of fear creeping in her heart.

“I-I-I’m sorry”

Seungri gave a bright smile as if he didn’t just let out his power “No worries! In fact, you didn’t even let me finish.”


Seungri stretched his neck and started explaining “You know that the dark element is all about the mental aspect of humans…which means it includes our emotions.”

The two girls were listening intently as Seungri continued

“Since love is an emotion as well, it might as well be connected to the dark element. A theory is read that if a person has been struck by a strong dark-powered technique, it can possibly flush out any emotions in that person hence them getting knocked out or dizzy.” Seungri then motioned with his hands

“In this case, I think a dark-element technique can become the cure.”

Jisoo started getting the point “It’s like a reset…” Jisoo whispered

Seungri smiled, giddy that the eldest immediately got it “Correct! However, this is just a theory. I’m not sure if it will really work and also, it can cause great harm for Ms. Chaeyoung as well.”

“Well…the Dispelled Potion didn’t work as well so might as well rack our brains about this huh” Lisa nudged Jisoo who has a troubled look on her face.

Seungri laughed “Yeah, the Dispelled Potion wouldn’t work as the case is a potion, not a spell. That potion can only work on spells.”

Lisa nodded “I see…thank you for the clarification I guess, and for the information. We better get going.”

Seungri waved them goodbye as the two girls started walking home not noticing Seungri’s smirk at them

“Only a matter of time…”

“How are we going to do this unnie?” Lisa sighed

Jisoo bit her lip, her face still looking trouble “I have a way to do that but…”

“I don’t want to hurt Chaeyoung…” Lisa finished Jisoo’s thought “And also, how the heck are we going to fire a dark technique? I don’t know anyone who has that element other than our professors!”

“We’re definitely not going back to Sir Seungri.” Jisoo immediately said “Once is enough.”

“Then that leaves…” Lisa stared at Jisoo who nodded


“Ms. Bom”


Lisa scrunched her face “We can’t possibly walk up to her and say ‘Hey Ms. Bom! Can you please hurt Chaeyoung with a strong dark attack? We want to test a theory of a cure for this stupid potion’”

Jisoo laughed at the maknae and ruffled her hair in amusement


“Of course, she’s not going to do that. She’s a professor for God’s sake.”


“Then how are we going to do this?”


“I know an item store near the park, let’s go tomorrow and I’ll tell you about it.”


“Fine” Lisa grumbled and when they entered the house, they immediately saw Chaennie snuggling at the couch at the living room, watching some movie.


“This theory better work or else, I’m literally going to explode”

I am terribly sorry for a week late promised update :(( As soon as the first day of the year happened, I got really sick and was quarantined in my room for a week. I had body pains and headache hence I couldn't update. I'm okay now though! Thankfully it's not Covid but still, stay safe everyone! Cases are rising once again here in my country and I hope wherever you guys are living in, you are all safe and sound.

Here's my promised update! I was supposed to finish this love potion era in this chapter however I really wanted to update so that I still kept my promise despite being a week late. For those who reads my "Mood Pill" story, it will take some time as I haven't started the next chapter huhuhu however the idea has been made don't worry. I just need to bring it to life. Again, I'm sorry for the delay and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! A few more filler chapters and things will get dark once again in this story. I hope you are all still with me by then. Stay safe everyone!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔