
The Elzard

‘’I said go and get her! I don’t care if she’s elementless! She's the daughter of the council so I know I can use her for my future plans!’’


A hand slammed down at the table angrily, furiously looking at the three men who’s been with him since he was a teenager, their eyes glossy and unfocused and their body all battered up but they don’t seem to be tired. The three men just looked at him blankly and nodded before walking out to carry out the mission assigned by Seungri himself.


‘’You’ll never get away from this Seungri’’


Seungri smirked and looked at the tied man with a giant machine behind him ‘’I can Taeyang.’’ He sneered ‘’If I wasn’t able to get away from this, Jisung wouldn’t have pronounced you all as dead years ago’’


‘’I swear when we get out of this I’m going to ing kill you!’’ Taeyang spat at him ‘’How dare you betray us and even hypnotize the others to do your plans!’’


‘’Don’t take it personally hyung,’’ Seungri smirked before his face contorted to a dark one, his one hand glowing black and shot it to him ‘’You shouldn’t been even talking right now. Be thankful that your light element is still battling my dark one.’’ His eyes glowing with glee seeing Taeyang pass out from his dark blast so easily in his weakened state.


‘’I can’t wait for it to be mine.’’




‘’…observe her’’ They looked at the devastated Chaeyoung clutching Jisoo in her arms and sobbing hysterically


‘’Things are getting interesting…’’

Chaeyoung glared at the professor that just entered the greenhouse of the academy where Potion-Making Class is taking place. The professor gave them a goofy grin ‘’Good morning class!’’ He said cheerfully and the class responded enthusiastically, whispering to each other


‘’I can’t believe most of our professors are from the council!’’


‘’It must be because we’re in class with Jennie and Lisa’’


‘’I’m so blessed to be with the daughters of the council head’’


‘’Yeah pfft, except from the other two’’


‘’My name is Seungri,’’ He introduced himself with a kind smile, nodding at each and every face. His eyes lingering on Jisoo ‘’and I’ll be your Potion –Making Professor.’’


‘’Wow, another council member’’ Lisa said in surprise ‘’Did you think dad has anything to do with this?’’


Jennie narrowed her eyes, her uneasy feeling whenever she sees the master of Dark element near her ‘’Maybe…I’ll ask him when he has time.’’


‘’Something’s fishy going on around here…’’


First Bom being their Elemental professor, obviously one of the most well-known in the entire Elzard world to being the only one who has Dark and Light as masters. Despite being young, she is quite known to all and is the newest member of the council.


Then her dad, the council head and the one that ensures that safety in the Elzard world is also their professor. Well it’s only history but still, this is the first time Jennie is seeing her father teaching instead of handling council works.

‘’Maybe that’s why mom’s been super busy more than ever…’’


Then Sandara as their P.E and Weapons Training professor; She’s not that well-known but she is known for being one of the best captains in the Thief’s team and also a kind of person who knows her way to all kind of weapons that existed .


And now…


Jennie watched Seungri preparing some basic ingredients as he said ‘’So today let’s start something basic that all of you have probably know since you’re in college now’’ He joked ‘’This has been taught during your high school years right?’’

All of them nodded making Seungri grin as he hid some ingredients for students to think ‘’If you all noticed, these are just some ingredients for a certain potion. I hid the others so that you wouldn’t immediately guess what it is.’’ Students scanned the ingredients present on the table but are looking confused

‘’So can anyone tell me what are we making today?’’ Seungri scanned the whole crowd before landing on the girl that he’s been eyeing for quite a while




Chaeyoung clenched her fist under the table as Jisoo blinked and stood up. Seungri walked closer and said with a kind tone that made Jisoo feel uncomfortable despite the goodness in his voice


‘’Kim Jisoo right? The council head’s eldest daughter.’’


Jisoo nodded slowly ‘’Healing Potion.’’ She answered. Seungri’s eyebrows rose up ‘’You didn’t answer my question.’’ He said

Jisoo chuckled ‘’Actually I did; You asked what kind of potion we’re going to make.’’

Seungri walked back to his table while clapping loudly ‘’Impressive!’’ He exclaimed ‘’You did potion-making before Ms. Kim?’’

‘’Yes I did.’’

Seungri smirked inwardly but on the outside, he’s beaming


Looks like there is a way for his plan to go through.


‘’Ms. Kim is right’’ Seungri took out the rest of the ingredients ‘’In order to create a healing potion, we need these ingredients. Pure water and the red herb are the most important though, can anyone tell me why?’’


Yeri raised her hand and Seungri nodded to her ‘’Pure water is a special kind of water that is already infused by light element. They are common though the light element presented in it is a low 1-10 percent but it’s enough to heal basic injuries. The red herb is what gives it the red color as well as helps our blood regulate more white blood cells in healing our injuries.’’


‘’That’s a very good explanation! Ms. Kim Yeri am I right?’’


Yeri smiled slyly ‘’Yes I am.’’


‘’Looks like the Kims are great in potion-making it seems’’ Seungri laughed a bit.


Lisa snickered and nudged Jennie ‘’Yeah…great.’’ Jennie shot her an irritated look ‘’Keep on talking and I’ll set your bangs on fire’’


Lisa giggled but stayed quiet; She loves teasing her unnie but she still hasn’t forgotten her threats that may come into reality if she’s not careful. She patted her bangs lovingly and decided to keep on listening but still keeps on shooting Jennie teasing smirks because the truth is


Jennie Kim at potion-making


Lisa remembers that one time they created a small power-up potion, Lisa drank it and she felt weaker than an ant. What’s worse is that Jennie put in some seasoned clinker that made it last longer. May I remind you that seasoned clinker is absolutely rare and Lisa has no idea how Jennie got that. For a month, Lisa could only spray water like a sprinkle to a garden.


That’s how awful Jennie’s skills in potion-making.


‘’I don’t like this’’ Jennie muttered, looking at the ingredients in front of her while others have started to create the potion.

‘’Oh come on Jen, this is easy peasy’’ Lisa chuckled ‘’I can bet that even you can do a simple healing potion’’ Her eyes twinkled in amusement seeing Jennie glaring at the ingredients as if wanting it to combust into fire ‘’Let’s just finish this already, there’s going to be an announcement later at the cafeteria by our dad.’’

With that, they began to make the healing potion and Jennie cursed herself for cheating on that potion-making class in high school. There is only one time that Jennie cheated in school, and for all the potions that's available out there; it's the healing potion that Jennie cheated on by swapping one with her classmate...so she literally has no idea on how to make one. She knew she can't do it again now because Seungri is a council member so he would see her immediately.

Looks like she has to use her instincts then.

‘’Well done Ms. Kim!’’

Jennie’s neck snapped up, heart slightly jumping before turning to a thundering rage seeing who just Seungri complimented.

Jisoo nodded ‘’Can I go now?’’

Seungri grabbed Jisoo’s healing potion and looked at it with critical eyes ‘’Having to do this in just a minute…that’s too fast’’ He looked at Jisoo with interest ‘’How did you melt the herbs so quickly and still manage to get its mixture?’’

Jisoo shrugged ‘’I set the furnace vessel to a higher setting.’’

‘’But that can possibly ruin the mixture.’’

‘’Why won’t you try it then?’’ Jisoo smirked

‘’Hmm… how about one of your classmates?’’ Seungri turned to the whole classroom ‘’Is anybody volunteering to get hurt and try Ms. Jisoo’s potion?’’

A hand shot up and Jisoo blinked rapidly as if not believing the person who raised her hand is actually volunteering herself.


’’Ah the strongest daughter of the Kim family’’ Seungri smiled ‘’How kind of you to be willing to take your sister’s potion.’’

Lisa has drop in surprise. What the heck is her unnie doing?

‘’Another one of her ways to probably embarrass Jisoo’’ Chaeyoung shook her head and continued making the potion.

Jennie gave a sweet smile ‘’Of course! I would love to help my unnie’’ Jisoo wants to gag at the cute way Jennie talked to her but she kept it inside as she answered back with a knowing smirk

‘’Are you sure? You have low pain tolerance so I don’t want you getting hurt dear sister’’

Jennie’s smile is starting to strain ‘’I’ll be fine. I am the strongest daughter of our family.’’

Seungri eyed the two of them ‘’I see…there seems to be a feud between them.’’ He looked at the other two adopted daughter of the Kim family ‘’How about them though?’’

Seungri’s pointer finger lit up in a dark energy, shaping it to have a pointy tip. ‘’Your hand Ms. Kim?’’

Jennie nodded and offered her hand to Seungri, almost shivering on how cold Seungri’s hands are. ‘’Well, he is a dark element user but I didn’t expect his hand to be this…cold’’

Jennie hissed in pain, watching Seungri sliced her hand and making blood flow continuously. Seungri gave Jennie Jisoo’s healing potion as he continues to observe the two sisters.

Jennie accepted the potion and glanced at a bored Jisoo like she just wants to get this over with. Jennie narrowed her eyes and opened the potion, the smell of a soothing flower that made Jennie think about her favorite flower.


Jennie almost shot away from the potion and looked at Jisoo with wide eyes. Did she purposely do this? Is Hyacinth flower part of the ingredients for a healing potion? Jennie wants to curse at her lack of knowledge but she’s looking like a fool taking too long to use her sister’s medicine and also, her hand is still twitching in pain. So with slow hands, Jennie washed her bloody hand with the red blood potion.

Instantly, she felt rejuvenated! She, as well as the others, watched in amazement seeing Jennie’s bleeding hand stitching up and making it look like nothing happened! Jennie can also feel herself getting calmer and her emotions tranquil for the first time in Jisoo’s presence.

''Maybe it's because of the flower?''

‘’Amazing’’ Seungri said in awe ‘’Did you add something in it Ms. Jisoo?’’

Jisoo nodded ‘’And if you want me to tell you, then no. I just want to get back to my seat please.’’

‘’Oh, you don’t want to get an early out?’’

Jisoo shrugged ‘’I have nothing to do anyways.’’ Jisoo nodded to Jennie in thanks before walking back to her seat next to a smiling Chaeyoung.

‘’What’s got you smiling?’’

Chaeyoung softly giggled that only she can hear ‘’I never would have thought that you two would look so cute together’’ She said smugly ‘’Like true sisters…unnie’’ She imitated the way Jennie said it so cutely

Jisoo blushed seeing Chaeyoung acting cutely ‘’Stop teasing me…pasta’’ Jisoo smirked teasingly

Chaeyoung turned red in embarrassment ‘’T-that was one time!’’

Lisa turned to a seated Jennie who is quietly doing her potion ‘’You still alive there?’’ She asked ‘’Seriously unnie, I didn’t think you would volunteer yourself. Heck I even bet that Chaeyoung would be the one who’ll volunteer.’’

‘’I won’’ Yeri, who is also in the same table with them, said smugly ‘’Now pay up Lalisa.’’

‘’You…’’ Jennie finally spoke up after seeing Lisa grumbling and giving some money to a victorious Yeri ‘’How did you know I’ll volunteer myself Kim Yeri?’’

‘’I don’t’’ Yeri said bluntly ‘’I’m just following my gut feeling.’’

‘’And you have an amazing one at that’’ Lisa snickered. Yeri rolled her eyes ‘’Hey, your family is rich so it’s not like it’s a big deal.’’

‘’Not to mention Lisa always loses a bet’’ Seulgi piped in after passing her own healing potion to Seungri.

‘’Way to support me there Seul’’ Lisa pouted ‘’I’ll prove it to you! Let’s make another bet!’’ She said with fire in her eyes

‘’What bet this time Lalisa?’’ Yeri smirked

‘’A bet if Jennie-unnie’s potion will work like charm or fail like a science experiment!’’

Jennie scowled ‘’I swear Lalisa, one more tease from you and you’ll be waking up tomorrow…bangless’’

‘’Let’s do it’’ Yeri exclaimed

‘’Are you guys doing bets?’’ Irene suddenly showed up at their table with her girlfriend next to her. Jennie groaned ‘’Great…two more betters’’

‘’Yup,’’ Seulgi smiled ‘’A bet if Jennie’s potion will be a success or not’’

‘’Are you guys seriously doing a bet for just a basic healing potion?’’ Wendy snickered

‘’Oh you don’t know Jennie-unnie Wendy’’ Lisa smirked ‘’So bets anyone?’’

Wendy, Seulgi, and Irene placed their bets that Jennie’s potion will work like charm while Lisa, Yeri, and heck even Joy who suddenly joined them, placed their bets on the opposite side.

‘’So how do we do this?’’ Joy asked ‘’Does somebody needs to get hurt?’’

Lisa glanced at Seungri who’s busy helping other students and giving them tips ‘’Our prof looks like he won’t notice a small cut happening. We have to hurt someone.’’

‘’Don’t talk as if I’m not here’’ Jennie said angrily ‘’If you really want to continue this, I should be the choosing how will my potion work’’


Wendy glanced at the mixture of green and red potion that Jennie is holding and gulped


Looks like she would be losing money


Curse her lack of knowledge to Jennie’s skills.


Jennie smirked evilly ‘’I want my sister to be the one who’ll use my potion. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth if I could say so myself.’’

‘’How would you get her get hurt then?’’ Joy asked excitedly, wanting a small revenge to Jisoo for being Chaeyoung’s protector all the time she plays a prank on her.

‘’Well, we’re filled with plants so…’’ Jennie looked at Lisa knowingly ‘’You know what to do.’’

‘’Why me?! Why not Seul? She’s also a grass element!’’ Lisa said in protest

‘’We have tryouts in a few weeks so I want to preserve my strength’’ Seulgi said

‘’Uhm…excuse you I’m also trying out!’’ Lisa looked at Seulgi with an ‘are you serious’ look

‘’Just do it Lalisa so we can get this over with!’’ Yeri said


Lisa huffed and glanced at Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s table at the far-right corner of the greenhouse where lots of plants are there. Lisa’s hand is outlined with green energy as she manipulated some sharp vines behind Jisoo and made a slashing motion.

Jisoo hissed in pain, holding her hand which is already bleeding ‘’How the…heck?’’ She said in confusion. She swore her hand is just at her side so why did it suddenly hurt and started bleeding?

‘’Jisoo-unnie!’’ Chaeyoung said worriedly ‘’Are you okay?’’

‘’Yeah…’’ Jisoo glanced at the room and narrowed her eyes seeing no one looking at them…though she has a suspicion how this happened, her eyes looking at a certain table. ‘’This is nothing. I’m sure it will heal in no time.’’

Chaeyoung nodded and continued making her potion, waiting for the mixture to be heated well.

Then a shout made everyone look at the perpetrator

‘’Hey Kim Jisoo! Here comes your potion!’’

Jennie smirked and threw the potion to Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s table with precision and speed. The red and green potion quickly making contact as the struck person shouted out in pain.

Jennie’s eyes widened seeing Chaeyoung push Jisoo out of the way making Chaeyoung take the direct hit of the thrown potion, and what’s worse is that her potion seems to be making Chaeyoung in pain! Hearing Chaeyoung shout like that as if she attacked her with a spell made Jennie feel hurt since it just means her potion-making skills is that bad


And she hates it when Lisa’s right about that.


‘’Ms. Park!’’


Seungri rushed to Chaeyoung who is holding her side painfully ‘’Are you okay? Do you need medical attention?’’

Chaeyoung opened her eyes through the pain and she almost want to blow up in anger seeing Seungri’s face too close for her comfort.

‘’How dare he act like he ing cares…’’

‘’Get…out…’’ She panted ‘’Get out of my face!’’ Chaeyoung snarled, her hands started to give out slight sparks that Jisoo immediately noticed.

‘’Chaeyoungie…’’ Jisoo said in concern, her voice soft in an attempt to calm her down ‘’Let me look at it.’’

‘’No!’’ Chaeyoung stood up while shaking and holding her side ‘’I’m fine!’’

Seungri took a step back at the rushed anger that the girl is giving him making him narrow his eyes slightly ‘’Does she have any idea?’’ He thought before contorting his face to a worried one while speaking ‘’You should go to the clinic then. I’ll pass your potion for now since from the looks of it you’re almost done anyways. I don’t want you risking another injury like this unless it’s Ms. Jisoo’s potion but we’re out of ingredients for now.’’ Seungri offered his hand to Chaeyoung

‘’Let me accompany yo-‘’

Chaeyoung slapped Seungri’s offered hand away, giving him a hateful glare that everyone in the green house gasped at her blatant disrespect

‘’I said’’ She said coldly ‘’I’m fine, I can go to the clinic myself. Now if you’ll excuse me.’’

Seungri nodded slowly and watched her get out of the greenhouse. ‘’Her reputation as the coldest person in school holds true…’’ He glanced at the worried Jisoo ‘’…looks like they have something more than I thought.’’


Jennie looked at the shocked Lisa and if Jennie could see deeper in her eyes, she could have seen the worry etched in it

‘’That’s…that’s the side that you punched Chaeyoung on our last training’’ Lisa whispered ‘’The one that knocked her out and our mom didn’t heal it…’’

Jennie paled; It’s highly possible that she made things worse in her injury making guilt attack her all of a sudden. She looked at Jisoo and she flinched from the harsh glare that she received.


That’s one of those rare times that Jennie has truly felt Jisoo’s glare…like last training when she punched Chaeyoung hard.




Jennie snapped out of her guilt and saw a shining red potion in front of her. She looked at the giver with a questioning look

‘’She’s my best friend okay?’’ Wendy said, a bit bitterly ‘’I hate how you two are always bullying them, and I seriously hoped that you feel guilty for being one of the main reasons why they’re always avoiding everyone around them, let alone trust them.’’

Jennie clenched her fist ‘’And…they trust you?’’

Wendy chuckled ‘’Maybe? I’m close with them aren’t I?’’ She smirked ‘’Now go after her and maybe fix this family mess between the four of you.’’

‘’Why should I trust you?’’ Jennie glared

Irene snorted ‘’She’s my girlfriend Jennie, and also a light user’’ Jennie and Lisa’s eyes widened at that

‘’Y-you’re a light user?’’ Lisa stuttered and Wendy nodded. She opened her palm and generated a small ball of light

‘’Does this prove it to you?’’

Jenlisa looked at Wendy’s ball of light dumbly; They can’t believe that Chaeyoung and Jisoo’s best friend is a light user!

‘’I infused a small amount of light energy in it. I made two potions, one to pass to our professor and another one in case of emergencies.’’ Wendy motion at the red bottle that Jennie is now clutching.

‘’And this looks like an emergency to me since the two of you finally looked a bit guilty for hurting them’’ Wendy smirked

‘’You don’t even know us’’ Jennie scoffed

‘’And I don’t care either’’ Wendy said ‘’I care about Chaeyoung’s sudden pain since she doesn’t shout in pain just like that, so it must means she has other injuries hidden.’’

‘’My rosie is injured?!’’ Joy gasped ‘’Let me go after her Jennie!’’

Jennie quickly stood up and glared at Joy ‘’No. I’ll handle it’’ She looked at Wendy apprehensively who looked at her with a determined glare. Jennie huffed and quickly ran out of the greenhouse.

‘’Ms. Kim!’’ Seungri shouted seeing the cat-eyed girl running out of the greenhouse. He shook his head and commented ‘’Your family sure is interesting.’’

Jisoo sighed ‘’I’ll go out also if you don’t mind.’’

Seungri nodded ‘’Sure, you’re done anyways. Be careful Ms. Kim’’ He grinned mysteriously ‘’We’ll be having an interesting year.’’

Jisoo looked at him with narrowed eyes before nodding and going out of the greenhouse also.

‘’So…’’ Yeri said awkwardly ‘’We won the bet right?’’

‘’Wow Lisa, this is the first time you won a bet’’ Seulgi asked in surprise

‘’Why am I feeling insulted by that Seul?’’ Lisa said

‘’It has an exchange though’’ Joy stomped her feet angrily ‘’My rosie chipmunk got hurt!’’

Lisa clenched her jaw before yelling childishly ‘’Whatever! I still won that bet and I’m going to boast it to you every time we make a bet!’’ Lisa looked at the door with confused thoughts;


Why was she feeling guilty anyways?


She hates Chaeyoung…right?


But why is her heart yearning to go after her?


Jennie panted while looking around the academy in search for dark blond hair since that's Chaeyoung’s current hair color.

‘’Where is that girl anyway?’’ Jennie grumbled ‘’Others should be having their class right about now so they’re probably still seated which means…’’

Jennie stopped running and closed her eyes, her feet tapping the earth beneath her. She could feel the vibrations of everyone walking around her radius which is the whole academy. ‘’If I were Chaeyoung, she would probably run then walk slowly since her injury must have hurt’’ She muttered.


She could finally feel it, the fast then slow pace movement just actually near her but what bothers Jennie is that Chaeyoung is going to the forest side of the academy where some activities are conducted.

‘’Why the heck would she go there?’’

Nevertheless, Jennie gripped the potion tightly and sprinted towards the forest side of the academy. As soon as she arrived there, sweats are already running down her forehead and she frantically looked around for a sign of dark blonde hair. Jennie’s eyebrows furrowed not seeing any sign of that hair when she’s sure her earth element indicated Chaeyoung is here. Are her assumptions wrong?


‘’Where the heck are you Chaeyoung?’’


‘’Why are you looking for me?’’


Jennie froze a bit before turning her head to the far right and there is Chaeyoung, hiding from the sun and leaning against the wall of the academy as she’s facing the forest and apparently Jennie.




Chaeyoung looked at her irritatingly ‘’You what?’’ She mocked ‘’There’s no way in hell you’re going to apologize for what you did.’’ She said coldly and clutched her side painfully

‘’I’ve gotten used to it. Don’t bother trying to help me Kim.’’

Jennie, for the first time in her life, swallowed the comeback that’s desperately wanting to come out from and walked towards Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung watched her warily and her hands are tensing in case Jennie attacks or something but what surprised her is that Jennie actually sat down beside her; her cat eyes looking at the injured side where she punched Chaeyoung quite hard and now her monster potion hitting it directly.

‘’Let me look at it.’’

Chaeyoung snorted ‘’Don’t tell me you’re a light user now. As I’ve said, don’t bother. I don’t need your help.’’

Jennie gained a tic mark and angrily grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand which is covering the injured side ‘’Stop being so ing stubborn pabo! You’re obviously in pain!’’

‘’Gee, I wonder why’’

Jennie glared at the sarcastic comment and pinched Chaeyoung’s side making her grunt in pain and earning a glare from the chipmunk girl ‘’Now, let me help you for once you stubborn .’’

‘’I don’t want you gloating this to the others so I’d rather not’’

‘’For ’s sake Park Chaeyoung!’’ Jennie shouted ‘’You don’t owe me after this! You don’t have to worry a thing so please let me just get this over with so that my guilt will finally stop haunting me!’’

Chaeyoung’s eyes widened ‘’She’s…guilty?’’


Is the Jennie Kim really feeling guilty or is she just going to use this for her future schemes? She looked at the potion which is already bubbling from Jennie’s heating hands and sensed something


‘’It has light components…’’


Better agree now before the potion became wasted from Jennie’s overheating hands




Chaeyoung begrudgingly said and looked away, a small blush covering her face when Jennie softly placed her hand away from her injured side, a really uncharacteristic soft touch from the usually fiery person.

‘’For an earth user…her hands sure are soft’’

Jennie looked at the ugly looking gash at her side ‘’Looks like you have another ruined cloth’’ Jennie chuckled and began applying the potion, watching in amazement as Wendy’s potion immediately healed Chaeyoung’s side and only leaving her creamy white skin once again.


‘’I don’t care. I have a bunch of this at our closet.’’


‘’Our closet?’’


‘’Me and Jisoo’s.’’


Jennie gripped the bottle tightly ‘’So they’re sharing clothes also…’’


‘’How close are you and Jisoo anyways?’’






Chaeyoung finally looked at Jennie with a questioning look ‘’Like what?’’ She asked


‘’Like…hubby and wifey?’’ Jennie muttered almost…








Chaeyoung looked at the unusually timid response of Jennie Kim ‘’Things are going so weird lately…first Joy being soft the other day and Lisa slapping her hand away, then me and Lisa partnering up, and now this…’’

Is college really that life-altering for a person?

Jennie traced Chaeyoung’s healed skin which made her pause and Chaeyoung shivered a bit at the touch ‘’Wow, Wendy’s potion also healed your injury where I punched. That’s kind of amazing you have a friend like her’’ Jennie said

‘’Okay what the heck’’ Chaeyoung thought, bewildered at the attitude Jennie is showing to her right now ‘’Why is she acting like nothing happened for the last decade?’’

‘’Stop acting like you’re okay with me’’ Chaeyoung said, her guard up and her body tensing ‘’You don’t have to act like you care.’’

Jennie clenched her fist ‘’I’m trying to change the subject because you didn’t even answer my earlier question.’’

‘’How close am I with Jisoo?’’ Chaeyoung smirked before turning to a sneer ‘’Definitely much closer than you.’’ She said coldly

Jennie felt something prick her eyes as she stood up abruptly

‘’Whatever’’ She replied back just as coldly ‘’Elementless weaklings have to stay together in order to survive in this academy. You should have just drop out and become regular human beings instead of making others around you carry your weight’’

Chaeyoung snorted ‘’Carry our weight? Please Kim, only me and Jisoo have been carrying our own weight since high school.’’ She stood up and stepped closer to Jennie


‘’Everyone bullied us’’


‘’Everyone embarrassed us’’


‘’Everyone beat us out of enjoyment’’


‘’And most of all…’’ Chaeyoung said darkly and leaned in to Jennie’s ear


‘’Everyone hates us for being elementless…’’ She sneered ‘’Apparently it is a disgrace to the Kim family because they have two elementless in the family’’

‘’Which it should be’’ Jennie said with indignantly

‘’Care to tell me why?’’ Chaeyoung leaned back and looked at Jennie with fierce eyes ‘’Why are we a disgrace huh Jennie Kim?!’’ She said angrily but if you listened closely, there’s a hint of hurt and unfortunately Jennie noticed it because her eyes softened and her heart jumping a bit in happiness in finally seeing the usual cold Chaeyoung opening up her true emotions to her.


‘’How are we a disgrace when we didn’t even do anything bad to the people around us! So tell me oh so strongest daughter of the Kim family’’ Chaeyoung said hatefully ‘’Tell my why do we deserve to all the mistreatments in our lives and why are making the Kim family name so tainted to be called a disgrace to this family that you're always saying to us to just drop out!’’


‘’Because we worry about you…’’


Chaeyoung took a step back in shock ‘’You…what?’’ Chaeyoung’s shock eyes meeting Jennie’s soft ones as Jennie walked slowly to her and rose her hand to hopefully caress Chaeyoung’s cheek…


Maybe now that they're alone...Jennie can enjoy this rare moment alone with her




Until a certain someone’s voice stopped her and her hand turned into fist hearing the voice that keeps on giving her rage and jealousy.

Jennie watched in front of her as if she’s watching a K-drama; She observed the way Jisoo launched herself to Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung immediately catching her, gripping her waist tightly and Jennie could see the relief in her eyes…eyes that’s also not been taken off from Jennie’s face because of what she last said.

‘’You’re fine…?’’ Jisoo said and looked at the exposed side of Chaeyoung, seeing that it’s clean and healthy

‘’Yeah…I am’’ Chaeyoung muttered. Jisoo can finally feel the familiar glaring eyes and turned around to see Jennie staring daggers at them

‘’Jendeukie,’’ Jisoo said in surprise ‘’What are you doing here?’’

‘’Don’t call me that!’’ Jennie sassed ‘’and to answer your question, it’s none of your ing business.’’ She huffed, the green emotion growing inside her seeing the way Chaeyoung hold Jisoo’s waist while Jisoo is very much close to the chipmunk girl.


The three girls looked back and saw Lisa running up to them, her eyes immediately going to the not-so-injured girl now. ‘’You’re…okay. I guess Wendy really is a light user.’’ Lisa muttered. Her eyes lingering on Jisoo's grip to Chaeyoung's side and the way Chaeyoung held Jisoo close to her...

Chaeyoung tensed and nudged Jisoo, looking at her with eyes that says ‘We should get the out now.’

‘’So Chaeyoungie, we better get going. You should get some rest’’ Jisoo said in order for them to get away from the two. The tension between the four of them is really suffocating especially since Jennie is glaring at them non-stop and Lisa is looking at them with apprehensive eyes.

‘’Yeah…you’re right’’ Chaeyoung lied, she’s absolutely feeling freaking fine but she really wants to get away from them now. It feels like another fight will happen if they stay any longer.

Jisoo nodded to Jennie and Lisa before grabbing Chaeyoung’s hand and leading them away from here….but before they could fully get away, Chaeyoung stopped a bit when she’s side to side with Jennie.

She looked at Jennie with unknown eyes and grabbed her shoulder. Jennie stared at the warm hand before finally looking to Chaeyoung’s eyes, her own eyes opening a bit more seeing a hint of gratefulness to her however it was just brief because Chaeyoung immediately let go of her shoulder and just gave her a nod.

Chaesoo finally left them but Jennie’s heart is still beating in lightness ‘’She’s…grateful for me?’’ Are her eyes deceiving her right now? Maybe being kinder to them will help them get back to their previous bond…

‘’Geez unnie, I didn’t know you’ll make an effort to heal Chaeyoung’’ Lisa mocked and that distinguished Jennie’s pondering thoughts.

‘’Please, I just did it so that she won’t tell to others about my skills in potion-making’’ Jennie scoffed

Lisa snickered ‘’As if anybody would believe them anyway’’

Jennie and Lisa finally walked away and started to go home but in a different direction because they don’t want to follow after Chaeyoung and Jisoo.

Jennie gripped her shoulder, the one that Chaeyoung touched and mind you that that’s the first touch from Chaeyoung after so many years…

And she can't help but miss it already; She almost forgot how soft and warm Chaeyoung's touches are like when they were children. To realize that she's still has that same touch, it just made Jennie miss it even more.

‘’So unnie, are you ready for the freshmen party?’’

Jennie looked at Lisa ‘’Oh, yeah. That’s on tomorrow night right?’’

Lisa grinned ‘’Definitely! I can’t wait to try new elzard drinks! You know there are others that make you cough out glitters!’’

Jennie chuckled, enjoying Lisa’s childish antics ‘’Yeah, I bet it will be definitely be fun than in high school.’’

They continued walking in silence with one thought in their head

‘’Will they be coming tomorrow night?’’

So an update to celebrate the release of Blackpink's first ever album! I literally felt my eyes get teary watching the MV for the first time and God my heart hurt at the lyrics and acting skills of our queens. The emotions and the vocals are so L I T! Please stream Lovesick Girls and of course don't forget to listen to the whole album! 


On the side note, OT4's hair color is based on KTL era because hey, they looked badass there and this is a fantasy and adventure kind of story so it kind of fits in. Hope everyone liked it! Wondering what party they're talking about? Find out in the next chapter! Love you all guys and please support our girls! They worked hard this year despite the pandemic and here they are, serving us with an amazing music and comeback. Love them also and please no fights in our fandom!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔