The Aftermath

The Elzard

“What are you two doing here?”


Chaeyoung blinked seeing Jennie and Lisa knocking on her and Jisoo’s room


Lisa grinned “I…oof-!“ Lisa grabbed her sides where Jennie nudged her quite hard and sent an irritated look to her unnie


“What she meant is that we” Jennie emphasized “thought that you would be lonely and decided to sleep over”


Chaeyoung looked at them with suspicion and doubt “What makes you think that I’ll let you in?”


Jennie smirked and sauntered inside despite Chaeyoung’s warning eyes




Jennie finally let pulled out lunchboxes behind her and the smell immediately tantalize Chaeyoung’s appetite


“I got kimchi fried rice, which I cooked by the way”




‘I wonder how Jichu is doing…” Chaeyoung controlled the sparks of lightning on the ceiling for the three of them to watch in peace; it was like stars twinkling above them when Chaeyoung controlled it properly, and quite impressively too.


“Have you ever thought being close with us once again Chae?” Lisa whispered


“…Maybe” Chaeyoung shrugged “I held on to that hope but let it go when the two of you started harassing us. I just couldn’t believe that the girl I was practically raised with and the girl whom I thought was the cutest and softest being in the world would be the ones who would cause so much pain and grief.”


“…it was painful to let go of that hope, very much so. I couldn’t even believe it would be so hard but I did.”


“But now?” Jennie looked away and could only blame herself for being so naïve and jealous of her sister


Chaeyoung started standing up “I…” Chaeyoung closed her eyes and began to smirk “I’m at least comfortable enough to let you sleep over here…right?”


‘And I’ll know that I’ll do my absolute best to make sure you guys are well-protected…I won’t let the three of you get hurt, and that’s a promise.’

Utter. Shock.


That’s what everyone experiencing right now as they watched Chaeyoung passionately kissed Jennie as if she’s going to disappear any time soon. The kiss, as can be seen on the outside, is full of passion and dare they say it…




Chaeyoung finally lets go of the kiss and whispered in a loving voice (but due to the quiet shock everyone is feeling, it was heard all over the audience)

“Are you okay love?” Chaeyoung tilted her head in confusion “You’re not sick, are you?” She whispered and placed a hand on Jennie’s forehead, the older girl’s face is having a full-blown blush as she stuttered uncharacteristically

“R-Rosie” Jennie gulped and touched her lips which were still tingling from the kiss  “I-I What the !” Jennie screeched and pushed Chaeyoung away in panic.

Chaeyoung looked hurt at the action and asked “What’s wrong?”

“Y-y-you just stole my first kiss!” Jennie stuttered much to the shock of many people. Of course she would love to kiss her Rosie but…not like this where everyone could see!

Chaeyoung giggled and said cheekily “So? Can’t I kiss my girlfriend?”




Chaeyoung held her slapped cheek, stunned to see Jisoo slapping her with a red angry face, she didn’t know why she did it but a small hope inside her says that it might snap Chaeyoung out of it. She obviously knows it didn’t work before turning to Jennie with a glare

“Of all the things you have done Jennie Kim…” Jisoo said coldly which made Jennie flinch, that tiny inferiority in her rose as if reminding her whose the oldest among them.

“You had to resort to this?!” Jisoo charged a sphere of wind and threw it at Jennie who was unable to quickly react because it was fast.


Chaeyoung zapped towards Jennie and held back the wind sphere with a crackling hand, the wind attack dissipating in her hand and she looks at Jisoo confusingly but fiercely

“Yah Jisoo-unnie, why are you hurting her? Isn’t she supposed to be your sister?”

Jisoo growled “Chaeyoung stop it! You drank Jennie’s love potion that’s why you’re acting like this!” She shouted angrily

“What?” Chaeyoung looked confused before turning fierce “I love her unnie, I would have thought you would support my happiness!”


Chaeyoung looked at Lisa who was walking slowly at her but she kept her stance protectively in front of Jennie, acting as if everyone around them is against them.

“Are you…” Lisa hesitated before turning to Seungri who was still watching the scene in front of him in shock along with the other students

“Is this really going to take long sir?” Lisa asked in a small voice; she could feel a really uncomfortable feeling inside of her the moment Chaeyoung’s lips landed on Jennie’s. It’s been itching inside her and Lisa would almost do anything to scratch it off.

Seungri finally managed to snap out of his stupor and answered “It depends…love potions don’t really have a definite expiration but, the worst it could get is that it could take years before it wears off.”

Jisoo and Lisa looked down in despair upon hearing that while Joy gritted her teeth in anger seeing that her plan really failed


They all snapped their head at Seungri who was thinking thoughtfully, hope blooming a bit inside of them.

“I did read a small research about it and can honestly say that it makes sense and has been proven by other users for the past generations.” Seungri said before sharing “It is said that a love potion’s effect will last depending on the feelings of the creator of the potion.”

That dampened the hope in their hearts as they all know what that means

Jennie gulped and held her heart “Depends on my feelings? Then that means…” Seeing the dreadful and rage look in Lisa and Jisoo’s face respectively, they know about her feelings to Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung suddenly grabbed Jennie’s waist and gave everyone a menacing glare, especially towards Seungri and the forming crowd of their classmates

“I don’t ing care about what you all are yapping about” Chaeyoung’s eyes glowed dark violet and sparks started emitting out of her body in intimidation, which effectively gave the crowd quite a scare seeing that it’s getting stronger the longer Chaeyoung glares at them. Though Seungri was just surprise instead of scared

“I love Jennie Kim and nothing would change that” She sneered before whispering in a cold but menacing voice that echoed all around them

“Now get out of here before I obliterate you all with lightning”

 A spark of violet lightning exploded around her but Chaeyoung made sure it wouldn’t affect Jennie and the other people she’s close to.


Everyone scurried off out of the way but one thing’s for sure;


The whole school will be hearing this


Seungri glanced at Chaeyoung who is now holding Jennie’s waist and then at Jisoo “Well…this could be interesting”

If Seungri’s instincts are right, someone would be going towards him…and he has to be ready when it happens. With that, he left the girls alone with a thought and chuckle

“Who knew something like this would happen in my class?”

“Are you doing alright?” Chaeyoung whispered to Jennie, trying to get her attention by lifting her chin up “Is this about the kiss I gave you?” Chaeyoung frowned

Jennie blushed deep red and immediately shook her head “N-no! I mean…” Jennie took a deep breath to try and still her racing heart

“Are you…really?” Jennie hesitated, her mind is going haywire and she really doesn’t know what to do in this situation.

Should she savor it? If the love potion’s duration really depends on Jennie’s feelings…she has a long time to experience on how Park Chaeyoung loves a significant other.


Chaeyoung looked at Lisa and answered in a monotone voice “What is it Lis?”

Lisa clenched her fist, feeling frustrated at the anxious feeling inside of her “Do you…really love Jennie- unnie?”

“Of course I do!” Chaeyoung turned to Jennie with a soft smile, brushing a small stray hair out of her face because of her earlier threat to the crowd. She then talked in a warm tone “I have never loved someone so much…that is until Jennie came to my life”

“Shut up!”

Everyone looked at the fuming Joy who was now marching towards Chaeyoung and started shaking her

“Yah! You were supposed to love me! Not her!” Joy glared at the blushing Jennie Kim before switching her glare to Seulgi

“I told you to switch mine not Jennie’s!”

All eyes turned to Seulgi who started panicking and waving her hands frantically “I-I did! Maybe my eyesight isn’t what it used to be” She chuckled nervously “Not to mention Wendy surprised me!”

“What so it’s my fault?!” Wendy exclaimed “How should I know you’re Joy’s conspiracy partner in this mess?!”

“Seulgi?” Lisa frowned with a bit of hurt “It was you?”

Seulgi looked down a bit guilty seeing the disapproved look in Lisa’s eyes “I-I lost to Joy in a fight and has to do what she says…”

“So it was you…” Jisoo growled before lifting slamming Seulgi in a wall behind her using the air element

“You know how fragile our trust is…and now you’re ruining it” Jisoo scowled “To think that I’m starting to get close to you all and then you do this!”

Irene grabbed Jisoo’s shoulder “Jisoo, calm down. Don’t release your anger just because Seulgi did it on her honor. If Wendy hasn’t told you yet, when one of us lose against another, she deserves a punishment.”

Jisoo turned to Irene sharply, eyes glowing white dangerously that didn’t even affect Irene’s demeanor “How could I calm down when the most important person in my life is stuck in this stupid magic?!” She then pushed Irene’s hand away from her shoulder “And what kind of battles are you having anyway that it even involves your honor? Some kind of twisted match?!”

Irene narrowed her eyes “It’s just a love potion Jisoo; it’s not like Chaeyoung will stay that way forever” she said coolly while crossing her arms

“Haven’t you heard what our professor said?” Yeri said before looking knowingly at Jennie “It depends on the creator’s feelings”

“…and I have strong feelings for Chaeyoung”

They all turned to Jennie who was finally getting a grip of herself. Jennie looked at Chaeyoung who was getting irritated at what she’s hearing and decided to grab her hand softly, which managed to do the trick in calming the younger girl down and looked at her with a thankful smile.

“Which means this will probably take a long time”

“I’ll wait for you as always Rosie” Jennie smiled at Chaeyoung who returned it whole heartedly ignoring Jisoo’s seething face and Lisa’s uncomfortable look.

“I know you will” Chaeyoung kissed Jennie’s forehead with eyes b in affection before she felt a tugging on her wrist.

“Come on Chae, coach is waiting for us” Lisa said, tightening her grip on Chaeyoung. She doesn’t like this feeling at all even though she…supports Jennie’s feelings

“Why am I feeling this way? Is it because Chaeyoung is acting abnormally?”

“Yeah sure”

Chaeyoung gave Jennie a warm smile and then sneaked a glance at Jisoo who was looking away with clenched fists. A worried frown marred on her face and left with a final thought

“I’ll talk to her when we’re home…”

“Chae…” Lisa slowed down her power walk and gave Chaeyoung a side glance “Are you feeling weird?”

Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows “What do you mean Lis?”

Lisa faced her with a focused look in her face; she then grabbed Chaeyoung’s cheeks with both hands and looked at her intently in the eye

“I mean…” Lisa hesitated “Don’t you feel that there’s something wrong with you? Like I don’t know…these weird feelings you suddenly have for Jennie-unnie?”

Chaeyoung sighed and irritatingly pushed away Lisa’s hands “We’ve been over this.” She answered “I love Jennie Kim, that’s final.”



Lisa watched Chaeyoung shake her head when a splash of water from Lisa’s hands hit her quite harshly, a small hope that it might be able to help Chaeyoung snap out of it.

“You know my lightning reacts with your water element” Chaeyoung scrunched her face “What is it with you guys today? Geez…”

Lisa sighed in hopelessness as she and Chaeyoung finally reached the center of the stadium where the whole team is already gathered while they wait for their coach.


Chaeyoung turned to see Suzy who’s actually a bit tense about something while Hyeri looked at Chaeyoung curiously

“I-Is it true?” Suzy slightly stuttered looking intently at Chaeyoung’s eyes “Are you…”

Chaeyoung blinked “Am I what?”

Hyeri rolled her eyes “The whole school is buzzing around about how you just claimed Jennie Kim as your girlfriend. Apparently, you drank a love potion” She then turned to Lisa

“So, is it true?”

 “Look I don’t know what you’re talking about love potion” Chaeyoung angrily said as sparks started appearing around her “But it is true that Jennie is my girlfriend and that’s not going to change anytime soon.” She growled

“I bet some people are trying to steal her from me” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and closed her fist that started crackling with electricity “I like to see them try though”

Suzy looked a bit hurt while Hyeri dropped in shock

“Yup…that’s a love potion alright” Hyeri thought before chuckling a bit “So this is a Park Chaeyoung who is in love…still her normal self but strangely openly protective and fierce of Jennie”

“Chaeyoung…” Suzy frowned “I’m…”

“Glad to see you’re all here!”

They all turned at the front where Sandara is already there, looking at Chaeyoung with an amused look

“You’ve caused quite a ruckus today, Ms. Park”

Chaeyoung scowled “Whatever, can we just get this over with so that I can return home already.”

“Why excited to spend time with your girlfriend?” Sandara teased

Chaeyoung blushed a bit and just glared at Sandara but didn’t say anything in return

“By the way, don’t forget I didn’t see your newly discovered element” Sandara smirked “Well…maybe not new when it’s been with you since then huh”

Sandara tilted her head “You already had it when I first saw you that day”

Chaeyoung knew she was referring about Sandara accidentally knowing her lightning element and just sighed.


She could never escape from this coach




Sandara laughed and started clapping her hands “You’re becoming quite an entertaining elzard Chaeyoung” She chuckled “Keep it up, sometimes there should always be an ace in our sleeves. I’m glad you’re keeping our opponents on their toes. It’s what’s our kind of strategy anyway.”

“Though it would be better if you would at least warn us you know” Hyeri nudged Chaeyoung who just shrugged

“So, since monsters invaded the stadium while we were about to win; I have talked to the higher ups about the outcome of the match.”

A tense silence happened then Sandara opened to speak again but this time with a huge grin

“We’ve just won our first match against EXO”

Everyone cheered happily except for Chaeyoung who just smirked with pride

“We did it!”

Suzy put her arm around Chaeyoung while jumping in excitement. Chaeyoung chuckled and said “Of course we did it.”

Lisa pulled Chaeyoung along her while throwing Suzy a subtle glare before excitedly smiling at Chaeyoung

“Our first win in college and against experienced players too” Lisa exclaimed “Now that’s a win right partner?”

“Definitely” Chaeyoung finally smiled

Lisa opened up her palm and Chaeyoung got the memo but she hesitated for a while then finally giving Lisa a high five.

But it didn’t finish there

Lisa intertwined her hand with Chaeyoung’s and pulled her in a tight hug

“I’m glad I get to be close to you Chae…”

Chaeyoung could feel herself blush then suddenly her mind flashed to Jennie making her pull away from the hug abruptly

“I-I’ Chaeyoung stuttered and shook her head “I’m glad too Lis.” She gave the younger girl a small but soft smile.

Suzy sighed and looked on sadly as Chaeyoung put her gaze away from Lisa and waved with a warm smile on her face at Jennie who was actually at the stands with her sister.


Suzy looked at the comfort smile of her best friend

“I’m sure it wouldn’t last long” Hyeri said “After all it was probably just an accident. Chaeyoung here will be back to normal before we know it…and I’m excited to when she does” Hyeri clasped her hands giddily

Suzy let out a small giggle and could only hope what Hyeri said is true


Jisung said awkwardly looking at Chaeyoung who is now sitting next to Jennie, replacing Lisa’s place.

“Not that I don’t approve of the two of you but…” Jisung didn’t know whether to be amused or weirded out seeing Chaeyoung being so… unChaeyoung like; watching the said girl practically take care of his youngest daughter like quickly giving her a glass of water, placing foods on her plate, and even feeding her is mind-boggling!

“What just happened?” Hyuna said in amusement

Jisoo snorted and decided to answer since her sister is too busy enjoying Chaeyoung’s utmost attention to her

“Chaeyoung drank Jennie’s love potion”

Their parents blinked

“A… love potion?” Jisung repeated

Lisa nodded “Yeah…a love potion”

Hyuna burst out in laughter “Seriously?!” Hyuna looked at Chaeyoung who was giving Jennie a warm smile that even managed to make Hyuna’s heart flutter because she hasn’t seen that smile since back then.

“So, this is the power of a love potion” Jisung chuckled “I’ll admit, this is the first time I’ve seen a love potion at work. Nobody uses them much but it is usually used in espionage missions in which I’m not part of”

“To think it could even change Chaeyoung in a poof” Jisung decided to join Hyuna in laughter “It’s kind of funny and surprising”

Chaeyoung opened and accepted some food coming from Jennie “Do you want to train afterwards?” Chaeyoung asked Jennie

Jennie beamed upon hearing that, this will be the first time Chaeyoung and her would go training after all!

“Of course! Maybe an hour after eating so that we won’t get tummy aches” Jennie said with a gummy smile and snuggled closer to Chaeyoung

Hyuna and Jisung have noticed Jennie’s clingy nature ever since she was young…to see it once more in front of their very eyes tells that Jennie’s closeness to Chaeyoung never did change.

“So…it was Jisoo that made her so distant with Chaeyoung since before” Hyuna thought. She noticed the girls hanging out again and Hyuna is happy that they’re repairing their bridges.

But judging from the clenched jaw of her oldest daughter, and Lisa’s uncomfortable look tells Hyuna that this phenomenon might just be the reason the four will fight again.

“Jisoo probably has gained such a connection to Chaeyoung that made her angry as she is right now…or…”

Hyuna didn’t know whether to be shocked or amused if Jisoo also has feelings for Chaeyoung; all she knows is that this love potion thing, is very interesting and funny.

“I wonder how Chaeyoung will react when she snaps out of the potion’s magic…”

If only Hyuna knew just how much feelings that Jennie has on her heart to Chaeyoung…it might take quite a while.

“It’s been a while since we’ve been here” Jennie looked around at their underground training ground, body tingling a bit for a chance to hone her powers. Chaeyoung squeezed Jennie’s hand who was still intertwined with hers

“I believe the last time we were here was when me and Jisoo sparred, so it probably wasn’t that a while” Chaeyoung teased

“Yah! I meant as me training not you two sparring” Jennie pouted making Chaeyoung laugh and kiss her nose

“You’re really too cute it’s almost unfair” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes but a smile is tingling on her lips

Jennie looked at her with eyes full of adoration “So…this is Rosie when she’s in love, and with me too”

“Mind if we join?”

Jennie resisted the urge to throw a rock at Lisoo seeing them enter the underground training ground as well but Chaeyoung beat her to it

“No can do girls” Chaeyoung waved them off with an apologetic smile “It’s me and my wifey’s time so maybe tomorrow? You can watch us though if you want”

Lisa watched as the hurt settled in Jisoo’s face before replacing it with a stoic face and nodded


Lisa knew that this is probably because it’s Jisoo’s first time to see Chaeyoung dismiss her like this. After all, before this love potion fiasco, Chaeyoung usually trains with Jisoo only and now Jennie is quickly replacing her.

“Are you okay unnie?” Lisa whispered to Jisoo as they watched Chaeyoung and Jennie warm up their elements before starting their training

“You know Lalisa,” Jisoo spoke but her eyes are not leaving the two as if she’s guarding them “I’ve never been…this aggressive before, heck I even slapped the most important person in my life earlier. And it got me thinking that I kind of miss the years when Chaeyoung and I are just together you know?”

Lisa felt a trickle of hurt hearing Jisoo speak as if she’s regretting getting close to them again “So…you mean you regret us being sorry to you guys?” Lisa didn’t mean to put a bite on her words but it was too late and that’s when Jisoo finally turned to her

“…kind of,” Jisoo shrugged “Or I’m just not used to Chaeyoung giving more attention to others other than me…I missed Chaeyoung only smiling that warm to me.”

Lisa’s eyes slightly widened “Is Jisoo-unnie…?”

“And if you’re probably thinking that I have feelings for Chaeyoung…” Jisoo’s eyes flashed white for a bit

“Then you’re absolutely right.”

Lisa in a deep breath and there it was again, that uncomfortable feeling that she feels ever since she discovered Jennie’s feelings to her chipmunk as well.

Lisa awkwardly turned her attention back to the two ‘couple’ who were starting to test their element’s defense.

“…if you were to turn back time like earlier,” Lisa spoke slowly “Would you rather have Chae drink your potion?”

Jisoo closed her eyes and exhaled as she muttered with resolution



Jennie’s eyes were wide in amazement like a child as she watched Chaeyoung slowly turned her fist into iron.

Chaeyoung smiled at the child-like look of Jennie that made her remember kid Jennie as well “Try punching me with your earth element so it would be fair, my hand might melt if you used your lava or fire element” She joked

Jennie giggled, she’s not used to Chaeyoung joking around so light when she’s usually so sarcastic “Don’t worry I won’t” Jennie winked and soon, her fist turned earth as well. She made it as hard as she can to really test Chaeyoung’s metal element.

Jennie’s form began taking fighting stance and her eyes looked serious with concentration on her face. Chaeyoung just raised her iron hand near her face and prepared herself to catch Jennie’s fist


Chaeyoung’s arm trembled a bit but she successfully gripped Jennie’s punch, a proud smirk on her face “Told you metal is a better defense”

Jennie rolled her eyes playfully, ignoring the slight pain she felt upon punching and lowered her hand. Her other hand flashed fire and this time it’s her turn to smirk

“Let’s see your toughest defense against its weakness then”

Chaeyoung’s eyes widened and soon, a hand contorted to fire was soon flashing towards her. Chaeyoung leaned back a bit but Jennie continued on punching her, both hands now in their fire element as Chaeyoung dodged them but could feel a slight burn on some of her body.

Chaeyoung flipped and grabbed one of Jennie’s punching hand, flinching a bit at the burn

“No wonder you flinched when we were working on your fire usage” Jennie chuckled, hands slowly glowing brightly that made Chaeyoung sweat

“You’re weak to it”

Chaeyoung scoffed and immediately grabbed Jennie’s other hand with her other hand but this time, encased with lightning

“Maybe?” Chaeyoung smirked and both are struggling to overpower one another

“I’ll change that maybe then”

Chaeyoung’s eyes widened and soon, Jennie’s fire fists opened and a stream of fire blasted Chaeyoung into the wall.

“Damn my girl deserves her spot as the most powerful elzard in our department” Chaeyoung chuckled, a small lightning armor encased around her but she could still feel the explosive damage that Jennie did to her.

Jennie grinned and blew on her fists of fire that slowly returned to normal “Had enough?”

Chaeyoung chuckled and Jennie’s eyes widened when Chaeyoung quickly appeared in front of her, rather too close for comfort but she’s not complaining.

“Oh, we had a long day ahead of us my wifey”

Lisa sighed and threw her body to bed, mind reeling about what just happened. She couldn’t help but feel a bit of resentment towards her best friend

“Seulgi…I really don’t understand how you’re close with them sometimes” Lisa murmured, heart clenching remembering how tired but satisfied Chaennie’s face from earlier.

The way they didn’t want to give up the fight and ended up getting much sore than they thought but still they laughed it off jokingly as if Chaeyoung wasn’t cold to Jennie for years.

Jisoo tried to tell (snatch) Chaeyoung for them to go to sleep however Chaeyoung rejected her saying that she wants to sleep with Jennie (not like that folks)

Jisoo doesn’t seem to have anymore energy to argue and just shrugged, leaving the training ground with a cold aura that sent shivers down to Lisa’s spine but not enough to burst Chaennie’s bubble judging from the subtle smirk that Jennie sent to her sister’s back while intertwining her hand with Chaeyoung’s.

“What are we going to do…” Lisa sighed “We…can’t continue our mission if Chaeyoung’s acting like this.”

Then suddenly, Lisa sat up in panic “What if she told Jennie-unnie our partnership?!”

No, Lisa can’t let that happen especially since this is her chance to repent from her mistakes as well as get closer to Chaeyoung just like when they were kids.

She won’t let that happen

Lisa sprang up and walked towards her door with a determined expression

“I won’t let anyone, not even Jennie-unnie, ruin this for me”

Lisa aggressively opened the door before blinking in shock seeing Jisoo whose hand is about to know, her eyes also blinking at Lisa suddenly opening the door.

“Well…” Jisoo raised her eyebrow “You have some good senses…I think?”

“What are you doing here unnie?” Lisa ignored the remark, body itching to go to Jennie’s room

“I need your help”

Lisa’s eyes met with Jisoo’s serious ones and knew this is about the two ‘lovers’

Without thinking, Lisa opened the door wider for Jisoo to enter with the same expression of seriousness plus with her determination.

Maybe with Jisoo’s help, they might be able to turn Chaeyoung back to normal

“Let’s do this”

Hello everyone and happy holidays! I decided to post this chapter for this special day and also Jisoo's debut as an actress. Let's all support her and watch Snowdrop! I know I haven't been updating lately but I do ask for your utmost patience as I am currently a college student hence I have my priorities. I do still write from time to time and well, I am not currently finished with this love potion episode. I want to give you guys an update so I decided to cut it. It might end in the next chapter or even the chapter after that. I want to update on the New Year so it will depende on that. Again, thank you all for your never-ending support. Happy holidays everyone!


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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔