The Prologue Pt. 2

The Elzard

7 years later


‘’I want Rosie to be my hubby!’’


‘’No fair Jennie-unnie! Chipmunk should be my sister!’’


‘’Aish would you guys stop bickering like children!’’


‘’But Jichu-unnie…we are children’’


Four kids are playing at the garden of the Kim’s house, which got a huge renovation since Kim Jisung became the head of the council 7 years ago. They still have that normal two-story house but what huge renovations that they had was the underground training grounds as well as the garden behind their house, where four children are currently playing at.


They were playing family acting, wherein they played rock, paper, and scissor to decide which role they are.


‘’But I won the game and I chose to be a wife’’ A cute cat-eyed girl pouted ‘’And I want my Rosie to be my hubby!’’


‘’But unnie, that’s so unfair’’ A small girl with bangs jutted out her bottom lip in displeasure ‘’Chaeyoung is already my sister anyways!’’


That’s right, after Mason and Clare’s death, the Manoban family decided to make Chaeyoung part of their family, maybe not by blood, but by bond. The Kim family couldn’t take another child since they already have two of their own


Kim Jisoo and Kim Jennie


With an agreement, Chittip and Marco treated Chaeyoung as if their own child. Though they still let her use her real last name.


Park Chaeyoung


Lisa Manoban is especially happy to have an unnie and that made Chittip and Marco feel that they made the right decision to take in Chaeyoung instead of giving her to the adoption centers.


Jisoo sighed, she’s almost nine years old yet the stress of managing three younger children is taking a toll on her, mostly because of Jennie’s stubbornness combined with Lisa’s whining and also Chaeyoung’s kind heart.


It’s a recipe for bickering


Jennie grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand and made her eyes droop low perfectly imitating the perfect puppy look ‘’Please Rosie you’ll be my hubby right?’’


‘’But I’m not a boy unnie…’’ Chaeyoung said innocently


Jennie’s eyes are starting to get teary making Chaeyoung panic


‘’Okay okay unnie!’’


Then Jennie started sniffling


‘’My wifey~’’


Jennie grinned her gummy smile, her sad acting gone just like a snap of a finger. Lisa stomped her foot and whined

‘’You’re taking advantage of my chipmunk!’’

‘’Lisa please, just let them be’’ Jisoo said, being the peacemaker of the group ‘’Besides, we get to be the awesome siblings who will fight for our family!’’ She exclaimed excitedly

‘’Imagine being partner-in-crimes or even detectives!’’

‘’Really?!’’ Lisa’s eyes sparkled in excitement ‘’I want to be a hero unnie! I want to be one!’’

Jennie stood proudly despite being so small ‘’I already got my element, so maybe I should be the one protecting you guys.’’ She said haughtily

‘’Really unnie?! What did you get?!’’ Lisa started jumping up and down because of her excitement and starry eyes at the knowledge her unnie has an element of her own now

‘’I got Fire last year and I tried again this year,’’ Jennie grinned and started to tap the ground, making it shake a bit that made Chaeyoung and Lisa squeal ‘’And I also got Earth right now!’’ She said happily

‘’Wow Daebak unnie!’’ Lisa squealed ‘’Me and chipmunk are so excited to know our elements on my birthday!’’ Then she slangs her arm around Chaeyoung’s shoulders

‘’Chipmunk here decided to wait for my birthday so that we could know our elements together which is tomorrow!’’

‘’Aww my hubby is so sweet! You waited for a month for this monkey’s birthday’’ Jennie said happily and pinched Chaeyoung’s cheeks ‘’I love your cheeks so much!’’

‘’Hey!’’ Lisa swatted Jennie’s hand away ‘’That’s my chipmunk cheeks to pinch!’’

Chaeyoung giggled and said softly ‘’Yah stop it…’’ Then she turned her attention to the sudden quiet girl

‘’How about you Jichu-unnie? What’s your element?’’

Jisoo forced a smile on her face


Jennie giggled ‘’Jisoo-unnie still hasn’t got her element hubby. Don’t bother asking’’

Jisoo looked hurt but quickly masked it away with a forced smile to reassure Chaeyoung’s worried face

‘’Don’t worry Chaeyoungie, maybe my element is still very shy so it doesn’t want to show up yet’’

‘’Elements get shy unnie?’’ Chaeyoung asked, tilting her head in confusion making Jisoo smile at her cuteness

‘’Yes, my element is shy so it doesn’t want to show itself for this year also…’’

Jennie snickered and lean in to Lisa’s ears to whisper ‘’Or that she’s just elementless for all we know’’

Lisa giggled and asked curiously ‘’That happens unnie?’’

‘’Yeah, my daddy said that there are people who have no elements…so maybe Jisoo-unnie is one of them. Daddy and mommy already started training me a year ago but Jisoo-unnie can't join us because she doesn't have her element.’’

Jisoo sighed inwardly; even though she’s the oldest, her parents lately are neglecting her to train Jennie since she’s showing real talent to her element…well elements now. 

‘’No worries’’ Jisoo looked at the gummy grin of her sister ‘’As long as she’s safe and can protect herself…’’

‘’Besides’’ Jisoo started to grin excitedly at the day her element will show ‘’We’ll be back to normal when I got my element’’ Jisoo is excited at the probability that anytime her element might show up and maybe…just maybe according to Jisoo’s child mind


Her parents will finally give her attention and Jennie will look up to her more…just like it was before Jennie got her element.


Jisoo could never forget how sad her heart was when she saw the disappointed look in her father’s eyes as well as the sad smile her mom sent to her. Jennie thought it was all a game as she exclaimed she’s better than her now…


‘’Chaeyoung! Lisa! Your parents are here!’’


‘’Aww but we haven’t played yet’’ Jennie frowned, they got sidetracked by their bickering and talking about their elements.

‘’Tomorrow’s my birthday’’ Lisa grinned as they walk back the house ‘’you guys will come right?’’

‘’Of course we will Limario’’ Jisoo smiled and ruffled Lisa’s hair. Lisa cheered and hugged both the Kim sisters.


Chaeyoung giggled and joined the hug as the four best friends since babies enjoyed the warmth of each other.


They let go of their hug when a voice joined them


‘’Aww the four of you are so cute!’’


‘’Mommy!’’ Jennie smiled her gummy smile and ran towards her mom

Hyuna picked Jennie and kissed her at the forehead, she looked at Jisoo and sent her a smile in which Jisoo returned. Hyuna noticed that despite having no element in her arsenal and only being seven years old, Jisoo is quite intelligent and mature that saddens Hyuna a bit because Jisoo can't enjoy much of her childhood that way... She could feel the distance between her and her eldest daughter growing for the past year but she shook her head


They need to focus on Jennie for now...


‘’Where are my two favorite girls?’’


Lisa and Chaeyoung’s faces lit up seeing their mom and dad






Chaeyoung and Lisa ran towards Chittip and Marco who both picked up their girls and kissed them in the forehead with Marco messing up Chaeyoung and Lisa’s hair making them giggle and pout

‘’Daddy stop it’’ Lisa whined ‘’I’ll look ugly!’’

‘’I think you’re cute Lisa-yah’’ Chaeyoung sent her a soft smile which made Lisa blush a bit

‘’Thank you chipmunk!’’ She grinned

‘’We better get going then.’’ Marco said

Chittip looked at Hyuna and Jisung with a smile ''Thank you for letting them play in your house during our meeting''

Jisung waved his hand ''It's no problem old friend. We all know these four are insperable'' The four girls just smiled at each other hearing that

Jisung then faced Lisa and Chaeyoung ''I can't wait to know your elements tomorrow; Who knows? Maybe the rest of you can train together'' That got the two younger girls excited and nodded, watching in awe as Jisung created a fireball and entertained them using it.

Jisoo smiled bitterly but let it be as she watch the Manoban family go home. She glanced to her family and already their attention is at Jennie who is excitedly talking about her new element.

''Soon'll get your element. You just got to be patient...''

‘’Happy birthday Lisa!’’

The living room exploded with confetti and Chittip decided to sparkle the room with bits of water, showering them a bit making the two younger girls giggle in delight as they run around the living room. They squealed even more when Chittip created bubbles, encouraging them to poke it and watch as it sizzles to small droplets of water

‘’How about a slide?’’ Marco grinned and used his wood element to create a slide big enough for the two girls

‘’Let’s go chipmunk!’’ Lisa exclaimed and watched in amazement, her dad easily creating a slide for them to play on

‘’Wait for me Lisa!’’ Chaeyoung giggled and together, they climbed the slide and whooped in delight






Chaeyoung screamed while Lisa laughed as they slid down together with Chaeyoung at the back of Lisa. They played with it for a while until they're panting but smiling happily. 

‘’That was so fun!’’ Lisa grinned and hugged her dad ‘’Thank you so much for all of this daddy!’’

Marco hugged her back and said ‘’Do you know what will make your day even better?’’

Lisa let go of the hug and started jumping excitedly

‘’I can finally get to know my element!’’

Chaeyoung frowned a bit ‘’But shouldn’t we wait for Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Jisoo-unnie, and Jennie-unnie first?’’

Marco and Chittip’s facial expression darkened a bit before masking it with a cheerful tone ‘’Jisung called me dear, they said they would be late for a while as something came up with the council…’’ Chittip said, forcing her voice to a light tone.


‘’Aww, but I want them to witness how I’ll get my element’’ Lisa frowned, her face also mirroring Chaeyoung’s


‘’Yeah me too…’’


‘’Don’t worry!’’ Marco started creating them teddy bears using his element (I searched and discovered there are teddy bears who are made from wood so…)

He gave them to the two frowning girls ‘’This is a family tradition you know? So I think it’s better that we’re the ones who’ll know your elements first don’t you think?’’

Chaeyoung and Lisa enthusiastically grabbed their teddy bears and hugged them tightly


‘’Thank you daddy!’’ They yelled happily


‘’Are you ready to know your element now?’’


Lisa and Chaeyoung looked at each other determinedly and nodded as they shout




Chittip smiled at her daughters’ excitement and pulled out two papers


‘’In the world of Elzard, it is a known fact that a person’s element manifest at the age of seven,’’ Chittip explained and the two kids listened intently at their mother which effectively put a smile on her own face


‘’This is because at age seven, we now have our own consciousness; which means we’re aware about the world around us. Our senses and mind have been fully developed and we’re able to understand common things right now.’’


Marco kneeled down at them ‘’It’s also a sign that your baby days are over, which means you’re in the children stage now and on your way to being a teenager,’’ He winked at them


‘’As well as eligible enough to go to the Elzard Academy’’


Lisa and Chaeyoung’s eyes brightened ‘’Oh cool! We get to meet new people with elements just like us?!’’ Lisa exclaimed

‘’We get to learn different spells like we see on TV?’’ Chaeyoung chirped

Chittip giggled ‘’Yes, you’ll get to do those too, but now’’ Chittip gave them each the paper


‘’Let’s find out what your element is’’


‘’I’ll go first!’’


Marco nodded ‘’Remember sweetheart, concentrate your energy to the paper and it will reveal what your element is’’


Lisa then stared at the paper intently and narrowed her eyes, her facing taking on a serious feature.…


Silence took over the living room as Lisa concentrated and only their breathing could be heard


Their breath quickened and gasps could be heard;


As Lisa’s paper looked like it drowned before shimmering away with petals and leaves


Chittip looked proud with tears in her eyes while Marco stared at her daughter like a proud old man ‘’Congratulations sweetheart’’ Chittip hugged Lisa tightly

‘’What did I get daddy?’’ Lisa asked innocently

‘’Oh sweetheart’’ Marco smiled ‘’You’re so special you know? You got two elements in just your age! A very strong water element as well as the grass element!’’

‘’I got two in my first try?!’’ Lisa exclaimed, her eyes brightening up.

‘’Wow! That’s amazing Lisa!’’ Chaeyoung squealed and hugged Lisa tightly ‘’I’m so happy for you!’’ She grinned

‘’That’s so awesome! I can’t wait to tell this to Jisoo-unnie and Jennie-unnie!’’ Lisa said excitedly ‘’Does this mean I get to be the one to protect you guys now?!’’

Marco chuckled ‘’You sure do kiddo, maybe in the future you can be an Elzard warrior, those who fight and protect the Magic Realm!’’

‘’I want to be an Elzard warrior daddy!’’ Lisa shouted excitedly

‘’Me too!’’ Chaeyoung pouted

Chittip smiled softly at Chaeyoung, seeing the striking mixture of Clare and Mason that made her tear up ‘’Oh Chaeyoung…’’ She hugged the younger girl tightly as she said softly


‘’Did you know that your parents are super strong?’’


Yes, Chaeyoung knew that Marco and Chittip are not her real parents but nevertheless, she grew up with them being her parents…


But that doesn’t stop her from being curious about who her real parents are


‘’Who are they mommy?’’


Marco and Chittip looked at each other and nodded; Chaeyoung seems to be old enough to handle at least a bit of information about her parents. She deserves it after all

‘’Their names are Mason and Clare Park,’’

‘’Oooh chipmunk they have the same last name as you!’’ Lisa commented effectively making Marco and Chittip laughed out loud

‘’Oh Lisa…you still have a lot to learn about marriage’’ Marco chuckled in amusement ‘’We’ll tell that to you and Chaeyoung when you’re much older’’

‘’And they’re one of the strongest Elzard I know’’ Chittip continued, her reminiscing smile on her face ‘’Your mother is one of the scariest lightning Elzard that I have ever known. She has a sword that strikes fear to her enemies because when you’re slashed by her sword?’’ Chittip imitated a sword slashing with the awe-struck young girls listening at her

‘’Be prepared to have your body numbed’’ Chittip winked at them ‘’Ironically though, she’s also one of the kindest person I have met in my life; So pure, and I’m quite surprised to know she’s not a light element from how she’s shining with positivity’’ She then poked Chaeyoung’s chest

‘’Her heart Chaeyoung…that’s what you really inherited from her’’

Chaeyoung looked deep in thought, her curiosity about her parents growing as Marco continued

‘’And Mason?’’ Marco chuckled ‘’One of the fiercest fighter I have known in my life. Heck he even helped me create my own signature moves, and we also have some collaboration spells of our own.’’

‘’His quick thinking and brave heart are what made him a really great leader, not to mention a strong dark element user! A master of it actually’’

‘’Dark…element?’’ Lisa tilted her head ‘’Is that a bad element?’’

‘’No sweetheart, it’s just an element like every element out there. One of the rarest too’’ Marco explained before facing Chaeyoung and patting her head ‘’I can also see your father in you Chaeyoung…and I hope when you grow up, you’ll be a strong and brave girl who will fight for the greater good’’

‘’I will daddy’’ Chaeyoung smiled at him, a kind and determined look in her eyes

‘’I will protect you all when I grow up’’

Lisa looked stupidly with joy at Chaeyoung, her heart growing fondly hearing her chipmunk declaring that they’ll protect them. ''Don't worry chipmunk, I'll always be by your side''

‘’Hurry up chipmunk! I want to know your element!’’ Lisa said impatiently, already imagining training with Chaeyoung and them getting more closer


Chaeyoung giggled and stared at her paper with concentrated eyes


They waited with bated breath to see what element that Chaeyoung will have…


And then suddenly…


Lisa screamed as the lights has gone off and smashing of windows are heard all over the house as well as roars of some kind of monster


‘’We’re being attacked!’’ Marco roared and immediately created and wall of wood around them, forming a small dome for temporary protection


‘’W-what’s happening?!’’ Chaeyoung screamed in fright, her little body shaking in fear with Lisa beside her who clutched Chaeyoung’s hand tightly in fear and tears slowly flowing down her face

‘’D-daddy I-I’m scared’’ Lisa sniffed

Marco and Chittip looked at each other with worry before nodding towards each other ‘’Honey, you take Chaeyoung and Lisa to the Kims. I’ll take care of them here’’ Marco said with a serious tone


‘’Are you crazy?! We don’t know who we are facing right now and who knows how many are there?!’’ Chittip hissed at him.


Then a loud bang was heard once again and this time…it’s directed to their wooden dome!


Lisa and Chaeyoung screamed and held on each other while crying out loud ‘’M-Mommy! D-daddy!’’ They cried and couldn’t see in the dark because there’s no light so they’re just holding to each other tightly with their teddy bears


Marco hugged Chittip ‘’Go please, I’ll catch up soon’’


‘’No,’’ Chittip said sternly ‘’Once I got the girls to safety, I’ll come back for you’’


Marco sighed but nodded in agreement before giving a kiss at Chittip’s forehead ‘’Take care of our girls’’


‘’Don’t you dare speak like you’re going to die Marco’’ Chittip whispered harshly so that the crying girls wouldn’t hear.


However, they both knew deep inside that there’s a high probability that it will happen…since the sudden dark aura that they felt is suffocating them with how powerful it is, not as suffocating as the Dark Shadow’s power, but maybe 50% of it are there…


They weren’t able to defeat the Dark Shadow at its weakest form and yet its aura is so strong that it’s making them sweat when they encountered it last war…and who knows how powerful will it get when it finally gets a physical form through a vessel.


Thank heavens that they already sealed it.


Chittip hugged Marco tightly before using her senses to carry the two crying girls, the moment Marco put down the dome, shadow monsters with glaring red eyes growled at them and attacked!


Marco’s hands are now hard wood as he punched the monsters coming after them; His whole body becoming wood to further make his defense stronger.




Chittip gritted her teeth and gripped the two young girls to her arms as she sprinted away from their house…leaving Marco in the dark house with only his senses and experience helping him fight off those monsters.


‘’Don’t worry honey, I’ll come back’’ Chittip thought desperately not noticing a half a dozen shadow monsters sprinting towards them also


Chaeyoung slowly opened her eyes as she felt that they’re on a run now and gasped


‘’Mommy! There’s a lot of scary monsters behind!’’


Chittip glanced behind and cursed ‘’They’re too fast! I can’t go faster with me carrying the two girls…’’ She thought of any new ways to bring the girls to safety…


And only one choice that will guarantee the girls’ safety.


Chittip took a deep breath and whispered ‘’Lisa…Chaeyoung….’’ Lisa kept on crying and wiggling at her mother’s arms, not hearing her mother's whisper however Chaeyoung looked at Chittip, hearing her whisper but with teary eyes and sniffles


Chittip smiled sadly and a bit proud seeing Chaeyoung trying to be brave despite the sudden circumstance that they are in so she focused solely on her while hugging Lisa tighter to her chest to comfort the crying girl.


‘’Chaeyoung, listen to me carefully and follow what I will say okay?’’ Chaeyoung nodded slowly while still sniffling


‘’Do you know the way to the Kim’s house?’’


Chaeyoung nodded, after how many times they have gone through there, Chaeyoung knows the way towards the Kim’s house like it’s the back of her hand


‘’I want you and Lisa to run there and never look back’’


Chaeyoung’s lips quivered ‘’B-but mommy…how about you? You won’t come with us?’’


Chittip is desperately fighting back her own tears hearing the younger girl’s broken voice as if she has an idea about what she’s planning


‘’Please Chaeyoung…you and Lisa are very important to mommy and daddy okay? You still have dreams to becoming a great warrior right? To protect everyone you love?’’


''Yes I do mommy...but I can't leave you'' Chaeyoung said desperately ''Please...don't leave me too mommy''


''I have to protect you both have to promise me that when you run, you'll protect those you love and become the greatest warrior in the Elzard world...and with Lisa by your side.'' Chittip looked at Chaeyoung in the eyes ''Promise me you'll protect her okay?''


Chittip is now trembling ‘’P-promise me please…’’


Chaeyoung finally nodded slowly and cried even more when Chittip kissed her at the forehead lovingly ‘’Mommy will fight the bad monsters behind us. That will give you enough time to get to the Kim’s mansion and ask for their help.’’


Chaeyoung nodded and hugged Chittip tightly who then looked at the still crying Lisa. Her heart breaking seeing her happy birthday girl reduced to a scared and crying mess


‘’Lisa…Lisa my sweetheart please look at mommy’’


Lisa opened her eyes slowly and saw her mother’s teary eyes looking lovingly at her ‘’Be strong my daughter; You’re very special and always remember you made me so proud today by knowing your element…’’


Chittip kissed Lisa firmly at the forehead ‘’Follow Chaeyoung’s lead okay?’’ She said sternly afterwards ‘’Don’t ever let go of her’’


‘’Mommy? You won’t come with us?’’ Lisa asked in a small voice


Then they stopped running with the shadow monsters slowly coming closer to them. Chittip panted with sweats all over her face for sprinting for quite a while and put down Lisa and Chaeyoung. She knelt down and looked at them in the eyes


‘’Chaeyoung…’’ Chaeyoung’s tears are continuously flowing down her cheeks as Chittip gave her a knowing look.


‘’Lisa…’’ Lisa looked confused as she didn’t hear what her mother and Chaeyoung said to each other because she was crying


Chittip hugged them tightly and finally she released her tears ‘’I love you both so much…don’t ever lose your dreams, fight for the greater good, and most of all…’’ Chittip looked at them with conviction


’’Protect the people you love’’


She let go of the hug and nodded at Chaeyoung as she stood up suddenly and turned to face the shadow monsters with angry tears


‘’Water Cannon!’’


Lisa flinched at the harsh sound of water crashing to the shadow monsters, then felt her breath get taken away from her as a hand clasped hers and started running away from her mother


‘’W-wha?! Chipmunk what are you doing! We’re leaving mommy!’’ Lisa struggled to let go of Chaeyoung’s hands but the older girl’s grip on her is strong


‘’Chipmunk stop! Mommy is fighting those bad monsters we should help her!’’


‘’Chipmunk! Mommy just said to protect people we love! We love mommy so why are we running away?!''


Chaeyoung stayed quiet but her tears are blurring her eyesight as she furiously wiped them away to clear her vision


‘’I’m sorry Lisa…I have to keep my promise to mommy’’


‘’Chaeyoung stop!!’’ Lisa’s hoarse voice rang through her ears as well as the use of her first name ‘’I just saw mommy get hurt! Please let’s go back!’’


Hurt gripped Chaeyoung’s heart but she continued running with Chittip’s reminder to never look back on her mind.


‘’Don’t look back…don’t look back’’


Within minutes, they reached the Kim mansion and saw both husband and wife with their children already prepping to go out…probably towards Lisa’s already ruined birthday


‘’Chaeyoung?’’ Hyuna said in confusion


Chaeyoung panted and looked at them with crying eyes as she shouted


‘’P-please! Help mommy and daddy!’’


Jisung and Hyuna looked at each other with alert and quickly took actions, pushing the four girls inside the house


‘’Don’t come out’’ Jisung looked expectedly at the shocked Jennie because she's mostly the one who doesn't listen to the rules ‘’I mean it’’ He then looked at Jisoo as he said


‘’Don’t let them come out’’


Jisoo narrowed her eyes but nodded slowly as she watched her parents closed the front door leaving her with one shocked sister and two crying girls.


Lisa ripped away her hand from Chaeyoung and glared at her angrily ‘’Why Chaeyoung?!’’ She spat making Chaeyoung flinch




‘’You left our mommy!’’ Lisa cried out ‘’You made me go with you and leave her to fight those bad monsters!’’


Lisa started hitting Chaeyoung in which the older girl just accepted and let out hiss of pain as Lisa keeps on clawing her drawing a bit of blood to her arms.


‘’How could you do this Chaeyoung?!’’ Lisa growled and clenched her fists tightly, her emotions running high


‘’Y-you…left…our’’ Lisa’s eyes glowed blue and Jennie and Jisoo watched in shock to see a blast of water come out of Lisa’s hand and hit Chaeyoung as she shouted hopelessly




Lisa crashed down to her knees and cried her hearts out at the possibility of losing her parents as Jennie slowly come towards her to pat her comfortingly at the back, never seen her happy-go-lucky friend be reduced to this crying mess.

Jisoo, however, quickly ran towards the blasted Chaeyoung who crashed at the wall as she let out a scream of pain when the impact happened.

‘’C-Chaeyoung!’’ Jisoo panicked seeing Chaeyoung slowly passing out from how strong the blast of water from Lisa was as well as the bruises she earned from Lisa’s harsh hits.

Lisa heaved angrily, her eyes glaring hatefully at Chaeyoung who only looked at her sadly as she yelled only three words that Chaeyoung heard before she passed out


‘’I hate you!’’



Hyuna cried out seeing the bloody mess of her friend in the middle of the street, her hands shaking as she touched her old friend


‘’Where’s Marco?!’’ Jisung panicked and carried Chittip as they sprinted towards the Manoban’s house…and when they reached it they gasped in horror


The house couldn’t be called a house right now with how broken it looks; Smashed windows, doors out of its hinges and the walls filled with scratch marks as if there were creatures with sharp claws played with it




Jisung slumped down to his knees in disbelief, as laid before him is his now deceased best friend, lying in the pool of his own blood and definitely not breathing…


‘’Who…who would do this?’’ Hyuna murmured in shock and tears are now flowing down her cheeks. She desperately tried to heal them but she cursed the time as it is now night meaning...


Her powers aren't that strong now...


‘’First CL and Minzy missing…and now’’ Jisung whispered and cradled his head in anger and frustration


‘’My brother and sister by heart…I’ll make sure you’ll be given an honorable burial’’ Jisung whispered, being the head of the council really taking its toll on him as he cried silently with his wife hugging him as they laid the now deceased Manoban husband and wife to each other…


They left the broken house, not noticing a shadowy charred paper laying just under Marco’s corpse as they carried them towards the hospital…


The Masters of Water and Wood of the council, now gone…also taking Lisa’s love for Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung’s innocence with them

Lisa watched lifelessly as she watches her parents get buried down the ground with Jisung speaking solemnly


‘’Chittip and Marco Manoban were one of the most amazing Elzards here in the magic realm…’’ Jisung looked down in respect ‘’They were one of the key figures of defeating the Dark Shadow that happened seven years ago that made us achieve the peace that we all have today. Let’s all pay our respects and remember them as heroes of the magic realm.’’


Chaeyoung stood close to Jisoo, quietly crying and her form shaking from the guilt and hurt that she felt. Not only did her real parents left her before she could even see their faces, the one she sees as her mother and father has now left her as well in this world and the worst of it all?


Lisa hates her


Like ‘I want you out of my life’ hate


Chaeyoung sneaked a glance to Lisa who was already staring daggers at her; The pain and betrayed look in her eyes is something Chaeyoung would remember as she grows up…she didn’t know if she’ll be able to handle Lisa’s sudden hate to her especially since they grew up together.


They laughed together


They smiled and made jokes together


They played together


They cried together


They tell each other dreams and goals together


And now?


Chaeyoung could see the memories of the past, just stay in that timeline. The future of them protecting everyone in the magic realm is so out of reach as she watches Lisa glare at her before swiftly turning her head away from Chaeyoung’s guilty eyes.


Slowly, people left the graveyard after paying their respect until only the Kim family plus Chaeyoung and Lisa are left there.


‘’Let’s go, it’s going to rain soon’’


Jennie flinched, not liking the sound of rain since she’s a fire user herself ‘’Okay daddy…’’


Hyuna knelt down beside Lisa, scooping her up to her arms as she can’t help but feel sad to the younger girl’s situation having to lose her parents at such a young age…


Her eyes fleet towards another girl and felt her heart break even more; Chaeyoung has lost two more parent figure in her life…and that’s really got to hurt as well as very lonely since the girl she’s carrying right now is not speaking at Chaeyoung since that night which was a week ago now.


Lisa just stared lifelessly at the ground as Hyuna started carrying her back to their house…and only Chaeyoung and Jisoo is left there


‘’Jisoo honey?’’


‘’We’ll catch up mommy. I want to show Chaeyoungie something’’


Hyuna looked worried for a bit and nodded slowly as she and Lisa left the two alone


Chaeyoung continued staring at the gravestone with salty tears and when she felt she’s all alone with Jisoo, she let out a broken sob. A soft hand touched her cheek, wiping away the waters from her eyes; Not only was she crying, the sky was crying as well to join her tears


‘’Shhh Chaeyoung…’’ Jisoo hugged her tenderly that made Chaeyoung cry even more ‘’Unnie is here…let it all out’’


‘’I-I was just following m-mommy..’’ Chaeyoung croaked out ‘’I-I wanted L-Lisa to be safe from those bad monsters…’’


‘’And now she hates me…’’


Jisoo let go of the hug and ignored the rain hitting their skin ‘’Lisa doesn’t hate you okay? The both of you are like sisters!’’ She chirpily said to cheer up Chaeyoung ‘’Like Jennie and me’’

‘’But you and Jennie-unnie are real sisters…me and Lisa are just sisters by bond’’

‘’…still sisters’’

Chaeyoung giggled lightly making Jisoo smile softly; She tugged her hand and said ‘’Come on, I want to show you something’’


Chaeyoung nodded and followed her unnie…and minutes later, they stumbled upon a well


‘’Is this where people make a wish unnie?’’


‘’Yes Chaeyoungie, this is where people make a wish’’


‘’But unnie…I don’t have a coin to make a wish’’


Jisoo laughed and Chaeyoung’s hair fondly ‘’Silly, that’s what you see on TV about life without elements in the world.’’


Chaeyoung looked at her curiously ‘’What do I need to do unnie?’’


Jisoo smiled and answered ‘’Well, you just need to close your eyes’’ Jisoo closed her eyes and took a deep breath ‘’Are you doing it Chaeyoungie?’’ She whispered

Chaeyoung closed her eyes and hummed ‘’Yes unnie, then what will I do?’’

‘’I don’t know if you will get it but,’’ Jisoo murmured ‘’Stretch your energy and make it reach to the well’’

Chaeyoung did as she told and felt herself shiver ‘’U-unnie? Why does it feel…cold and warm at the same time?’’

Jisoo looked surprise ‘’Really? It feels really warm to me…’’

Chaeyoung leaned close to Jisoo ‘’Yeah…I feel it warmer to you though unnie’’

Jisoo smiled ‘’Then just say your wish out loud; Every time I do this, it really heals my mood quickly’’ Chaeyoung nodded slowly and whispered


‘’I wish our parents are alive…Lisa will not hate me anymore and most of all’’ Chaeyoung’s voice shook, continuing her wish


‘’Have the power to protect the people I love’’


Jisoo’s heart softened and slowly opened her eyes, heart relaxing seeing the chipmunk-like girl finally relaxing. She made a good decision bringing her to the well near the Elzard Academy; She stumbled upon this when her parents started neglecting her for Jennie…


‘’How about you unnie?’’


Jisoo snapped out of her thoughts to see Chaeyoung looking at her with curiosity




‘’Yeah, what did you wish for?’’


Jisoo chuckled, oh how innocent the younger girl is that made Jisoo really want to protect her from anything as she grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand to walk her back to her house


‘’For everything to be okay again…’’ Jisoo answered but her thoughts also has another wish of her own that she didn't want Chaeyoung to be burdened by now.


‘’And for me to have my element now..’’

‘’So I have some good news’’

Everyone looked up from their dinner to look at the beaming Hyuna


‘’I finally finished taking care of the paperwork about Chaeyoung and Lisa….’’ Jisung’s eyes lit up in recognition


‘’What’s it about mommy?’’ Jennie asked


‘’It means,’’ Jisung said, his eyes looking at Lisa and Chaeyoung


‘’Chaeyoung and Lisa will be part of the family now’’


The four girls looked at the smiles of Jisung and Hyuna as they processed what just has been revealed and all felt confliction feelings about it


‘’I’m…going to have two more sisters?’’ Jennie looked at the equally shocked Lisa and Chaeyoung, and her eyes lingered more at Chaeyoung, feeling a trickle of excitement course through her veins. ''I...I get to be with Rosie everyday now!'' 


‘’I’m still…I’m still going to see her everyday’’ Lisa clenched her jaw to not look at Chaeyoung, focusing her eyes on Jisung and Hyuna ‘’At least…I’ll be taken care of and maybe, get started on my training…’’ Training…the one she’s supposed to her with her deceased parents and with Chaeyoung also…''No...I can't train with her. I won't focus much if she trains with me''


Jisoo felt elated; She gets to see her best friends every day and not only that, maybe she could fix the issues between them also? She hates seeing them sad…especially the chipmunk girl next to her. She might not have her elements yet, but Jisoo will make sure to find a way to still be of use as she grows up…She desperately hopes that her element will come out sooner or later


Chaeyoung felt numb; This is the third parents that will take care of her. Don’t get her wrong, she’s really thankful that they are still willing to take care of her despite having no real relationship between them. All she knows is that her real parents are friends with them…But they must be really kind to take her and Lisa despite already having two children of their own. She felt useless, the tears already fighting to get out of her eyes but she forced it to stay back. So she spoke out softly because no one has been talking since they announced it


‘’Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Kim’’


Hyuna smiled warmly at her ‘’No worries Chaeyoung, and call us mommy and daddy for now’’


Chaeyoung has to take a deep breath to make sure no tears would fall and just nodded


‘’What she said’’


Chaeyoung’s head snapped at Lisa, hearing the girl indirectly spoke to her. She felt a small glimmer of hope in her heart but what Lisa said next crashed it


‘’I would like to keep my last name though’’ Lisa then looked at her sharply ‘’I’m the surviving daughter of my parents…and I want to carry it proudly’’


The subtle hint that Lisa doesn’t consider her as a family hit like knives to her heart. ‘’I…I would like to keep my last name as well…’’ As much as she would like to have Manoban in her last name to remember her mommy and daddy, she knows it would only fuel Lisa’s hate even more. Even though she doesn’t know her real parents in any way, at least she has something to remind her that she’s a child of a somebody…


Jisung nodded ‘’Sure, if that’s what you girls want.’’


Lisa nodded in thanks before continuing to eat her food; Her usual bright personality gone and only a hurt and broken girl is left inside. Jennie looked at her worriedly but decided to stay quiet, her glances fleeting between Lisa and Chaeyoung as she bit her lips because she doesn’t know who to approach. Jennie looked at her sister who was whispering something sweet to Chaeyoung which made the younger girl smile a bit and nod at her that made Jennie feel something green inside her.

‘’Why did she sit next to Jisoo-unnie…I’m the one who is more powerful than her and yet….’’

‘’So Lisa, Chaeyoung’’ Hyuna said, cutting of Jennie's thoughts. ‘’Unfortunately we only have one guest room. One of you has to share with Jisoo or Jennie’’

‘’I’ll take the guest room’’ Lisa quickly replied, leaving no rooms for arguments


Jennie’s ear perked up and was about to speak almost enthusiastically but another voice beat her to it.


‘’Chaeyoung can share with me mommy’’


Jennie gritted her teeth and sent a mean glare to her sister who said it calmly while holding Chaeyoung’s hand


‘’Is it okay to you Chaeyoung?’’ Hyuna asked


Chaeyoung nodded slowly and said quietly ‘’Y-yes…it’s fine for me’’


Jennie blinked and frowned


Why isn’t Chaeyoung coming to her? Why does she always come to Jisoo? She's better than her, heck she has two elements while her sister has none. So why?!


Jennie started to get upset and huffed which didn’t go unnoticed by her father


‘’Something wrong princess?’’


Jennie just continued eating which made Hyuna frown at her disrespect


‘’Honey, your daddy’s talking to you’’


Jennie let out a small ‘tsk’ sound before answering ‘’I just can’t wait to train tomorrow daddy, I’m a bit restless’’


Jisung chuckled ‘’That’s us fire users dear’’ He said to lighten up the mood which hardly did at all


‘’How about you Lisa? Do you know your element?’’ Jisung asked


‘’Water and Grass’’


Both Kim parents looked surprised and impressed ‘’Impressive, at just seven years old and yet you got two elements’’ Hyuna said with a proud smile

‘’Looks like you’ll have your training buddy Jennie’’ Jisung grinned

Jennie looked impressed and also excited to finally have someone to train with her then her eyes glanced at Chaeyoung and couldn’t stop herself asking


‘’How about you Rosie?’’


However it was not Chaeyoung who answered her,


It was Lisa


Who scoffed ‘’Chaeyoung didn’t even got the chance to know her element’’ She mocked ‘’It took so long to appear that bad monsters attacked us! For all I know she’s elementless like Jisoo’’

The disdain and mockery in her voice shocked Jisung and Hyuna, well everyone in the table


Chaeyoung looked hurt but Lisa somehow made a point, her element did not show up immediately like Lisa’s did…


Jennie looked disappointed ‘’So Rosie is elementless like Jisoo-unnie…’’ Maybe that's why she's always going to Jisoo, because they're the same.


‘’It’s okay Chaeyoung, maybe your element is shy too’’ Jisoo smiled to cheer up the deflated Chaeyoung.  Jisung and Hyuna looked at each other worriedly before decided to finish dinner to make sure no fight will happen in this table

‘’Okay you four, go upstairs and get some rest. I’ll send in some people to take Chaeyoung and Lisa’s stuff from their houses and bring it here so they could organize it’’ Jisung stated then looked at Jennie and Lisa

‘’You two, prepare for training tomorrow’’ Jennie and Lisa looked at each other with a glimmer of excitement that made Jisung and Hyuna smile

‘’I can’t wait to train with you Jennie-unnie’’ Lisa finally let out her first grin of the week

‘’Please, I’ll just beat you monkey’’ Jennie snickered and they went upstairs while talking excitedly for their training tomorrow

Hyuna hugged Jisoo and Chaeyoung ‘’Don’t worry girls, your powers will come out soon’’

Jisoo smiled weakly, despite her mother being sweet and warm; She knows that she will be 100% focus on Jennie and Lisa when training starts. She’s the kind of woman who always prioritizes well; and that means prioritizing Jennie and Lisa because they have their elements to face whatever they’re facing right now, especially since Jisoo noticed that her parents are tense since Lisa's birthday.

Chaeyoung just nodded and spoke out ‘’Thank you uhm…mommy’’

Their hearts softened at the twice adopted girl as Hyuna whispered ‘’Anytime dear’’

With that, Hyuna and Jisung watched Jisoo and Chaeyoung go upstairs to Jisoo’s room. Hyuna then looked at Jisung seriously

‘’You’re planning to train Lisa and Jennie because of those weird forces aren’t you?’’

Jisung sighed and nodded ‘’Yes…we don’t know who or what attacked the Manoban’s house and they killed with no mercy at all. Heck they're the masters of their own element and fought with us in the war! It took one night just to...’'

Jisung clenched his fist, took a deep breath and looked at Hyuna in the eyes ‘’It only means we can’t protect the four girls forever; We can only prepare them for whatever is coming in the future…’’

‘’So you’re going to enroll them in the Elzard Academy then?’’

‘’Yes, the professors there will help them be more powerful in the future.’’

‘’How about Jisoo and Chaeyoung?’’

Jisung sighed ‘’They have no powers Hyuna…we can only wait for their elements to manifest’’

Hyuna clenched her jaw angrily ‘’No Jisung’’


Hyuna slammed her fist at the table ‘’I said no! Enroll them at the academy as well!’’

Jisung stared at Hyuna, unsure ‘’I’m…not sure about that. Won’t it be harder for them? It takes real hard work and concentration to conjure an element when we don’t even know what kind of element they have. Sure we can learn other elements besides our real ones, but that’s only minor spells. They’ll be at a real disadvantage’’

Hyuna looked at Jisung with fire in her eyes that made Jisung be reminded why her wife is a Masters of Light

‘’Jisung…’’ She spoke lowly that made Jisung gulp in fear


‘’You forgot, I’m an elementless before’’


‘’Of course I wouldn’t forget that…’’ Jisung said softly ‘’But I also couldn’t forget how many hardships you had to go through to get to this point…’’

Hyuna caress Jisung’s cheek who leaned on it tiredly ‘’And here I am, Masters of Light.’’ She said sweetly and kissed him at the lips

‘’And it’s all because you’ve been there to help and support me’’ Hyuna whispered ‘’I know we should be prioritizing Jennie and Lisa especially since they have two elements now…but let’s not forget Jisoo and Chaeyoung okay?’’

Jisung nodded

‘’Okay…I’ll enroll them as well, and we’ll help them whenever they have problems’’

Hyuna smiled and hugged him ‘’Thank you Jisung…promise me that we’ll be the best parents out there?’’

‘’I promise’’


They didn’t realize that years after…


That promises are meant to be broken

Well, that's the end of the prologue! I hope there's nothing confusing but don't worry! More explanations will be explained in future chapters. Next chapter, we'll probably going to see a more grown up version of our four girls. Hope you liked the story and thank you once again for my readers of my other stories for taking their time to know my new story. As for new readers, welcome! We are all family here. I desperately want to reply to each of your comments but I'm too scared that I might spoil some future chapters so I'm terribly sorry for that. Nevertheless, hope this long chapter will suffice for now! I'm still fixing this story's outline so the next update might take longer. Stay safe everyone and love you all!


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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔